Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 810: Central Taiwanese architecture

The so-called smart is not called smart by using a mobile phone APP to read information, but contains a whole set of logic, and technically supports many new game methods. Needless to say, voice control, remote control, etc., there are also some location-based smart controls, which are more difficult to deal with than mentally retarded at first, and they make the poppy tricky.

But getting used to it will be good soon. At present, Poppies don’t need keys and mobile phones at all to enter and exit the villa. The easiest way is to stand at the door and ring the doorbell. Then Chu Yuanxi will remotely pop up a prompt on her mobile phone and look at it through the camera. , Open the door directly remotely.

Thinking of facing Yanan soon, Feng Lin took a deep breath, took a peek at Chu Yuanxi, and found that Chu Yuanxi's face was quite festive!

This scum! She stomped her feet bitterly, saying that even if you made it clear that you want to open the harem, shouldn't you say something?

I saw Chu Yuanxi enter the door first, take off his shoes in front of the entrance cabinet, and then took out a pair of girlish-style slippers and put them in front of Feng Lin.

"Yu Yanan's?"

"Yes, her feet are a little bit bigger than you." Chu Yuanxi said, finally approaching, and whispered, "Well, Yu Yanan..."

"Why? Afraid of me being jealous?" Feng Lin had already waited for this sentence, and interrupted unceremoniously with a sneer, "You can't drive her away, I know."

"Aren't you entangled?" Chu Yuanxi rubbed her hands excitedly, wanting to hug Feng Lin and take a bite.

Just listened to Feng Lin hummed a few times: "Now I am not entangled, my prospective girlfriend is just my entanglement? When I fall in love with you someday, I should make you entangled."

At this moment, amidst the sound of footsteps, Poppies walked out in a cool manner and smiled teasingly at Feng Lin.

(2578 words are omitted here)

As long as people don't struggle, many psychological difficulties can be overcome. Feng Lin and Poppies don't bother with the East Palace and the West Palace, and they almost made Chu Yuanxi a king from now on.

It may be because of laziness not to go to court early, or it may not be that the emperor does not want to go to court, it is really unable to get up. Is it beautiful to enjoy the emperor's beauty? They can’t afford to enjoy themselves without strong physical strength. Young people are prosperous because they have not gone through the brutal beatings of life. Working in a startup company doesn’t look like you’re busy talking all day, but it’s essentially the same as a fat house. It is getting collapsed.

Chu Yuanxi is still good, there are so many equipments at home, and occasionally exercise, but after getting busy, there is really no time. For example, the time when online content will start to develop.

On Monday, June 10th, the APP development group, VR group and the map group under establishment of the well-off six IT development teams ushered in a historic day. Chu Yuanxi has been hiding and dying to everyone. The development of online content is about to begin.

In fact, the game of grabbing a parking space is also one of the online content, but it does not need to be kept secret, because when the site is selected for the land, there are already relevant parking requirements, so that all the well-off stores are vacant.

At the same time, Chu Yuanxi also fully learned the lessons from the original world and asked all stores to take up the empty space early and wait for the parking piles to be installed. Almost all of Xiaokang’s current stores are located in the bottom of the community, and have not entered the business district, which invisibly caused a shortage of parking spaces in various communities. Although there are only about three parking spaces, there is a lot of discussion. It is impossible for Xiaokang to notice it, and the reason can not be hidden.

However, car parking is only a small module with very simple functions. The main link that may cause problems is not the car parking itself, but the transaction link.

Online content is the meridian of the well-off ecology, while the currency circulation is the true energy flowing in the meridian. If you want to become a martial arts expert, you first need to practice your internal skills, and then use big data and AI to control the martial arts profundity, gather your true spirit, and fight it out is a "mobile payment punch", and taking it back is another trick "community socialization" Palm".

But it’s not easy to "train your internal strength", because the true energy is not developed by yourself, it needs to be absorbed from the outside world. The first source is bicycles, the second source is called shopping rebates, and the third source is actually mostly from the outside. Related to bicycles is online content. Practicing internal skills requires perfect coordination of various qi and then blending them into one furnace, which requires considerable development capabilities.

Only car parking has nothing to do with bicycles, so it is regarded as a small online content module with simple functions. Therefore, as a sign of Milestone 4, car grabbing will be launched in August, which is two months later.

The new feature that was launched in the same period is the short video live broadcast in the APP, which is currently under development and the work is classified into the APP development group.

Thanks to the prosperity and maturity of these two fields, the relevant siege lions on the market are relatively easy to recruit, and it is not difficult to perform basic functions. And the key is that the Xiaokang APP really only needs functionality, not the benchmark Dou Shark and Douyin, so UGC content is not needed, and there is no need for algorithmic siege lions to be stationed, and all official content will be played in the future.

Although these two can be regarded as online content, they are not the online content that Chu Yuanxi emphasized. They are almost the same as online functions. The online content that Chu Yuanxi has high hopes needs to go through a development process of more than half a year in history. The actual launch belongs to milestone 6 rather than 4, but development must be started at this stage, otherwise time is too late.

