Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 743: Du Shuang's mood

   Is there any talent for high civilization? Talented! The problem is that this book is not in his talent point.

   If he is allowed to write based on his existing knowledge reserves, there will be no problem with high civilized self-confidence. It may be slightly worse than his peak period, but it is also a top-level literature and ink in the country.

   But this book is special, isn’t it, it’s from a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period. Gao Wenmingxin said what I am familiar with, don't you know? It's foreign movies and caring for women. You can still make a living when you write a commentary, and you can quote the scriptures to save your life. How can this country ask for this kind of article just open your mouth. But Nima asked me to write Confucianism, Mohism, and Taoism. This is something I have always abandoned and looked down upon in the past! This is dross, dross understand?

  The key point is that this book is logical from the point of view. My brother is very familiar with spraying people, but it is difficult to find a spot that can be sprayed. It is even more difficult to use for governing the country and acting as a think tank for the king of Qi. In particular, this requires a deep understanding of the character culture and environment at the time to find an entry point, and even the internal political ecology of Qi and the relationship between the seven heroes of the Warring States period, because it may also be designed to handle foreign relations. It's not that you can't write, it takes time! It takes time to study!

   Gao Wenming is mad, and the heart said, do you know how hard I work? I have read books this month, and they are all books that I particularly hate, and they are all in classical Chinese. I have never suffered such a serious crime! This is about to catch up with chiseling the wall and stealing the bald head, hanging beam and cone thorns. What about the top pick? It is completely contrary to the free and democratic petty bourgeoisie life that he advocates.

"Don't explain! Go write it! Even if you write it as a funny fan! You don't care if it is logically illogical!" Fang Shiling has evolved from furious to runaway. She is also a codeword, and her writing style is also excellent, of course Know that Gao Wenming is right.

   Is the problem with arrogance? A dime is of no use. It’s not about correctness, but about success or failure. The chain of high civilization is almost on the street! Fortunately, she had long thought about Plan B-Funny Fan!

   The state of Gao Wenming had actually long been expected by Chu Yuanxi. You don’t need to think about anything else, you just need to know that Bai Sha is so talented, who specializes in history, and has been fighting on the front line to write things every day. He figured out the idea, and then? How long did he start to follow the uncle? He himself said that it takes a lot of time to sort out. Wasn't it funny that Gao Wenming agreed? The general only remembers the state before his belly grows bigger, so he dare to go to the battlefield, don't he find his own death?

   Fang Shiling can run wild against high civilizations, even picking up a whip, but finding money is difficult.

   Actually, Fang Shiling didn't feel the changes in Du Shuang. Who did Du Shuang's friend circle crying late at night show? In fact, it was a warning to her. Of course, it also exudes a certain degree of resentment.

   It’s even harder to find someone else. For a limited number of people who didn’t slip away immediately, the financing terms proposed were extremely harsh.

   Her project description is very good, but whose project description is not good now? All are talking about success, but what about unsuccessful? Although there are idiots among investors, it is a pity that she has not caught one after a long time. These days, even if someone is a little stupid, they have basically survived the sickle. When the leek tastes uncomfortable, everyone is guarded against deceit, and only acquaintances will believe in your evil.

   Deeply feeling that leeks are not enough, Fang Shiling found that the level of cheating in the situation has long been beyond imagination. Daxia does not invest or relax conditions. After thinking about it, I still have to find Du Shuang. Fortunately, Liu Jinfang has done his best to tell her what Du Shuang is doing.

   Therefore, Fang Shiling appeared in Zheng De Fund on April 14, the month after he officially became an enemy with Chu Yuanxi.

   When Du Shuang heard the front desk say "Your girlfriend is looking for you", his mentality collapsed. But an adult man cannot allow his mentality to collapse, so he went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he returned to the office, Fang Shiling was already sitting across from his desk, looking around the office.

"The environment is good, much better than in Daxia." Fang Shiling looked at him with a smile, "You haven't found an independent office in Daxia for so many years. Zheng De is the atmosphere. ."

   "When did you become my girlfriend?" Du Shuang frowned and asked, is this your truth? Did my job change affect your career?

"Hey, what's the matter? Woman, friend, can't it?" Fang Shiling gave Du Shuang a sideways glance. It is said that as long as this step is reached before, Du Shuang can basically meet all her requirements, even without She took the initiative to mention it, just so caring.

   But today, Du Shuang sat back in his swivel chair, clasped his fists to support his chin, and stared straight at the table without looking at her.

   "Could it be that Du Shuang is also..." Fang Shiling suddenly felt a panic. Is it true that his appeal will be greatly reduced after he is thirty? This is terrible!

   Finally, Du Shuang finally moved. He rolled his godless eyes, looked at Fang Shiling, lowered his head, and asked in a muffled voice: "You grab Chu Yuanxi's project?"

"You shouldn't have heard about it a long time ago?" Fang Shiling looked up at the Another reason for her delay in coming to Du Shuang was that Du Shuang was not well, but Zheng De. Who doesn't know that Zheng De is Chu Yuanxi's father? Even such a luxurious investor roadshow group was convened by Zheng De for him. Fang Shiling still has a B number in his heart, knowing that he is definitely not welcome, and wanting Du Shuang to raise a huge sum of 30 million yuan for her is definitely not one. A light thing.

   Isn’t it impossible now? Although vaguely disturbed, I can only try.

Just listen to Du Shuang’s rhythm of venting more gas than gas, “I’ve heard it, I heard you’re crazy. Why did you come and how much money you need, I know, even what investors you’ve seen, I’m also I've asked." He suddenly raised his voice, high and sharp: "Who is Chu Yuanxi? He is a man who can step on eggs! Are you crazy or stupid and dare to step on his face? "

   The tears of grievance suddenly rolled in Fang Shiling's eyes, turning Du Shuang's words back. Fang Shiling walked gently behind Du Shuang, stretched out a pair of Yanyi, and gently rubbed his shoulders and neck. "I know how difficult it is, but there is no way. This is a battle I have gambled on. My reputation and my career. I have to make breakthroughs. Don't you know about the market in the past few years? If you retire, I won't seize this opportunity. "Late Night Gallery" has no future. Would you like to see the company you invested so hard to follow the trend?"


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