Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 731: Tell Monica the new situation and new vision (middle)

Chu Yuanxi was puzzled when she discovered the problem, and asked her, "You have operated it many times before, and I have watched your live broadcast. You are so hyped, can you show your skills?"

As a result, Monica replied with a shocked look: "What? Do you think I'm hype? I'm fighting for it! You go up to the crater to make a hype, let me see? You float in the Pacific Ocean to make a hype, let me see? This is strength!"

"I didn't deny your strength, but you have to think hard..."

"Nothing, but, I know what you mean. You need specific events and good content if you want to be famous. You didn't provoke any incidents overseas. The high-quality part of our content on the Internet is barely short videos. , Relying on igtv to absorb powder, we need igtv to be as strong as Douyin, this ceiling is not something we can break.

And on Facebook, I'm not you, I can't get popular by tearing or breaking the news with others. With the content we can provide to Facebook and ins, I will only be steady and steady. It's not that I didn't think, but after thinking hard, I decided to fight steadily, not to hit hot spots, not to be a title party, and to establish an image of a Chinese comic kol, so you can't see my efforts!"

Chu Yuanxi said in his heart that you dare to spray me like this and make a set of wrong things! But is there any way? If Monica is really incompetent, Chu Yuanxi will find a way to send her away, although it is easy to send her away, but this kind of thing is bound to happen in the workplace, and there is no use for high-paid people. Chu Yuanxi is no stranger to this kind of thing.

Of course, this kind of retreat will have a little negative effect, but she is not the founder, at most Zhuge Liang smashed Ma Di in tears. The degree of difficulty is comparable to that of the founder and investors.

The problem is that Monica is not an incompetent person, and if she is incompetent, no one else does. Therefore, only by improving her vision and increasing her upper limit can the overseas part open the situation faster.

The contradiction between Chu Yuanxi and Monica lies in whether to first hype the self-media to expand its popularity, or do a big project to make a name for itself in order to hype the self-media matrix. What Monica thought was that it would be a matter of course, but the reason why Chu Yuanxi needed a strong overseas self-media, wasn't the original intention to **** the Pakistani projects in the future? Then is the advertising value contained in the well-developed self-media matrix.

She has the feeling of putting the cart before the horse in such a steady and steady fight, and it will not have much effect on Chu Yuanxi's timetable. If she has not grown up when she needs to use the overseas matrix, she will spend a lot of money, and The effect is not good.

As for Zhou Minxi, what a strange pepper picture is!

Chu Yuanxi regretted not stopping the office romance now. Originally, Zhou Minxi's upward momentum was quite good. Not only did he sing and dance well, but he also showed a bit of a career elite temperament. It was a glimpse of Zhu Xun's training, and it was obvious to Zhu Xun's own talent level.

The result was disturbed by Jiao Tu, Zhou Minxi quickly transformed into a little girl in love, her job did not affect her, but time and energy were spent on what movies to watch, where to play, and what gifts to buy. Mao's rise.

Considering the great contributions Jiaotu and Zhou Minxi made to the company, and everyone has the right to pursue a happy life, Chu Yuanxi didn't say anything from beginning to end. But he was always unwilling to give up Zhou Minxi's cultivation value.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi put away his laughing expression, and clicked on Monica’s forehead, “Use your mind to think about it, how could it be possible to say that I want to acquire your company before even knowing it? Do people think it’s crazy? We must talk about it first. Besides, we don’t know her anymore. We have to act first, right?"

"Make a move?" Monica and Zhou Minxi said in unison.

"Yeah, didn't you see that I and Shen had done a trick just now? I still fell in love."

"No!" Monica and Zhou Minxi looked at each other, "What trick, why didn't I see it?"

"What I asked just now was to test the reality of her company, do you understand? Mu Li Mobile, I said that its qualifications look good, but the public data looks good, what is the real situation? We haven't used it personally, don't know , But knowing that overseas water is very deep for our domestic companies. In other words, we can’t determine the percentage of fake data in her business.”

Monica was taken aback for a moment, "Do you still suspect that people are using fake data?"

"Of course I have to doubt it. As far as I know, many mobile game companies in China have been working hard to go overseas in 2015 and 2016. As a result, the drainage cost was even as high as more than 200 yuan for a player, and the lost pants were all stripped. Now, tens of millions of invested and developed games have lost their money. These are all through companies such as Muli Mobile. If you think about how many fake data you have brushed, you can’t even think about it.

Let's come here today, UU read because domestic companies went overseas to make money in the second half of last year, and Google came to hold the summit. Why is it suddenly making a big profit? Is it because more people go to sea? It is because the service provided by Google saved them, and the logic of buying them can make money. Think about it. If you want to give away money in the future, how do you do it and how to avoid being taken advantage of? "

While talking, Chu Yuanxi thought of a company called Langtao Information, who really acquired such an uncle, who is not afraid?

Zhou Minxi spent the whole day strenuously: "Then how did you test the Liger? Just ask others to test it?"

"Yes, why did I ask her about her corporate positioning in the new situation? Because Google has a fierce impact on advertising service providers, but she can transform. Can she transform into a channel alliance leader? If Mu Li is really overseas After nearly ten years of cultivating, she can do it theoretically, right? Change from serving advertisers to serving traffic owners, increasing the bargaining power of traffic owners. This has become the target Google needs to win, the Google advertising alliance A small gang."

Having been working in Pakistan for so long, Monica and Zhou Minxi still have basic abilities. They know that the channel is different from the channel, and the fan attributes of each account are also different. Advertising can’t just look at the price or whoever quotes. Whoever is lower is cost-effective, so there is definitely room for someone to profit from the advertising alliance.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continuing to say: "The valuation of this transformation will definitely fall, but the fall is not too strong. There is also a transformation of valuation diving, which is unhappy but at least still alive.

Assuming that Muli’s data is strong in the outside world, and the channel to the outside world has no influence and cannot form a bargaining alliance, what should I do? She can also transform into an advertising consulting company for domestic advertisers. She used to provide services directly, but now she charges consulting fees or agency fees. It is equivalent to her coming out to organize advertisers to purchase Google services. "

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