Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 791: Go to war, then go to

Chu Yuanxi first pressed her forehead to make a headache, and then shrugged her shoulders: "Then the second bird is, how can I sit and watch them develop comfortably? They must put pressure on them! They think they are just short of money, as long as Just do a good job of financing yourself? Appointing two investors as executives will make the world happy? How can there be such a good thing? Is Graby living in that small puddle in Southeast Asia too moist, I don’t know the sinister world ?"

Yuan Mu really didn't say anything when he thought about it. The development of Graby in Southeast Asia was developed in a state where there are many chaebols, and it was developed through the compromise of big chaebols and then fostered, rather than through fierce competition. Although it cannot be said that this is the flower that grows in the greenhouse, there are rivals, and there are competing products, but after running to the heavens, you must complete ideological preparations. Graby, the four-person team, and two of them are investors. It seems that they are too relaxed about the environment, no matter the environment or the small environment.

I saw Chu Yuanxi raised her hand next to her ears and made a gesture of close tone, "But how do we put pressure? We don't have a direct confrontation battlefield, what should we do? Go to war, then go to war. The second bird will be Cut off their'friendship'!" Chu Yuanxi was not satisfied after speaking, and gestured down everything.

"This is how the word'Fajiao' is explained?"

"What do you think?"

"I thought it was to influence the situation through our own diplomatic strategy."

"Then it is not'cutting'. To cut is to use methods and directly hit the opponent. The same is true for the cuts of the army, which is to attack the opponent's tactics, just like Jiang Qian stealing books, Zhou Lang Without further ado, Cai Hao and Zhang Yun were slaughtered, and Cao Cao's navy training program was terminated."

"That's it... Then you said that the Secretary of State of the United States wandered around the world..."

"I won't go into details, the river crab **** is everywhere. Specifically, I wrote a public account article for you to check it out."

"But you made this bet so good, what if the other party survives it?"

"You're too straight, Yuan Mu, I like to be friends with you, but doing business... Sun Tzu's art of war is about being a soldier. Have you ever heard of open mouths that spread rumors, and run off your legs? Besides, I am not making rumors. After my tearing, let them make forced mistakes... and want to survive? Haha."

"Wow, I thought you were just tearing **** Weibo."

"You are hacking me again. Why do I tear and force so much on Weibo? Because I tear and force so much in reality, don't make mistakes about causality"

"But you still didn't say why they can't survive for a year?"

Should Chu Yuanxixin tell Yuan Mu after all? Yes, she needs improvement more than Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan can grow up slowly because she is not in a key position, and the film and television company is not so anxious, so wait. But Yuan Mu can’t. Yuan Mu must grow faster than well-to-do in order to keep up. She must not just be satisfied with finding investors, financing, doing her business, hiding in her comfort zone, In that way, she will always be the vice president, even the title of "executive" cannot be added.

What's more, her upper limit is still quite high, not to mention that compared with Elizabeth, at least it is no problem to lead the team independently, and it is no problem to bring a team to other provinces and cities to supervise the battle to expand the new area, and she knows almost everything in the original world. Entrepreneurs’ financing routines, as investors, have sharp eyes, and if they come to the financing, they can judge whether they are not separated from each other in one minute.

The key is the ability to think independently. Yuan Lu went through a critical period in the original world, that is, at the stage when he decided to pull Chu Yuanxi out but did not decide what to do, and studied with Chu Yuanxi every day what he was doing.

To start a business, you must first find a golden track, and also a golden track that can reasonably match your own resources. But the golden track of entrepreneurship may change every moment. How can we see the changes in the next three or five years through the fog of time? How to do a business for more than ten years? How to find a long-term tuyere to get in? The key is where is your ability limit.

The last question is actually the most difficult to answer, because the consequences of misjudging the limits of one's own ability are extremely terrible. When the structure is broken down, resources will be misallocated when building the structure, and the ceiling will be lowered; when the structure is broken, resources will still be misallocated. The ceiling is high but can’t jump up. Not only is resources wasted, but the milestone plan cannot be kept up. Watch, drag yourself to death.

