Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 876: Company daily

This is actually what Chen Kuo said in his heart, and he actively asked to add it to the video. The engine development process is particularly torturous. It is necessary to simplify complex functions so that UGC users can understand, optimize, and have good fault tolerance, because users may have to directly face various sudden BUGs. At this time Without fault tolerance, users will be blinded directly.

On the contrary, it is the growth of ordinary users. In fact, the peak visual effects have already been studied internally on the issue of new extension fees, and the Pakistani Group is also checking, Yang Jiangang is more optimistic.

According to Chu Yuanxi's qualitative character, peak visual effects belong to the type that is easy to spread as long as the product quality is excellent. This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi decided to support Yang Jiangang's entrepreneurship at the very beginning. This is his bonus.

Relying on short video dissemination itself is more beneficial to products of this nature, not to mention that there are many self-propagating attributes, word of mouth may bring in unknown users.

In this regard, the mini world mentioned in the interview is a typical example. The main audience of this game is students. Every year after the winter and summer vacation, new users will usher in an explosion. Why is the outbreak concentrated after the winter and summer vacations? Obviously it was caused by word of mouth after the student party returned to school.

In fact, Pinnacle Visual Effects does far more things for developers than in interviews, but the video time limit can't cover everything. For example, Yang Jiangang set up a dedicated developer operation team to collect opinions and feedback, so as to raise requirements for R&D. Then set up QQ WeChat groups with reference to the operation method of We-Media, and conduct community operation.

The most important thing is to use the peak visual effects teaching materials. This set of editing tables for animation has a strong style of game planning, and ordinary UGC users must be uncomfortable for a while. But this is a very efficient way in a comprehensive view, at least much more efficient than the development of a full-function visualization engine, so UGC training must be carried out. In this regard, Yang Jiangang even plans to open a live broadcast to explain it in person, full of sincerity.

However, Chu Yuanxi had not been able to complete this peeping, and he had to prepare to meet guests halfway through. There are two heavy guests visiting today, one is Xiao Li from OTO Group and the other is Shinji Uchida, chairman of 724 Greater China.

As a result, when he walked through the corridor, he suddenly heard a roar from the office area: "Aren't you going to want to be mixed up?"

Chu Yuanxi turned his head quickly and found that Yao Guangtian, the boss of the Pakistani Group's marketing department, was glaring.

This person was recruited by Liao Xingxing. Liao Xingxing took the initiative to ask Ying to be transferred to Xiaokang. Dao is now a senior director and may be promoted to vice president at any time, because he is actually doing the vice president's work, and he also reports directly to Chu Yuanxi. Then, on the Ba people's side, before he left, he recruited a few people he believed to be reliable to pick up his class, but they were not the original Pengfei people, so Chu Yuanxi was not very familiar.

Moreover, Yao Guangtian communicated more with Lu Yu and Zhao Jie.

Although one of these two belongs to the group and the other is the leader of the branch, according to the company structure drawn by Chu Yuanxi, the business line is in the branch and the service line is in the group. The current state requires the cooperation of the marketing department and the marketing department. The appropriation is mainly Pakistani information and Pakistani games. The marketing department and the commerce department of the group, if viewed from the perspective of an Internet company, are the middle office. They are merely operational rather than developmental, serving all branches.

But on the business line, Yao Guangtian should actually report directly to Chu Yuanxi, because the Pakistani people have no COO and no vice president of operations. It's just that when Chu Yuanxi reorganized the company's structure, it also reorganized the process. If there is no problem with the process, Yao Guangtian has nothing to report to Chu Yuanxi. It can be seen that being lazy is human nature, but how to be lazy scientifically, rationally and effectively is a science.

This process can effectively prevent each branch from monopolizing the power to become an independent kingdom, because the most important financial power is in the hands of the group company, and the approval of large projects is signed by Chu Yuanxi himself, and the money is also distributed by the group company's department.

