Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 838: Aura 1 flash

After going around like this, the time was already near the end of the month. Seeing Elizabeth was coming back, Chu Yuanxi saw Netmabao's hype in the news.

Chu Yuanxi said that I didn't let you publicize it. What does it mean that you promoted that the Q2 total flow of "A World of Disorder" in East Asia lags behind "Grand Position Designation" and ranked third? Isn't this... giving me an assist?

This method of propaganda can be said to be extremely rude. If you say that "Troubled Times" ranks fourth in the island country and fifth in the universe country, surpassing the "Gunfight King", and unfortunately losing to "Heaven 2 Blood Alliance", it would be considered true Upright publicity.

FGO, sorry, it has been in the universe for almost half a year. In other words, "Troubled Times" used the flowing water of the two countries to fail to equal the $180 million of FGO's flowing water in an island country. What's so bragging about?

As for "Zhilong Lost City", which ranks third in the island country’s Q2 mobile game rankings, this is a living fossil level game. From 2012 to the present, no one played it outside the island country. As a result, "A World of Chaos" I haven't done it yet, and the flow of water from the universe is needed to achieve the overtaking. What's so bragging about?

But since Netmabao took the initiative to blow it, and it blows hard, let him go. After all, it has been a long time since there is a masterpiece that can be promoted so happily. It is not a bad idea to use it to enhance your own sluggish reputation and prove the strength of the agency.

After all, at this time, any publicity that is beneficial to Pakistani games is good publicity, and it is not oneself who is shameful anyway.

Therefore, when Netmabao apologized to Chu Yuanxi for the publicity method of cutting first and playing later, he generously expressed that he would continue to play.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi also understood. Why is Netmabao so anxious to promote it? Because they are both powerful game agents, Penguin is also targeting the agent markets of the two countries...

With the deep bond between the penguins and the major game units of the universe, the investment channel that penguins fully bloom in the universe, and the number of universe games that penguins have represented in the heavens, even the local landlord of the universe , Knight Mabao was also terrified when he heard the footsteps from the Antarctic.

In the island country, Netmabao is just a step ahead, establishing some local channels and relationships, and being more familiar with the style of play. When you ask a celebrity, you will know who to look for. In the final analysis, this advantage is nothing more than the advantage of a few "people". There is nothing solid at all. Penguins may make some mistakes after entering the market, but as long as they don’t make principled mistakes and are not rejected by the entire market, the penguins will fill the gap. This trench is only a matter of minutes.

But Knight Mabao is not afraid, maybe even the local market will be lost! At this time, it is a life-saving to be able to come up with an agent product that can be hit! Therefore, after the first three months of running-in, "Troubled Times" has shown a stable high income in the second quarter since it went online in mid-January. Of course, it needs to be promoted. Chu Yuanxi can't stop it even if it wants to stop!

It's a pity that even if the Netmabao blows like this, why is there no one to talk about it? Chu Yuanxixin said that the speed of news in the industry is comparable to the speed of light, and those who should know must have known it a long time ago, do they still not know that the old man intends to sell it?

So the problem is how to elegantly reveal the news that Pakistani games are available for sale. This matter must be discussed in a long-term, and you must not give people the impression that you want to actively sell. You must put Jiang Taigong in a fishing posture. .

Fortunately, the famous ChinaJoy will soon be there. There must be a chance at such a big meeting, right? If there is no chance for formal occasions, maybe bringing a few more boxes of Durex will have a chance to spread the news? And then deny it? emmmm...

"Oh! I really tried my best for this company!" Chu Yuanxi sighed while welcoming Elizabeth to return to her dynasty. She had been away for two months, and Chu Yuanxi still missed her a little bit without her.

At first glance, it was almost impossible to tell that Elizabeth was a white man. Her skin was tanned to a healthy wheat color. Her eyes were half tired and excited, and she still had a strong penetrating power.

