Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 859: Milestone four opens

The next day is August 10th, Saturday, the day when Xiaokang opens stores in the city.

Milestone 4 is a more complicated milestone, divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers, and the outer layer is divided into three branches. The first straight line is the capital city from north to south along the main line of the subway. New stores will be opened at a rate of 4 to 5 stores a day in suitable places in the surrounding area. It will be pushed until February next year. It takes half a year. The plan is 800 stores. Less than one-fifth of the land has been shoveled by good sites.

But as long as the follow-up money is okay, Chu Yuanxi is not too worried about this. The only thing to worry about is whether Du's body will relapse.

The second branch line is to cast bicycles. Cycling is a labor-intensive job. Throwing a bicycle is not the end but the beginning. It also requires a lot of manpower to maintain.

Chu Yuanxi is more worried about this branch, because even if you recruit enough middle and low-level management and maintenance teams, there is no way to guarantee that things will not go wrong. Failure in this link can be replicated, but success cannot be replicated. The problem can only be solved immediately. .

The third line is the simplest, that is, during the imperial capital's advancement process, people will be allocated to other major cities to reproduce the milestone 3 of Xiaokang in the imperial capital. In other words, take an area and open a dozen stores in a small circle to cast bicycles in it.

In this regard, money and manpower are more important.

To sum up, the outer affairs require a lot of manpower and funds to promote. This is also the reason why so many people thought that Chu Yuanxi’s cross-border was incredible-you are a mobile Internet player, and you are good at blowing bubbles, but You don't have the gene to work in the field.

So when Chu Yuanxi laughed at Ali's game genes, she never laughed to death.

Relatively speaking, the inner layer is far more controversial than the outer layer.

The inner layer of Milestone 4 contains a large version of the APP update, which is called the big data version within the company. In fact, the previous version also collects user data, but because there are so many users, it is not "big". The new version requires several steps for the operation and processing of big data, which is a considerable test for the big data group.

Then the game of robbing parking spaces has to be officially opened. This gameplay is simple to say, but it is very prone to problems. It is also the first product of the economic internal cycle. It can be said to be a touchstone for testing the ability of the Xiaokang APP team. At the same time, there are also greater requirements for the adaptability of the store manager and clerk-those customers who need parking spaces must come to the store to ask clearly. The most important thing in the training of the well-off clerk is how to use the APP. Every clerk must Rough, at least able to explain to users.

Fortunately, in the early days, the stores had local promoters to help support the scene. Even if this function goes wrong, it will not immediately cause large-scale negative effects.

This is the less controversial part, and there is a more controversial one, that is, whether the milestone 4 ride should be on the chain. At present, the health coins generated by cycling are not on the chain. When they are on the chain, these non-chain coins are a problem that needs to be solved.

The technology used by Cao Xiang for Milestone 4 has already been realized, but the key is that 5G has not yet come, and the load on the user's mobile phone is too large, which may be counterproductive.

However, the health currency has not been chained, and certain problems will arise. At present, the number is still small, and it can be recovered directly through operational means without technical means. However, after Milestone 4, the number of users will inevitably increase. When there are more healthy coins that are not on the chain, it will be difficult to recycle those that are not on the chain through operational means in the future.

In order to make this matter, Chu Yuanxi and Cao Xiang repeatedly weighed, and finally decided that it would not be possible for the time being. In the future, both operations and technology will be adopted to solve them. Otherwise, it is likely that users hate Xiaokang APP, and once it is classified as a rogue software, it will be over.

Therefore, the opening of Milestone 4 is destined to be low-key, without flowers and applause, without Chu Yuanxi and other company executives attending to cut the ribbon, nor placing flower baskets. Only the ground pushers swept past by passersby, and invited people into the store one by one. Here, link wifi to download APP.

This kind of tireless advancement is the profound iron sword technique, which is stupid and dull, and smart people don't like it, but the heavy sword has no edge and is invincible.