Therefore, Yuan Mu's wisdom was greatly activated in this process, and sometimes Chu Yuanxi could spray him to the point where he was speechless.

But because of the slight disturbance in this world, not only did she not go up since 2016, but because she entered the mud pit of ip investment, she was superimposed with a bunch of mentally retarded auras. The main reason is that the entrance of this big pit looked so beautiful at the time. It was a feast of traffic and a feast of capital, but who knew what happened later.

So that Yuan Mu could hardly believe that Yuan Mu's level was so low when Chu Yuanxi went to meet their siblings?

Even now, I have pulled into a well-off society to recover my intelligence, but the speed of recovery is not ideal, and I haven't recovered the feeling of 2016.

So when Chu Yuanxi got on the elevator, she decided to increase the training of Yuan Mu and let her work overtime!

There was no one in the elevator, and Chu Yuanxi was not afraid of leaking secrets, and waved to Yuan Mu, "Yuan Mu, I think, instead of asking questions frequently, you should think more and think about the answers yourself. This is equivalent to an open-book exam. I have told you the answer. You know the known conditions, know the answer, push the process out, and use this process to exercise your thinking ability. They all talk about cognitive upgrading, how do you upgrade your cognition?"

"Enhance learning?"

"Yes, but you can't focus on necromancy. Necromancy is to use tactical diligence to cover up strategic laziness. Cognitive upgrading is the simplest. Find someone who is better than yourself, and then use the other side's thinking mode to see yourself. First, upgrade your thinking habits, and then upgrade specific ones, such as your own knowledge system."

Yuan Lu immediately gave Chu Yuanxi a roll of eyes: "You are the one who is better than me. Strong man, let's talk about how the opener lasts for less than a year, and then how about I start to learn your thinking mode? "

"It's very simple. It's called faith, but if you don't believe it, you don't understand it? I have exerted influence, so they can't raise enough money, what should they do? Think of a way, right? It's you, what way? "

"I... worked hard, isn't I responsible for financing?"

"Okay, you have the next task. Once the other party intends to hook up with a big guy like Xu Xin, you will immediately inform me to know, observe closely, ok?"

Chu Yuanxi said and quickly calculated in her heart, "Even if you melt hard, there is a limit. Graby wanted to melt 6.5 billion last year. After a year of hard melting, is it enough? Hard melt may not be able to melt. You You can’t think that the opening of the door will also go smoothly because of the hard fusion when doing cfo in Xiaokang, understand?

In addition, I have calculated the amount of funds we need to do well. If we want to do this, the total amount is probably at least 20 billion yuan. This is a cost that is purely spent without considering the input. This number is not small, one Xu Xin is not enough. The opener wants to do nothing less than us. They may not realize that there will be many unplanned expenditures in the future, and there will be very, very large operating cost pressures. "

"you sure?"

Chu Yuanxi said that I'm too sure, otherwise, why would the original world beg grandpa to tell grandma to catch so many nasty investments? So that it is not easy to dump when it is finished. This is how I asked people to come in? Basically, it was caused by unplanned expenditures.

"I can be sure of two things. First, their money is absolutely not enough, and they need money anytime and anywhere. Second... I will test you. According to the well-off personnel composition and the frequency of reporting to me, do you think the future will open. What will happen to customers?"

Yuan Mu suddenly pondered. The so-called Xiaokang’s staff composition and the frequency of reporting to Chu Yuanxi actually represent the question of how well-off’s internal seating is arranged. Reporting is a more formal process, and meeting records are required. There is no major event without reporting. She understands this.

On the issue of seat ranking, she always felt that she was the third child behind Liu Lu, but if only the reporting frequency was compared, it was significantly higher than her, even Liao Xingxing was not low, and Yang Cheng, who was in charge of the store, was recently Also report frequently.