This is still the result of having rested for more than a day. I don’t know how my elder sister plays when she goes out?

Unexpectedly, Elizabeth asked first: "Chu, have you ever seen "The Kind Angel"?"

"Hey, you speak Chinese quite slippery?" Chu Yuanxi said that if you could write this string of characters, it is estimated that many people in the celestial dynasty would not have noticed that the order was wrong. "What's this? We've been watching costume movies recently."

"What? You don't even watch such a movie? I tell you, Chu, you have to watch it."

"Wait a moment, let me take a look..." Chu Yuanxi turned on the phone and searched for something like cat's eye, glutinous rice, etc. very quickly, and then looked confused: "Two Oscar-winning directors, a total of more than ten Wan’s box office, which went online at the beginning of the month, has already been off the stage. Is this a blockbuster movie?" He still had the phrase "I have never heard of it" in his heart.

"How can you just focus on the box office?" Elizabeth simply changed back to English. "This is a documentary filmed by the great director Malcon Clark on the non-governmental exchanges between our two countries. He specializes in making documentaries."

Chu Yuanxi understood in seconds, documentaries are obviously different from feature films. Then he opened a certain flap and took a look, and saw that in the column of cast and crew, it was written: Kissinger, Obright (the most highly regarded Secretary of State in the history of the U.S.), Rudd (Prime Minister of Australia)...

I wiped it, it's all historical celebrities to myself, but to Elizabeth it's all grandparents and uncles, especially the secretary of state line, but now the relationship has become weird...

Suddenly he saw a complaint made by the director himself: We were criticized on a large scale just because we failed to capture the habitual prejudice of Americans towards China. This is a very interesting topic, Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but read it for a while, then looked up.

"I know why you are so touched." He smiled strangely.

Elizabeth obviously didn't know whether Chu Yuanxi was sick or vomiting, "How did you know if you haven't seen it?"

Chu Yuanxi took a deep breath and decided to hold back this mess because it hurts too much to expose the scar. For this film, the director finished filming in 2016. After the filming, Emperor Chuan rushed to the stage, so the concept and content in it instantly became inappropriate. It was very discordant and had to be started again...

As a result, the director has been busy for more than two years again. Like Elizabeth, they are all the people whose destiny was changed by Emperor Chuan!

Just listen to Elizabeth said with some pride: "Director Malcon Clarke is very accurate. The diligence and openness of the heavens have created a lot of opportunities. In this era, one must come to the heavens to seize the future, instead of staying in the United States. , Or go to countries such as Germany and France. I think so too, so I came here."

Chu Yuanxi nodded hurriedly, saying that your words are so bad that I won't throw up, right? "This movie is definitely not allowed on your side, the truth is too exciting."

"There is something more exciting." Elizabeth smiled mysteriously. "Do you know what Ooguanhai did after leaving office?"

"Writing a book, giving a lecture, taking a photo with an internet celebrity platform, and a micro business?"

Elizabeth's face went dark. "What! He opened a film and television media company, and with the investment from Netflix, he is also doing documentaries. The film released this time is called "U.S. Factory", which will be released next month, and I have a deeper impression when I compare it."

Netflix is ​​Netflix, the U.S. giant's online streaming video platform, with a market value of more than $120 billion. By comparison, iQiyi's valuation is just over $10 billion.

Of course, as Comrade Guanhai, getting some resources is easy. Chu Yuanxi took a close look at the news and found that the film was not shot under the leadership of Comrade Guanhai, but was led by the glass king at the beginning, and wanted to shoot a promotional video for his company. As a result, the director Guicai found a huge entry point, just hitting the G point of Comrade Guanhai, so he bought the copyright of the film and released it with his own resources.

For Comrade Guanhai, this should be the best solution for operating a film and television company. It may be more difficult to create content, but it is relatively easy to identify good content with a vision. Then use your own resources, use celebrity effect to create the focus of public opinion, and fully amplify the value of the content.

