Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 794: Emotion theory

Today is divided into 2 chapters but released at the same time, one is 2000 and the other is 3000. Do not miss it. reason? Eggs are not placed in a basket.


Qi Yu felt like running a train, but she didn’t expect Chu Yuanxi to admit it! Why did she rush to the imperial capital? At most, two-thirds of it was to communicate with Chu Yuanxi’s variety shows, at least. One-third of the reason was to ask Chu Yuanxi face to face what was going on, so I couldn't open WeChat to ask about it!


"Hey, don't cry, how can it be so easy to be my girlfriend?" Chu Yuanxi became a little serious as he spoke, "What is love and what is love? I have a little affection with Yu Yanan, but we are separated. There are still thousands of miles to fall in love with her."

"You..." Qi Yu was speechless, "Are you scumbags making sense?"

"How can this be called scum? Can't you live together without love?"

"Your view of love is simply perfect! Chu Yuanxi, why haven't I discovered that you are such a person for so many years? Isn't love about two people feeling very comfortable together?"

Chu Yuanxixin said that we haven't really taken this step for so many years, and we haven't even discussed it.

"Although I heard that it is difficult for two people to live together as equals and not hate each other, but I am more harsh on'love' than this. Take Yu Yanan as an example. If someone wants to hurt her, I will protect her. , But if I want me to replace her with my life, I refuse. So I don’t love her. She probably refuses to treat me."

With that, Chu Yuanxi was even a little sad.

Qi Yu is no ordinary person to Chu Yuanxi. She is not only an old colleague of Chu Yuanxi who has been a salted fish in this world for many years, but she also thought about whether to make friends with Qi Yu more than once.

Chu Yuanxi feels that this is a dark history in his own heart. Maybe others find that he has the idea of ​​associating with Qi Yu and feel quite normal, but he himself knows that this is because of being a salted fish, so the standard is lowered. Then, let alone the exchange of life and love, even the most basic persistence has been given up.

This process of constantly dropping and stopping the mind has stimulated Chu Yuanxi's mood very much last year, but I have to admit that because of different positions in the two worlds, I have experienced two completely different moods and emotions. Qi Yu is like a mirror, he can learn the gains and losses by learning from others, so that he can better find out what he really wants in his heart.

When Chu Yuanxi was sad to find what she thought in her heart, Qi Yu, who was opposite the tea table, was almost out of his mind! "You are childish!" She patted the table, "Does love have to be measured by life?"

This question made Chu Yuanxi feel very deep. "If I love someone but don’t want to marry her, that’s a scumbag. Isn’t marriage a life’s matter? It’s like this for me, no matter how much money I have, no matter what'she' is, there is no such thing. Enlightenment is not even in love."

"You are really extremely naive, superficial, stupid, and you don’t know what Elm’s mind is! Your mental age is only 15 years old, President Chu? Jin Yong has watched too much?" Qi Yu was so absurd that he didn’t expect to fly to the imperial capital so excitedly. , But saw Chu Yuanxi's "real" side?

Isn't it because he deliberately said this to deceive people? But after all, she had been a colleague with Chu Yuanxi for several years. Is Chu Yuanxi serious or nonsense that she can tell a little bit by feeling, and Chu Yuanxi at this moment is the serious version she has never seen before.

For a moment, Qi Yuchao was embarrassed and stretched out his hand to hold his bag, "I probably understand your variety show, and I will be prepared, but you have a psychological problem. You are too extreme. You should see a psychologist."

"I'm too busy, wait until I retire."

Chu Yuanxi said, watching Qi Yu leave. This was the first time that Qi Yu discussed with Qi Yu about love in many years. Although the process was not exciting, it made him at least realize what he was thinking in his heart.

Maybe you still don't recognize it?

Chu Yuanxi's heart wasn't messed up, but she was bored. She should take off her clothes, eat melons, and read the news. Then she habitually turned on her phone and glanced at it, and found that the long-silent family group was actually quite lively.

This is the family group of the grandfather's family, named "Luo Jiajiang", but unfortunately his grandma passed away relatively early, so basically it is relatively deserted, and no one can say a word for a month.

After opening the bottom one, the top one is a passage from the second uncle Luo Yuzhang: Drug rampant, fierce partisanship, industrial abolition, using ancestral law to bind women into fertility tools, openly smashing foreign matters, and banning free trade of foreign businessmen. The head of a country has declared war on the whole world.

The following is my second aunt Luo Yuxian: This is my Qing Dynasty?

Luo Yuzhang: This is the United States now.

Haha, the second uncle is picking up the problems of the United States again. This is the anti-abortion law just signed by Alabama. It is the style of the second uncle!

Chu Yuanxi turned up and wanted to see why it’s so lively I skipped a lot of saliva, and found that at the top was a request for help. It was sent by his little cousin Li Shen. He asked about how to tease girls in the university, WeChat I have already added it, but I don't know how to say it. The ordinary greetings have been difficult to attract the girl's attention. The reply is "oh", "I'm going to take a bath", "I'm going to sleep" and so on.

The following is a big family of people expressing their opinions, from old to young, one after another surfaced, and the eight immortals crossed the sea to show the lower limit.

Li Shen is the son of the second aunt Luo Yuxian. The second aunt was born late, so Li Shen's family is the youngest, younger than the third aunt's daughter Song Yalin, and just freshman this year. Chu Yuanxi, a snake, thinks he should be called Li Si. I don't know why he is called Li Shen. Is it because he foresaw that he will be a very monkey when he grows up?

Although the relatives at my mother’s family knew that Chu Yuanxi was awesome, they seldom harassed him, and no one asked for help. Some asked some professional questions and could answer them casually. They basically had their own careers and life. This is different from the old Chu family. There are demands every three to five, which puts great pressure on Dad Chu Jingxiong, because Chu Yuanxi did not respond, and the messages sent were basically all that fell into the sea, making Chu Jingxiong. Have to be responsible for blocking.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi is not afraid to show up in this group: Li Shen, you can do this and send one to the girl's WeChat—I heard a big gossip. Then just ignore her, hold your hand, ask whatever she wants, don't reply, and pretend not to see it until she comes to you.

Li Shen first clicked a thumbs-up and then asked: What did she say when she came to me?

Chu Yuanxi: Make up whatever you want to say? If you have to teach you by others, you won’t be saved. Give up on your sister and concentrate on studying.

Li Shen: Delek, I know what to talk about.

Seeing these words, Chu Yuanxi suddenly had a very bad premonition in her heart. What did he think of?

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