When Du Tie arrived, he found that Chu Yuanxi was already waiting for him at the door, leaning against the car door, pulling a box of lunch in his hand.

"Today you are the protagonist, Lao Du, please squirt fiercely and don't save yourself face." Chu Yuanxi signaled that she would not say more, then made a gesture of "please" and threw the lunch box away. Who does Du Zixin say? Today, we are here to spray. The problem is that I don’t spray people very much, and I’m still swearing to make a living. If I’m not happy, will you not go into battle?

But he didn't know how much he could spray in his original world.

It takes time for people to evolve. In the original world, Du T-shirts first did store reorganization, and then took over the team. After four months of store reorganization and six months or so, he was promoted to the deputy general manager of Shiquan, responsible for nearly one-sixth of the well-off. business.

His squirting people are different from young people now. The most common among young people is vomiting, but Du shirt is sprayed directly, not vomiting at all, full of the sharp and straightforward style of the post-70s. This requires a sharp vision and can find deep-seated problems.

Even Chu Yuanxi felt that Du Zhai might still have a talent for marketing, because the highest level of marketing skills is to spray people. Ordinary marketing account, marketing is marketing, and when the sale is over, senior marketers can attract fans by spraying people. After the marketing is over, hundreds of thousands of Weibo fans are found.

But now, because of a serious illness, the position of Du T-shirt in the well-off life is also quite awkward. It is impossible to go directly to the front line, and he can't be free. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi directly gave the title of vice president, and the specific business was almost gone. Just customer service.

This arrangement is also very smooth in name. Even if the customer service department is also the deputy general manager, Yuan Mu also only manages the finance department but is also the deputy general manager. It will not make people feel strange, especially Yang Cheng who is in charge of store reorganization is still him. Introduced.

It's just that his promotion history is much worse, and the time is short, so that the skill points that were clicked in the original world have not been seen.

This office space is rented as a whole, and the apartment is similar to a large studio, but it is large in size and not old, but it has not been well-off renovation, and it looks a bit simpler. However, I put a circle of green plants against the wall, and it feels pretty good.

Du Xie came often, and everyone here could almost be named by him, but this was only the second time Chu Yuanxi came, and found that there were already a lot more people than last time, and there were already more than 20 employees in management. This space can accommodate at least 150 people, and a large number of workstations are still vacant. Because there are now few well-off stores, more than a dozen customer services are definitely enough, and it is completely overloaded. According to the normal workload, one customer service is actually enough.

This is to prepare for large-scale expansion after Milestone 4 of the well-off society.

Milestone 4 must be cautious. The original schedule was August, but the current situation has changed a bit. The main reason is that the introduction of robots into this variable is not in the original world, and the propaganda mouth of the Ba people is also lacking in the original world. Now they have all of them. After the combination, a chemical reaction occurs.

Especially since Xiaokang has developed the it function in advance, Zhou Mingjun, who is ai in voice ai and visual recognition, has done a good job himself. Combining with the robot provided by Qifu Technology to form a small closed AI loop, the user experience is generally good.

So the self-media propaganda machine was opened. Under the circumstances that Chu Yuanxi did not expect, Xiaokang stores tended to develop into online celebrity stores. In recent days, someone has come to check in, co-photographing with robots and ordering fancy food. There are everything to test the intelligence of the robot. The more confusing thing is that it is cancelled after the order is finished, and the robot is allowed to pour the oden back, which is very effective as a tester.

Lu Yu was planning to make a gourmet shop account, so he just started to use the well-to-do for a good deal.

So whether or not to speed up the shop opening to cater to this trend is still under discussion within Xiaokang, and Chu Yuanxi has not made a decision.

Internet celebrity shops have the advantages of online celebrity shops, but there are also disadvantages.

Xiaokang is not particularly suitable for becoming an online celebrity store, because the biggest feature of an online celebrity store is its high price, and Xiaokang cannot enjoy the biggest bonus and cannot adjust the price at will, but the drawbacks are fatal and will reduce the experience of ordinary users. So the advantage is just a small increase in traffic and users, and a higher spread is useless, because no matter how fast the store opens, it will not go anywhere, but the disadvantages will be full.

But even so, the acquisition of land in other areas of the imperial capital has been going on for some time. Some stores have been renovated, and some are finished, and they are drying the room.

This is a huge expenditure. Fortunately, it is counted. It is still within the scope of the initial 100 million capital response, and there is no need to spend the pre_a round of money.

In contrast, the cost of recruiting customer service in one go is very low. It is considered to be a practical training in advance, and the business must also be familiar, because there is also a problem of cooperation with ai customer service.

The use of ai customer service is a kind of damage to the user experience, so the smooth way is definitely to first ai, and ai can’t solve the problem of labor. This reduces the workload for manual customer service, but the quality of work is higher. Need more experience.

Therefore, in the first stage, the well-off is artificially larger than ai, and then as the number of stores increases, the customer service opens branches manually, and each branch increases the workload of ai until a balance is reached.

Therefore, the size of these two dozen people will be maintained for a long time. Currently, they are divided into three groups, each with a manager, directly led by Tian Baorui, the head of the customer service department.

