Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 870: Hold your head up to see far

Du Tie was visibly stunned, his lips moved, and asked: "She, has a problem?"

Chu Yuanxi really had a headache, because he learned in private that it was the beauty Du Zetao's son Du Zetao met when he was doing floor pushers outside. Then he wanted to chase people, but after going back and forth, he went to work as an assistant in Du Zetao.

So it is a bit unreasonable to let Du Tsie lay off employees now.

However, if you are not friendly, you have to be cut, because this Liu Liang is the assistant to the president of the former well-off world, and the assistant lady who dares to mock the president Chu Yuanxi. Why does she dare to mock? Yuan Mu likes mocking so much, he can do it anytime, anywhere. Later, after Xiaokang's valuation exceeded 100 billion, he didn't mock Chu Yuanxi much, because Liu Liang was not afraid, and the senior was a reasonable person.

In the original world, Chu Yuanxi did not agree with anyone that he could not recruit affiliates in the company. With such a heavy alumni relationship, he was more at ease with Liu Liang, but he also generated a lot of rumors in the university alumni circle, because the original world Li Chu Yuanxi has never had a real girlfriend. Especially he always thought that Liu Liang might have misunderstood the relationship between the two of them, but he couldn't ask, otherwise how? Do you think that this president is interesting to you?

It is very embarrassing to ask, especially because of Liu Liang's character, she will definitely ask: Then do you have this meaning?

Therefore, when Chu Yuanxi saw that the name "Liu Liang" appeared in the company roster, he had to investigate it. This is a very big name. I don't know how many duplicate names are there. What if it is not?

But since Xiao Du can be chased like this, she must be a beautiful woman, and her chances have greatly increased. As a result, it was opened, right?

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi put down the hand scratching her head and said: "I don't know what she has, I don't understand. But if she can enter a well-off society, then according to this standard, many related households can enter. I rejected all those people before. What should I do when they know? So she can't enter a well-off society."

After speaking, he changed his sitting position and showed a little funny expression: "Speaking of Lao Du, your son doesn't have to chase after the beauty and become the father's assistant. Your son is in such a good condition. Whoever wants to chase him will go straight up and follow him. Isn’t that the end of the beauties who ask for dating?"

Du Zixin said that if my stupid son had one percent of your ability to chase women, would I be able to do so much? He went up with a flower in his mouth, and begged for friendship, he couldn't even say a complete sentence, dare you believe it? It depends on the boss and the beauty who are alumni to get in touch with each other. What a cup!

He had to hesitate to say: "My silly son, what are the conditions?"

As a result, Chu Yuanxi said, "He is your son, the son of Xiaokang Vice President. The conditions are not good enough? Very good!"

The boss has spoken to this point, what should I do? Du Zixin said that he should ask some sand sculpture netizens to go back...

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "Otherwise, Xiao Du will go to Yangcheng with Yuan Mu in two days. If you go back today, I will have my school girl cut off, and then I will give Xiao Du a few days off and let him concentrate. Fire chase. I think he just works too hard and hard, so that he has no time to chase girls."

Du Xiexin said, why are you so happy when you say "dismissal girl"? Where does your joy come from?

In the end, the desire is very **** and reality is very backbone. When Du Zetao looked like a defeated dog on the day of seeing Yuan Mu off, it seemed to be full of the breath of a loser. Chu Yuanxi is rather strange. It is said that Liu Liang is still single this year when she is 27. Even if she is a beautiful woman, Du Zetao is also a little fresh meat. She is a little wolf dog, and sooner or later she will be promoted in the well-off. I look down on this, is her request too high? The original world did not pay attention to this.

The day that Yuan Mu was sent away happened to be the day when the first store opened in the celestial dynasty. This shop began to make appointments for the card application on July 1, and tens of thousands of people have already applied for the card, which made Chu Yuanxi and Cheng Huilin extremely envious. The reason may be that the market opener is indeed a well-known large company in the world, with a natural aura of credibility, so if he promises to refund the membership fee at any time, this membership fee is treated as a deposit by the Tianchao users?

