Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 768: We are professional (Monday/Friday) Ask for monthly pass

   This is really not a joke. In Liu Lu's view, meeting with practitioners in the blockchain industry is meaningless, because there is no basis for cooperation, but for Chu Yuanxi, it will not directly benefit the well-off blockchain, but it can be broadened. His vision.

   You must know that while listening is clear, but believing is dark. Although the blockchain is rampant, no one can deny that it is constantly moving forward. The continuous advancement of technology makes the spark of thought constantly collide with new things.

   For example, Chu Yuanxi's "Internet of Games" idea was not thought of by himself, but was born out of EOS, which is known as "Blockchain 3.0".

  EOS is a complex and huge blockchain system with many bright spots. One of the bright spots is that the amount of EOS coins occupied by users is proportional to the amount of resources on the chain.

The concept of    directly gives new meaning to mining. In the past, Bitcoin only had pure transaction value and could not actually anchor any resources, but it is different with EOS. It is the right to use resources on the chain. This right can be rented out like renting a house in exchange for legal tender. Of course there is Worth it.

   The so-called on-chain is the concept of distributed, so why can't this concept be made big to the national level? Following this train of thought, Chu Yuanxi invented the concept of "Internet of Games" and reorganized the simple occupation and use of resources in EOS.

   Users in EOS take the resources for their own use, or rent them to others, which is very dirty and inefficient. Chu Yuanxi directly returned the resources on the chain to the official for unified use, and the efficiency was not known how many times, while the users directly exchanged the mining proceeds into retail goods in the system, and each took what they needed.

   So at first glance, the Internet is very powerful, and it can also evolve to the cloud blockchain. The concept of play can be played to the world's leading level, but he may not have expected it without EOS.

   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi does not exclude seeing people, of course it would be better to have something to gain.

   I saw Elizabeth, who had just taken office, put people into the tea room. Chu Yuanxi saw that this blockchain beauty was bewildered.

   In fact, many people today are stunned and can form a stunned alliance. This is all because of Elizabeth's entry. Why did President Chu/Chu Yuanxi hire a foreign assistant? Is this to practice oral English?

   Fortunately, no one recognized her, otherwise the alliance would be transformed into a gossip alliance.

   Chu Yuanxi stretched out his hand, and the person immediately took out a business card: "Mr. Chu, I am the co-founder of "Ecoin World" and my name is Zhang Sheyu..."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that the word "歙" originally said she? What a rare word. As for the latter words, he just listened to it casually, because he knows that it is a market value management team, in short, it is responsible for speculating coins, and it is also an indispensable part of the entire coin circle cutting leek game.

   As long as it is the one who issues air coins, no matter what kind of big brother needs a market value management team, it is of no value to Chu Yuanxi to see her, so today's gain should be the recognition of a rare word.

Seeing Chu Yuanxi's lack of interest, Zhang Sheyu was unhappy: "Mr. Chu, we are professional in this field. We are a highly international team and pay more attention to long-term value. The company is registered in Lijiapo and adopts With the BVI structure, account security is supervised and protected by Lijiapo financial institutions. Now we are not only cultivating the domestic market, but also opening up the Lijiapo, Thailand and Vietnam markets, and our strategic focus is shifting to the Thai market."

   Chu Yuanxi nodded falsely while listening, then interrupted: "What about the technology?"

   Zhang Shengyu was taken aback, "Technology? That, we are the currency management team, and we are more focused on ecological construction than technology. And we are doing projects based on Ethereum network technology, and our technology partners are all top in the industry."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that it’s wrong for you to treat me as a layman. Although I don’t know technology, but...I know fudge, right?

  Ms. Zhang’s words are automatically filtered by Chu Yuanxi’s ears. The translation of the adult words is actually like this: We know many foreigners, but they are not good at manipulating currency prices, so they pay more attention to long-term value. It only costs a few thousand yuan for a company to register in Lijiapo, which is very cheap. The advantage of the BVI structure is that outsiders almost actually control the information of the person, avoiding the threat of cheating apps such as domestic eye checking and enterprise checking. Of course, the account is opened in Lijiapo Bank of.

   As for the so-called expansion of Lijiapo, Thailand and Vietnam, and the strategic focus is shifting to Thailand, doesn't it mean that after several steps, the team finally decided to run to Thailand soon?

Oh? At this time, you ran to my class to get an axe?

   So he asked about technology. Sure enough, Ms. Zhang’s answer was-we don’t understand technology, so we directly speculate on Ethereum and outsource if we encounter technical problems.

   Special, the old man in the foolish world is the predecessor! What do you guys think?

   Therefore, Chu Yuanxi smiled calmly and said meaningfully: "But I know that your project has already triggered extensive discussions in the industry."

   Zhang Sheyu was stunned again, his expression could not help becoming solemn. The reason for the solemnity is that what Chu Yuanxi said is similar to the existence of the incision of the rivers and lakes, which translates to-you have been chased by many give me an explanation. In addition, it also contains a layer of meaning-all those Laozi you said understand, don't fool around.

   She had to become more cautious, "Is this a problem... We are going to have a global roadshow recently, and then it won't be a problem."

   "Where did your road show take place?"

  "To conduct a global roadshow through the Internet."

   As Chu Yuanxi said, it means there is no money to rent a roadshow venue? This should mean that the exchange world is already very embarrassed, and there is really no money in hand, otherwise the roadshow still has to deal with it, otherwise, how can you fool others into the market? This company used to be quite famous, but is it already so fragile?

  He continued to remain silent, "Then, the last question, which exchange do you go to list on? Is it the top three? The top five? Or the world leader?"

   "Industry-leading..." Zhang She was discouraged. The so-called industry-leading one is the Pheasant Exchange, because the good ones do not go well and the cost is too high...

   Chu Yuan Xiduancha sent off the guests: "Then we really have no basis for cooperation, I wish you an early return to community-based operations."

   "Ah? Thank you, thank you, you're welcome." Zhang Sheyu smiled cordially, because Chu Yuanxi's wish was a high-style wish-I wish you all cut the leeks as soon as possible and run successfully. This is the most sincere blessing among Aircoin players.


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