If Fang Shiling mastered this method, one investor and one investor should laugh at the past, and he should laugh with a low voice, and get a better TS without infinite joint and several responsibility. Chu Yuanxi would not dare to yell 100%. Bai get back the project.

If the American genius hacker Hotz mastered this method and rolled it out block by block, he would have brought his unmanned equipment to a new world. The estimated value would be several billion.

But they are smart and capable.

At this time, the smart and capable Fang Shiling is also working overtime. As a relatively robust self-media matrix, "Late Night Gallery" is not easy on weekends. Her deadline is actually August 9th, because the 10th is the weekend, but the final draft is handed in on the 9th, and the results will be released after the 12th. So this weekend is very important. Xu Yanping must keep an eye on him. If necessary, he will take a trip to Taishan Terrace in person next Monday.

The strange thing is, why has Wei Ning been quiet for these two days? In a similar situation before, Wei Ning was very active, often speaking in different small groups.

She couldn't help but risked Weining: Old Wei, you only read the draft on Monday?

Wei Ning didn't return for a long time. Fang Shiling thought that Wei Ning hadn't looked at the phone. Suddenly, Wei Ning replied: Do you still need to read the manuscript? Against Xu Yanping's hard pass, isn't it the same as the last submission? Is it too much water?

Fang Shiling: No, really not. The content is really enriched this time. I swear by the life-long happiness of high civilization.

Wei Ning said that you are still in the mood to make such a joke? He replied: I hope so, anyway, the last time the concentration was no show, Xing Gong personally saw it.

Fang Shiling: Would you like to say something nice to me?

Wei Ning was aggrieved and didn't want it. After waiting for a long time, he replied: I think something is a bit bad. Xing Gong hasn't scolded me much recently, since the last time I read the draft.

Fang Shiling: Isn't it okay not to scold you?

Wei Ning: Yesterday I didn't even find Worker Xing, and Xu Yanping didn't find it, which is strange.

Fang Shiling didn't take it seriously. During this time, her pressure was obviously lessened, and the creative team's experience in irrigation has become more abundant. What is rare is that Gao Wenming has changed his persistent work mode.

In the past, Gao Wenming smashed himself and wrote highly completed content to submit to the irrigation team for irrigation, and then his own content stopped at three episodes and made no progress. Now he seems to understand the upper limit of his abilities, and then he no longer seeks to write anything awesome, rewrite small fragments, and the cost is too large to write coherently, and small fragments can still be written. The group provided a lot of material for filling, so the content is much more substantial.

Of course, the most important thing is Chu Yuanxi's promise. This promise not only made her relaxed, but also happy, and even told Du Shuang the good news.

Du Shuang has been eating and drinking every day since Zheng De was doing self-media investment during this period of time, and he was as fat as when he was financing Fang Shiling a few months ago.

The main reason is that the environment of Douyin e-commerce during this period is so good that he can cast big fish with his eyes closed.

In terms of the ability to bring goods, Kuaishou is much better than Douyin, and the same number of fans can bring Douyin to the ground. But the problem is that Douyin has high volume and fast spread, which is incomparable to fast players. Therefore, various big brands pursue brand effects rather than short-term profits, and they all go to Douyin to post advertisements, which makes the commercial value of Douyin accounts. It highlights that it is already a daily behavior for 10,000 fans to receive an advertisement.

This makes investors who are willing to spend money on this track become more enthusiastic. A valuation of tens of millions and an investment of millions of dollars is simply a long walk. As for Zheng De, who has been enjoying himself recently, he can raise money from the Pakistani people at any time to make Yuan Jing's waist extremely stiff. The indicator for Du Shuang is that there is no indicator. When you see it, don't shy away.

Du Shuang has invested in Daxia for so many years without such an environment. He said that this is the reason why Yuan Mu has been able to fight repeatedly? It's true that I can go to me!

