Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 827: What is the price?

"You are really rare to be honest, Yuan Lu." Chu Yuanxi laughed dryly. "With the economic situation of the last few years, the track that can maintain an annual growth rate of 20%, is it surprising to be supported? This is called a trend. Dividends, how do trend dividends come from? The trend is formed first and then there are dividends. Don’t be six."

In fact, it is the support that will come sooner or later, but only when it is truly realized can those who run the business put their hearts in their stomachs.

At this time, he noticed that Yuan Mu was holding a long form in his hand and took a closer look. It seemed that it was a purchase and repurchase form for a well-off user. I noticed it because Yuan Mu took a look at the form after a while and then gleefully.

Seeing Yuan Mu for a while "stunned if lost" and silly, Chu Yuanxi also wondered whether he should vomit or not. The fool has no trouble! Do you think Xiaokang has succeeded? Take a look at the number of users and members of Xiaokang. Can you still have fun at a loss?

So far, Xiaokang has invested tens of thousands of bicycles outside the North Fifth Ring Road, opened more than a dozen stores, has made a lot of efforts, and the network traffic has been slightly adjusted, and it has also engaged in short video exploration stores. Said that half of the methods have been used, and the traditional bullets have basically been shot out, but the registered users are only in the early 100,000.

Taking into account that this is a process of bringing things to life, the current well-off is still a little bit. The scale effect will have to wait until Milestone 4. This coverage area has only a few hundred thousand registered users, which is not too shameful. Compared with the initial stage of a well-off society in the original world, it seems that the methods in the original world are not as rich as they are now.

If the number of users is so-so, then only a thousand people have purchased memberships. Isn't that too bad? One percent? Chu Yuanxi was really speechless looking at this number, it is almost catching up with the payment rate of mobile game players! The data of this size in the original world at this time should be 20,000 if I remember correctly! What is 20 times difference? ghost?

The overall payment rate of Xiaokang is okay, but now this stage belongs to the large-scale subsidy stage. As long as one dares to register the app, they will get a coupon. Those who don’t purchase membership can also pay or use coupons. They are just members. Qualifications are more favorable in some scenarios. It is normal for users to have a strong urge to squeeze the wool after seeing the price, so this payment rate does not explain any problems, the repurchase rate is high, it depends on whether the coupon is high after the coupon is used up, sister.

Chu Yuanxi explained to Yuan Lu earlier that subsidizing users is the biggest poison of the Chinese Internet. The reason for the poison lies in the fact that after the subsidy is stopped, it is not known whether it is a feather or a successful landing.

Chu Yuanxi himself can’t tell how deep this poison is, because even though he did it once, the online content of Milestone 6 in the original world was directly detoxified. At that time, the subsidy to users had not stopped yet, so it was basically The toxicity cannot be seen.

For the same reason, he doesn't need to worry about the size of the toxicity now, because this time the detoxification is stronger than the last time.

But Yuan Mu didn't know so many twists and turns inside, what was she and that foolishness? She doesn’t know the difficulty and success rate of detoxification, and what operations are needed to contain the huge subsidized user base and lead them to find a new outlet for catharsis. She is silly looking at the payment rate of over 80%. Isn't it a sand sculpture?

Maybe because she did it for the first time, right?

As for why the number of members is so miserable, are the member benefits not large enough? Is the penetration ability of Xiaokang not good? No, Chu Yuanxi believes that with her ability to push information, seven or eight of these registered users have noticed member benefits.

What's the problem?

After thinking about it, the conclusion is that the time span is two years away, and the user's mind is two times behind. Now users are very learning from chicken thieves!

You should know that the past two years have been two years of running. It is not just p2p and blockchain running, but everything is running, and even the concept of "running to do" has appeared. It is better to run. It doesn’t matter what gym cafes are running around, even the earliest and best high-end buffet chain in China, the originator of the highest-end buffet chain, has gone!

So many later learned it, what Shujiao seafood, April puffer fish, excellent hot pot, the fifth season, etc., a lot of extremely serious homogenization has not yet run, you have big eyebrows and big eyes. letter? It's simply a posture that you dare to become a member and he dares to run away!

After the resumption, it was nothing more than the leopard suddenly vigorously promoting a round of their stored-value membership system, using more recharge and various benefits as a temptation to pit many people, and the long-term accumulated reputation and reputation were turned into stored value at one time. The balance in the card. Those who have learned it have not yet come to this point, they are indeed the originator of the oldest brand and are at the forefront of the industry!

Therefore, now that the consumer business is now a world away compared to two years ago, Chu Yuanxi actually noticed that the number of members was wrong. At this moment, she realized that she had to upgrade her knowledge, otherwise she would be old. If you apply the experience in the original world to the present, sooner or later big problems will arise.

In particular, member users can be said to be one of Xiaokang’s underlying assets. Like the repurchase rate, they are both very, very important data. If there are now 20,000 members, Chu Yuanxi will dare to call for valuation when doing a round of financing. To 5 billion! The first store will be opened on April 14, and the bike will be launched on May 17. By early July, it will reach a core user penetration rate of 20%, invincible!