The only exception is Zhu Yan, where she signed the order for herself and reported it.

The face to face with Yao Guangtian is a relatively young employee. After being yelled at by his boss, he did not panic at all, nor did he flinch. To describe it in a game way is to be immune to the debuff released by the other party. Chu Yuanxi was not familiar with him. Although he had seen him, he could not name him. He only heard Yao Guangtian yelling: "Deng Shuang, do you think I can't help you?"

Then he found that everyone's eyes had changed a little. This change was caused by Chu Yuanxi walking over, but he didn't know, so the pleasure of zhuangbility was satisfied: "I let you **** off for a minute, you can't stay, you know? !"

"Wait for a while, wait for a while and give me one minute." Chu Yuanxi said and patted him on the shoulder, "You two come with me, have everyone else finished their work? What should I do? Otherwise, stay at night and work overtime voluntarily."

The onlookers saw that Chu Yuanxi had already spoken, and quickly looked for a work place. But Chu Yuanxi suddenly changed her mind, so she stopped and said to Yao Guangtian in the aisle of the office area: "Actually, you don't use it anymore. You just need to send an email to the administration to say that you will deduct 20,000 DKP from yourself."

Yao Guangtian was wronged, he looked wronged but didn't know how to say: "No, I..."

"You have to conform to the work process. Like me, I don’t know Deng Shuang. If I have something, I can directly ask him to go to the meeting room and say that it is in line with the work process. And if you have any dissatisfaction with the employees, you can’t yell in the office area, let alone. It is said in the public to let people go, understand?

Even if you really want to open him, you have to call him into the conference room. In particular, it’s not good for you to open up people like this. It’s too unpretentious. My old club also opened up me like this at the beginning, and I ruined it 2N+2. You are doing this to cause losses to the company, so you have to deduct DKP. "

Chu Yuanxi made a long speech and saw that the attention of the surrounding employees was attracted, especially Yao Guangtian, extremely entangled.

"Maybe you have opened a lot of people before. Nothing happened, so I don’t think it’s a problem. I understand. But I’m sorry that this is not the case in Pakistan. The resignation of employees is very important. If you are Lao Yin than want to bully people, you should Tell him:'I don't think you are suitable for your current position. I will transfer you to the local department. The training will be carried out first, and the salary will be reduced to 5k per month during the training.' In fact, salary reduction is illegal, but It’s not illegal to say that, and the young man doesn’t understand the law, so he basically resigns on his own initiative. Understand?"

After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, patted Yao Guangtian on the shoulder, and pointed to his work position. Yao Guangtian's expression is enough to express the following meaning-I understand a ghost! All the employees around were looking at the western sceneries, saying that you are leaving a way for the old women to survive, Mr. Chu! The living environment of the old women is too bad!

Soon Chu Yuanxi entered the small conference room first, and then glanced at the phone. Sure enough, Yao Guangtian was suing, but it was not a complaint. He just told him what happened.

Is this because I am afraid I will believe it? No need. After reading Chu Yuanxi, she put down her mobile phone and said, "Tell me what's going on. Let's say it first. I will listen to what you say."

Deng Shuang seems to be around twenty-four or five, feeling like a few years after graduation. "Mr. Chu, it's actually very simple. Mr. Yao wants to vote for "Wu Dao Hun Jun" and several other advertisements to a self-media called'well-known'. This self-media is looking for trouble with us every day. There are several videos of picking noses and picking eyes. We **** fans by biting. Mr. Yao and his colleagues in Pakistani Information know about this situation, but they insist on voting. Moreover, I have contacted them, and they talked so badly that they couldn’t deal with it at all. ."

"So you deliberately boycotted the company's business, right?"

"It's not a boycott, it really can't go on, and..."

"And what?"

"And I'm not reconciled. They scolded me so many times and I still have to give them money! I have to ask them to collect it! Why? Does the company not let people look down on it?"

