Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 897: WeChat was almost squeezed

On the 18th, the postings on the Internet were a matter of scanning fake data from a self-media colleague in Pengcheng. And this is indeed a big name, and if it is simply more than the number of fans on the entire network, Chu Yuanxi dare not pack up a ticket to say that the Pakistani information must be bigger than others.

The main reason was that the other party took the orthodox route with countless trumpets. Even if Lu Yu opened a lot of trumpets after taking over, they were all boutique operating routes. They did not carry or brush powder. So the so-called "many" trumpets Comparing yourself, comparing yourself to others is a younger brother.

The reason for the matter is very simple. As a well-known company in the industry, it received a million-level order and brought a pure IQ tax product. As a result, Party A asked to try the water first. Then when I tested the water, I gave someone a grand slam, and I found a full zombie fan with millions of fans on Weibo. The playback data was excellent, and the messages were all bought and bought immediately, but one The payment did not appear.

This incident broke Chu Yuan Xile at the beginning, mainly because the IQ tax itself is very outrageous, and it has a match with quantum speed reading, but I met someone who was more ruthless than black mouth, so I wanted to cut leeks. It was cut as a leek.

The general water injection is only half, and a third of the harder. Like this case, it is OK to place a few orders by yourself. As a result, even this fig leaf is torn off, so the IQ tax entrepreneurs issued The long text was torn, and there was a stir.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi was happy, and Lu Yu said quietly: "Mr. Chu, what are you happy about? No matter how I think about it, I feel a loss..."

"What are we losing? It's certainly not right that we don't send advertisements to others. The most stable in the country is us."

"You think, after this happened, all the larger We-media advertisers are now having problems receiving orders. If this happened a month earlier, wouldn't the "Late Night Gallery" kneel at that time?"

Lu Yu was the main force who collected the information of "Late Night Gallery" some time ago, and Chu Yuanxi's probe of "Late Night Gallery", so he has the most say. He sighed gloomily: "If it was a month earlier, we might be able to buy "Late Night Gallery" with very little money. I don't think it will exceed 50 million. If we only pursue 51%, it might be less. , 20 million won. You said this is not a big loss?"

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but look sideways, asking what did you think about during the previous two months? Actually produce such a strong business thinking ability! It looks like I am doing you business skills training a lot! And you dare to fight Fang Shiling's idea, isn't the old man acting too indifferent?

But today he doesn’t care about this, because suddenly the capital market is uproar, and the relevant departments have issued intensive and unexpected articles explaining the institutional changes such as the backdoor listing on the GEM and the implementation of the registration system on the GEM. There was an uproar in the missing field.

When the GEM was established, the China Securities Regulatory Commission was originally firmly opposed to the listing of non-listed companies backdoor GEM stocks. Therefore, there have been cases of GEM stock curve backdoors in China's large A shares and openly opposed the regulatory rules, and there are far more cases.

The reason for this is that the artificial regulation of “no backdoor is not allowed on the ChiNext” is not a comprehensive market-oriented approach. Regardless of whether the company is listed or not, reorganization or reorganization is one of the important development changes. It is a normal market behavior. It is just that the status of a listed company adds a layer of added value to the company.

Therefore, the sudden intensive policy blows make the capital market become active in an instant, and thousands of eyes are staring at the management for the introduction of more detailed rules. It can even be said that the GEM backdoor rules will mark whether the open market of the sky is going up or down. Does it encourage high-quality companies to backdoor or relax the standards? It takes time to give an answer.

As for the "registration system", it has been on the stage with the science and technology version for three months, but it has been kept within the scope of the science and technology version. This time it was a big blow, and it was intentionally moved to the GEM for trial.

We must know that in the history of A-shares, weird events have emerged one after another, and some of them are worthy of special books in the history of the world economy, so if this big killer is really promoted to the entrepreneurial version, it will definitely be played by capital operators.

Therefore, even Xu Xin and Yuan Jing held a conference call with Chu Yuanxi respectively. One was to listen to his opinions and views on the market, and the other was to ask the Pakistani people or Xiaokang about what happened to the ship’s new big move. Haven't considered adjustments?

"It’s not half a business, big brother (eldest sister), where is this? Ba people don’t consider going public in the short term. Do they use this leisurely mind? When we go public in the future, we will definitely be clean without any capital operation. Go upright, there is no need to mess around."

"It's good for you to be so confident." Xu Xin was very happy, "Remember, it will not be listed in five years, and there will be four and a half years. Persevere."

But the same rhetoric made Yuan Jing think frequently, because after all, it is the economic winter. Regardless of Zheng De’s recent boom, the cash flow is not as good as it seems. The money invested is increasing but in the end Whether it is safe or not, whether the discounted internal income IRR can be turned into a capital gains dividend DPI, no one can say.

Therefore, Yuan Jing is more concerned about his overall return on investment at this stage, and Chu Yuanxi’s two companies are an important part of it. Chu Yuanxi understood this sentiment. No one who made an investment didn't care about the return. Yuan Jing in the original world also cared about it. He didn't ask to see the return immediately, but he always wanted to figure out how much it could be recovered at a certain point in the future.