On the contrary, the five it development teams that are more important to her, the reporting frequency is even lower than hers, about twice a week. Even Zhou Mingjun and Cao Xiang are two important developers.

These five groups will soon be changed to six. If you can find a map master from the outside, you will directly set up a project team. If you can't, you will tap the potential inside according to Chu Yuanxi's intention. Pakistani + Xiaokang two companies now have nearly 200 programmers, and the map, the middle-station service, is not in a hurry, so you can slow it down.

In short, Yuan Mu thought for a while, and found that he hadn't figured out his position in the well-off life. As for the opener? She followed Chu Yuanxi into the company, walked into the office, and suddenly thought: "Does the door opener want to build an ecology?"

Chu Yuanxi said to build an ecological environment! What kind of face does the opener have to build an ecological environment? He looked at Yuan Mu suspiciously, only listening to Yuan Mu said: "Look at Kaimen Ke Na, there are only some large supermarket resources, other logistics, supply chain, and nothing. They don’t introduce ecological partners. How did the four guys get it up?"

"Eh, did you consider it from this perspective? It's okay, Yuan Lu." Chu Yuanxi said that Yuan Lu is really a little grounded, and it can't be considered wrong to think so. "Secondly, what I can be sure of is not that they want to engage in ecology. Ecology is definitely not. They are now equivalent to the preparatory stage of the second half of last year. Although they are called openers, they are in a hurry and want to hurry. , But there are still a few months before the door opens to welcome guests. Don’t be busy, they have a lot of preparation work to do.

What I can be sure of is that the four-member heaven group of Kaimenke will definitely change in the future, and the inside may have to be torn twice. Wang Yueheng and Li Jingfei must be marginalized. Then, at least two really powerful bosses should be added. One is responsible for maintaining the operation of the entire system, and the other is responsible for ground promotion and storefronts, reporting directly to Cheng Huilin. Only in this way can we complete a basic operating system.

Even so, their financial problems cannot be solved perfectly, and they will fall into the ditch. You can assume how you will fall into the ditch if you are in their place. "

In fact, Chu Yuanxi said it leisurely. This adjustment is made when the other party's human resources are not so strained. Considering that Graby has already established a center in Zhongguancun Erjo, Chu Yuan expected the enemy to be lenient, and for the time being, he considered that the other party would not be trapped in the human and corporate structure, but in fact it was formed by the other party's heavenly group, which is a big problem went.

Why does he think he can despise the opponent strategically, even temporarily? Because they obviously didn’t distinguish the priority,

Money is important, but the core talent is even more important. Without Du Tsing and Liu Lu, Chu Yuanxi would not dare to start this matter of Xiaokang. With Liu Lu Du Tsing and other generals, even if there were no Pakistani as nurses, he would do it. Dare to go on horseback, nothing more than looking for money, you can always find it if you try hard.

Then why is it all "it's nothing more than looking for money", Chu Yuanxi is sure that the other party has a problem? Yuan Mu has been struggling with this problem.

Therefore, the basis for the other party to find money is "I rely on Graby", but Chu Yuanxi is not, Chu Yuanxi is "I have Ba people in hand, and all the money is on the account, and more importantly, my team is very strong. Good soldiers and strong horses."

Even if the obscure benefits of Graby's back can be compared with the Pakistani milk supply, the team building has not completed the door opener from 0 to 1, which is a few dimensions short of Xiaokang.

This kind of business vision is exactly what Yuan Lu lacks, but if Chu Yuanxi gives her a detailed explanation, she will be at a loss next time she encounters it, and she must inspire her thinking.

Seeing Yuan Mu finally entering a state of thinking, Chu Yuanxi was not eager to tell her the answer. In fact, he was not sure about the answer, because the other party had many ways to make mistakes, such as opening a membership card recharge service and asking for cash from the market.