However, seeing the craziness of the marketers on the first day of the market, when a crowd of people opened the door for a long time to buy the mall and closed the door, or drilled the rolling door to enter, Chu Yuanxi was quite disapproving. You sell a bottle of Feitian Moutai 1500 in it, and you will receive 2500 as soon as you go out. This is not price discrimination. What is the use of rolling shutters? Human head can step on shit.

Immediately afterwards, at the beginning of the year, Xin Ge, who returned to the public view with an anonymous social media, once again offered a social software Lingge, which shocked Chu Yuanxi, because he did not let Xin Ge in his radar. I don't know what he was tinkering with, but the result was a product that resembled a certain function of Xiaokang Social.

Yo, is this here to grab business? Chu Yuanxi had to download a Lingge APP to study it carefully. Well-off social interaction is essentially a tag social, and the downstream of tag social is to develop user tag attributes. Of course, this is limited to the self tags that users are willing to disclose.

For example, playing cats, sliding babies, badminton, etc., users with the same tag in the community will spontaneously aggregate into groups after being pulled by the APP, which is very convenient.

This social need is obvious, but it has always been ignored, and no APP actively provides convenient functions. Starting from this demand, a task release and completion system for tag users can naturally be derived, and Xiaokang has an internal currency loop, and the checkout is very convenient.

Chu Yuanxi thought that others would never pay attention to this need, and let him go socially online, but he did not expect that someone would notice it. Lingge is very simple and rude, and directly allows users to label themselves, but they are skill labels, such as fitter, miller, welder, and codeworder. After tagging, someone will see the tag and give the user the corresponding task and reward.

Fortunately, fortunately, Chu Yuan Xixin said that for such a good demand point, he was actually made an app for odd jobs by Brother Xin. Xiaokang can still live in hodl.

Almost at the same time, another interesting incident in the domestic cultural and creative copyright industry was that a video website called D Station, which specializes in infringement and piracy, actually issued coins on the blockchain!

The key is that the currency issued by his family is very different from other sickles. The white paper is really a cultivator of human feelings. First, it clearly stated that users of the Chinese and American countries are not allowed to purchase their currency, and then strongly demand that they are at their own risk. Coins are not used by birds. Original text: "At the time of writing this text, DILI cannot be used to purchase related goods or services; DILI does not have much practical use. DILI is not an investment, and we cannot guarantee that DILI will increase in value, but there are certain situations There is a possibility of a decline in value."

Chu Yuanxi couldn't believe her eyes, what if the people in the currency circle were so open? But even so, there are still many buyers, confirming the myth that the currency circle can have assets ×10.

The time for such a roundabout came to September. At the beginning of the month, the M&A case of Koala was officially announced. When converted into ¥, Ali made a small throw of more than 10 billion in the bag. Once the market share of the two parties merged, Ali suddenly stood at more than 50% of the domestic overseas shopping market and became the master of this track. And Liu Lu attacked at almost the same time. Through Zheng De's network, he opened an unofficial contact with the target.

Entering September, Chu Yuanxi focused on the advancement of Milestone 4, and also allocated a lot of energy to Yang Jiangang, because his ugly wife was going to see his in-laws.

For Yang Jiangang, September is a big test of life and death, which is equivalent to making a mobile Internet product. To make a product not only needs to be oriented to users, but also to investors, the product itself, and user data. If the situation is good, the next round of financing can be started immediately; if the situation is not good, it can be packaged as "good", whether financing depends on confidence; if the situation is bad, you may need to consider how to close it.

