Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 734: Fang Shiling's dilemma

In the past week, Fang Shiling took a look at WeChat's lungs almost exploding every day, and she promoted your sister! Who will take over? She snarled and asked, but goose, I don't know, and we have to wait for the leadership to arrange. The leaders need to hold a meeting to discuss and discuss, but the main leaders are not complete, and they have to wait for some people to come back from a business trip.

Meow meow meow?

Now that this time has come, what else can we do without waiting? Fang Shiling finally wanted to open it this morning. The problem of time is not the most scratching of his head. The most bald thing is that the contract she got back, the legal affairs of "Late Night Gallery" never agreed to sign.

You must know that startup companies are usually not a one-person company. Even if the equity structure of "Late Night Gallery" is relatively simple, there are investors. The legal affairs refused to sign the process and couldn't go on. She, the president, could force the signing, but in the future, she would have to bear different responsibilities.

Of course, it doesn't make much sense to say this now. She is already planning to sign it first, although the legal counsel has repeatedly warned her of the potential risks in this contract.

For example, once the contract is signed and the company’s money is transferred to the co-managed account, Taishantai can find outsourcing companies as agreed, and then subcontract layers and then subcontract them, peeling them off like an onion. How much is it, it will be peeled off instantly. In particular, it is clearly stated in the contract that the money is for production costs, not for the actors and actresses of the code company, so the project controller can outsource it.

The future is dim...

However, this risk is not the risk of Kazuo Shiling. After all, it is only a potential risk. She must have money before she is eligible to take this risk.

The problem now is that I have no money! Where can I find money if the contract is not signed? Do you use your face to brush money? This logic is not the kpi of legal affairs, so legal affairs are not considered. The legal practitioner does not need to have this kind of strategic vision, but for Fang Shiling this is the most realistic problem.

Therefore, seeing Chu Yuanxi almost burst her blood vessels!

Walking with her is Liu Jinfang, the president of Daxia Investment. Ms. Liu Jinfang had no expression. Fang Shiling buzzed in her ear for a long time, just not knowing how much she heard.

If you want to find money, Daxia Investment is a rock that cannot be bypassed, because Daxia has invested in her a lot better. Although the previous investment agreements are very, very loose, to the extent that Dad trusts his son, priority must always be given. The terms that appear.

Therefore, Fang Shiling now wants to raise funds in two ways. First, he doesn’t even touch "Late Night Gallery", and he starts training directly outside the body, starts a contract with a cleanly qualified shell company and signs with Taishan Station, and then raises funds. Time entrepreneurship. In this way, Daxia Investment can only watch, without any right to speak.

The second is to use "Late Night Gallery" as the main body for financing, and the contract with Taishan Terrace has to carry historical burdens. This has to allow Daxia to invest more or give up priority and let her go.

The first solution looks very good, but who should I find? Look for Da Xia Rong again? Isn't that scolded? The same goes for other people who have voted in "Gallery". Moreover, the so-called "other people" were all found by Du Shuang who helped...

If you don't find this group of people, it's not impossible. The problem is that you can't hunt in the zoo, so go to the zoo to fight? 10 million is not a small amount. Use an empty shell to raise funds? How do you open this mouth to someone? How to calculate the valuation? Even if all the students I knew from elementary school to university were gathered together, it would be useless. Fang Shiling quickly put this idea out.

This is why the blood vessels collapse after seeing Chu Yuanxi. As for Chu Yuanxi’s roadshow that day, there was a group of real big investors present, why didn’t he take advantage of a good opportunity to establish a little relationship? What an unforgivable mistake!

The key is, why can Chu Yuanxi find so many bigwigs to support him? This is not scientific! If you have this kind of lineup, just take off!

The second plan is straightforward, using "Late Night Gallery" as the main body to sign a contract with Taishan Terrace. When financing, either let Daxia invest another sum, or let Daxia avoid it. The problem is that Du Shuang, who deserves a thousand dollars, has actually resigned? Wouldn't it be okay for you to leave after I get it done? How can you leave at this critical time? what--

If Daxia is willing to make money, things will become very simple, but if you don't pay, you will have huge problems, because you don't have to pay for it and you don't have to avoid it. Any entrepreneurial agreement will include ratcheting rights, which means that the valuation cannot be lowered and the investor's share must be protected.

Therefore, Daxia's avoidance must be based on the premise that the valuation has not decreased, but is it possible that the valuation will not decrease?

Of course there is, but the time is not right!

"Late Night Gallery" has just raised 10 million yuan, with a valuation of 100 million yuan. After the financing, it was valued at 1.1 billion yuan, and then it was burned on the Internet celebrity e-commerce company! If you give Fang Shiling a period of time to recover this is not a serious problem, it is nothing more than the issue of advertising more or less advertising, regardless of user experience or anything, first of all, the financial statements Beautify it to an acceptable level.

But the problem now is that there is no such a chance to breathe. Chu Yuanxi's variety show is an emergency. I knew it on the first day, and then went to tear it the next day. It's only half a month now. How can I breathe? I haven't found the oxygen cylinder yet!

This is why she wants to participate in this exhibition. Fang Shiling is currently busy with official duties. She should have flown to Taishan this weekend, but because Liu Jinfang is here to attend the conference, she must come! She has met with Liu Jinfang several times and no one is available, but when she has time to participate in this kind of exhibition, how can she make sense?

As a result, Liu Jinfang has an attitude—not to comment, wait until you really raise money. Anyway, if Fang Shiling really raises 30 million at a valuation of more than 1.1 billion, everything is ok when someone bids the money. According to the agreement, she can also ask if she is willing to take over Daxia shares. If it doesn't work, then you really have to talk about it.

In fact, Liu Jinfang was angry when he saw Fang Shiling, because the agreement signed by Du Shuang did not include the right to withdraw from the liquidation, and there was no "sale right" for entrepreneurs like the sword of Damocles. As a result, when the valuation is rising, Daxia can neither require new investors to take over their shares at the latest valuation, and then increase the capital and shares of "Late Night Gallery"; nor can it find large buyers to realize one-time cash. .

This is undoubtedly extremely passive, and it is also the reason why she launched a series of attacks on Du Shuang. When valuations are in an upward channel, no one mentions this, because some people are willing to take over. But when the valuation was flat, it was awkward to death, and it was necessary to find someone willing to take over before Daxia could withdraw.

At this moment, huh? Liu Jinfang saw Chu Yuanxi.

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