The two of them were very eager to try, and the two of them were very eager to try.

Looking at Qin Lang's eager attitude,

Li Wancheng immediately understood what this kid was going to do.

It seems that this kid has been agreeing with his mouth, but he is actually holding back a lot of energy in his heart...

However, he still smiled and did not stop him.

After all, Qin Lang's psychology can be understood.

The leader does not like the genius from his own military department, and he has to go outside to find other geniuses.

This is not good for anyone.

Moreover, the military department is a place that admires the strong,

Qin Lang is no exception.

If you want to make Qin Lang completely convinced, you can't just rely on your mouth to reason,

You have to rely on your strength.

Normally, this kid is the king of the new generation in the military.

It's time to let this kid know what it means that there are always people better than you and there are always higher things beyond you...

Looking at Qin Lang's outstretched hand,

Wang Dachun didn't have so many thoughts.

He smiled and stretched out his hand and shook Qin Lang's hand.

"Hello, Qin Lang."

"Hello." Qin Lang looked at Wang Dachun with a smile,

Then the corners of his mouth slightly raised,

The two feet moved slightly, forming a bow step,

At this time, Qin Lang was like an arrow,

Concentrating all his strength on his hand,

With the surge of strength,

Qin Lang's hand began to turn bloody...

Longguo Military, Blood Killing Fist!!!

Qin Lang looked at Wang Dachun with excitement in his eyes,

his grip strength,

When he was at full strength, he could crush even alloys,

even sand could be squeezed into diamonds!!!

Just a college student's delicate palm,

I will make him kneel down and beg for mercy today!!!


The veins on Qin Lang's forearms under his clothes were already bulging,

The huge grip came towards Wang Dachun,

Although Wang Dachun was a little bit honest, his combat reaction was not slow,

He felt the huge force coming from Qin Lang's palm,

and instantly used the corresponding force,

For a while,

Qin Lang and Wang Dachun were deadlocked, evenly matched,

Qin Lang looked at Wang Dachun in surprise,

He tried his best,

but Wang Dachun couldn't make any progress,

It seems The student that the military has chosen does have some strength...

"You can hold on to me for so long, you must be quite strong!" Qin Lang commented with a casual look, even though his teeth were almost broken.

At this time, Wang Dachun looked at Li Wancheng in confusion.

Li Wancheng looked at Wang Dachun's confusion and made up a lie with a smile:

"I forgot to tell you that Qin Lang is from the military. This is called the fist salute, which is a special salute of the military. The harder you use on the other party, the more you respect the other party."

Qin Lang: ???

Qin Lang looked up at Li Wancheng,

No, where does this rule come from? ???

And what does it mean to say this to this big guy? ???

"Is that so!!!" Wang Dachun showed an expression of sudden enlightenment on his face, and then looked at Qin Lang with a smile,

"Qin Lang, I respect you very much!!"

After that,

Wang Dachun's arm began to change rapidly,

The red arm was covered with scales,

The arm swelled to be thicker than Qin Lang's waist,

The giant palm surrounded by blood-colored mist,

completely covered Qin Lang's hand,

"This is..." Qin Lang looked at the changes in Wang Dachun's arm,

There was a bad premonition coming from his heart,

In an instant,

Qin Lang felt that his power was like encountering an unexpected The great force of resistance,

The five fingers were crushed into a line,

Qin Lang's pupils suddenly shrank,

The severe pain from his palm rushed straight to his brain nerves...

The pain made him burst out with swear words,


Seeing this, Wang Dachun hurriedly retracted his strength,

retracted his arm,

At this time, Qin Lang looked at his palm that had been squeezed into a long strip, and wanted to cry but had no tears,

"I'm sorry, classmate Qin Lang, I really didn't expect you to be so easy..." Wang Dachun looked at Qin Lang with some embarrassment, and said with concern,

Easy? ? ?

Qin Lang endured the pain and looked up at Wang Dachun's honest expression,

The corner of his mouth twitched...

Killing people also requires destroying their hearts? ? ! !

"That... If it's a courtesy, you don't have to pay, right? ? ?" Wang Dachun hesitated for a moment and looked at

Li Wancheng,

Li Wancheng smiled and shook his head:

"No need."

Then, he patted Qin Lang on the shoulder: "Okay, fix it yourself, don't embarrass yourself."

Qin Lang was a military man after all,

He endured the pain and straightened his dislocated hand bones,

A bloody power flashed by,

Qin Lang's palm was restored to its original state.

"Hehe, Qin Lang, you are really good at it!!!" Wang Dachun, who felt a little guilty, saw that Qin Lang did not ask for compensation from him, and hurriedly stepped forward to praise Qin Lang,

After being praised by Wang Dachun, Qin Lang's face turned red,

Where was the previous rebellious look in his eyes?

"You're here so early???"

Just then,

Ye Ran came over with Chen Wuxin smiling,

Li Wancheng looked at Chen Wuxin behind Ye Ran, his eyes lit up:

"This classmate???"

Ye Ran looked at this extraordinary teaching assistant and shook his head helplessly:

"This is Master Shi Huaqing's disciple, it's really not good enough..."

Hearing what Ye Ran said,

Li Wancheng retracted his covetous eyes:

"Teacher Ye, look at what you said, am I such an unprincipled person??"

Is it not Yes, you know it in your heart...

Ye Ran looked at Li Wancheng in silence,

Li Wancheng didn't want to see Ye Ran's eyes at this time, so he began to change the subject:

"Ahem, since everyone is here, let's go together."

After that,

Li Wancheng began to throw several gems with space attributes to the ground,

These gems were combined into a wonderful formation under the guidance of Li Wancheng,

For a while,

The breath of space began to flicker above this formation,

"Everyone, hold your breath, In three seconds, we will start to teleport to the military headquarters. "

"Assistant Li, you..." Huang Dongdong looked at Li Wancheng's actions with surprise in his eyes,

Li Wancheng looked at Huang Dongdong with a smile:

"I forgot to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Li Wancheng, a major general in the military, and you can also call me the Shield of the Empire."

After hearing this,

Let alone Huang Dongdong, Wang Dachun and Jiang Xiaoru's eyes were wide open,

Now the assistant teacher of their class is also a big shot???

Wait, why do you need to use it??

Just when several people were shocked,

the space formation had taken shape,

In an instant, everyone disappeared from the playground.

With the opening of another space array, Ye Ran and others have arrived at a strange place. Everyone looked around. After Ye Ran looked for a while, he suddenly turned to Li Wancheng and said, "General Li, this kind of welcome ceremony is unnecessary..." Li Wancheng was still smiling, but after Ye Ran said this, the smile froze on his face: "What did you say???" Seeing Li Wancheng deny it, Ye Ran pointed helplessly: "The giant tree at twelve o'clock, the lake at four o'clock, and the sheep at eight o'clock that is shitting..." "General Li, do you want me to tell you the strength of these people?" Hearing this, the smile on Li Wancheng's face disappeared. He sighed helplessly and clapped his hands: "Okay, don't hide, you've all been discovered."

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