However, it is not so invincible now.

Fortunately, investors are not necessarily smarter than Yuan Mu. Chu Yuanxi did it once and knew how miserable the data was. They didn't know that it didn't meet expectations. Maybe Yuan Mu's expectations are far below this number? Anyway, as long as this group of laymen can't see it, it doesn't matter whether it works or not, the important thing is that investors think it's okay!

So the next step is -

"Speaking of Yuan Lu, I want to know the valuation of the A round of financing. Now if I say that it should go up, will I be pulled out for a fight?"

" Investment also has to talk about supply and demand." Yuan Mu smiled, "Or I told them, I finished the fight for them?"

"Can you take a short video or something, the start-up company boss sits on the ground and starts the price and is beaten up by investors?" Chu Yuanxi laughed, "Speaking of which we are fundamentally restructured? It is equivalent to a reorganization in the A-share market. It’s enough for a while, and there are no three daily limits at the opening?"

"Yes, yes, it's necessary to expand the scale of financing along the way!" Yuan Mu completely took the role of well-off CFO, and at this moment he didn't feel sorry for Zheng De's money at all.

But what she said is not completely unreasonable. At this time, of course, we should increase financing, and then take advantage of the dividend to quickly seize favorable terrain.

During this period of time, the rivers and lakes were calm, and it was nothing more than an event of Hongyan getting water at a certain ai developer conference. Chu Yuanxi looked at him, hey, he was wrong with pouring water! How could he waste water resources?

Then there was a thunderstorm in several listed companies, and several big men went to jail. The results of the thunderstorms were roughly the same but the postures of the thunderstorms were different. There are financial fraud, insider trading, false invoicing, and sexual assault on underage girls. It is like a kaleidoscope to perform various thundering skills.

Even the financial fraud caused philosophical thinking because they were also involved in Dagudong. The scammer used a large supply chain transaction order with Big Dog East as collateral for accounts receivable and loaned a huge amount of 3.4 billion yuan to investment institutions. Dog Dong immediately expressed extreme shock after hearing the news and reported the case— —I am not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense!

This pits the small traders in the stock market. It is very painful to step on thunder and trample, and it is a disaster. Even professional institutions with rich experience are fooled, let alone retail investors?

It's even more painful for Mordu to be a loan institution. But it's hard to say, because they do have the richest experience in how to deal with this kind of pain in the celestial sphere. They have stepped on the thunder of Huiru, the thunder of returning home next week, and the thunder of Jingtai, and this time, they have gathered the four famous thunders with their own efforts.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi felt quite normal about this matter. It is called philosophical thinking because it contains objective laws, that is, every time the economy moves toward the end of a cycle, one must face the serious problem of "collateral exhaustion".

The foundation of modern economic activities is actually the credit economy, which is the "money multiplier" brought about by credit. The most important thing in this system is collateral loans. Once there is a problem with the collateral, it will bring systemic risks. When does the collateral go wrong? When asset prices no longer rise. In other words, there are still many dark thunders on the market.

This will be a risk that a well-off society must avoid for some time in the future, the risk at the end of credit. It is also a challenge that the original world has not experienced two years ago, challenging the severe economic cold.

Why do people always say that the economy is cold? It is precisely because the problems of the credit system are exposed that everyone has to reassess financial risks. The credit environment is not good, not because there is no money, but because he is afraid to pay. The problem that can be solved by a phone call must be signed first, and the kind of unlimited joint and several liability, who can stand it? Operating in this large environment is more than five times more difficult than before.

In this sense, the arrival of various policy dividends is also logical and inherently logical. If the country’s macro economy is like this, can it work without policy control? Therefore, the most profound economic crises often give birth to great new lives. Those who can survive the end crisis will naturally rise at the speed of light when the sun is shining and the spring breeze will blow, and then tear the giant iron curtain. Even the deep economic cold can't hold back. The so-called giant iron curtain is a hairy ball?

While Chu Yuanxi was analyzing the economic situation, the Pakistani ushered in an unexpected guest, and Guan Xin from Youtu suddenly came to the door.

Of course, it's not right to say that you came here, because Guan Xin was actually looking for Yang Jiangang, and it seemed more mellow that he only came to find him through Chu Yuanxi.

It's just that this intention shocked Chu Yuanxi: "You want to buy animation? Are you serious?"

"Seriously, didn't I ask you for the first episode? I watched it and it was okay. But instead of buying it, I clicked to split." Guan Xin followed Chu Yuanxi on the elevator, and there were a lot of office buildings behind him. A stranger, but he is not afraid of being heard at all, and he is very calm.

"Click to divide, I'm afraid Yang Jiangang is not happy." Chu Yuanxi chuckled and said Yang Jiangang, but in fact he was thinking about himself.

This animation washes the ip traffic. After the peak visual effects opens in October, the traffic should be washed on this animation platform. Although the IP is far worse than that, there are millions of fans on the entire network, and a fairly successful tcg mobile game has been launched, which has a certain degree of popularity.

Although it is covered by the light, it is okay to help a platform with a hot start. On the one hand, it brings users who watch the drama, on the other hand, it can also arouse the interest of independent creators, and use it as an example to disassemble the detailed production process and guide creators on the road of independent production of animation.

