The old man was very happy, but he was not very happy.

Listening to Ye Ran's speech,

Wang Dachun's depressed heart was lifted again.

He couldn't believe it, and even spoke a little stumblingly:

"Teacher Ye, you... do you really have a way?"

Ye Ran looked at Wang Dachun: "Dachun, do you believe in your teacher?"

Since Teacher Ye can correct the skills compiled by the extraordinary master, maybe his supernatural powers can also...

Thinking of this, Wang Dachun was a little excited.

Such a precious opportunity, he definitely didn't want to miss it

Wang Dachun nodded frantically: "Teacher Ye , I believe it! I will do whatever you say now! ! "

Ye Ran looked at Wang Dachun's excited expression and said:

"Dachun, I know that many people have studied your ability before. They put forward this idea and that suggestion. In the final analysis, they should all think that your ability is defective and suggest that you increase energy absorption? ? "

"It seems so. "Wang Dachun recalled his previous experience,

"It's totally wrong!" Ye Ran interrupted Wang Dachun's recollection, "They were wrong from the beginning!"

Ye Ran categorically denied everyone's previous judgment.

Ye Ran said confidently:

"Dachun, your ability is definitely not defective!!"

Ye Ran patted Wang Dachun on the shoulder:

"The reason why you can't use your ability is because the Devouring Ferocious Pig you awakened contains some higher-level blood. The suppression of that blood makes it difficult to use the Devouring Ferocious Pig ability."

"In other words, your ability is not only not defective, but too good!!"

Listening to Ye Ran's words, Wang Dachun was completely stunned.

"Teacher, are you sure you are not kidding?"

This is like a person who is obviously lying on a hospital bed, and suddenly a doctor comes to tell you that you are not only not sick, but also have good physical fitness to participate in the Olympics.

Any normal person who hears this kind of words,

The first thing he should doubt is whether this doctor is a serious doctor.

Seeing that Wang Dachun still couldn't believe it, Ye Ran walked up and patted Wang Dachun on the shoulder:

"Dachun, believe in your judgment, you are a pearl covered in dust, a real extraordinary reserve! You are the S-level one in a million!!!"

"S-level........." Wang Dachun listened to Ye Ran's bold words and his breathing became a little rapid.

Although it is said that A-level awakeners practice fast and have strong strength,

they are still in the human category and can barely be called the pinnacle of human genius.

But for S-level talents,

everyone will only curse and throw a word of monster, and then avoid them as far as possible, for fear that these monsters will hit their self-esteem in practice,

because no matter in terms of practice speed or strength, these monsters are existences that ordinary people cannot understand.

Among the top 10 in the current Dragon Country New Generation Heroes Ranking,

9 are inheritors of major families and super forces, and the remaining one is an S-level awakener.

Moreover, this S-level awakener has been ranked first for several months.

With his personal talent, he has suppressed the millennium inheritance of all super powers.

You can imagine how evil the S-level talent is.

Wang Dachun's eyes began to turn red, and even his breathing became heavier.

If someone told you that there was a chance to ascend to the gods, who wouldn't be excited?

"So, teacher, what should I do?"

Ye Ran waved his hand:

"It's very simple, the second awakening!"

Ye Ran's light words, like thunder in the plain, awakened Wang Dachun who was still in fantasy.

He looked at Ye Ran with incredible eyes.

Second awakening... very simple?

Even though Wang Dachun's cultural level was extremely poor, he still couldn't connect these two words together...

Because the second awakening was too difficult,

The closest one was the second awakening led by the Superpower Alliance,

that is, the current Xiao Wang of the Superpower Alliance, one of the strongest supernaturals in the contemporary era,

Absolute power, Andrew.

It is said that in order to help Andrew's second awakening, the Superpower Alliance attacked a demon's territory, and killed the Jack of Hearts, Jack of Spades and Queen of Diamonds, three diamond-level flower cards. Fortunately, they successfully exchanged for a strong man who could stand at the top of the world. In a sense, the Superpower Alliance was successful, but it was also a miserable victory. "Teacher, I'll continue to practice boxing. Don't worry, I just need to work harder than usual.

, you can still stand out!"

"Dachun, don't you believe in your master?"

"No, Teacher Ye, it's just that the difficulty of the second awakening is too great, there is really no need..."

Facing the second awakening,

Super powers like the Ability Alliance have to do their best and risk their lives to achieve tragic success,

Now they want to awaken again with just two silver-level shrimps...

Wang Dachun felt a little whimsical,

Who knew that Ye Ran didn't care about Wang Dachun's concerns, he waved his hand:

"Dachun, your understanding of the second awakening is too superficial. "


There are only a few times when the second awakening succeeded, and every time it was tragic and heroic...

Why is it wrong with Teacher Ye?

Wang Dachun was a little confused.

In less than a few hours of communication with Teacher Ye, his three views and cognition were repeatedly trampled.

"The way of second awakening varies from person to person. Many of them are indeed extremely difficult. You have to get involved and go through a catastrophe. But you, Dachun, don't need it." Ye Ran talked freely.

"I... I don't need it?" Wang Dachun murmured to himself.

"Yes, you don't need it."

Ye Ran repeated his conclusion again, and his voice seemed to have magic, reconstructing Wang Dachun's cognition.

"Then teacher, what should I do next? "

The constant cleansing of cognition made Wang Dachun gradually have a blind trust in Ye Ran.

Ye Ran pondered:

"Although your second awakening does not require such a great sacrifice, from today on, you must comply with my three requirements. Once you violate the requirements once, the chance of a second awakening will be ruined. Not only that, you will not have any chance to awaken again in the future. Do you understand?"

Ye Ran's tone was serious.

Seeing Ye Ran so serious, Wang Dachun also straightened up unconsciously:

"Please rest assured, teacher, any of my future actions will be in accordance with what you said. If there is any abnormal behavior, I will bring my head to see."

Then Ye Ran stretched out a finger to Wang Dachun:

"First, the teacher asks you to stop all energy stone absorption from today. Can you do it?"

Listening to Ye Ran's words, Wang Dachun was slightly stunned. Although he didn't know why, he nodded seriously:

"Understand, teacher, I can do it. "

Ye Ran looked at Wang Dachun's response and stretched out his second finger:

"Second, from today on, I ask you to eat 30 kilograms of meat every day. Can you do it?"

Wang Dachun felt a little dizzy when he heard this. The energy density of energy stones is many times higher than that of meat. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?

Although he didn't know what Teacher Ye was up to, Wang Dachun still nodded seriously:

"Teacher, no problem, I can do it."

30 kilograms of meat may be a lot for ordinary people, but it is relatively easy for a superpower to achieve.

Looking at Wang Dachun's relaxed expression, Ye Ran stretched out his third finger:

"Next, this is the last requirement. If you can do it, the second awakening is definitely not a problem."

Ye Ran's words aroused Wang Dachun's fighting spirit:

"No problem, Teacher Ye, you tell me, I can definitely do it. ”

The first two are so simple, how difficult can the last request of Teacher Ye be?

Ye Ran looked at Wang Dachun seriously and said slowly:

"Master requires that these 30 kilograms of meat must be raw meat with blood, and this meat must come from monsters. Can you do it?"

As soon as these words came out, the confidence on Wang Dachun's face disappeared without a trace.

There was a big question mark in his shocked eyes.

30 kilograms a day??

Raw meat with blood?

Or from monsters??

Teacher, if you raise livestock like this, the livestock will die...

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