Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 779: Grass roots and community animals

   Chu Yuanxi listened for a long time and found that Yang Jiangang's eloquence had to be practiced. He is not good at bringing the audience to the point of view to explain, so he is talking about the experience in VR games, but almost none of the people sitting in the stage have played VR before, even if they are playing, they just take a look. Including Chu Yuanxi himself, too. If he doesn't deliberately imagine the VR game, it will be full of mobile games and visual perception.

   And after Yang Jiangang got this task at the end of last year, he bought a bunch of VR game products and installed it in the headset for experience. The eyeballs were all spent. Then why did he rush to set up the peak visual effects? Chu Yuanxi felt that there might be some ideas to escape from the VR experience zone.

   So the person who talked about it was Ma Dongmei, and all those who listened below heard Han Meimei.

   When he came to an end, Chu Yuanxi quickly called his name: "Zhao Jie, tell me your impression of this game."

Zhao Jie thought for a while: "I can’t imagine this VR version. Isn’t the mobile game version of Dota Legend’s battle format? The icons below are just not a hero when you’re fighting. Summon heroes. Then it is not heroes that are cultivated, but materials. The materials are strengthened and advanced. When heroes are summoned, they will also advance, right?"

"Uh... it's a little more complicated than this. In battle, you can summon two or more materials in combination. That is to say, if you have five materials on the screen, but the summons that can be summoned, there are theoretically 31 possibilities. Then, if the materials are fused, it's like the demon refining furnace in "Xuanyuan Sword"."

Chu Yuanxi interrupted: "Needless to say that it is so complicated, the demon refining is a gameplay, allowing players to explore the formula by themselves, but it is not easy to control the values. I am not particularly optimistic that I can make a very good version. come out."

   After he finished speaking, he turned around again: "Comrades, you haven't found the problem. The mobile game version is easy to solve, and the workload is about the same as the development of Dota Legend except for this monster refining gameplay, right?

   But the most fatal problem in the VR version is how to do it? VR helmets are a good solution, but are we selling somatosensory equipment for games? Even if you move or click on the material, you have to operate it by hand. How to solve it? Now there is no brainwave equipment in online game novels. Even if there is, it is a laboratory product, and it can only be used for drawing lines. It may be applied to the application stage in ten years. "

   After finishing speaking, Chu Yuanxi and Yang Jiangang looked at each other. Of course, they have a plan. If there is no plan for this problem, then the so-called VR version of MMORPG is impossible to talk about, but the VR game itself is very new, and there are no fixed rules for modes, operations, etc., and the launch time of this project is also generous. So not only the company has to solicit proposals from within the company, even if it is solicited from the society, it is also necessary to listen to the opinions of all parties, even if it is solicited from the society, and the rewards are solicited on Weibo. Today, even if it is to throw a bag of water.

   Sure enough, this water bag drenched everyone in the water, and no one could contribute wisdom.

This is also expected. A high-quality VR siege lion is not easy to find, and a high-quality VR planning is also hard to find, because there is no such thing as an explosive product in the entire market that can contribute wisdom and People with experience are of course a rare resource.

   This is the reason for the rapid establishment of the project. Only when the project is established can people be recruited. Recruitment requires the right position, so that the scarce talents may be willing to come. Otherwise, even if the Pakistani people shoot high salaries and say that we hire high-quality VR game producers, what do they do when they ask? If there is no project, it will definitely not come.

The solution given by Yang Jiangang is actually a bit awkward. It requires the player to have a mobile phone for operation in addition to the headset. The headset and the mobile phone are linked through a protocol. The player's finger slides on the phone screen, and then the operation corresponds to the headset. In the vision of the game.

   Specifically, like the dead pesticide, the left-hand joystick controls the movement, and the right-hand clicks the icon to release the summoned object. The operation method is the matter after the project is established. It is the detail. The key is that this plan is feasible.

  According to Yang Jiangang's words: You have all played such an epoch-making game. According to the glass slag, do you have no mobile phones?

   But in most cases of VR on the market, the mobile phone is stuffed into a shell as a VR headset. There are fewer all-in-ones, which is equivalent to requiring players to have two mobile phones.

   Although this request is not outrageous, Chu Yuanxi always felt that there should be a better solution.

  In the end, this project will seem more anticlimactic, mainly because everyone is at a loss and no one can raise effective questions. But it's not bad as a practice for Yang Jiangang.

   This day is April 29th, and Chu Yuanxi took Elizabeth to experience the various units that had been established in a well-off society non-stop.

   Milestone 2 started two weeks later. After the opening of the main store, other flagship stores have also completed the necessary processes one after another, and have recently opened one after another. In terms of logistics, Zhang Jian couldn't take a rest on this May Day. The money that should be burned has to continue to be burned, and he is pushing hard. Fresh food processing is launched at the same time, and the processing plant must produce semi-finished products and ingredients. After arriving at the store, the final stir-fry is presented to customers after the pan. The main reason is that it takes time to control the hygiene standards.