Chu Yuanxi looked at the phone and said, “What I know is not that I can’t move forward, but that the salesmen on two different business lines that are'well-known' have grabbed orders for'unexplained reasons' and grabbed your advertisement. It started to fight, so it appeared as "can't continue." As for what you instigated, or other reasons, I will not speculate, in short, it is not a problem that cannot be solved. Let alone it, we Let’s look at a few questions."

While speaking, Chu Yuanxi stretched out 3 fingers.

"First, is there any violation of the law in the work the company arranges for you? No.

Second, does the work assigned to you by the company consume your personal resources and reputation? nor.

Third, is this job harmful to the company? You said that the company is being looked down upon. I have a different opinion. It is not that I am partial to Yao Guangtian, but that this advertisement is no problem. Unite all forces that can be united and put aside disputes and look forward. Moreover, he originally had all kinds of dissatisfaction with us, but now he changes to say our good things for the sake of the meal, which is equivalent to shoveling things out with the money. Isn't it cool? In addition, the other party must be forced by their fans to send out the advertisement. So there is nothing right or wrong about advertising. "

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi's belly darkened a bit, because he also knew this self-media, who often found faults, but the people's personality was to vomit and abuse, and it was on the side of the water friends to fight the black-hearted businessmen as their own responsibility. It is difficult to fight back.

But now it's different. Chu Yuanxi said that if I were Lu Yu, I would wait for this ad and immediately pretend to be a navy army to attack. I made you **** bad. I was so prudent to go to station B to make you **** because of your disgusting setting when I went to the trumpet! I just don't know if Lu Yu has a similar plan to let the other party drop followers.

"So the question is very simple. You feel embarrassed to promote this work, right? It is embarrassing. It is very uncomfortable to lower your voice and make a smile. The question is that you are an operator, and you are not an operation in your first year? In the salary that the company sends you Including your face, you can't ask for a face at work, ok?"

"But, but when I firmly believe that this is harmful to the company, how should I stop it? Didn't you back up and leave because you strongly believed that Pengfei Technology gave you the wrong job?"

Chu Yuanxi said that he was still not convinced. "That matter, I am on the decision-making line, I want to sign, so I have the right to deny it, at least not to let myself go. But you are only the executor, are you a market commissioner? You have to figure out the'commissioner' What is it? It is a person who specializes in execution. Tool people should generally not put forward negative opinions."

"Then I know that the company is wrong, should I ignore it? Waiting to see the company's jokes, it's nothing wrong with me anyway?" Deng Shuang said with confidence, and may have already done the resignation since just now. Preparation, so although sad and angry, let go, even in the face of the group boss.

"It's very simple. You should send an email to my assistant. Everyone can send an email to my assistant. Of course, you have to sort out the logic of the problem before sending it, and then briefly emphasize the seriousness of the problem at the beginning to ensure My assistant can quickly get your points."

"But the Pakistani have no assistant to the president at all!"

"Xiaokang has it, send it to Xiaokang's assistant to the president. As for the Pakistani Group..." Chu Yuanxixin said that it seems that the Pakistani should also set up an assistant to the president. He originally thought that the relatively simple structure and business of the Israelis and Palestinians did not need to have an assistant. After the establishment, there was nothing to do but it was very awkward.

The question is who should be the assistant? Liu Liang? This is a candidate for his career as an assistant, but Chu Yuanxi quickly dropped, Feng Lin? Feng Lin reported that the MBA class is about to start, so it is not appropriate to be an assistant. or……

"Brother, how about you come to be my assistant to the president? Anyway, I think you will definitely not be able to work in Yao Guangtian."

Deng Shuang squeezed the chrysanthemum tightly. There had been rumors in the company that the president was surrounded by beautiful women but was not interested at all. Now he wants to promote a male assistant?

He couldn't help but expect Ai Ai to ask: "Well, what do you think of me?"

