Liu Lu was born as a human resource, and she was in her own right to do this. I thought it was routine, and Chu Yuanxi signed it. I didn't expect to be questioned?

"Of course it's serious, isn't it all written with reasons?"

"That's the reason, elder sister!" Chu Yuanxi said you don't tell me that you used the methodology on your form when you did this before. What a **** thing is that?

"What's the matter?" Liu Luxin said that her sister did not try to figure out the talents once or twice. This is the experience of leverage. "I have found out the'Assault Collecting Opinion Method' after groping many times. "

Chu Yuanxi admitted that Liu Lu’s method itself was reliable. She adopted a three-pronged system. Firstly, look at the attendance sheet, secondly look at the completion of the work, and thirdly send out questionnaires to employees so that they can The other colleagues of the project team in which I belong to rate the rating. Because it is a surprise form, no one is prepared, and it is confidential. It will not be announced to people and will not collude, so the effectiveness is relatively high.

This method goes beyond the project manager or team leader to directly investigate employees. Of course, there is no lack of forms filled out by Hu Jiebao, but in general, it is compared with the team leader’s evaluation of the members. , Is usually effective.

"Do you think it's reliable because you haven't commented on Program Apes before?" Chu Yuanxi still asked with distrust, "Your option fully shows that your questionnaire itself is not rigorous."

"What's the matter?" Liu Lu was taken aback, "Is there any difference between programmers?" She suddenly thought that although she had always worked in technology companies in the past, she was always responsible for operations and management. Yes, although the recruitment has passed, but the management of the R&D team is not good.

"Your questionnaire is not oriented correctly. Whoever works harder becomes the focus of your survey, who pays more for the team becomes the focus, and asks who is the most irreplaceable person in the team. This is terrible."

"Huh?" Liu Lu felt that either she was mentally retarded or Chu Yuanxi had a brain fragment today. "If you talk about technical grading, it's the work of Zhou Mingjun and Cao Xiang, and I can't intervene. I can't get involved if I don't test and work hard. What else to ask if you consider paying for the team?"

"Sister, you don't understand programmers." Chu Yuanxi rubbed her sour eyebrows. "A good programmer doesn't say how high the level is, but the code is written seriously and there are few bugs, so it looks like an idler. Others. He has nothing to do to change the code after working overtime. After a few tricks, he will change it. Look at the phone when working overtime, right? The worse the code is, the more troublesome and troubled emergency the code is every day to solve all kinds of major online problems. In your questionnaire, it must be a talent. ."

With that said, he drew a horizontal line under the names of two people, and then drew a circle on the other.

"For another example, even if there are no bugs in the code of the programmer, there are still problems, such as clear and unclear comments, and the code structure is reasonable and unreasonable. A high-quality programmer has a clear code structure and very good comments. Anyone will take him over. The work is very smooth, so it is'replaceable'; on the contrary, the code is messy and poorly written and no one can understand it, and no comments are added. The dishes must only be understood by themselves and are'irreplaceable'. This It’s reflected in your questionnaire."

"No..." Liu Lu has a lot of slots but doesn't know how to vomit. "These are all employees of this group evaluating each other. Are they not the people who know each other best?"

"Really not, sister, employees are the easiest to blind people to touch the elephant. You have to know that the unspoken rule of programmers is that everyone solves the problem together, but they will not announce how the problem is caused. So even if you are in the same group, you don’t necessarily know who Poke the basket. Not to mention the members of the same group, even the main program often doesn't know, it's not that you don't want to know, you have to dig it, but you don't have that thought."

Liu Lu found that this was a place to improve herself, and immediately let go of her unhappiness after being questioned, and turned into a curious baby: "Why is this?"

If there was a programmer present, Chu Yuanxi would not dare to speak like a fake expert, but now he dares. "Writing code is a very magical thing. Do you dare to believe that bugs can be "chords"? Especially on the client side, if two people write neither bugs, they can produce bugs. Even if it is an independent developer, one person can write it. This kind of problem may occur in any program, let alone a project team. So usually after a product is made, it is normal to test and find 10,000 bugs."

"So exaggerated?"

"This is not an exaggeration. The key is that the person who writes the bugs, checks the bugs, and fixes the bugs is usually not alone. The bugs are fed back to the main program, and the main program has no intention of analyzing who caused the bugs. During this time, all 20 bugs are changed. It's over, so it's roughly distributed by function.

The same is true for business operations. It is difficult to quickly locate the responsible person at any time. I directly give the order, you do it, he does it, and then I do it, and the problem is solved first. As for the problem of who made it, we will look for it when we resume. This is the advantage of flat management. If it is not flat management, then the process is handled first, which may create greater problems.

But how urgent is the work of programmers? You have to work overtime without entanglement. The main process is the most tiring, especially for large projects. The main process can be tired of skr people by submitting the code. So your inclination to ask questions is very easy to screen out those tactically diligent employees. You can't tell how many of these are ‘prosperous industries’. "

"What is a prosperous industry-style programmer?"

