
276. Interlude - Daniel's Desire Part Two

[Rogue - Lvl. 96]

The man stood before Daniel with his sword raised threateningly to his side. He tilted his head slightly, a sort of bloodlust coming across his face along with an open-teeth smile. The other adventurers gathered in the dimly lit room looked up and tensed. They reached for their weapons—

“Relax. I’m an adventurer.”

Daniel produced a badge he had hidden beneath his cloak. The [Rogue] blinked. He peered at the gleaming diamond-shaped object. Then he sighed.

“Ah, I guess we won’t be having fun tonight. Come on in.”

He sheathed his blade as the adventurers in the room relaxed. They exchanged whispers, pointing and whispering as Daniel entered the brick building.

“Did you see his badge?”

“He’s a Diamond Ranked adventurer—”

Amanda followed after the [Hero], whistling.

“Whew, why’s everyone staring? We’re just visiting. No need to cause a big scene or anything.”

“And you should stop talking for once.”

Daniel shot her a glare. After a moment’s thought, she replied casually.

“Hmm, nah.”

He sighed and decided to ignore her once more. Each time he indulged her, she’d just get on his nerves. It was on purpose, too. She was just bored and having fun annoying him. A man who looked like he was in his mid-forties approached Daniel, bowing his head.

“Sorry about Lucas. He’s just suspicious of everyone who enters the guild. Especially if they’re not anyone we recognize.”

He gestured at the [Rogue] who’d gone off to the side, cross-armed and scowling that he didn’t get a fight. Daniel raised a brow.

“Suspicious, why?”

“Our last three locations were shut down by Inorian troops. It was a mess, really. Fortunately, no one died.”

“Inoria is actively shutting down Adventurers Guilds?”

Daniel raised an intrigued brow.

“Well, unofficial guilds, at least. They’re saying that it’s illegal activity, which— I don’t blame them. It is. However, when they won’t let officials from the Adventurers Guild into the region because it’s a ‘warzone’ then you start to question their intentions.”

The middle aged man waved a hand off.

“Anyway, that’s just politics and an older man’s gripes. Tell me, strangers. What are your names? I am Delmon, the former [Bartender] of Elis’ Adventurers Guild.”

“I’m Dan. And this is Amy.”

The young man nodded and gestured at his unwanted companion. She grinned.

“A [Bartender]? Got any good drinks? Don’t worry, Dan here will pay for me.”

“No I won’t.”

Delmon shook his head, apologetic.

“Alas, we don’t have much here in this unofficial Adventurers Guild. At most, we have some ale. But even then we only limit a single mug per adventurer.”

“Ah, fuck it. I’ll take it.”

Amanda slapped a silver coin on the table. She accepted the mug and scurried off to find a table. Daniel was glad that he had her off his hands for at least a little bit. He turned to Delmon who brushed his hands off.

“So, what are you looking for? Jobs? We have a few posted, but the rewards aren’t that great, unfortunately. However, most of us are taking what we can get. We also have a few other more mercenary… missions available. I know that technically goes against the creed of being an adventurer, but there are… groups who dislike the Inoria Empire that are rich and willing to pay us well.”

Daniel didn’t even need to press him further to understand the implication— rebel groups. Insurrectionists. Loyalists to the Elutra Kingdom.

“What about adventuring companies? What happened to them?”

“Until the Adventurers Guilds return to Elutra, they’ve all been disbanded by Inoria. Sorry, can't help you there. But if there’s anything specific you’d want, I can help you out.”

Delmon tilted his head, and Daniel closed his eyes.

“No, I’m fine. I’m just looking for information. About Inoria.”

“Information, eh? That’s hard to come by, these days. However, some of us do keep ears on the ground.”

The [Bartender] turned his gaze towards a young girl— probably thirteen years old— who sat in the corner of the room.

“Especially the young’uns. That’s Cindy. She’s a little [Informant]. She can help you out for the right… incentive.”

Daniel nodded and placed a few silver coins on the table.

“Thank you, Delmon.”

“O-oh, you didn’t have to—”

The [Bartender] stared at the coins, wide-eyed, but Daniel was already walking over to Cindy.

Amanda joined Daniel, already done with her drink.

“Got what you wanted yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“Oh, come the fuck on.”

She rolled her eyes.

“How much preparation do you need to carry out before you grow a pair and just do something, already. Seriously, do you take this long to go to the bathroom? Must you check if there’s any spiders hiding beneath the outhouse before you take a piss? Do you knock on the door three times before entering a room that’s empty?”