The drastic changes in both listing rules and market access will undoubtedly change his judgment on the average level of certain expectations. For example, the Pakistani Group used to be inconvenient to borrow the shell, and the Magic Capital Syndicate was definitely unwilling to offer to borrow Chu Yuanxi, because the cost and expense are too high, the difficulty is also high, and it is very time-consuming and troublesome. Now it is convenient, and the cost and difficulty are also reduced. As long as one year passes, the Pakistani people will have three years of history and can be listed instantly.

Of course, by now, he also knows Chu Yuanxi's plan. It is possible to go public, but it must wait until Xiaokang has a foothold, or it must wait until the Pakistani people pour all the milk on the account into Xiaokang.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi said to him: "Yuan Mu didn't tell you that I want to sell Pakistani games? Is she so confidential?"

"Of course it is said, but it is not profitable." Yuan Jing had calculated according to the model of listed companies. "If the Pakistani Group is an IPO or a backdoor, it will definitely be more than 30 or 40 billion. You sell your core assets. The feeling of killing chickens and getting eggs, I have never figured out what you think."

Chu Yuanxixin said that it was not Hu Shiheng's words that made me feel that Zheng De may not be able to support a well-off life in the economic winter, so he should just do it himself?

"Listen to me, Yuan Jing, this is definitely not a core asset." Chu Yuanxi explained in another way: "The core asset of the Ba people is the information of the Ba people, the accounts and fans. Especially a few The main account cannot be copied. Selling is equivalent to cutting off the water source, so I can’t sell it. But the Pakistani game is not, the Pakistani game is a fish pond, the water is still there, and the fish pond can be sold. Fix it again."

Yuan Jing certainly doesn't know much about how to operate businesses and products. For him, it is difficult to copy the large numbers of Pakistani information, but is it easy to copy Pakistani games? Relatively speaking, it seems that when Chu Yuanxi was doing the number last year, Jian Jian made a big one, and then Jian Jian made another one, and washed each other out the third. It was easy!

However, although the huge profit volatility makes it difficult for his mentality to remain calm forever, his rationality and professionalism prevent him from pointing fingers at the invested companies unless he can come up with strong resources.

"Well, what does your selling of Pakistani games have to do with the listing?"

"It's okay. I'm telling you that if the Pakistani game is sold, I plan to pay a dividend. But how to sell it, whether to sell all or a part, how much to sell, and whether to continue to sell, this matter has to be discussed. Mainly recently A new situation has emerged."

Yuan Jing was confused, and he felt like, "What happened?"

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "Ah, good thing. Our recent mini-game plan is relatively successful, and I am reluctant to sell it. So if I sell it as I wish, it must be sold for a good price. If it is not sold, it is for the future. Deliver greater value. In short, let me breathe with you and enhance communication, so as to save you from misunderstandings."

This incident fully explains what it means to rely on each other for good and fortune. The original small game plan was to fill the skeleton of the Shangba game. It was Chu Yuanxi’s chicken thief who took "The Enemy of Rome" from the Pakistani game as a consideration. Fill it in, and then it’s best to sell it for more money. Although it did not mean to slap Ali, the plan itself has the meaning of selling the current price to the price expected to be fully realized in the future.

It's a pity that Chu Yuanxi feels that the Pakistani group is still at a loss in this situation, and adding 10 billion will not satisfy her appetite.

Ten billion is a very large amount of money. Even in the eyes of the former richest man, it is also a one-hundred goal. Some listed companies have been listed for many years and failed to generate such a large cash flow, let alone net profit. But this price is not worthy of a big-name game company that can stand for more than ten years and always maintain its own strong IP brand and operating enthusiasm.

This kind of company's influence, background and potential player mobilization ability, throughout the country, there is no such thing as "Magic Baby", "Stone Age", "Dragon Valley" or even "Miracle", etc. And so on, even some of them are just the brand's strong feelings, and it has not always maintained the heat of operation, but once it is exerted, it is a monster of attracting gold.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration that a game IP can make a company.

Of course, "Wu Dao Hun Jun" has not yet succeeded, and it is not even a successful bud, but it has shown the beginning of the best. Mainly, the departments of media information and games are very powerful, and the results are excellent. Therefore, three small games have been launched a few days ago, with "Animal Company" performing best and "Stupid Bird Flying" performing worst. Then, what about "Wu Dao faunjun", which is continuously pushed on short videos, which has stoked the user's appetite?

The result is that Ba people’s users asked around why they didn’t see "Wu Dao Faun Jun"? The Weibo and Douyin message areas are full of noise.

Even Chu Yuanxi's various players in the WeChat group kept asking, and there were even many divine players at him. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi did a stupid thing and released the beta version on a small scale in the WeChat group.

This test version is for internal real machine testing. The art resources are not complete, and the activation code must be logged in to activate the account to log in to the server.

This type of small-scale test can of course also allow players on the Internet to enter, but it is not the same as a stress test in the ordinary sense. As a result, Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that such a move would directly blow up the nest, and the people who asked for the activation code like this all overwhelmed him with waves after waves on WeChat, making all non-top contacts and groups useless. If he couldn't jump up, he was covered by an activation code.