Of course, Milestone 4 is not only a functional update, but more importantly, the promotion of stores. The Emperor will launch bicycles in the whole city, and the other five first-tier cities must open flagship stores first. This was a planned plan long ago, but when the Xiangjiang River got up and down, it was nowhere to be seen, and it happened to alleviate part of the financial pressure.

Of course, the employees of the APP group still don't know what online content is, and Chu Yuanxi has not instilled this concept. Today they were called for a meeting, and Chu Yuanxi passed the heads of the various project teams to personally confess the tasks.

"The next stage we are going to develop is a game based on LBS and virtual reality. Comrades, please note that it is a game, but it requires three teams to work together. It is not a simple project, so the development of this project is I personally act as the person in charge to coordinate everyone's work.

The basic planning document you have on hand. Let’s first look at the detailed time nodes and complete functions, which will be launched roughly in the spring of next year, which means that it will take less than ten months to complete the game. The leaders of each group pay attention to measuring the workload. I personally think that there is plenty of time. "

Chu Yuanxi stood on the podium in the conference room and flicked the laser pointer against the PPT on the wall, reminding each team of what they are responsible for, and the degree of sticking and communication with other project teams. Then stop and give everyone time to think about the document.

In fact, he can also take another approach, which is to transfer existing project team employees to fill key positions, and then recruit and expand externally to form a new project team, which is the seventh team of the IT department, dedicated to online Content development. That's what the map team does.

However, doing so will lead to the big pit that Meituan has stepped on.

Why did Meituan not develop as smoothly as expected?

In 2018, it was also a loss. The loss of ByteDance was shocking, and the loss of Meituan was also shocking. But ByteDance was shocked because he was afraid that his financial operations would be too sloppy. He obviously made a lot of money but he was losing money, so he was hung up by the relevant department with a whip. Meituan suffered a blood loss with an operating loss of 8.5 billion. In addition, there was a fair value change loss of more than 100 billion, which is the book loss caused by the appreciation of options, with a total loss of more than 110 billion.

Even if the non-operating gains and losses are not considered, the loss of 8.5 billion is quite a lot. After all, Wang Tianshen lost only 7 billion in the loss of A shares in 2018. This is the benefit of not being listed. No one will be held accountable for any loss. Among them, R&D expenses are very eye-catching. On the contrary, it is the world-famous money-burning project. Because of the refined operation management, Meituan is more efficient and purposeful.

If you study the specific organizational structure of Meituan, you will find that Meituan’s personnel are in the form of gluttony, rich and willful, and sufficient cash reserves. Therefore, when a new project is established, Shangfan will expand it once, and large projects will be expanded and small projects will be expanded. So the R&D team gets bigger and bigger, and the wheels build more.

Although increasing investment in research and development is encouraged by the state and is also a matter of benefit to society, creating more jobs, but everything must be scientific and advanced. Although the style of Meituan’s expansion project is fierce, although it can carry out a large number of talents, it can burst out a huge work energy at a critical moment, but in normal times, it is difficult to form a joint force internally, because each department has its own The KPI is not conducive to helping each other when there are many project teams, and it is not conducive to mobilizing the energy that should be mobilized in the body.

It is important to know that energy release in the body is often more efficient than absorption from outside the body. To use old employees for new projects, you can understand what the company wants to do on its own without much training and explanations, and to what extent, and the newly recruited talents still need to run in. Maybe the three old employees in the body can do things from a new perspective. The project needs to recruit ten people, and the salary is still huge.

The reason why Chu Yuanxi adopted the current arrangement is to promote the middle-Taiwan system within the well-off society, so as to release greater work energy without overflowing manpower.

The so-called middle-Taiwan system is the same IT development work, but it is artificially divided into three parts of "front, middle and back". This front, middle and back is not about the client and server of the program, but how far away from the user.

The front desk is the product to directly face the users, the middle desk is the service to support all the front desks, and the backstage is the lowest level work such as warehousing and logistics systems.

After this distinction, there will be significant differences in working styles in the three different areas. The front desk is the most sensitive and can match user needs or adjust at any time. The middle station serves the front desk, regardless of how the user is, and only responds to the needs of the front desk. As for the background, as long as it is stable, even if it is occasionally unstable, it will not cause a bad impact if the entire IT system is shut down without making a mess.

In this way, a firewall is established invisibly, and even if there is a systemic risk, only one-third of the area is affected.

In the current Xiaokang business structure, there are actually many groups with strong front, middle and backstage attributes. For example, the newly established map group is a standard middle station, serving cycling and online content. A more obvious example is that the art platform in a game company is also a standard middle station, supporting various development groups.

But the newly founded company can't do this, and can only develop according to the organizational structure of the project team, because the business volume is not enough. Without sufficient business, each group is extremely awkward after forcibly divided into front, middle and back offices. Only when the company has formed a certain scale and the business volume has kept up, can the structure be reorganized.