"Writing more bugs can create more code posts and testing posts, and the industry will prosper? A helloworld programmer can write you 800 lines of code, and there are ten or eight bugs, think about it. Employees rate each other. The first sense is who is the hardest and who is the most helpful, and whoever solves most tasks is the second sense. I don’t know which one is the most light-weighted."

As Chu Yuanxi said, he drew a circle next to an employee's name. "The two underlined have a relatively high evaluation, including the evaluation of the project manager. You need to investigate what they are. For example, find someone who understands the code and open the svn library to see their code. The structure is not clear. Clear, sufficient and inadequate comments. The two circled, your evaluation is too low, I dare to assert that they do a better job, these are clearly should be off work and accompanied colleagues to work overtime, should be commended. "

Liu Lu took the form and left thoughtfully, and then hurried back with Cao Xiang.

Chu Yuanxi said that this was taking Cao Xiang to look at the code? It turned out not to be, but at the same time I saw a piece of news rushing to make a mess.

one news? Chu Yuanxi said I missed any important news? What caused them to shock was that a block chain-cutting leek god-level powerhouse who claimed to be the only disciple of Jack Ma after 90s bought Buffett's lunch at a price of more than 30 million yuan.

This year is the 20th year that Warren Buffett, the veteran scythe spokesperson, has engaged in lunch auctions. It is difficult to say whether Buffett's age will be in the next ten years, so it is still a very strong year. And this price... even if you factor in inflation, it is the highest price.

But people have money, as long as they wield the sickle well and can't cut it without leeks. Although Buffett’s lunch is not cheap, it can be useful if it can’t be held in the hands of some people. It doesn’t care about the three melons and dates. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi had already seen it and didn't take it seriously. Cao Xiang and Liu Lu were very excited.

"It is understandable that Cao Xiang is excited, Liu Lu, why are you excited about it?"

"I want to ask if it is too late to buy Bitcoin?"

"I fully understand how painful it is for you to run through the 200% increase from 3500 to 10500 in just six months." Chu Yuanxi said faintly, "But haven't you heard of the good news? This is obviously a sound. The horn of retreat, if you go short, I will support you."

"Isn't it? Why should it rise to the day of dinner with Buffett? This lunch auction is obviously good for all blockchains, right?" Liu Lu was disappointed, "Moreover, the rise is so fierce that you make me short? Look at the trend of Bitcoin. , It has risen by 200% in five months, almost in a straight line. I still have a husband and son to raise. It is impossible to be short short!"

"You have never been a leek before, especially want to experience it?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that you should never buy it. After you buy it, your husband and son can't afford it, and it will definitely affect your work. "You are all early leeks in leeks. I will tell you, Liu Lu, you can't look up from the result side when you are bullish on the ups and downs. From the result side, you will always be a giant sickle from the sky, and you will be killed. You have to stand on the other side of the line of cause and effect and look down from the direction of the cause."

"Hey, hey, it's also a causal line. Is there such a high-end?"

"It's really not high-end, because you are too low-end in the open market. Even if you cut too much leeks, you will have a similar intuition. You have no experience when it comes to leeks." Chu Yuanxi had no intention of doing this kind of thing. The spirit of distribution is mainly that although he knows what is going on with air coins and what is going on in group funds, he has not specifically learned about them, and he doesn’t know who these air coins are and what their respective circumstances are.

The purpose of issuing air currency is all to cut leeks, so how can the cut-off people give up? Therefore, correspondingly, the issuing of coins is basically low-key, otherwise the sickle will be eaten by everyone. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi also has the problem of insufficient information, unable to systematically understand.

But this time it was different. It was too high-profile. Chu Yuanxi quickly thought about it, and then threw out her own guess: "You see that he is so high-profile and claims to educate Buffett. What does this mean?"

"What does it mean? It means confidence."

"You are right, you are confident-run away!" Chu Yuanxi slapped the table, "This means that there is no good to make a good one. It means that he is going to run, and his wavelength coin project is about to collapse. Buffett must collapse before eating!"

Liu Lu and Cao Xiang looked at each other, only to hear Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Think about who was the one who had lunch with Buffett in the sky, and which A-share listed company's chairman was it, and what happened? I don't understand? Just compare the stock price movement after lunch."

As he said, he opened the Flushing App on his phone and gave Liu Lu a look: "The sharp fall in 2015 was unprecedented. People's stocks have reached new highs. Have you seen them? Then he pledged all his holdings. It is now I will return to China next week, do you know that?"

Liu Lu was speechless.

Chu Yuanxi put the phone away slowly, and only listened to Cao Xiang asking, " report him?"

"The question is what am I reporting him?" Chu Yuanxi was also helpless. "Or do you think he is so high-profile that no one except me can tell that he is going away? Maybe someone is already abroad. "

"But he's harming people, hurting people! Isn't this a blatant scam of money?" Cao Xiang said, his face flushed. He was the one who had uploaded somersaults in the leek scam and was miserably cheated. The liar wanted to be killed. Chu Yuanxi understood him very well, but...