   Chu Yuanxi’s original idea was to provide Ba people and Xiaokang with meals for a while, not only exercise logistics, but also allow fresh food processing plants to turn around. After verifying that there is no problem, they put them into convenience stores. However, how to fry the last spoonful of vegetables in the company has become a problem, because fire is not allowed in the building where the company is located. The final solution is to buy a store next to the company and open a formal well-off store to solve the problem. After May Day, you can enter the operation and earn money from your employees first!

   The most important thing recently is not that shops have opened one after another, but that bicycles have been launched after May Day.

   The two things of bicycle placement and parking game means the beginning of milestones 3 and 4, and also means that the well-off backstage system will face successive waves of important tests.

Milestones 3 and 4 are the two most important stages. The bike is already ready, the logo and slogan are printed on the body, but you can't blindly invest in Jaguar because the system needs to be tested after the system is developed. The convenience store membership system is very A huge system requires time to test. Before the APP has been repeatedly tested, bicycles cannot be cast.

This is different from the game test, the game test has a bug, and it is okay to fight against the bug, not because the bug is glorious, but because the ecology and the market are mature, because most of the game users are post-80s, post-80s or even 00 Later, I have eaten it on the Internet, or I have been numb to it, and have a high tolerance. In online games, even if the recharge is dropped and the account is not charged to their account, the vast majority of players can remain calm and will not go crazy just because a single 648 is recharged without immediately arriving.

   The member system of the convenience store is not for game players. If there is a problem with charging a dollar, go to the store immediately and find the clerk to tear it! Not to mention that the recharge is wrong, even if the rebate of subsidizing users is not opposed, the result will not be any different.

   But the clerk is not a customer service, no matter who solves this kind of problem, it is easy to have conflicts, and the word of mouth will be broken.

Therefore, the APP must not make mistakes. It is full of money-related functions. It is a hundred times more stable than the game test. It is impossible to update the version while changing the bug during the public test. The version of the Xiaokang APP is definitely not small. Iteration. The game developer knows best about the version update. Every time a version is updated, a batch of users will be lost. You have to do everything possible to bring this batch of users back, so do the super hate version update of the operation.

   Fortunately, the test situation after the opening of the head office was OK, and there were no S-level bugs.

   As a result, on May 1st, Chu Yuanxi and Elizabeth met at the company as usual, and Zhu Yan suddenly chased them, and they said they would go and have a look together.

   "Sister, what are you going to do? Shouldn't you go for a four-day vacation? A five-day trip to Southeast Asia is now cheaper!"

   Zhu Yunxin said that what I lack is the money? "I'm just curious about what you are doing, can I be your driver? I can drive safely! It's not safe to talk while driving."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said, is it safe for a female driver to drive? But think about her as a female driver who can drive Yang Jiangang's luxury car all the way back to her hometown in the Northeast and then drive back unscathed. One dare to borrow and the other to drive, which may indeed be relatively stable.

As a result, Zhu Yan regretted it as soon as she got into the car, because Chu Yuanxi spoke English to Elizabeth, and she couldn't understand... Not only did she not understand, she couldn't even intervene, how embarrassing and embarrassing it was. The only one who understood was Elizabeth. Ask: "This is your girlfriend?"

   And Chu Yuanxi replied: "You shouldn't ask this question."

   This made Zhu Yun feel inexplicably loose.

In the rearview mirror, Elizabeth lowered her head to turn over the printing paper, and did not speak for a long time thinking deeply, so that Zhu Yan finally got the chance to get in touch with each other: "Speaking of Chu Yuanxi, what did you think when you started Baren Entertainment? People in the imperial capital have a house and earn more than 200,000 yuan a year. Why do they want to start a business? What if they fail to sell a house and start a business?"

   "My mom asked me this question too."

"Don't say if you don't want to answer..." Zhu Yan murmured, and then changed the question: "Then why did you want to find us in the first place? You are looking for grassroots, Uncle Sheng, Jiaotu, and me. Individual professionals. At first we thought you were talented in playing Douyin, so we came to us, but after seeing what you did, you seemed to be able to do anything."

   "Why do you care about this today?" Chu Yuanxi was quite curious.

  I only heard Zhu Yun say: "My relatives in my hometown also want to start a business, so ask me for advice."

   "That's it? I think it's good to find grassroots entrepreneurs. As long as they are reliable people and have skills, background and qualifications are important? You have things on your faces that I haven't seen for a long time."


   "The heart of immortality, empathy, and idealism." Chu Yuanxi is full of nostalgia for the past year, "Social animals don't have such emotions. I find a group of professionals to start a business, intrigue all day long, without passion."

   "Oh." Zhu Wei pretended to understand and prepared to convey it as it is.

   As a result, Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, pretending to be profound: "The meat and wine pass through the intestines, and the Buddha sits in his heart. If others learn from me, it is like approaching the magic way."

"speak English."

   "If your relatives really want to start a business, it's better to be safe. I can control it, but others can't control it."

   "Cut! I feel good about myself..." Zhu Yan hummed twice and concentrated on driving.

Seeing that the sky is about to be chatted to death, Elizabeth finally clarified her thoughts and asked: "Chu, although I have never run an Internet company, the companies around me are all engaged in the Internet. Your entry point to the market is with those people I know well. , The methods are not the same. What I want to say is, what factors make you believe that your method can be successful? You can’t verify it.”

