The fire gate was full of smoke, and the smoke was gone.

In the Fire Gate,

Huo Wen was staring at the dissipating smoke in a daze.

Is this still the Huang Dongdong he knew? ? ?

At this time, Huo Wen was confused.

He took a deep breath and shook his head:

"What did this kid go through when he went out..."

As Huang Dongdong's master, he knew Huang Dongdong too well.

With Huang Dongdong's personality,

If he could say such words from his mouth,

then these two people are definitely not just a little bit stronger than Huang Dongdong,

it must be completely crushed to make Huang Dongdong say such words so convinced...

When did the quality of teachers and students in the Magic City High Martial Arts College reach this level? ?

Such an amazing talent, such a huge change,

made Huo Wen a little worried for a while whether his beloved disciple had encountered any changes.

But Huo Wen changed his mind and thought that this was all a good thing.

Who would have thought that Huang Dongdong, who was usually the king of the sect and even wanted to kick passing dogs,

became humble in his tone of speech in just a few days.

This was something that he had not taught Huang Dongdong for nearly a few years.

"The first year of Magic City High Martial Arts Academy is really full of hidden talents..." Huo Wen muttered to himself, "With such a level, I think he must have been in Li Xuezong's class... Brat, you have a good eye." An old man like Huo Wen naturally didn't know the young mentor. He only knew Li Xuezong, who was almost the same age as him, throughout the first year. Although his personal cultivation talent was not strong, his teaching level was extremely high. There were no less than five diamond masters under Li Xuezong's hands. Therefore, Li Xuezong was also called the master of masters, and he was also very famous in the industry. Seeing his apprentice have such a change, Huo Wen, as a master, was naturally very happy. Huo Wen, who had figured it out, simply lay down on the rocking chair and fanned himself leisurely again:

"I'll come to thank you in person if I get a chance..."


On the corridor,

Ye Ran, who was still pacing towards his class,

suddenly felt a wave of energy behind him,

and then Ye Ran's body began to twist.

A trap? ? ? No, it's magic!!

Ye Ran, who was attacked by surprise, tightened his eyes slightly,

and then he was about to use his skills to resist the distortion from space,

but he never expected that he had just used his skills and hadn't seen the shadow of the black dragon on his body,

and the distorted space directly interrupted his skills,

and didn't allow Ye Ran to resist at all,

and directly kidnapped Ye Ran completely...

In an instant,

the corridor was quiet,

as if Ye Ran had never been here.


With a heavy crash,

Ye Ran reappeared from the space distortion and fell hard on his buttocks.

Ye Ran, who had just regained control of his body,

had no time to take care of his buttocks,

turned over directly and looked around vigilantly,

The power of the black dragon on his body rose up and surrounded Ye Ran to protect him,

Ye Ran narrowed his eyes slightly and observed the surroundings,

At this time, he was in an antique room.

The whole room was dominated by white,

The four walls were filled with bookshelves,

The bookshelves were filled with all kinds of old books,

The edges of the pages were yellowed, revealing the traces of time,

In the center of the room, a huge solid wood table occupied the main space,

The tabletop was covered with all kinds of strange materials,

This...where is this? ?

Why did you bring me to this place? ? ?

At this moment, Ye Ran had a question mark hanging over his head.

The space shift before, even his innate body could not resist and offset it.

It was obvious that the person who manipulated the space shift,

his strength was definitely far beyond his own, and he was not an opponent of the same dimension at all...

If this person wanted to kill him, he might have died just now.

Looking at the current situation, this person obviously did not want his life.

Then what was he doing? ?

"Quick reaction..."

Suddenly, an old voice came from behind Ye Ran,

"Okay, stop guessing, I brought you here."

Just as Ye Ran

When Ye Ran was confused,

I don't know when,

a person has already sat on the tall chair behind the solid wood table.

When Ye Ran turned around and looked, he was shocked:


This person is Bai Xu,

Bai Xu supported his chin with half of his elbow,

and kept tapping the table with four fingers on his other hand,

making a tap tap tap sound.

From beginning to end, Bai Xu's eyes never left Ye Ran,

His eyes were clear and deep,

and occasionally exuded a brilliant light, as if he wanted to see through Ye Ran.

When Ye Ran looked at Bai Xu and met his eyes,

it seemed that what he saw was not a pair of eyes,

but the vastness of the stars,

and he even felt dizzy after looking at it for a long time.

"To be honest, in all the years since I have been in charge of the Magic City High Martial Arts College, you are the first young man who makes me feel that I can't see through you."

After a moment, Bai Xu slowly spoke.

Hearing Bai Xu's speech, Ye Ran smiled bitterly.

It seems that another extraordinary person had said this to him before.

But at that time, he was more direct and wanted to directly investigate.

What, Principal, do you want to investigate too? ?

However, facing one of the three pillars of the Magic City, a supernatural being who slaughtered a country, and his top leader, Ye Ran naturally couldn't make such a joke. He immediately responded with a cupped hand: "Thanks to the principal's kindness, I am lucky to have such an evaluation." Bai Xu heard Ye Ran's polite words and waved his hand: "There is no such thing as kindness. Since your father arranged you to our school, we haven't met again." Bai Xu sat up slightly and leaned forward. "To be honest, I was really deceived by your father at that time. I really treated you as a relative. Who would have thought that you would become the first person in history to break the platinum iron rule." "I can't believe it. I have been teaching for a lifetime, but I didn't expect that I would still make mistakes."

Hearing what Bai Xu said, Ye Ran responded respectfully:

"Principal, you are very busy. Not only is you the principal of our Magic City High Martial Arts Academy, but you are also one of the three pillars of Magic City."

"The entire Magic City's two districts and thirteen counties are all on your shoulders. Things like what the juniors have done are really not worth your attention."

Flattery never wears out.

Although I don't know why the principal brought me here,

but since the principal did not notify me through formal channels,

but used space magic to transfer me here so rudely,

it proves that the principal's temper should not be particularly good at the moment...

Ye Ran's survival experience tells him that

facing a country-killing supernatural being in a bad mood, it is always right to flatter him.

"Okay, okay, okay, you are so eloquent." Bai Xu looked at Ye Ran with a smile,

"Don't you want to know why I called you here?"

Ye Ran responded:

"As the principal, your actions must be based on the interests of the Magic City High Martial Arts College. As a mentor of the Magic City High Martial Arts College, all I have to do is obey."

Ye Ran's attitude was correct and there was nothing wrong with it.

Bai Xu, who couldn't control Ye Ran,

could only blow his snow-white beard helplessly,

Bai Xu snapped his fingers,

Ye Ran's hand suddenly appeared with a document,

"This is the result of the treatment of Han Qun after your incident, take a closer look."

Ye Ran took the plan and read it carefully,

After a moment, Ye Ran frowned...

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