
283. The Fittest

I faced down the floating Sage Centinel as he rippled with power. An ethereal red aura wisped off him like a bloodied mist. He brimmed with an insatiable desire for vengeance— for all the pain and suffering I’d inflicted on his kin.

It was what powered his Grand Skill. Something that would empower himself and his allies while draining and hurting his enemies. I lit my body ablaze, covering myself in fiery armor so the crimson raindrops would not touch me. And there was the aura protecting me too— the Pendant of Greater Protection. However, after all the battle I’d been through to this point, I was almost certain it’d give soon. But it was enough to nullify at least some of the effects of his Grand Skill’s curse.

Although, I still felt sluggish, just from moving around in this zone. The curse permeated the air, a weaker version of the raindrops that fell from the sky. Even in my [Demonic Essence] form, I knew this would be a far harder fight than the first two times we battled.

General Skill [Title Skill: General Curse Resistance] has leveled up!

[Title Skill: General Curse Resistance - Lvl. 3] -> [Title Skill: General Curse Resistance - Lvl. 4]!

Experience is awarded for the leveling of a General Skill!

My General Skill leveled up again. The Grand Skill really was dangerous.

I raised a hand, twirling my Nebular Scythe around.

“You will regret making me stay.”

That was all I said before I charged the Sage Centinel. He braced himself as I came crashing at him, a black light overcoming my weapon. His eyes widened when he saw the Skill. The powerful attack.

He dove to the side, trying to dodge it, but I pointed a single finger at him.


And he did. Moments after, [Radiant Slash] connected and tore open his carapace. His blood sprayed over me as he regained control of his body, backing away.

I narrowed my eyes as I saw the wound slowly begin to heal, even mere moments after I struck him. I didn’t stop there. I continued an onslaught of attacks, striking him with [Barrage of Cinders].

The Sage Centinel let out a deafening shriek before raising both his hands. He swung back at me, faster than I could react. Its claws collided with my armor and protective aura, knocking me back. As I steadied myself mid-air, a deluge of acid shot out— one that poured out like a wave. It would even melt the rock below. I zipped around him as I could and avoided his assailing magic.

I rushed in once more while he was distracted, only for him to intercept me once more. I barely teleported out of his clawed strike. He was faster than me. Whatever boost he had from his Grand Skill let him surpass even my current speed.

No. I didn't believe it. I wouldn’t allow it. I was faster than him. I had to be.

Activating [Haste] and [Warped Time], I swooped in for the kill and moved to close the distance as quickly as I could.

He made a clicking noise as he raised an orb of acid. He hurled it at me, and it multiplied by dozens. I dove around the mass projectiles, tossing my Nebular Scythe at him as a distraction, but he caught it. He threw it back with pinpoint precision, nearly catching me mid-air, even in my quickened state. I caught it as the weapon nearly impaled me through the chest and quickly stored it into my [Dimensional Pocket].

As the Nebular Scythe vanished, I looked up to see the Sage Centinel smiling wickedly and pointing at me.

“[Vindication of They].”


I blinked as a crimson aura was drawn out of the dead Centinels beneath me. Tens of thousands dead of bodies glowed, emitting power that gathered into a single figure. A roiling outline of an [Ancient Centinel]. It rose up into the air, giving chase after me as I sped away.

What was this? How did I fight something like that? It wasn’t even real. It was some kind of Skill, similar to my [Salvo of Vanity], except it was unable to do anything except give chase.

I sent a wave of flames at this ethereal creature, but it didn't slow down once. It wouldn’t stop until it reached me, and I didn’t think it was going to give me a hug.

No— I couldn't let it get close. [A Hunter’s Sense] screamed at me to get away from this apparition. It would shred through my aura of Greater Protection like it was nothing.

The Sage Centinel smiled as he watched me flee. It would catch up to me. I knew it would. And he did, too. That was why he turned away from me, casting his gaze down to the deep hole below.