So his old man got rid of his shackles and started to do it arbitrarily. A set of powerful vajra palms were thrown out, and hundreds of millions of dollars were thrown out in a few months. However, the results are remarkable. Many early investment institutions have developed, although there are also very few rollovers. , But the non-performing rate is extremely low, highlighting that he is still a gold medal investor in the self-media environment.

Therefore, Du Shuang had no feeling for Fang Shiling’s good news, and even a little forgot about this investment, although his investment in "Late Night Gallery" is still the largest single investment he has led since he entered Zheng De .

So Fang Shiling actually waited for an article: Very good, come on.

Is this over? She was very unhappy and continued to send: Don't you congratulate me?

Du Shuang second reply: Congratulations, congratulations? Has the money arrived? Even if it is paid, it is not enough. At least 100 million in various incomes can be paid back, and not 30 million.

After returning, he suddenly thought that he could enter Zheng De and have such a pleasant working environment. In fact, Chu Yuanxi suggested Yuan Jing to dig him. This is very strange. Chu Yuanxi is really a noble person like a wealthy boy. ! What is rare is that Chu Yuanxi not only gives money, but also gathers money, which is very rare.

He easily searched Chu Yuanxi's WeChat account, changed a note called Chu Yuanxi-Song Cai Tongzi, and then posted a WeChat message: Mr. Chu is awesome, tens of millions of people will be crowned with the title.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi replied with a puzzled expression: What? What title? You said Xiaokang named a variety show?

Du Shuang: Yes, just heard what Fang Shiling said, you promised her.

Chu Yuanxi made a sweaty expression: It would be nice if things were as beautiful as imagined.

This passage made Du Shuang puzzled, and Chu Yuanxi also knew that Fang Shiling didn't even know anything. On his side, although he didn't even sign the contract, Xu Yanping held it in his hand, and Xing Gong's attitude had been expressed. The rest was nothing more than the contract terms.

Xing Gong could still do it, as long as it was 40%, and he didn't ask for 49.9%. A score of 64 is also a completely acceptable ratio for Chu Yuanxi. He can naturally give in for the rest, so this contract is quite easy to negotiate for him.

Xu Yanping actually said the same, but because Taiwan rarely signs such uncontrollable agreements, it is estimated that there is no ready-made contract template, so you have to go back to Taiwan to find legal experts to do it.

In other words, Chu Yuanxi only needs to sign a contract, submit the manuscript, go through the process of reviewing the manuscript, and then start the next step.

The specific time may be within the next two weeks. In other words, he has to contact Qi Yu immediately, because it doesn't necessarily take Qi Yu how long it will take to get out of Mango, and he doesn't know the mode of getting out.

At this moment, Li Jingfei suddenly sent a voice message and asked: "Old Chu, did you talk to Yang Zheng later?"

Chu Yuanxi was also curious about how much he had seen yesterday, and whether he had seen the most important part. This tea room, Li Jingfei knew that there was no camera inside, because Chu Yuanxi said that he was quite disgusted with having a camera to record himself 24 hours a day. This tea room is mainly used by him, so there is only a camera at the door to record people and people who come and go. time.

Yesterday, he actually wanted to install a pinhole camera for sneak shots, but after thinking about it, if the wind shows his feet when walking, it will be his crime. So now Chu Yuanxi doesn't know which book Jiang Gan stole from the book.

You must know that for the sake of authenticity, he specially adjusted his top position, and even Feng Lin's account was exposed. This sacrifice was not a big deal. In addition, Zhao Zhujiang was temporarily placed on the top, exposing his social circle and intentions. Mr. Zhao is an IPO person immediately. Fortunately, the ambition of building a car is temporarily past tense, and not too much has been exposed.

Listening to Li Jingfei taking the initiative to mention dumb at this time, did you see the least part you should see?

So he also wants to talk to Li Jingfei now, but he can't let Li Jingfei see it: Please use words, I'm too busy today to listen.

Li Jingfei is so bad, it takes three seconds to say that I am special! He had to enter text: I was asking you if you had a chat with Yang Zheng later?