This method is no problem for those small and flat three-level enterprises. They can run at any time, and it is difficult to keep an eye on the business, so many people will have the illusion, for example, I can do it too!

However, you must be cautious when you are a card member with a body like the door opener or the well-off, because you may be hit by the sword of Damocles anytime and anywhere, and as the phenomenon of "running to dry ratio" intensifies, this kind of blow It's already started. Strictly speaking, behaviors like membership card recharge are legal gray areas, and the illegal absorption of social funds is a relative and a difficulty in judicial practice.

What's more frightening is the rupture of cash flow during the recharge of the membership card...

However, membership card recharge has practical benefits. It not only solves part of the financial problem, but more importantly, allows users to always maintain the desire to consume and have the psychological expectation to spend money, which can make the sales system healthier. The significance of this part of the effect is even far greater than a part of the advance payment on the book.

So Xiaokang directly rejected the membership card recharge system from the institutional point of view, and switched to currency circulation to produce the latter part of the effect. This change is also the biggest achievement in the process of promoting a well-off society in the original world.

Returning to her office, Yuan Mu finally took a breath. For the first time, she found that talking to Chu Yuanxi was quite stressful. It was not the kind of pressure between superiors and superiors, but was similar to when the teacher asked her to go to the podium when she was in school Faced with the pressure of doing a problem on the blackboard, if you can't do it or even do it slower than the other half of the blackboard, you will be ridiculed.

Ah right! She suddenly thought that she should remind Chu Yuanxi to pay attention to his disciple.

Everyone knows that Chu Yuanxi returned to the tea room to think about this, because Li Jingfei and Wang Yueheng are fixed numbers, while Cheng Huilin and Ah Ya are variables. The so-called scholars should be admired for three days, God knows what happened to Ah Mu in the past six months? It’s just that the writing wheel has opened its eyes.

He picked up the phone and saw the reminder sent by Yuan Mu. He immediately smiled and replied: Don't worry, I have prepared a quality triple for him.

Yuan Mu: They are your disciples, and a young brother who is a fledgling young man, do you have the heart to do it?

Chu Yuanxi: Why does the other party ask someone who knows me best to be a coo? To learn like a well-off? I don’t see it at I can bear a tiger going up to a tree to eat a cat. Even if he steals a teacher at most, I haven’t taught anything seriously. Why does he think he knows me best? Don't say it, let's teach in actual combat, the world is cold, let's first come to Cao Cao, Han Sui.

The so-called Han Sui in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a classic in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao was almost beaten as a horse by Ma Chao on the battlefield. The second figure in the Ma Chao army, Han Sui, is Cao Cao's old age. How to set up a command system? During the battle, Cao Cao asked Han to talk to him. After getting close, he took care of himself, and then said goodbye. Han Sui could not lose his manners and was very polite.

What did these two people say? We couldn't hear Ma Chao from such a long distance, and we couldn't ask questions. In short, the seeds of doubt were planted.

Then Cao Cao wrote to Han Sui, wrote a very ordinary greeting letter and erased several paragraphs randomly, and then let Ma Chao know that this was the case.

Ma Chao finally couldn't help it when he knew there was such a letter, and then he saw this letter, so he was furious, saying that Han Sui, you are a bastard! What the **** is that you crossed out the key parts? So a sword cut off Han Sui's arm, and the Xiliang army defeated itself without fighting.

This detailed process is very valuable. It can be said that many offensive and defensive-related passages in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms are obscene and have no practical significance. Let alone now, even on the ancient battlefield, they are useless and impossible to reproduce. I really want to say that fighting wits and fighting bravely are particularly skilled. In the late Southern and Northern Dynasties, Gao Huan, He Bayue, and Yu Wentai played horribly crying ghosts, much better than the Three Kingdoms era.

But it is only the passage from Cao Cao to Han Sui that can be reproduced. Chu Yuanxi immediately looked for an opportunity to reproduce it through modern means.

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