Then he descended, even as I frantically tried to fight off this apparition to get to him. He fell upon the haven as I failed to stop him.

The Centinels poured out of the hole in the ceiling without stopping. They crawled down the side wall before leaping into the Land of the Lost. This haven which Centina had spent centuries building. She would not let them destroy it.

They were strong. Even for their low levels, they managed to put up a fight against her. Something was boosting them in strength— a kind of glow overcame them from their wet shells. Still, she barred their path, ripping them up, and parting the waves of Centinels like an island in the ocean.

Beside her, Willy sent multi-colored flames out to aid her. Ice. Fire. Acid. He exhausted himself of his abilities just to allay this horde’s approach.


She panted, turning to him.

“You need to evacuate the others. I can hold them off—”


He was insistent. He would not flee, even as the others began to back away. Centina shook her head, glancing back towards the backed up noncombatants. Kron was trying to lead them out of the collapsed tunnels, but each time they cleared a bit of the debris, the tunnels would collapse once more. The only ones who could feasibly dig their way out were the [Talonflayers], but they were fighting alongside Centina.

She made a clicking sound.

“They need your help. They cannot escape unless someone guides them out.”

Willy hesitated, but remained firm.

“Can’t help.”

He sent another blast of flames at the ceiling. It burned and burned, raging on and keeping the lower-leveled Centinels back.

“Can’t dig.”

He was more talkative than ever, which just spoke to how dire this situation was. Centina twisted her lips as she grabbed a [Senior Centinel] and shredded it apart with her claws. It didn’t even stand a chance.

“If we cannot escape, then there is only one thing we have to do.”

She stepped forward, welcoming the storm of Centinels.

“We just have to win.”

The [Will O’ Wisp] stared at her as she lanced out, spinning and tearing through another wave of Centinels. He blazed in agreement.


He followed after her, blasting apart group after group of Centinels. But just as the pair began to push the Centinels back, a figure unlike the others dropped down. It stood out in the swarm of red— a different color from the glinting carpaces.

Centina frowned. She could tell it was powerful. It radiated strength just from being there. A golden light. She readied herself for this new enemy—

And blinked when she saw who it was.


The figure glanced up at her. It looked like the Demon— with the same smirk on its face. However, it was made entirely of flame. Golden fire. One that drew the attention of everyone in the room.

Then it craned its neck, looking at the Centinels around it. With a flick of its claws, it sent a blast of fire and incinerated a large group of them in an instant.

“What is this?”

Centina didn’t know what she was seeing. It was Salvos, but not really Salvos. It had fire, just like her, but it was… it wasn’t talking. However, it was definitely on their side.


Willy spoke as he flitted up towards the fake Salvos. Centina blinked.


“Lifefire. Essence of soul. Salvos.”

She got the gist of what he was saying. It was some kind of copy of Salvos. One she sent down here to help. But that begged the question— why wasn’t she here herself?

Centina didn’t have time to speculate as the ceiling shook once more, and more Centinels dropped down. The three of them were quick to intercept these Centinels. They were [Senior Centinels]— on the brink of Level 110. But even then they stood no chance.


She called out to the clone.

“Where are you? What’s going on?”

The clone gesticulated wildly, but Centina didn’t understand what was being conveyed at all. As she continued waving her hands, an [Older Centinel] leapt down at her, and she threw her head back, annoyed. She blasted it apart before spreading her arms wide.


Willy spoke in a hurried voice. He moved forward, guarding the Salvos clone as more Centinels lashed out at her. Centina was perplexed, but she moved to do as she was asked to do. She ripped apart a group of [Senior Centinels] before casting her gaze around the room. Then she saw what was happening.

The rocks and debris all around the chamber began to hover. They floated up alongside the watching monsters, in awe of what was going on. The Salvos clone was going to clear the tunnels. No— not clearing the tunnels.

