Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 774: Zhao Jie said we have ideas (2/5)

"We must finalize the plan this weekend, and start the project approval process next week. And next week, we will have a holiday on May 1st, from the 1st to the 4th. Our goal is to establish the project around May 1st. Time is a dead order. Today is Friday, today and tomorrow."

   Chu Yuanxi arranged tasks like a shopkeeper, Yu Wenhui felt tired, but there was no way. At this time, Chu Yuanxi spends 80% of his energy on well-off, 8% of his energy for peak visual effects, and only 12% of his energy for Pakistani people. The film and television business of Pakistani Media accounts for more than half. In other words, I have the opportunity to listen to Chu Yuanxi's face-to-face instruction, which is much better than other people caught blind.

   Zhao Jie is a blind one. Since the establishment of the branch of Pakistani Games, Zhao Jie, as the CEO, found that the CEO is equivalent to being the manager of two projects at the same time? As a result, the project managers of the two groups of TCG and "A Mountain in the Wind" automatically degenerate into a mess.

   This can't be blind anymore, so angry that Chu Yuanxi almost took Zhao Jie to sacrifice to the sky. But Zhao Jie was particularly wronged, because if he didn't, wouldn't he, the CEO, be fine?

"You are simply a waste!" Chu Yuanxi angrily criticized, "You don't care about so many things in the operation department? There is nothing to sort out in the business and the market? Do you want to continue building the official website platform? Do you want to add features through the official website and players Generate more intense interaction? Has the game copyright specialists been recruited in place? By the way, you can set up a project! You can set up whatever project you want within the budget? So many people have redeemed DKP positions, no projects Be a hairy?

   Co-author, you are the project manager? Everything else is transferred by the group, so just copy it as it is and leave it alone? "

   But to sacrifice to the heavens and return to the heavens, Chu Yuanxi absolutely can't take Zhao Jie down because of this, otherwise not only will Zhao Jie's face be wiped, he will also slap himself, indicating that he is not aware of people. So even if you bite the bullet, you have to support Zhao Jie, at least for a few days.

To some extent, what Zhao Jie did cannot be regarded as outrageous, because when Pakistani Entertainment was transformed into a Pakistani group, it divided the relevant functional departments and assigned them to various subsidiaries as needed, especially for Israelis and Palestinians. Information and Pakistani Games are divided into two companies.

   In this way, Zhao Jie, who has been writing code for ten years, has to face a bunch of departments and employees that he didn't need to deal with in the past, and they are all under his control. What should I do if he doesn't? Facing this situation, Lu Yu went to Mouhu for help and suddenly became the CEO of the company. Waiting online is anxious. As for Zhao Jie, all other parts remain intact, and he will do what he knows first.

   Therefore, although Zhao Jie did not do a good job, the Pakistani game did not cause any major disturbances, and it was still running in an orderly manner. It was just that the two project managers were very sad.

   After Chu Yuanxi's bian point (chi), Zhao Jie finally found his way, grasping the operation and construction with one hand, and the project at the same time, and then he was greatly made by this "game copyright commissioner".

  The Pakistani Group itself established a copyright company, led by Uncle Sheng. Although Pakistani copyright has not taken any major actions, it can be taken, such as introducing a batch of copyrights, and then empowering them with the self-media script of Pakistani Information, and then selling them. This is a better way to realize traffic. Without realizing directly, the damage to fans is low, and the value of gaining added value is not low.

  Unfortunately, entering 2019, the entire domestic copyright market is not so good, the transactions of big IPs have decreased, and at the same time piracy and infringement have emerged violently. Certain game companies have completely abandoned their faces, and have made clear infringements. They are not afraid to fight copyright lawsuits because the punishment is too light.

   So this business is not necessary for the time being.

Even so, the copyright company still has the meaning of existence. Because of the existence of Uncle Sheng, the company is called copyright, but it is actually a content engine, which is equivalent to assuming all the work of content screening and processing, making the work of content users Can be smooth and natural.

The game copyright commissioner required by Zhao Jie’s Pakistani game is actually the downstream of Uncle Sheng, responsible for purchasing games worthy of adaptation. Through the analysis of content, popularity, difficulty of adaptation, user tonality analysis, target group and other factors, it is introduced The copyright is for the project team under Zhao Jie to initiate and develop the project.

  According to the structure of the Pakistani group, it is best to import copyright from Uncle Sheng, which is equivalent to internal digestion, but it is not necessary. If it is found suitable from the outside world, it can of course be imported.

   However, Zhao Jie couldn't find a suitable candidate for a long time during the interview. All the Ma Lis who worked with him wanted to recommend himself. Unfortunately, as a procrastinating writer, he didn't have any qualifications to think of anything else.

   This directly blocked Zhao Jie's next plan, because he said that I also have ideas. The so-called idea is to open more game project teams and develop small games to revitalize the staff structure.

   The profit margin of the mini game itself is relatively low, but the development cycle is short and the cost is low. They are all small project teams, and many art materials can even be reused in large quantities.

   And the dissemination attributes of mini games are actually not low. For example, last year, Kun, who made a big noise in the palace, forced the dragon father to urgently change the sharing rules to stop the collapse of the WeChat social experience.

In this way, the establishment of the Mini Game Division can bring in a lot of fresh blood for the company, and at the same time, it can place a large number of old colleagues who have exchanged DKP for promotion to the management post, and complete the platformization of art. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. It can be regarded as Zhao Jie entering the company leadership role The results of one-time governance.

The so-called platform is to concentrate the art talents of each game project into the platform for unified management. Each project is equipped with a main beauty docking platform, which is equivalent to forcibly unifying the art use of each game project rule.

   This is a very important detail in large game companies.

   For example, the normal angle of the model. If it is not platform-based, assuming that the three project teams are all under development and have their own artists, then it is likely that the created art resources look like they can be used in series, with similar styles, but in fact the normal angle of the model points to three different Direction.

   In this case, Group A took the art resources of Group B and thought well. Once the engine was imported, it turned over or walked backwards.

   For another example, the actions of the model are obviously attacks. Group A is named gongji, group B is named Attack, group C is named da, hit your sister? This can't go on talking.

   But after sorting out the platform, we must follow a unified standard when requesting requirements, and we must also follow a unified standard when doing so. This will greatly ease the chaos of resources and effectively reduce costs.

   For this reason, Zhao Jie recruited more than 30 artists and a dozen master artists in one breath, responsible for projects or outsourcing.

   It’s just that Yu Wenhui is about to hand over the role of project manager for the mobile game "A World of Disorder". He is responsible for "The Enemy of Rome".


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