Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 741: Li Jingfei jumps off the car (part 2)

"Speaking of Li Jingfei, let me confirm it first." Chu Yuanxi broke the silence, "Couldn't you be inspired by listening to my roadshow, and then come up with some ideas, and finally run to integrate resources? Then I The sin is serious!"

"Yes, that's right, you are guilty of taking me to the ditch!" Li Jingfei was waiting for a violent storm, but he didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to blame him? "Don't you blame me? I'm also stealing your creativity!"

"You still know that I blame you! The blame is definitely to blame, but what is to blame on you? Overwhelming? Then you have to spray after you fail, and now you can't listen to spray you." Chu Yuanxi bit on the phone. The posterior molar said: "Anyway, you are the first to learn from me, and you will never be the last. Let's'healthy competition'." If Li Jingfei has nothing to do with this matter, it is healthy competition. If there is a relationship, it will be two a day. Hate hatred in the world!

"For healthy competition, mainly because some people are too interested in mobile payment and blockchain, and then haven't got the share of investing in a well-off society, the key is that you release too little share. It’s troublesome... if you know me, hahaha..." Li Jingfei smiled awkwardly. When he decided to think about the problem with the idea of ​​"I can do it, I was destined to be embarrassed." Awkward, and then for the first time found that Chu Yuanxi was such a good talker.

Chu Yuanxi on the other side was also rejoicing, luckily she didn't say much about social interaction. As for Li Jingfei, Xiaokang's complex operation and secretive online play cannot be done by listening to the road show.

It is said that most people should understand this principle, but the iron-headed baby's iron is reflected in unbelief in evil.

Chu Yuanxi even wanted to laugh when thinking of the first time she was violent when she was made by someone in her original world, because it was not a problem at all in hindsight. This kind of mentality of seeing wind and waves made him feel less painful for Li Jingfei's betrayal.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to be friends, and Li Jingfei probably knows this too. Relatively speaking, Li Jingfei did more damage to him than the copycats in the original world, because those people had not heard Chu Yuanxi personally teach it, and it was too late. It was an action that appeared after the well-off.

It should be said that Chu Yuanxi knew that the magic she performed would to a certain extent inspire practitioners on the entire track or the capital that pays attention to this track.

If this inspiration is purely used for copycats, if he does something others do, then there is a high probability that he will follow his **** and eat ashes. This kind of low-level copycat, or even pixel-level copycats, is not suitable for the new retail track. A slight deviation from a certain milestone will be a thousand miles away. However, a wrong link means all wrong behind. Xiaokang is a precision instrument but a copycat. The product is definitely not precise enough, and it can be tiring to skr people if you want to adjust the part-time job after you find the problem.

However, if you intercept the beneficial factors in his business routine, understand thoroughly, absorb and refine it as your own nourishment, it is a good thing for the competitors in the track, even if it does not bring a comprehensive improvement, at least competitiveness Will become stronger.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi understood Li Jingfei. After all, what if the vote is made? What is the benefit? Even if it doesn't reach the 300 billion passing line described by myself, 100 billion will do! In the face of such big interests, even if he is his father, he will kill him to show his partners, let alone stealing ideas and business logic. It is also placed on the scales, how much is the friendship between himself and Li Jingfei worth? There is certainly no big benefit from jumping off the car.

I don't know if he has calculated the cost of jumping off the car.

Understanding does not mean that you will not turn your heads into enemies, or that you will not become enemies. From now on, we will call Li Jingfei the "other party".

Of course, with Li Jingfei’s financial resources, he can’t afford such a company. Therefore, he is likely to join the other team as an investor. When Li Jingfei said resource integration, Chu Yuanxi’s mind automatically The rehearsal performed Li Jingfei's possible path.

However, there was too little information from the other party, and Chu Yuanxi couldn't think about it in detail. While sending a message to Yuan Mu to ask her to check the details of the other party, he asked: "You still have a smile? There is no way for this. No. What kind of resources are you planning to integrate?"

"It's a chain store similar to openers and MUJI, with a foreign background. The team also invited an acquaintance of yours." Li Jingfei didn't mean to hide it.

Chu Yuanxi heard it, huh? Is it the one in the universe? Because of the fool's behavior, he had to withdraw from the celestial dynasty. No wonder Li Jingfei is heartbroken. It is estimated that there are any conditions and transactions that require him to use Xiaokang's information as a certificate?

"For marketers and MUJI, it is not a convenience store, it is a warehouse store."

"It's not that big, but the category is similar. I think it would be nice to stagger with you." Li Jingfei smiled, "Don't you care who your acquaintance is?"

"End (fan) full (zheng) not (yao) off (pu) heart (jie)."

Li Jingfei didn't know what he just said made Chu Yuanxi feel at ease for a while, it was good, it was indeed good. This gameplay can neither promote social interaction nor mobile payment, which is very good indeed. He himself knew that he was a little nervous just now. Li Jingfei was both social and local life, and he was a close person. It is hard to say whether he has seen through his logical end in social interaction, or he has heard someone lax about it? Fortunately, the absence of does not mean that this structure has no commercial value, especially today when the promotion of multi-point APP is relatively successful. After the chain store model is matched with Shangqian warehouse, the local life business can be developed immediately. The reason why Meituan can’t deliver more food is because it does not have a set of warehouses to back up. It is of course not an opponent of multiple points. It can only rely on forcibly subsidizing users to burn money to survive. The model is extremely embarrassing.

The shared bicycle itself is an important part of local life, and the two can achieve 1+1 greater than 2.

However, this is only indirect competition with Xiaokang, not direct competition. Maybe it can develop into a friendly army and become a supply warehouse for Xiaokang.

The most important thing is that this gameplay wants to push mobile payment almost in a dream. When Wumart’s thighs are more, the Xiaokang in the original world has only been established not long ago. It has been three years now and no mobile payment has been developed.

Maybe the other party is interested in the concept of blockchain + payment. I have to say that this concept is more attractive in the eyes of many people. Chu Yuanxi said that if the other party really thinks so, it is purely that he has led him to go astray, and it is worthy of a "hehe".

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