Like Xiaokang's A round of financing, Chu Yuanxi was actually determined that only one person knew that it was not ideal when the data was not particularly ideal, so he boldly opened the next round of financing. After all, his gameplay has never been experienced in the world. It is a strong combination of light assets on the Internet and heavy assets on entities. It is a breakthrough attempt in the new retail field. When the big dividends have not disappeared, investors will not. It is not a panacea, and it is easy to guide in the absence of comparison.

And the reason why he has full confidence in launching this round of financing by way of roadshow is also because it is normal to have difficulties in starting a business, and it is only necessary to overcome it in a targeted manner. There are very few entrepreneurial ventures that are completely smooth without any obstruction. So in the final analysis, Chu Yuanxi has the confidence to solve the new problems encountered in this venture.

The pinnacle visual effects platform has actually completed the basic version a long time ago. Even the animation of "Animal Company" has been produced for several episodes, but that is not for users, and the ease of use is extremely poor. The plan hired by Yang Jiangang is It can only be edited with the personal support of the programmers, otherwise you won't find the debugging buttons.

Logically, this platform is for users to compile forms, adjust platform resources, and output videos. But the problem is that just like a scene in a live action movie has to be retaken ten or twenty times, an animation has to be tuned repeatedly in an editing environment.

This "intermediate state" adjustment process cannot allow users to write the table every time, because the process of "table writing-transcoding-engine integration resources-output" takes time, and the user may only need to adjust one of the details. The effect, the result table changed, and it went out in ten minutes. This is equivalent to a scene from filming a movie to eating a big meal. The actor's mood has been wrong and has been re-shooting, just like eating ten times. If the expression is wrong, eat again. Who can stand it?

Therefore, it is necessary to provide an easy-to-use environment for ordinary users. In the intermediate state, there is no need to write tables. Directly operating the editor can call up resources to see the effect. Not only must it be easy to operate, but it must also be compatible with complex operations, such as allowing the user's character to move while the camera moves along another track at the same time.

This is the demand that the "commercial" engine must meet. Completing this requirement requires a lot of work from programmers. Whether the degree of completion in this area is appropriate is directly related to the retention of UGC users during the promotion period. If it’s too complicated, it won’t work. UGC users won’t play if they are in distress. If there are too few functions, they won’t be able to achieve the performance they want. These are all factors that test product managers.

Chu Yuanxi was interested in peak visual effects because he had to understand the first-hand information so that he could correct it when Yang Jiangang made a mistake. Similarly, if he understands that this product is indeed not good enough to be sold, he has to find a way to explain to investors, and then give Yang Jiangang time.

Even in extreme cases, he has to prepare a plan to dispose of bad assets in advance.

After all, this is the first incubation of the Pakistani Group, and it is still a project with a large amount of individuals. After the A round of financing, it has been 800 million, and the financing amount has exceeded 100 million. Chu Yuanxi can tolerate peak visual effects due to lack of overall strength and development failure due to technical reasons, which shows that the idea is indeed too advanced and hard work, but the current technology really can’t do it; he can also tolerate the final no matter what kind of operation means. That is, no UGC users are interested, and no developers lead to failure. This shows that there is a problem with the initial research and judgment, and the direction is wrong.

But he cannot tolerate the failure of the otherwise successful platform due to other mistakes. This is too hurtful, not only hurting the confidence of employees with entrepreneurial plans in Pakistan, but also hurting his own reputation. The peak visual effect of the A round of financing It is equivalent to the endorsement by him.

Since Yang Jiangang proposed to start a business, although no one within Pakistan has made such a request except for Zhao Jie, there are definitely many employees who are eager to try, staring at the peak visual effects to see the results. The production of the product is undoubtedly a very good time point for inspection results.

Yang Jiangang is undoubtedly worried, but he is worried about how to operate and how to spread money for promotion. He has no experience in this area, and he can't establish correct expectations. He is worried about gains and losses every day.

As a CEO who has about one billion in cash on his account, this kind of statement is too bad! In this way, no mistakes can make him make mistakes, that is, unforced mistakes, Chu Yuanxi had to drag him to the Pakistani side, and Yuan Lu, who had returned from Yangcheng, enlightened him.