Chu Yuanxi: Huh? Why are you asking this? I thought you were anxious to sign a stock withdrawal agreement. Next Monday, I will ask the legal affairs team to draft the agreement, and then pass it to you and the Magic Capital Syndicate. After the process is about a week, you can also take a look. No problem, I will give you money next week.

Li Jingfei thought it seemed that Chu Yuanxi didn't know anything, not bad? He continued to type: Okay, good time. I asked Yang because he made some unrealistic suggestions to Mr. Chen. Is it because of your influence?

Chu Yuanxi gave a very official answer: I have reached some unanimous opinions with Comrade Adu, and we have consensus on some opinions. What's up? What has affected you?

Li Jingfei: Ah, it's okay, nothing serious.

Click to send, can he be okay? If Yang Zheng is your commercial spy, then he would be Pang Tong. You are here to run this series! Are there any bitter tricks and arrows from the east wind and straw boats?

It turns out that the customer has been idle during this period. The first flagship store has been open for a few days, and the location is in Wangjing. The result is very unsatisfactory.

In Chu Yuanxi’s opinion, the opener is a four-differentiation of market opener + MUJI. There are two points that mainly draw on market openers. The first point is the membership fee system, not that members do not enter the door. The second point is reduction. Selection. Compared with Wal-Mart Metro's selection, the opener's selection is much less, like a large convenience store, but it also sells fresh food.

In Cheng Huilin's words, we still have a third point, which is to provide the best quality services, and use APP to reflect these services. User membership fees buy our services.

However, their profit margins are different from those of market openers. They cannot achieve the bargaining power of market openers, and services in this critical area are tragically lacking. So, after opening the door, the opener pushed very hard to draw people in, registered members paid the dues, and then the members took the abacus after they came in, and found that the fresh food was worth buying.

As a result, the flagship store of Kaimenke was broken by users, and it was bought as a fresh food store. No one wanted to buy high-priced products similar to MUJI. Every day, a lot of water and electricity were used, and there was no shortage of labor. Who can stand it? Co-authoring this group of users to buy things is not a service, but a cheap one?

Isn't this that the opener didn't treat it as Yonghui?

At the same time, Kaimenke also scattered some bicycles before the flagship store opened. And, I don’t know if it’s because Li Jingfei got the correct way to use the bicycle from Chu Yuanxi before jumping off the or they figured out the correct model by themselves, or it was just a brainless remake All modes of well-off bicycles. After all, well-off bicycles have been online for a long time, and you can just copy them. In short, the bicycles that open the door are the same as Xiaokang’s main free riding.

One of the essence is that after opening a paid membership, you need to ride for free, and you need to use a riding ticket to ride for free before registering a regular member but not opening a payment.

This quintessence has attracted at least two hundred paying customers for the opening day of the flagship store. It can be said to be the biggest highlight of the entire opening process, although these customers also went straight to the meat shopping area without squinting after entering the door, and other Customers are no different.

Cheng Huilin certainly couldn't laugh when looking at the report card that opened the door, but the new airborne executives said that there were fewer ads. Don't worry about it, you can take it slowly.

In the celestial dynasty, the power of advertising is obviously the most direct. Although relying on the ground can stop the most direct flow of people, advertising can increase popularity and make people come here.

But in this era, how to advertise for stores in this area is a problem. Xiaokang has the same problem in the previous milestones. Originally, Yang Zheng could take this responsibility. It was nothing more than Xiaokang doing what he did. Through the local official account of the Imperial Capital, preferably the local official account of Wangjing, as well as the Imperial Capital Tandian account on Douyin.

But at exactly this time, Li Jingfei didn't know what wisdom Yang Xing had gained, and asked Cheng Huilin a terrifying question-the problem that it is too late for us to transform the convenience store.


Maybe during the eleventh period this chapter and book reviews can only be posted but not read? There are a lot of slots in these chapters, it's a pity not to hear your voice...


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