"The question is, can I see the movie released next month?"

"Ha, isn't there still me?" Elizabeth pointed to the computer, "In my e-mail."

"What's in your mailbox? The film source?" Chu Yuanxi was stunned as she said, knowing that you have a good relationship with the Democratic Party. I didn't expect it to be like this? Is Comrade Guanhai playing a ticket? Dare to release even the film source?

"Hehe, a super long clip is equivalent to a compilation of highlights." Elizabeth said, seeing Chu Yuanxi's expression become even more strange. "What's the matter? I went to the Sundance Film Festival at the beginning of the year, and many people have seen it."

"Fine, I will definitely watch it when I have time." Chu Yuanxi pressed her aching forehead and asked, "What do you gain from turning south?"

"The gain is more confidence. I recalculated the cost of Southeast Asia. If you want to achieve better results in the initial stage, it will take about 50 million US dollars to start. But I have never done the Internet, so I am not sure, I don’t know. Is there any key link that I have missed or made a mistake."

Elizabeth opened the notebook and called up a huge document, full of English, Chu Yuanxi glanced at it and found that her head hurts even more...

Don’t ask, this time is the best time for the WeChat scan translation function to be launched!

Why is Chu Yuanxi careless at this time? This is because the box office of "Nezha" went live immediately, rising at a constant rate of 200 million yuan a day. Chu Yuanxi had never seen such a uniform speed. Whether it was on weekends or Mondays, it was 200 million a day. It was a strange flower.

Therefore, the content prepared by the Pakistani people waited until Tuesday, that is, the 30th, and must start to push them on a large scale.

In fact, on the 27th, the second day after the movie went live, the imitation makeup videos made by Feng Lin and Yu Yanan had already begun to spill on Douyin. It's just that both of them are playing tickets. Yu Yanan imitates Nezha and Feng Lin imitates Naobing. Each of them only made a relatively high-quality work.

What Yu Yanan did was the imitation makeup of Nezha's pocket. Pick up a pair of skylights, a big smoky makeup and dark circles, and graft the source sound of the movie "I am a little monster" into the video to give full play to the characteristics of the vibrato video-just need to pose, it can be explosive The sounds are all ready-made.

The shooting of this section is not essentially different from the street shooting. What you want is the essence, Nezha's self-deprecating feeling on the edge of self-defeating and abandoning himself, and rooting grass can solve the prop problem.

In particular, the environment in Ziyu Villa is very suitable. The outside of the townhouse was shot directly. It happened to be covered with green grass in July. Feng Lin was sitting on the lawn to shoot, and Chu Yuanxi was the director, sitting next to Feng Lin. The result was five cuts. After going over, he found that it didn't feel right.

"Stop, I know what's wrong, no toad! I have to find a toad to kick it." He asked Feng Lin to put his phone down, and then he thought about it. There is no toad in the small river in the villa. One slice, what should I do?

"Hey, don't you really want me to kick a toad?" Yu Yanan saw Chu Yuanxi seem to be serious, and was taken aback. Immediately, she thought that it was very close to Qinghe River and only a few minutes away from Lishui Bridge. Kilometers, it is said that toads are plagued over there, there will be concerts in the rainy night...

"Live toads are not good, the height ratio is wrong, Nezha in the cartoon is not much taller than toads." Feng Lin put his mobile phone on the lawn, "I see, your company should order a toad robot from those companies that make robots. The special cartoon jacket is guaranteed to be popular. I don’t know if custom robots are cost-effective."

"Hey, this idea is right! It's a good deal, now a robot doesn't have much money, it's very, very cost-effective to change to a hot video." Chu Yuanxi slapped Feng Lin's thigh fiercely, "Why didn't you say it earlier? Ten days earlier? Maybe it’s okay. Now it’s definitely too late to customize. In fact, there is still a way to make a CG into the video, but it’s definitely too late."