And it's not just him, others are the same, Zhao Jiezhi and his like will not talk about it, even Yang Jiangang can't help it.

Chu Yuanxi has been a chandelier for so many years, and he has never encountered such a situation. It is said that when "Encircle Neural Cat" was launched, players rushed in wildly. The only function of the game that needs to be connected to the Internet is the friend ranking. The ranking function has crowded the server. Now the WeChat of various executives of the Pakistani group is about to be crowded. .

Isn't this a game that will explode when it is properly launched? At this time, in addition to issuing announcements to appease the players, Chu Yuanxi was left with preparations to sacrifice Zhao Jie. Zhao Jiesser was trembling. In case the server knelt after going online, it is estimated that he would not even have the opportunity to kneel down on the durian.

Using such a game and IP to play a UGC-mode RPG weakly networked mobile game is simply a match made in heaven! In Chu Yuanxi's eyes, there are only two possible causes of failure, that is, either its own development ability is not good, and such a simple game editor can't do it well; or it makes a huge mistake in the process and offends the player to death. Otherwise, there is no possibility of failure.

What is a big mistake? For example, glass slag, front-foot players boycott the mobile game "Diablo|Immortal", glass **** asks players whether you don't have a mobile phone? I cut off the content of the WAR3 remake promised last year!

This is called a clean one. It first promises players to remake dubbing, battles, UI, and make new battles, and then open pre-orders. After players hand in the money for the 3A masterpiece, they say that these contents are feedback from players and they don’t like them, all Chop off.

The co-authored pot belongs to the player. The so-called remake is to remake a model and import the map of WOW to tell the player that it is the feelings and the original flavor. The key is that someone broke the news that this bunch of scum is fatter and lazy than Steam’s G, and all specials are outsourced...

The glass **** head iron has a good reputation, and it can withstand such a mess twice, and the Pakistani must not do it. But as long as you don't make such mistakes, you can rush to a UGC platform, and it will be better than those games that just maintain a strong brand and operating enthusiasm. Those gold-sucking monsters can attract more than one billion or even several billions of gold at a time, but the UGC platform can operate the number of users to more than 100 million MAU all the year round. Obviously the latter is more valuable.

What's more, it is possible to interact with the well-off society.

This last point is the reason why Chu Yuanxi especially wants Pakistani people to cut into UGC games. It is most appropriate to use an RPG with a powerful IP as the starting point.

In fact, some foreign game companies are also developing UGC game platforms, including domestic technological cutting-edge code universes, all have the ambition to dominate this track. But their hearts are too big and they always want to develop a platform that accommodates most game types and gameplay, such as the sandbox mode of the physics engine.

This model is very spectacular, but it is not concise. First of all, the cost of educating users is particularly high, even higher than that of peak visual effects education for users to edit tables and animations, and secondly, how fun the head works made by players can be. It's hard to say, there may be some small-cost explosions, but it is unstable.

Chu Yuanxi took a simplified route to the extreme, drawing on Yang Jiangang's thinking on the UGC platform, only making one type, and then making this type of game editor to the extent that players can easily operate it, and it is best to achieve editing visualization.

This is also the reason why he favors "Wu Dao Faunjun". What RPG mode is most familiar to the players of the Celestial Kingdom? "Sword" and "Xuanyuan Sword" are definitely among the leaders. Making a mobile game according to it is very easy for users to understand It is expected that after it is completed, the player's biggest difficulty is nothing more than how to edit the scene and the maze battle reasonably.

As for what Yang Jiangang questioned, that is, DLC charges will be sprayed by players. In fact, it is mainly caused by the poor maintenance of "The Elder Scrolls" that people in the rivers and lakes called Lao Gun, and then the ugly charge of "Radiation", but there is no The World of Warcraft 3 map that had maintenance problems didn't make much scolding.

There is also a wonderful work called P Society. I saw that the player's mod is good, and it will be mine in the next second! This kind of behavior of copying player mods every day into official DLC is different.

The main reason why Lao Gun’s charges were sprayed was that they did not treat the player’s self-made charging content as a business. In this game, players need to implant code to make mods, so once someone makes a fun DLC and then activates the payment, but the author disappears after the player pays? No one maintains the code.

A common disease in the field of programming is that the code written by a programmer can’t be understood by a hundred programmers, and then the game version is updated, the old mod can’t run, and the game itself will crash. If you pay the fee, the player lacks much virtue. Kind of sin, can you not spray it?

(Thanks to book friends Qingfeng Mingyue, Yan Guowangchuanshui Qinghan and Dionysus for providing this chapter)

However, Chu Yuanxi’s plan absolutely does not allow players to write code. Only the editor function is opened, supported by the official code, and the editor function is constantly improved, and then it looks better, and the paid DLC trial part is relaxed. There is no such thing. Kind of concerns.

So now there is the trouble of happiness, the value of this set of play, after the successful production of this RPG mobile game + editor, properly more than tens of billions.


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