He halted mid-step. He met Amanda’s bored gaze and opened his mouth, about to reply. Then he took in a deep breath, and strode off with a shrug.

“Maybe if you were a little more prepared, you’d have succeeded in killing me.”

“Oh, that was actually good.”

She smirked.

Daniel walked up to Cindy, crossing his arms.

“You Cindy?”

“Yeah, what about it, ya stinkin’ geezer?”

The girl wrinkled her nose as she stood up, lowering a mug of ale. Should she be drinking ale? Or better yet— was she even a reliable source of information?”

“You’re an [Informant], aren’t you?”

“[Gossip] turned [Informant], yeah. Leveled up quite a few times since Elis fell and everyone started asking too much questions. Even got my advancement early.”

Cindy smiled as she took a sip from her mug. Amanda peered over Daniel’s shoulder, staring. The girl shifted slightly.

“What? Don’t look at me like that. I’m fuckin’ fifteen, asshole.”

“You’re a sassy little girl, aren’t you?”

Amanda’s lips curled up as she leaned forward.

“I don’t care that you’re drinking booze. Just hoping that you’d share some with, ah, the grownups.”

“Stop extorting the informant, Amy.”

Daniel shoved the former assassin back. Cindy hesitated, taking a step back, but Daniel gave her a reassuring nod.

“I’m just here to collect some information.”

“Geez, you’re coming to an [Informant] for information. How would I have guessed?”

Cindy snorted. Daniel pursed his lips. Maybe he should have let Amanda intimidate the little girl for a little longer.

“Let’s speak outside.”

He gestured for her to follow, but Cindy held out a hand.


She held open a hand, cocking an eyebrow.

“First, I need to see some coins.”

Daniel blinked as she continued.

“This is just to even start talking to me, so, maybe, fifty silver? And depending on what kind of info you want, I could charge you up to five or ten gold later on. It’s—”

He cut her off, placing two platinum coins in her hand. Her eyes grew wide.


“Is that enough for you?”

He folded his arms, and Cindy hurriedly nodded.


The group headed out of the unofficial Adventurers Guild. Daniel paused right by the doorway, looking back once as he felt a prickling feeling run up his spine. He spotted Lucas, the [Rogue], standing by the makeshift bar, staring straight at him.

Daniel narrowed his eyes, reaching for his Primordial Longsword. He kept a hand on it even as he left the building. They headed a street away from the blacksmith’s forge as the young man turned to Amanda.

“Keep an eye on our back. Someone could follow us.”

The former assassin furrowed her brows.

“What makes you say that?”

“Just a hunch.”

“Alright, then.”

Amanda shrugged. She grew slightly more alert— but it was almost imperceptible. As expected of someone of her level. Daniel turned to Cindy as they entered an alleyway.

“I need to know what’s going on around Elutra.”

“That is… very vague. You couldn’t have asked me a vaguer question.”

The girl gave him a flat stare. He shook his head.

“No— I mean, how are the citizens of Elutra being treated by Inoria? Have there been any kidnappings? Forced imprisonments? Have you heard of any concentrated effort to transport a large number of prisoners en masse? Things like that.”

Cindy tapped a finger on her chin.

“These are rather… odd questions. Why do you need to know?”

“It doesn’t matter. I just need to know if there’s been any such rumors floating around.”

Daniel insisted, but she snapped her fingers.

“Wait, are you investigating that rumor that runaway princess has been spreading around?”


“That’s right— the one that the people of Elutra are going to be sacrificed for some cult.”

There were a lot of things the [Hero] could say here. He could dismiss the notion, but Cindy would just bug him about it. Considering how petty she’d been so far, she could even refuse to answer his questions until he gave a truthful response. Then there was also the chance she’d get offended.

But if Daniel confirmed it, it would arouse suspicion. Spilling secrets to a [Gossip] or [Informant] or whatever was never a good idea. He opened his mouth.


“There’s no use hiding it.”

A voice called out from the back. Amanda, who’d been standing watch, chuckled.

“You’re not very good at keeping secrets, anyway.”

He scowled.

“Whatever— look, Cindy, can you tell me if those rumors are true or not?”


The girl cocked her head.

“If it’s true, are you going to do something about it? Are you investigating on behalf of the Vaun Qieur Empire? Or since you’re an adventurer, did the Remembered Order Company send you? I know— you’re a Vampire, aren’t you?”

