In fact, Ye Ran also curiously asked the system why Jiang Xiaoru was so suitable for the Night Elves Priest. The system did not give a clear answer, but only quoted a sentence from the Night Elves Priest Awakening Introduction to respond to himself, [Birth is just the starting point of death. 】

"It's so weird that I can't understand it." Ye Ran complained silently.

Seeing Ye Ran staring at her and saying something silently,

Jiang Xiaoru thought she had done something wrong,

said a little awkwardly: "Teacher, you...what did you say, I didn't hear it clearly..."

Jiang Xiaoru's words interrupted Ye Ran's thoughts,

Ye Ran looked at the uneasy Jiang Xiaoru and smiled slightly,

Jiang Xiaoru is a good kid in everything, but her personality really needs to be changed,

Then, Ye Ran walked up quickly,

directly grabbed the textbook in Jiang Xiaoru's hand and took it away.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoru hurriedly went up to grab it, but Ye Ran easily dodged it: "Xiaoru, we don't need textbooks where we are going today." Jiang Xiaoru was a little anxious when she saw this: "But teacher, according to school regulations, I really need..." Ye Ran ignored Jiang Xiaoru's anxiety and asked back: "You are so familiar with the rules, then tell me what the first rule of the school rules is?" Jiang Xiaoru knew them all: "According to the first rule of the rules, respect teachers and respect morality..." Jiang Xiaoru was interrupted by Ye Ran before she finished reciting: "That's it, from today on, what you need to do most is to respect teachers, do you understand?" "Understand...understand." "Okay, today I order you not to read books, and everything is arranged by the teacher." After that, Ye Ran walked towards the school gate in a chic manner. Seeing Ye Ran walking towards the school gate, Jiang Xiaoru said anxiously: "But...but teacher, according to the school rules, you must not read books. According to the regulations, freshmen cannot leave the school gate without reason....”

Jiang Xiaoru's voice became smaller and smaller.

Respecting teachers is the first rule to follow.

But what if the teacher leads her to not follow the rules...

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoru felt for the first time in her life that the rules and order she had built in her heart were disordered.

It was like a bug in a computer program...making her feel torn.

She instinctively wanted to retreat to her comfort zone, but then she thought of Ye Ran's protection of her in the classroom just now.

She hesitated...

After a while, Jiang Xiaoru gritted her teeth, quickened her pace and walked behind Ye Ran.

Ye Ran looked at all this, with a slight smile on his face.

"Xiaoru, the teacher ordered you to walk side by side with me."


"Are you not going to respect the teacher? ?"

"Okay, okay, teacher."

Then, Ye Ran took Jiang Xiaoru to his sports car and left the school in a cloud of dust.

One second after Ye Ran took Jiang Xiaoru away,

the door of Le Wanyi's office was knocked open directly.

At this time, Le Wanyi was busy studying who the hidden genius was, and she didn't even raise her head:

"Xiaoman, what's the matter???"

Wang Xiaoman looked at Le Wanyi nervously: "Master, there is something I need to report to you..."

As if she could hear Wang Xiaoman's nervousness, Le Wanyi raised her head: "The genius has been found???"

Wang Xiaoman shook her head and said with a wry smile: "It's Teacher Ye. Teacher Ye has left the school with a student now..."

"Male or female???"


"Crack!!" A crisp sound rang on Le Wanyi's desk, and the pen was broken by Le Wanyi directly.

"Master, are you...are you okay???"

Le Wanyi looked calm: "What's wrong with me? I'm fine."

Then, she picked up her coat and walked out the door.

"Master, where are you going???!"

"Burning leaves."

After saying that, he left the office, leaving Wang Xiaoman confused.

Burn...burn leaves? ? ?

After Wang Xiaoman reacted, she also hurriedly chased after Le Wanyi.

She knew her master better than anyone else.

She could stay calm at any time,

but she couldn't control her emotions when it came to Ye Ran's affairs.

For a moment, she was really afraid that Le Wanyi would burn the leaves.

On the sports car,

Wang Xiaoman

Still trying to persuade Le Wanyi earnestly:

"Master, listen to me, maybe things are not as bad as you think, maybe Teacher Ye is just taking that student... uh, home visit??"

"Do you think you've thought about what you said??"

"Master, if something is really wrong, you must control your emotions....."

"Don't worry, I won't kill him."

"That's good, that's good."

"I'll only burn the leaves and roots."

Hearing this, Wang Xiaoman's hanging heart finally died...

Forget it, tired, destroy it,

Ye Ran, who was still in front, didn't know that Le Wanyi was following him,

Still chatting with Jiang Xiaoru,

"Xiaoru, relax a little, just think of it as coming out to relax."

Jiang Xiaoru, who was sitting aside, was a little embarrassed,

but still showed a not-so-natural smile,

The immature smile on Jiang Xiaoru's round face also showed a youthful flavor.

"Isn't this cute? Smile more often. Remember, smile brings good luck."

Ye Ran's praise made Jiang Xiaoru feel a little confused, and she could only talk about other things:

"Teacher, where are we going?"

"You'll know when you get there. Remember, the only thing you have to do today is to listen to me."

"Okay, okay..."

After saying that, Ye Ran stepped on the accelerator, and the red sports car sped away.

Ye Ran's sudden acceleration confused Le Wanyi and the others who followed closely behind him:

"Where are they going???"

Wang Xiaoman said uncertainly: "Looking at this route, it seems to be TACC?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Xiaoman wanted to slap herself in the face.

TACC, the most luxurious nightclub in Shanghai...

A teacher taking a female student to such a place doesn't seem right no matter how you look at it.

Wang Xiaoman didn't know how to make it up next.

Le Wanyi didn't say anything,

but just stepped on the accelerator, and the roaring engine seemed to tell Wang Xiaoman that

this time it was really a big deal...

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