For example, an ordinary game company must have one project team at the beginning, and at most two. All artists are project team members, and bonuses and KPIs are in the project team. At most, they support each other for one or two emergencies. Only after the company has five or six project teams, can the artists gather together to build an art platform. Pakistani games should have been this route, but the group reorganization disrupted this process.

However, the current well-off society is somewhat special. Although there is no time to change the structure, the structure is richer than the business. If the well-off business wants to usher in an explosion, it will have to wait until Milestone 4 at the earliest. Now it is holding a lot of cash, and it is impossible to spread the function without development, so the internal structure of the shelf is set up first.

It is the most natural for a company to follow the trend and get through the business process, because all R&D and business activities are idle if there is no business.

It is this unique feature that has formed the special business status of Xiaokang, which can set up some mid-Taiwanese shelves in advance, but does not carry out a thorough structural reorganization. The online content business is used to glue the various middle-office attribute project groups and members.

If all of Chu Yuanxi’s plan goes well, the well-off Zhongtai will be super fast, unique among all enterprises above the designated size in the Tian Dynasty, and may be included in the textbook many years later, become a benchmark, become a history, and be labeled as "entrepreneurs" The devil operates the Nth case" and so on, because it is not easy.

For example, Pinduoduo has developed rapidly, and its valuation has skyrocketed faster than rockets, but it has grown from small to large. There is no structural reorganization, and there is no concept of middle office. Its organizational structure is so simple that business execution and management are directly handed over to the management, and everyone's title is the person in charge of the project.

This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi has always believed that Pinduoduo’s valuation is relatively imaginary. Even though it is at the same level as Goudong’s GMV, the organization’s endogenity and business structure are too far apart, just because of the extremely high growth rate. The sinking market and the consumption upgrade demand of urban and rural users have given excessively high valuations.

As for Meituan, compared to Pinduoduo Meituan, it is definitely a target that should be pulled out and beaten. Pinduoduo has a short period of time, and it is reasonable that it has not undergone structural reorganization. It is normal to give priority to the needs of business development. Meituan has been established for almost ten years. If the structure is not changed, it is estimated that it will be included in the "Entrepreneur Devil Operation Nth Case" .

Therefore, Meituan has frequently carried out "organizational upgrades" in the past six months, but after half a year of promotion, I saw that it was the platform, business group, user side, or project system that was refactoring, which made Chu Yuanxi moved to tears.

Of course, the above are all of Chu Yuanxi’s psychological activities. There are key employees and the middle level of the project team sitting in the audience. After hearing the words "LBS" and "virtual reality", they all felt "thump". Suddenly, Someone asked, "Mr. Chu, what kind of game is it? Why can LBS be mixed with'virtual reality'? Isn't it all AR?"

Someone also asked: "Mr. Chu, is this a direct project?"

Chu Yuanxi noticed this concern. Although some people did not speak, they were worried. The concern is very good, and the worry is very good. It shows that the employees love the company and don’t want the company to go wrong. Chu Yuanxi smiled in her heart, saying that you still have no confidence in me. If you change to a Pakistani employee, that’s not the case. Up.

But their questions are still very professional.

VR virtual reality, AR augmented reality, the two brothers are very close, but the difference is huge in terms of technology and application scenarios. The so-called LBS game is a game based on location, that is, a game that imports the user's reality map.

There are many companies that have tried LBS games, such as those that try to socialize games through LBS, and try to add gameplay to LBS, but in the end they are basically LBS+AR. Among them, the popular ones include the island country "Pokemon", and the "Let's Catch Monsters" near the big penguin. They have all achieved detonating blending gameplay, sociality and sense of reality, The performance is excellent, and the income level is also excellent.

And VR, let alone fusion with LBS, there are not many games that can fully understand VR.

"First answer the question about the establishment of the project." Chu Yuanxi glanced down and said: "Who has any questions related to the establishment of the project, please raise your hand."

The hula la below almost all raised their hands.

Chu Yuanxi laughed: "It seems that you are not adapting to the OKR system enough. Go back and copy the company's OKR system three times. I want to see your spiders crawling. No one is allowed to be lazy, otherwise the bonus will be deducted."

The next group of programmers suddenly started to do sex. They were not afraid of the day, not even afraid of losing their hair, but they were very, very unaccustomed to writing things with pens, and they were sorrowful all of a sudden.

Regardless of how they look like people are not living, Chu Yuanxi went on to say: "This project is very important. It can be said to be the most important function of all the milestones in the well-off society, but there is no need to set up a project team, and there is no so-called project establishment. All of you belong to The original project team was nothing more than a task package for online content.

Comrades, we have been working together for a long time. You have been well integrated into the company, but you still have the brand of work in the KPI era. This is not good. What is the essence of our OKR system? It is possible to receive task packages across project groups.

Now your job is called OKR in name. Is it actually different from KPI? No, it's all a group of people from the internal team of a project to take on a certain task. At most, people from other groups need to support it when they encounter problems. This is not good, it is too food, and the food does not show the advantages of the system. . "


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