She began listing out possibilities— options which Daniel didn’t even think to consider. He remained coy.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. Who says it’s even one or the other? I could be an adventurer and part of a country at the same time.”

“Don’t lie. You’re definitely sent by one of the Vampire Families up north.”

“Just answer the question.”

Good. It was better that she thought he was a Vampire then to know the truth. Cindy scoffed.

“Fine. A girl can’t be curious these days, huh? Well if you really must know, then the answer is no.”


Daniel blinked. She nodded, giving him a toothy grin.

“Yep. I haven’t heard anything of the sort. The Inorian troops are treating citizens kind of badly, but… I haven’t heard of any kidnappings or false imprisonments. They have been handing out harsh punishments for lesser crimes, but that could hardly be considered happening on a systemic scale. More like a bunch of guards going on power trips.”

“I… see.”

The [Hero] had feared the worst. He thought that Faith’s fears were actually true. That they could come to pass. It was reasonable, considering what he discovered at the hideout of the Harrowed Vindicators. But hearing this reassured him somewhat.

At least, until Cindy continued.

“Anyway, I don’t think there’s anything of the sort going on. That princess was probably just trying to gather outside support by spreading lies. After all, Ertos wouldn’t be surrendering if they thought they were all going to die.”

“Right— wait, what?”

Daniel blinked, and she nodded.

“Ertos is surrendering. They’ve sued for peace, and Inoria has accepted their terms. They will officially be signing the treaty tomorrow at dawn.”

The words slowly washed over the young man. He had to take a moment to register what was being said until he finally got it. And it felt… odd.

Off, even.

Something didn’t sit right with him.

“I see. That’s useful to know. Thank you, Cindy.”

He flicked an extra platinum coin at the girl which she stumbled to catch.

“Woah, woah, wait— what’s this for?”

“Consider it a tip for that last bit of information. Amy, we’re going now.”

Amanda looked back in surprise and followed after the [Hero]. When they were far enough away from Cindy, the former assassin turned to Daniel with a puzzled expression.

“We’re leaving, so soon?”

“Yeah, we’ve got to get to Ertos.”

“Now? After all your beating around the bush, you finally decide to leave for Ertos now?”

She crossed her arms as they turned a street corner.

“What made you change your mind?”

“Something’s going on in Ertos. I don’t know what, but I had known the King— Credence. He was a stubborn man. He wouldn’t surrender to Inoria even if it meant his people had to suffer for it. And yet, they are surrendering.”

Daniel closed his eyes, coming to a stop. The same prickling feeling from before ran up his spine and he glanced back. He saw no one, and Amanda didn’t seem to notice anything either.

“This just doesn’t feel right.”

Shaking his head, the young man let out a sigh.

“Come on, let’s just hurry before anything goes wrong.”

“This is my lucky day…”

Cindy skipped out of the alleyway as she held three gleaming platinum coins. Her face was bursting with a smile… until the looming shadowed figure stopped her in her tracks. She blinked, looking up at Lucas as he held a blade out.

“Hello, Cindy.”

He stepped forward, smiling with bloodshot eyes.

“It seems you have quite the productive conversation. How about you… share some of it with me?”

The girl backed up, staring at the man in fear— and then laughed.

“I’d play along, Vide, but there are other matters to discuss.”

The man paused as Cindy’s form changed. She grew taller, becoming more like an adult as her skin was stained crimson. A pair of long, curved horns protruded from her face as violet wings spread out from her back.

Lucas— no, Vide, pouted.

“Aw, you’re no fun, Occis.”

He morphed out of his [Mortal Form] too, transforming into a blue-skinned hunched figure with a long tail and sharp claws.

Occis, the former girl [Informant], stretched her back and patted her partner on the shoulder.

“I made a little discovery. One that Simag would be pleased to hear about.”

“Oho? And what exactly did you learn, exactly?”

Vide’s head craned unnaturally to the side. Occis proffered a hand to him and he took it.

“It seems I’ve found our little [Hero], after all. And he’ll be heading straight for Ertos.”

“Seriously? You convinced him to head to that death trap?”

“I did. All it took was a little bit of talking and he ran off like the [Hero] he was. Now, come .Let us inform Simag and get our reward, shall we?”

With that, two [Changelings] took off to the sky. Their flying figures drew the attention of a few passersby, but it didn’t matter. Not anymore.

Not once Ertos fell, and the royal family of Elutra lay dead.

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