   Chu Yuanxi immediately thought of the scene in the original world when he and Yuan Jing derive this business plan. For him now, this is certainly not a problem, but at the beginning, it was definitely a big problem at the beginning of 2016 in the original world. After all, 1 billion investment was not a small amount for Zheng De.

"The so-called verification, it is impossible to find a 100% similar to verify, then it will become a copycat, it can only be'cross-validation'. And the market of our Datian Dynasty is the market with the richest business scene in the world, with a lot of success or The failed material can be used for cross-validation."

   Chu Yuanxi decided to explain briefly. There is no need to explain to someone else, and Elizabeth, how much she really learned is a mystery, but after a few days of contact, at least it can be determined that business thinking is very, very proficient, especially in sales, so I have a collision. Maybe it can stimulate some new intellectual achievements.

"The business idea of ​​Xiaokang is essentially the idea of ​​letting users pay for'satisfaction'. The choice of seed users is divided into two categories. One is small white-collar workers, those who are waiting for success in the workplace, that is, 724 The main user group of the community. The other is the elderly in the community, our name is the grandpa and aunt."

   "Isn't that a cheap user group?"

"In the early stage," Chu Yuanxi admitted, "In the early stage, we will get popularity and word of mouth first. This is the guarantee of offline traffic. Let people with cheap pictures spread it everywhere, affecting the choices of other grandparents and young white-collar workers. Our low prices , The service is good, and they will talk about it everywhere when they buy it. In our case, this is called word of mouth."

   "Can this spread?"

"I really don’t know if it’s possible in your country. Because of our population density and customs, it’s definitely possible in big cities. You don’t know our users in the celestial dynasty. They spread such good things faster than anyone else. Especially. Now that social media is so developed, users have a strong desire to share. However, only what is worth sharing can satisfy the desire to display. We call it'pai nian' here.

   What is worth sharing? The points of your own highlights, and the points that are helpful to others. Especially for white-collar workers, any small favor is worthy of posting a friend circle or Weibo happily, and the ability to accept it is also grabbed. The key is a strong sense of participation. Can you experience it? "

   Elizabeth slowly and slowly shook her head. American talents will not share a discounted product in the supermarket. Instead, the cakes they steamed are worth sharing.

"It's okay, you can understand first and then execute, or you can strengthen your understanding during execution." Chu Yuan Xixin said that this sentence is just right here. "In short, the convenience store users in Tianchao don't have a brand in their hearts. Just like a piece of white paper, it is a window of time that latecomers can seize. If other convenience stores realize this and start to establish a brand, it will be very difficult for us."

   "Convenience store, brand?" Elizabeth has visited so many chain convenience stores and never thought about the brand. Is the brand of the convenience store important? "A brand is not a logo, a brand must have its own characteristics, but in convenience stores, everyone is homogeneous and the services are similar. How can you make users realize that your brand is different from others? Even if you have The difference is immediately copied by others."

   "Your question is very good." Chu Yuanxi glanced at the rearview mirror secretly, and then realized that her eyes and Zhu Yan had actually met! "Zhu Yan, drive well! Irregular driving, two tears of loved ones!"

   I only heard Elizabeth say quietly: "You are worth billions of dollars, shouldn't you hire a full-time bodyguard + driver?"

"Let’s talk about it later, our great empire is safe. Before last year, President Ren didn’t have to bring bodyguards when he went out. Small fish and shrimps like me don’t need that. Going back to the question just now, everyone has serious homogeneity in products. Brand?" Chu Yuanxi glanced at the rearview mirror again, and then said, "Of course it's something other than the product."

As he said, he held up his mobile phone, "Products and services are the brand elements in your mind, right? But for me it's not I use'user experience' to build a brand, products and services It’s just one part of the user experience, and the other part is the “online content” and “currency circulation” in your materials. You can think of the former as the offline part and the latter as the online part."

In fact, there is still a part of social, but it will be revealed to Elizabeth when the social function is developed at the end of the year. At that time, she will be leaving soon, and she should have established a deep understanding of Xiaokang’s entire gameplay, and then insert social elements. Going in is a matter of course. As for whether she will need to socialize after going to Southeast Asia, and whether she can use it well, this has to be considered when she goes to localize.

   In fact, Chu Yuanxi didn't know if she could still play this social gameplay that could run in the heavens after arriving in a foreign country. The social form of each region is different, and there are connections and differences between people. Therefore, for Chu Yuanxi to be well-off overseas, it is not necessary for Chu Yuanxi to "achieve the extreme".

   It may be another twenty years when the great heaven will rule the world. Both national influence and cultural self-confidence are sufficient to support the vision of globalization, allowing ambitious entrepreneurs to build global hegemony.

   But now, let alone influence, even self-confidence is not enough, so the highest directive emphasizes cultural self-confidence. Why emphasize cultural self-confidence? Because there is no cultural confidence. Why is there no cultural confidence? Because whoever has this confidence will be destroyed.


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