"You don't need to enlighten me, I didn't think about it." Yang Jiangang said twitchingly, "I'm always afraid that there are things we haven't thought of yet."

"Why are you afraid of this? Even if you have, you will be able to fix the problem. Your general direction is right, and there is no problem with the job. It is just that you need to spend a little more money to fix the problem. You have got 100 million yuan and the fault tolerance rate is more than enough. Right?"

Chu Yuanxi said disapprovingly, unexpectedly Yuan Lu actually supported Yang Jiangang and said, "I think we should really think about it. Think about that, Xiaohong, how miserable. The download has not been resumed yet, Shanzhai All its oasis has come out. This cannot be solved by simply spending money."

Yang Jiangang nodded again and again, and Chu Yuanxi said that you can't cite these two examples. It makes people bald. Earlier, Zhang Ming tried to push him to copy a little red, but he rejected it, but the scum wave saw stitches. However, it may be to grab time, or to read Chu Yuanxi’s spitting Weibo, which is really a tribute from the inside out. At the same time, I pay tribute to Xiaohong and Ins. I don’t want to move my mind at all. Even the app freezes very much. , It almost makes people wonder if they got any source code?

Forget it, the icon of Lian Te Mo APP directly cut a film festival design image of a universe country, and was seen by users, and then hung up and watched, and the degree of kidney walking once again set a new historical low. How unlucky to give such an example?

And scumbag, it is said that you have social experience like Weibo, you shouldn’t be ignorant of social, but what they did later on, such as red beans, love moves, and pops, did not work, indicating that it was the situation. Whether a hero or a hero creates current affairs is a dialectical question. If this goes on, it may really be as hard as user chrome-why is the oasis called an oasis? Maybe Zhalang also knows that Weibo has become desertified?

Suddenly thinking of something, Chu Yuanxi opened the pinnacle visual effects brain map in the laptop, and added text while saying: "You really have to learn Xiaohong’s lesson. Content risk control must be in place. Xiaohong is mainly caused by insufficient content risk control. All platforms are removed from the shelves You are also a C2C platform, but do you know how Xiaohong's risk comes from?"

Yuan Mu looked at Yang Jiangang at a loss, and said to his heart that Brother Rough probably wouldn't use Xiaohong in normal times. But she used it, and she had investment attributes, she paid special attention to Xiaohong's incident of smashing valuations, and conducted a detailed investigation. Therefore, she concluded: "Xiaohong's problem is mainly due to the rampant black production, right? I think Lao Yang doesn't need to be too arrogant. E-commerce platforms are prone to black production. You are not an e-commerce attribute. It doesn't make sense for black production to stare at you. Big."

"No, no, no, there will definitely be people watching when it gets bigger. Even if you don’t establish wind control now, you will have to build it in the future, and it must be strict." Chu Yuanxi said in a deep voice, "Lao Yang is doing video and wants to do it. Content checking is quite laborious. Take a look at Douyin Kuaishou. There was no check last year, and the relevant department directly interviewed the relevant department. The peak visual effects will develop to the same level by that time, and the content retrieval volume can be much more than that of short videos. This is an animation, an episode of tens of minutes."

"I rely on you to have such high expectations for me?" Yang Jiangang heard that Chu Yuanxi was not just talking, he really felt that he could develop to a comparable level, and was a little flattered. "I thought it would be very passionate to be able to target station B!"

Yuan Mu continued to nod, no doubt, she or the investors she represented had a view of Peak Visual Effects against the B station.

This is normal, but without foresight. Today, Chu Yuanxi was mainly to cheer Yang Jiangang up and make him feel more vigorous, so he smiled and said, "Station B is impossible to satisfy my appetite. If Lao Yang keeps staring at Station B, he may delay this platform. You have to consider proposing to change in command. You have to raise your head to see further."


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