Because of the notification in advance, Du Xie quickly gathered people up and pulled them to the gym to stand up for a meeting.

The supporting facilities of the customer service department only have a small gym and there are not many equipments. Therefore, the role of fitness is not obvious. It is true that it is often used for meetings. After Chu Yuanxi entered, standing quietly behind Du Tie, she saw a picture of chicken soup hanging on the wall on the other side of the gym:

Zhuge Liang never asked Liu Bei why our site is so small.

Guan Yu never asked Liu Bei why we have so few soldiers.

Zhang Fei never asked Liu Beibing what we would do when he was near the city.

Zhao Yun never asked Liu Bei if he needed to rush into the enemy line to save people.

If everything is ready, what do you need to do? What is your value!

When Chu Yuanxi came last time, she hadn't seen this chicken soup, so she suddenly felt awful and didn't know how to throw up!

Seeing that everyone was almost there, Du Shuang brewed for a long time and began to spit: "Everyone, I haven't been here this week. I didn't show up once on Monday. Do you know what I did?"

Looking at the stunned expressions below, Du's tone increased: "I pretended to be a user to experience our customer service. About four or five of you have received a call from me. Everyone understands what you mean? We are If there is no 400 phone system, ai can't solve it. Connect to online customer service for text communication. If the online customer service text communication fails, the phone option will appear. The user experience is already extremely poor at this step.

My user experience is particularly bad, and I am angry. I really don’t know what a repeater is without experiencing it myself. I need to be clear to all the big brothers and sisters, why does the company need customer service? It is the need to provide services to customers, solve user problems, and improve user experience, rather than solving the existence of the customer service department itself. Industry and commerce do not check this indicator. The company did not set up this department to create jobs, understand? Do you understand? "

Because there was no answer from below, Du Xie looked at Tian Baorui, causing the uncle, who was about the same age as Du Xie in his forties, to shudder and immediately twitched. Suddenly, a sparse "understanding" jumped out, which made Du Xie even more dissatisfied: "Did you not have lunch?"


At this moment, a person hurried over outside the glass door of the gym. He had short hair. After pushing the door in, Du Tie realized that she was a woman. She was not more than thirty years old. He first shrank his neck when he came in, then looked up and saw the whole thing. The members were all serious, and the person speaking in the main seat was someone who had never seen him before, and his expressions were all upset, looking at her.

"Sorry for being late for being unfamiliar." The girl bowed to everyone first, and then went to the list.

Du Xie is not welcome, and directly asked Tian Baorui: "This is?"

"Ah, the newly recruited customer service manager only joined yesterday." Tian Baorui was sweating in his heart and glared at the girl fiercely. He said that this repeater is not a special case, is it aimed at me? What is going on here? Why did even the president of the company come? Even if you open me, just a word from Du's shirt? Only the strategic layoffs of the customer service department require the president to make a decision...

As a result, when he retracted his gaze, he found that Chu Yuanxi's eyes looked a little strange when he looked at him, I wonder what he saw? Following the extension of the gaze, it seems to be a slogan on the wall?

He quickly took his mind back, because Du's shirt hadn't finished spraying yet. Others can be distracted, he is almost always named, but he dare not distract at this time. Let alone how bad the employment environment this year is. No matter what the well-off life is, he is at the division level when he joins the job. The salary and position are quite suitable. Du Xie is not a difficult person to deal with. It would be a big loss if he was opened. Up.

Just listen to Du Xie said: "In fact, I understand why you are a repeater, especially Minister Tian. I also understand the habits and ideas you brought from Big Penguin. There is no mistake, and the user will not grab the handle and bring it to the company. It can also be called a defensive service. But you have the wrong framework for benchmarking! You should benchmark the customer service of Xinyue members, and that kind of service quality can improve the user experience, not to... forget it. Give an example.

The company now does not need to defend users. It needs you to improve the user experience instead of protecting the existence of the guest service department. If they are all repeaters and the user experience is poor, then even if your work is blameless, your existence will be nothing. Meaningless. If you want to make no mistakes, just use ai instead of customer service. There will be no mistakes. Many well-known companies in the market do just that, and of course well-off.

Next, I will talk about the specific issues in the user experience collected this week, first of all, the issue of copying and pasting activity rules for users. For example, the use of coupons is superimposed. As a customer, I ask for confirmation and ask the customer service to tell me yes or no. Tell me if I understand it. It’s not that I can’t see how to write the rules of the event. You don’t need to copy and paste a paragraph. I read……"

Because Du T-shirts often come, almost everyone is surprised, because in the past Du T-shirts were generally pleasant. Moreover, there are not many words, even if he speaks, he is very approachable, and I have never seen such a storm of criticism. So everyone was thinking, is it because the president came that Lao Du suddenly criticized it?

As for the content of Du's criticism, it is not important because of the problems caused by the strategy. In fact, anyone can do the job of customer service, as long as the company knows the preference of the customer service department, the customer service will just follow the baton.

Du shirt sprayed for fifteen minutes before it came to an end, then looked back at Chu Yuanxi.