"Me? I'm the one, and I don't have to kick the toad." Feng Lin said, opening the gallery and looking at his fake makeup.

But Chu Yuanxi had a flash of light in his mind, and found that customizing a robot built for entertainment seems to be a new idea for making online celebrity videos? Although it is difficult to cause a lot of follow-up because of the high cost, it is impossible to sell cute bunny hats, but it is not impossible to make a single hot style.

In this increasingly cyberpunk era, the charm of black technology may not be new to entrepreneurs, but it is still in a bonus period for ordinary people, because ordinary people usually do not contact, even if contact is the function of bank hospitals Robots are not entertaining.

And short video is a weapon to kill time, because it allows users to have an immersive experience of things they don’t usually touch and become the king of traffic. Therefore, on Douyin, videos that tease functional robots have a high spread. For example, there is a purely funny dubbing work that has been widely spread on Douyin and was reproduced by many people. The content of the scene is just shot around a bank robot, and the production is very simple.

This robot has a cute appearance with big eyes, just suitable for making. The dubbing is two people——

Female voice: What are you doing here?

Tong Sheng: Go to work.

The female voice laughed before saying: How much is your salary?

Tong Sheng: Salaries are used to pay for electricity.

If you customize a cute toad robot...well, you don’t have to eat the bonuses of "Nezha", it doesn’t have to be a toad, or you only need one. This matter can be organized by Lu Yu and meet with Uncle Mario, to see if any good content can be produced around the robot. The key is continuous output and continuous content, so that it can be customized for robot manufacturers. Demand, not only has the type and appearance, but also what actions can be completed.

This is actually the same as Yang Jiangang’s idea of ​​doing animation, except that Yang Jiangang is a 3D art model, using 3DMax to do actions, and the robot is really doing actions. In the animation, wanting to make the character do a backflip and turn 1080 degrees is just an artist's hands-on work. In reality, the mechanical requirements for robots to do this action are not generally high. When the demand is raised, it is necessary to discuss the achievability and cost-effectiveness. Relationship.

In less than a month, the Fifth International Robotics Conference will be held in Yizhuang. At that time, well-known robot companies from all over the world will come. Some of this will happen, and it must be done quickly! The robot dogs on Boston Dynamics are already able to fly to the sky, and you can definitely do more difficult movements. Talking about it with a list of needs is the kingly way.

Feng Lin didn't know how much hair Lu Yu would lose in the next month.

And Chu Yuanxixin said that if Feng Lin is an employee of the Pakistani people, it is estimated that he will get a bonus for this one insight, and the idea is very powerful!

He suddenly gave Feng Lin a passionate kiss with his hands and feet, and Feng Lin suddenly screamed: "My makeup is going to be spent—"

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "Your horn, I will play it once."

He stood up again with his hands and feet and then pulled Feng Lin up.

Feng Lin suddenly felt a little surprise, "Hey, aren't you unwilling to show your face? Why are you willing to appear again?"

"I am in a good mood."

So Yu Yanan had to switch to filming, watching Chu Yuanxi and Feng Lin spread dog food.

The imitation makeup of Biao Bing is more complex than Nezha, regardless of whether it is the youth version or the youth version, because the eyeliner and eyebrows of Biao Bing are more particular, there are some unnatural lines that need to be made natural. Moreover, headdresses and wigs need to be carefully made, unlike Nezha's imitation makeup, wild video players can do it themselves.

Playing the horns, this is what Chu Yuanxi thought of is more fun. When watching a movie, I have this feeling. I want to play the little horns. I am afraid that there are many movie viewers who have this bad taste, especially It's rotten girls.

Speaking of rotten girls, the Pakistani people are simply a straight-man company. The entire company has done so much content, and none of them have fought CP. Chu Yuanxi was the same, until he saw the large-scale fried lotus root cake CP on the Internet, he realized that he seemed to miss some hot spots.

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