If Youtu is to buy by auction, then Chu Yuanxi directly approves of welcome, and just changes the original plan.

In this way, the traffic goes to Youtu, which goes against the original intention of making this animation, but it can still be made into a case, but it is a closed-loop demonstration case, so that individual creators know that the animation they make can be commercialized and can Feelings are sold for money.

To know that it is not difficult to make a ugc platform, hot start is not difficult, what is difficult is to seduce high-quality creators. Many platformers use money-spending ideas to subsidize creators, especially school students, to pan for gold. For example, holding competitions and setting high bonuses. In fact, very few can get bonuses. The platform saves money, but there will always be people who try to get bonuses and stay on the platform.

Yang Jiangang actually had this idea. The college student group is really a huge treasure house. There are many ways to pan for gold in it. He is not the first and will not be the last.

But if it can directly form a commercial closed loop, it is still worth considering, abandoning part of the traffic, but the attraction to creators is greatly increased, and the traffic problem happens to be the peak visual effect that is not particularly afraid.

But it cannot be in the form of click-sharing. Clicking to share means that the traffic is given to Youtu, and there is no good demonstration. Ultimately, the platform of Pinnacle Visual Effects is to be made into a platform that integrates creation and viewing. Users are both viewers and creators. Just like the current live broadcast platform, users can watch or broadcast by themselves after registration. If the finished products are exported to other webcasting platforms, what will the audience see?

But Guan Xin had a confident mind and said meaningfully: "Can I talk to Mr. Yang about strategic cooperation? Our Youtu is actually lacking in animation. It's not as good as Penguin or iQiyi. To a certain extent, I feel and Peak visual effects can complement each other. Besides, the revenue of our excellent land click share is not low."

Chu Yuanxi laughed. Considering that he and Guan Xin had a good relationship because of the drama, there were some things that shouldn't be said.

Soon the two entered the peak visual effects, and Yang Jiangang had to interrupt the meeting and ran out to greet them. The three of them entered the small meeting room and sat down. After Chu Yuanxi had introduced to both parties, she spoke first: "I only listen, you two talk, I don't express any opinions, I am not anyone today."

"What's the situation?" Yang Jiangang was confused. On WeChat, Chu Yuanxi simply said that Youtu’s manager came to talk about ugc sharing. This sentence confuses him, because Youtu originally has ugc content, and the three major platforms have a lot of ugc content.

Theoretically speaking, as long as it is not purchased on the platform or purchased by investment, the uploader owns the copyright as ugc content, and they can participate in the click-and-click accounting of the platform through the process. It is nothing more than which standard contract is signed, but they can always get the contract terms. The corresponding share.

Among them, there are many famous works, big and small, they are all successful examples of ugc. Due to changes in rights such as exclusive broadcasting or non-exclusive broadcasting, many platforms have changed during the serialization process, and they have even changed from ugc to procurement.

Of course, ugc and ugc are not the same. Take animation as an example. The quality is good. Not all crooked melons can be thrown on the platform. The three major platforms are not trash cans.

In other words, Pinnacle Visual Effects wants to export the content produced on its own platform to Youtu in the future. It only needs to take out high-quality content and go through the normal channels. Only when buying out, you need to discuss the detailed rules. If you don't buy out, it is a standard contract. The need to talk.

What's more, ugc content creators are naturally at a disadvantage in the face of the platform With the status of the three major webcasting platforms, it should be Yang Jiangang who should be looking for them, not the other way around.

Therefore, his bewildered gaze flew back and forth between Chu Yuanxi and Guan Xin.

But Guan Xin frowned when he saw Chu Yuanxi's style, feeling that things were not simple.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "Lao Yang, I brought people here just because I know you both at the same time."

Along the way, he has figured out the possible situations before and after, mainly because Xin's status and post determine the number of possible situations, which is very simple.

Therefore, he said: "At Pinnacle VFX, I'm just an investor and cfo, and I don't interfere in specific business. Today, the general manager will talk to you about cooperation. I will not interfere with your business choices at all, and I will listen to you.

No matter how simple, Yang Jiangang knew that Chu Yuanxi was telling him to be cautious when speaking and making choices, and there was a heavy meaning inside and outside the words-this was a test for you.

Therefore, Guan Xin gave a brief explanation of his intentions, and first praised the low-cost animation level of Pinnacle Visual Effects for exceeding expectations. In short, it is not crooked at all, and qualified to be on a large platform. Then he said: "I think so, Mr. Yang. It is not a secret that you will lack original animations, and you will produce original animations in large quantities in the future. The level is actually far beyond the standard.

I believe you must also need to export, otherwise it will not form a logical closed loop. In this way, we can complement each other completely, it is better to deepen cooperation. For example, for your animation products, we will give you a fast track for approval, set a separate rating system for your products to speed up the contract, and even give you some places for exposure. You can decide which products are high What do you think of the normal exposure? Of course, the right to broadcast is definitely exclusive. "

Yang Jiangang asked solemnly: "Then, what's the price?"

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