Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

Ye Ran had just finished speaking,

Wang Dachun hadn't nodded yet,

Huang Dongdong made a face at Ye Ran:

"You are still dreaming about your Spring and Autumn period, Teacher Ye."

Looking at the quirky Huang Dongdong, Ye Ran Not annoyed, just smiling and saying:

"Don't get upset and cry later."

"Who are you talking about?!!"

"Whoever you think is who."


Said But Ye Ran's Huang Dongdong was so angry that he jumped up and down.

"Just wait and see!!" Huang Dongdong said angrily, "I'm so angry! I'm waiting for you to jump off the building today!!!"

After saying that, Huang Dongdong pulled Wang Dachun Hand:

"Big fool, follow me!!!"

Two people came to the test robot one after another.

Huang Dongdong looked at Wang Dachun:

"Dachun, watch out, my strength is still a little behind that of an S-class psychic."

"If you can't even match the strength of my punch, forget it. What S-class superpower! "

After saying this, Huang Dongdong's whole body began to rise with flames.

The originally fair-skinned child,

now turned red like charcoal fire.

Huang Dongdong moved his mind,

and the flame energy on his body quickly moved towards His right fist gathered together.

The intense heat even caused the air to distort.


As Huang Dongdong shouted,

Huang Dongdong's right fist swung out instantly,

the flame energy on his right fist transformed into a golden-red fire dragon,

with a loud dragon roar,

towards the test robot Bombarded over,

Instantly, the golden-red flames hit the test robot,

The array on the test robot emitted a faint blue light, resisting the high temperature of the flames,

But even so,

the test robot was slowly burned It turned red.

After a while, Huang Dongdong retracted his fist and looked at the screen above the robot.

The huge screen began to spin numbers frantically.

"Damage value, 19250!!"

After seeing this scene, Huang Dongdong nodded with satisfaction.After reaching the gold level,

the special features of various supernatural skills have begun to emerge,

the damage cannot be simply calculated by strength,

so after many iterations of innovation,

the test robots above the gold level are all made of regeneration-type Warcraft materials In addition to the characteristics of the formation,

if it is damaged, as long as it does not exceed the limit,

the formation will be used to restore it to its original state directly.

Even if the test robot in front of you is specially made by Hoven,

the basic principle is basically the same. It's just that the preciousness of the materials and the strength of the formation are different.

The testing standard for gold-level masters,

has changed from a simple strength test to a comprehensive consideration of the destructive value,

in order to quantify the paper strength of masters after gold. .

Damage value, 19250! !

Huang Dongdong pointed at the huge screen and looked at Wang Dachun with a smug look on his face.

"See, Dachun! 19250!!"

The damage value of a full-strength attack at the Golden Perfection level is between 15,000 and 20,000.

Huang Dongdong's attack is already infinitely close to 20,000.

This destructive power can be said to be In the realm of golden perfection, it is also the top existence.

"Big fool, see, this is called strength."

After saying that, Huang Dongdong did not forget to turn his head to look at Ye Ran, and shook his head with a little pride. Head:

"Teacher Ye, this result is not bad, right??"

That proud expression seemed to be telling Ye Ran,

You are going to jump off this building.

Facing Huang Dongdong's provocation,

Ye Ran still nodded with a smile on his face:

"Great, the strength of your luck is just right, one point more is a waste, one point less is not good, it seems that you have worked hard in the past, this fire battle You have perfected the skill."

"You used the most powerful attack of the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Fire, Dragon Fighting in the Wilderness. Its damage and destructive power are among the best among all fire-attributed offensive methods. "The top skills."

Listening to Ye Ran's comments, Huang Dongdong wanted to pretend to be humble and deep,

but after all, he was too young and had too little experience,

and he couldn't suppress the upward curve of his mouth,

There was no way, being invincible was so lonely,

Brother , is just so outstanding,

Hey, this charm that has nowhere to go, can't be stopped, can't be stopped...

Huang Dongdong is proud at the same time,


I have to admire Ye Ran's vicious eyes,

It seems that Ye Ran is really good at teaching and educating people and being knowledgeable.

Ye Ran actually didn't need to observe closely.

You can directly see the strength of your punches and the smoothness of your movements.

Not only that,

You can also see at a glance which fire-based combat skill you are using.

This kind of vision and knowledge is definitely not something that ordinary tutors can achieve...

Ye Ran's voice suddenly came again:

"But even if you can perfectly use Dragon Fighting in the Wild, with your current strength, the damage value should not be as high as 19250."

After Huang Dongdong heard this sentence,

His body trembled slightly, and he looked at Ye Ran with incredible eyes,

Ye Ran groped his chin, his eyes seemed to be able to see through Huang Dongdong:

"A genius idea is to completely concentrate the outlet of the skill on the triple burner of the ring finger when performing fire fighting skills, so that the power can be condensed into one point to form a qualitative change, and the destructive power will be greatly increased."

"The Ming Gate of your Huoxing Sect for generations is located on the Sanjiao point, which is connected to the heart. I didn't expect that you would dare to do the opposite and use the Ming Gate as a springboard to achieve a leap-forward change in output methods."

"You dare to try this place that your master wouldn't dare to touch easily..."

"Wonderful, genius and adventurous... I have to say that the Fire Sect really found a treasure when they picked you up."

Ye Ran analyzed it carefully,

Every word in these sentences is like an arrow, piercing deeply into the most secret corner of Huang Dongdong's heart.

At this time, there was no pride or complacency on Huang Dongdong’s face.

He can't even close his mouth now...

The whole person was completely stunned...

He...how did he know? ? ?

Since he successfully developed this unique skill, he has not told anyone about it.

Even his master Huo Wen doesn't know...

And Ye Ran, just relying on the moment he used his skills,

Just clicked on it? ? ! !

At this moment, Huang Dongdong felt like he was standing naked in front of Ye Ran.

There are no secrets at all! !

What kind of ghost story is this? ?

How vicious is this look? ? ! !

Huang Dongdong looked at Ye Ran with a hint of fear in his eyes.

After Wang Dachun saw Huang Dongdong's expression,

One book satisfies,

Finally, I was not the only one who was so shocked that my cognition was destroyed in front of Teacher Ye...

Ye Ran was still calm and composed, as if he had done something insignificant.

He looked at Huang Dongdong with a smile:

"What's going on?? Where has our little Nezha, who is not afraid of anything, gone???"

Listening to Ye Ran's teasing, Huang Dongdong thought for a long time and didn't know what to say.

He let out a long sigh and looked at Ye Ran with a complicated expression:

"Are you a human or a ghost???"

After Ye Ran heard Huang Dongdong's words, he smiled:

"It doesn't matter whether I'm a human or a ghost. What's important is that I know some people are going to jump off the building today."

Later, Ye Ran continued:

"Your perception is correct. Although you are skilled in combat skills and have genius ideas, in terms of destructive power, it is indeed a step behind S-class superpowers..."

Ye Ran looked at Huang Dongdong:

"Don't you really want to see if Wang Dachun is an S-class superpower?"

Ye Ran turned his head to Wang Dachun:

"Dachun, after all, it's a rare opportunity to come to this kind of training room. Give it your all and feel your own strength."

"Oh, oh, okay Master,"

Hearing Ye Ran's words, Wang Dachun nodded,

Then he smiled and said to Huang Dongdong:

"Then I'll start."


Wang Dachun walked to the test robot that had returned to its original state.

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