"It's all my guess. How to report without evidence? What's the use of reporting?" Chu Yuanxi said calmly, "Not only is it useless, it will be attacked by him. After all, modern society is presumed innocent. Although there are many fans of Pakistani people, the fans of the other party are all those who cast real money on the other party, do you understand? These fooled people, until they are confirmed to be fooled, are all fans of the other party and hate our crow mouths most. I will be scolded to death if I jump out to report, maybe it will affect the well-off."

"But we can stop those people from being fooled?"

"How hard shoulders do you think our brothers can stop?" Chu Yuanxi smiled bitterly, "every day someone reminds chives of the risks. The question is how many people believe? Why do you believe us? Who knows? How about being a leek? Moths are all going to fight the fire. When a leek is just a big vote in your head, no one can hold it.

Do you know Li Ling Zhi Faint? If you don't know, just take a look at Liu Lu, Liu Lu, this is better, I know to ask before going in. To be honest, I should not pity those who have been cut off, why should I jump out and make a commotion? The most extreme, these leeks will blame us even after the collapse. "

Even if Liu Lu is over thirty-five years old, if she becomes pregnant, she is called a "high-risk parturient", but she is definitely not a cultivator in terms of human affection. How could her sister be so dizzy? But she is better than Cao Xiang, only to hear Cao Xiang's silly question: "What do they blame us for? Is it good or bad?"

"Sorry, most people are not in the mood to distinguish between good and bad when they have lost their lives, but only vent. If you are not calm and go out and talk nonsense, someone will definitely blame you at that time, it is you who shouted that the good money-making projects of others collapsed. , Without you, people make money from leeks. So don’t let this matter go. Did you come to me because of this?"

"Oh, no." Cao Xiang was dull, and he was stunned for a few seconds before saying, "I just remembered this news when I saw the news, $ acquired."

"Oh, I heard about it, what's the matter?" Chu Yuanxi nodded, his extremely limited understanding of the WaveCoin project was mostly concentrated on it.

The so-called bittorrent, bitstream, appeared much earlier than the blockchain and Bitcoin. It was a large-scale peer-to-peer application in the early days of the Internet. It can be said that Megatron has become a wasteland in the past, and even the more diligent netizens know it. The characteristic of this technology is decentralization. It is a coincidence that the so-called peer-to-peer is a word that was also popular later-p2p, so it can be said to be a magical existence that concentrates on the two hot words of cutting leeks and running away.

Complementing each other is another decentralized download method called magnet link. They appeared very close in time and were technically close relatives. Not only were they all decentralized, they also had to use "hash".

Later, the blockchain players spent money like dirt, opening their mouths and talking about the hash value, as if they were so tall, they would fall behind. As everyone knows, the blockchain has been used in large-scale applications many years before the advent of the blockchain. Maybe you have used it when you download a small movie. So that people like Chu Yuanxi who don't understand technology often maliciously guess whether it is Satoshi Nakamoto or that there are too many small movies, and they understand the essence of blockchain technology from the seed file.

Just listen to Cao Xiang’s question: “I want to know if his acquisition is a way to land the You know, the two are technically related. I am most concerned about the way the blockchain is landed. Maybe there is still something well-off can learn from."

"I don't know. I think it's good for you to have this kind of thinking, but intuitively I don't think it." Chu Yuanxi pondered a little, "I mean, it may or may not be it, but it's a long-term currency. In the hand, it can only not be. Their acquisition is a good move, but they don't have the genes for doing business."

Cao Xiang looked confused, as if he could not understand, and after thinking for a long time, he asked, "What does it mean to have no commercial genes?"

"Hey, why don't you understand? The scam company paid a large sum of money to go out, certainly not to become a Buddha right away, but to sharpen the butcher knife faster, don’t you understand? The wavelength of the money is nothing more than to justify your name. The harvest of leeks is just a big harvest, there can be no actual landing behavior. Besides, what do they do when they issue air coins? How do you wave their sickles when they land? Why do you always hope that the robbers will correct evil? And it is very difficult to issue air coins. Want to change, how to change?"

"Ah, what you said, is the $ fake? They can take the team into their own company to fill in the technology, they are all crooked nuts with very good technology."

"So you can't be the ceo, old Cao..." Chu Yuanxi said that the company you opened in the United States is unreasonable. "Because they are so powerful, why would they give you a currency? The technology company wants to pay. Is it difficult to be empty? It is also an acquisition. For me, it is possible to collect them all. For wavelength coins, don't think about it. Give him an empty shell every minute."

Liu Lu's eyes lit up suddenly: "How would you close it instead?"

"Me? It's easy to change me..."

When Chu Yuanxi was about to talk, she didn't know that in another corner of the city, there was also a key figure who was preparing to make a high statement.

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