Chu Yuanxi said to see if you have any good points, you can change it, right? What are the advantages? The main reason that Deng Shuang is immune to Yao Guangtian's debuff makes him feel a little bit interesting. Such things as official power exist objectively. People live in a class society, and their class attributes cannot be easily shaken off. Of course, it doesn't rule out the possibility that Deng Shuang is stunned, so I have to observe it, and then fire it.

"I think you are pretty axis, but your work enthusiasm is okay. Many people just follow something similar. You have been dissatisfied. It shows that you believe in your own judgment very much, although I think this judgment is wrong. If you must If I want to cultivate, I am more inclined to cultivate people who are obsessed with self-confidence. This kind of people only need to strengthen specific abilities and they will become more powerful. People who follow the rules must not only cultivate abilities, but are not strong enough."

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi suddenly thought of Ah Du. In fact, Ah Du is also very strong in heart, and the younger he is, the more worthy he is to cultivate. Pity……

Ah Ya also came today. In fact, Chu Yuanxi was quite surprised by the two coming to visit. What was even more surprising was that Ah Mu actually went to Xiao Li's place, and Ah Mu was still in the middle of the visit.

After finishing Deng Shuang’s job assignment soon, people have already arrived. What surprised Chu Yuanxi was Xiao Li from OTO or Shinji Uchida from 724, who spoke Chinese quite neatly.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi must first face Ah Mu without changing his face, and Ah Mu must follow.

When the two parties were seated, he wisely skipped the matter of Ah Du's resignation and did not raise the hypocritical question of "Why not return to Pakistan".

Through observations in the greeting, he found that the mental activities of the three are very different.

Ah duh has complicated emotions. If he is a woman, he is in a state of entanglement of "there are a thousand words to talk but I don't want to say".

Xiao Li's cheerfulness can't see the psychological activity at all, this is the quality that high-quality entrepreneurs must have. Even if the company has collapsed and internal fights have broken out, high-quality entrepreneurs can still talk loudly when facing investors, telling stories similar to "ecological anti". The so-called company collapses before it remains unchanged. The left and the ears are deaf, so that they can be brought back to life, and one bite can be continued.

Shinji Uchida was a little cautious. Caution either stems from fear, or there is a more difficult need. However, most islanders live in a cautious daily state, and they cannot look at it from the perspective of normal people.

But what does this show? It means that they don't seem to come for one so their mentality is very different.

Chu Yuanxi can basically ignore what Ah Ya’s wishes are. It is not that he is cold-blooded, but Ah Ya is only a director of the OTO Group. OTO is not a flat company. There are several levels between the director and the president. It's only the middle level. So since Ah Ya would rather be the director of OTO than ask what Chu Yuanxi can do if he returns to Pakistan, it shows that he is in his heart. Resentful.

He is responsible for the new media launch and the formation and operation of OTO's own propaganda tools. This is a position tailored for him by Xiao Li. It was not available in OTO before, and it is regarded as a middle-level potential stock with "simple in the emperor's heart". But no matter how the potential stocks are not directly realizing their potential, he has never asked Chu Yuanxi, and he certainly didn't know how Chu Yuanxi was going to turn him down.

So his first substantive question is: "I'm curious why your two families are meeting together?"

Xiao Li laughed first, his facial expressions were extremely rich. As expected, he was from India. Before speaking, his apple muscles moved upwards, and then said in laughter: "Although we have different intentions, we are all good friends of Sun Dasheng. Ah, I often communicate with each other."

This sentence made Chu Yuanxi suddenly become cautious, because he remembered that Sun Dasheng and 724 had jointly developed a shared bicycle, but it was in an island country.

The time interval is a bit long, so I forgot, but there is indeed such a thing, and the media rushed to report it.

In the original world, Xiaokang once ridiculed the indecentness of the 724 cottage, painting a tiger is not an inferior dog, and then it didn't take long for Chu Yuanxi to cross. But now, he has to consider the intention of 724, which is a company that has tried the convenience store + bicycle model.


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