Chu Yuanxi saw that it was time for him, so he took the microphone: "I am Chu Yuanxi. Just now, Lao Du has basically explained the business problems and points clearly, representing the company's requirements for the customer service department. There may be something to say Impatient, because I have also participated in this small activity to find bugs for customer service these days.

My experience is dull and can't solve user problems, and it is simply annoying at certain moments. This can also be seen from the satisfaction scores reported by real users. I have no lower scores and I am not in the mood to visit Lao Du Weifu for private visits, so I fully understand his impatience.

I don't want to repeat what Lao Du said. First of all, in business, I don't like to talk about chicken soup, the key is that the chicken soup is good. "

As he said, he pointed to the opposite wall: "For example, this chicken soup seriously offended me! Press this, isn't Liu Bei the well-off me? Co-author Liu Bei doesn't do anything? If you don't want soldiers, you don't want to get a site and you are not paid. People are surrounded and need to be rescued. What is the value of Liu Bei like this? Isn't this the person with the lowest cost-effectiveness? This has to be replaced by another company and will be eliminated.

And the key point is that this is the Kingdom of Shu. In the end, the Kingdom of Shu died. The first emperor had not started his own business and collapsed in the middle. This is really auspicious!"

Tian Baorui said, **** it! Did I die on this chicken soup?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "The chicken soup is of course meaningful, but it also depends on how it is used. If it is only used to release the greater workload of the employees, I don't think it is necessary. If I can throw you some questions, then I will pay. Yes. For example, in any company, employees must put the company’s interests first in their work. This is the company’s basic requirements for employees. But it is not human nature. For example, being a repeater reduces the user experience and makes mistakes for improper repeat opportunities. I may lose my job if I make a mistake, what should I do? How to choose?

I hope you will think more about these kinds of questions and find the most suitable answer for you.

Of course, the starting point of this chicken soup is okay, which inspires us to maintain an upward spirit. This is very important. You can't give up the hope of moving forward in any work. Besides, customer service is not a job with no future and meaning. I won’t talk about the meaning to the company. Everyone knows. Get user feedback, become a link between the company and users, improve user satisfaction, and so on. Let me talk about you personally.

As we all know, what jobs are good for growth? It is not how high your current job is or how busy your business is, but rather a job in a high-growth company, a job in a company that is in line with social development trends.

High positions and high business requirements require you to have higher skills. High-growth companies can point out these skills for you, even if your job looks low. It just so happens that Xiaokang is such a company.

Some time ago, Uber in the U.S. went on the market. Austin, who was responsible for ringing the bell, didn’t know Mao when he first joined U.S. U.S. graduates. Do you dare to believe that U.S. graduates will not send emails? What she did when she entered Uber was customer service and ground push, answering the phone and calling out flyers. But Uber's growth is high, and shared travel services are in line with social development trends, so she constantly gets new opportunities and is now a vice president.

The same is true for everyone. Customer service needs to understand the company’s products, and smart customer service can follow the customer’s questions to understand the functions of the company’s various departments and locate the source of the problem, instead of just looking at the customer service itself. The product itself or the description text has been complained by users. What is the problem? Can customer service locate and find it before communicating with the product?

This will not only improve your work efficiency, but it is not difficult to change positions within the company after a year or a half, because you have already understood everything you need to know and know what you can do.

In this respect, the position that is more advantageous than customer service is the front desk ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Ali's front desk has a partner. These are elites who know what direction they should work towards, even if the starting point is low, but the company has strong growth. , Can provide many opportunities to grasp.

So far, the only thing worth boasting about being well-off is that it does not require employees to only do one job in their lives and die in their own posts. For this reason, I have spoken many times in the company, hoping that employees can make full use of their precious time to improve themselves as much as possible. For this reason, the company will take the initiative to reduce workload and leave more private time for employees. Customer service is also a company employee, except for the office location.

So whether the customer service is dull or making mistakes, I can tolerate it, but I don’t take the initiative to understand the company, I am not interested in understanding the product, and I have never thought of putting my energy into understanding the root cause of the company’s structure and user response. This is called attitude is not good, I can’t endure.

Xiaokang does not emphasize any ‘wolf’ corporate culture, but you have to be positive. If you want to deal with life, you'd better find a separate job, especially if you are late for the conference. The company uses the okr system. The characteristic of okr is that it only looks at the results regardless of the process, and the process is controlled by the employees themselves. "

Soon Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, and then walked away, while Du Xie stayed to communicate with Tian Baorui.

He went out quickly, but he didn't go in a hurry, only slightly avoided the door. Immediately afterwards, the short-haired girl who was criticized by him without name rushed out, and saw Chu Yuanxi at a glance, and rushed over at a speed of 100 meters.

Chu Yuanxi said that fortunately, Liu Lu didn't come. Why? Because this person is Chen Yu, he is at the same table in middle school.

After careful makeup, Chen Yu, the wicked girl's face, is less aggressive, but at this time her expression is quite complicated.

Chu Yuanxi pointed to the parking lot, and the two did not speak tacitly, and disappeared from the door of Xiaokang customer service one after another.

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