Centina narrowed her eyes as she saw the rocks grow in size. Some kind of magic to increase their mass and volume. Then the rocks lowered right next to ther watching monsters. Kron blinked as it hovered before her.

“What going on?”

The Salvos clone pointed up, and Centina understood what was going on. She shouted for all in the haven to hear.

“Climb onto the rocks! We will leave the Bloodied Gulf, now! Salvos will get us out of here!”

It sounded insane. The only way out now was up— to the ceiling where the Centinels came from. To go there was suicide. Yet, as established, it was their only option.

And the mindless monsters and intelligent monsters of the Land of the Lost… took it. They grabbed hold of their last opportunity to live. When it was a choice between life and death, they chose the only one that could potentially save their lives. Even if it meant diving into the unknown.

They wanted to survive. They clambered onto the rocks— every single monster. Centina herself, too. Then alongside Willy, the Salvos clone ascended. The rocks carrying the monsters rose up thanks to this magic, slowly exiting up the tunnel.

The Centinels saw their prey coming at them and were understandably ecstatic. They snarled and snapped and leapt for the rocks. But Willy held them off with his fire. Centina couldn’t do much. She could only watch as they rose out of the hole. To face either liberation, or their deaths.

My last clone reached the haven. She was evacuating the monsters now, using [Mass Particulate Modification] and [Scattering Displacement] on rocks to carry them out of the massive pit. I was glad.

They would survive. I was going to keep my promise. That was good.

A feeling of melancholy passed through me as I looked at my pursuer. No matter where I went, this apparition of an [Ancient Centinel] gave chase to me. The vengeance of all the Centinels I’d killed in the past hour. I smile wryly as I grew tired— all my Skills exhausted. [Haste] and [Warped Time] had ended. I had only been able to keep away from it thanks to teleportation.

I really didn’t know what to do. I was going to die here. It would shred through whatever was left of my Greater Protection aura and tear me into pieces before exploding.

At least, my clone would survive for a while longer. Her mana source was independent from mine, although she would eventually vanish without me to supply her with mana. Just not right away. Hopefully she’d be able to get Centina, Willy, and the others out before that happened.

Maybe they’d remember me for my sacrifice. Maybe they’d never forget me.

My smile slipped away as the thought crossed my mind. The apparition’s jaw closed in on me, and I made a sharp turn, diving into the ocean. It followed after me as my hearing and vision grew muddled.

I was going to die.

Again, my lips twitched. I watched as the apparition drew closer.



I was Salvos. And I was going to die here.




That didn’t seem right. That wouldn't be right. I couldn’t accept it. I thought of everything I had ever done. Of everything I hadn’t done. My goals. My dreams. My life. All that would be left was just specks of my legacy.

And eventually, it would be all but forgotten.

After all, life was transient. Nothing was ever permanent. Everything, including myself, would all eventually be… gone.


My eyes blazed in defiance as I spread all four of my arms wide, accepting the [Vindication of They]. I clashed with the apparition’s head and held it back. The sea rippled from the intensity as I pushed, letting out a scream.

The blood-stained water poured around me, a curse that made me grow stronger.

Somewhere else, Saffron lay in shock as her assassin was utterly incinerated.

Willy stared in shock

as an entire wave of [Senior Centinels] instantly vanished.

These notifications flooded my head. And something was drawn out from within me.

[My Flame—

The Aura of Greater Protection flickered out, and my skin burned. My defiant screaming turned into that of a pained screech. I felt my body twist and contort as my [Demonic Essence] rapidly left my body. Like it was being drained by… something. No— like it was being replaced

General Skills [Racial Skill: Partial Mortality] and [Racial Skill: Demonic Essence] consolidate into General Grand Skill [Racial Skill: D—

Grand Skill [My Flame—

Abundant experience is awarded for learning a Grand Skill—

Centina held onto the rock as it continued to float up, finally reaching the top of the hole. The Salvos clone had cleared the area of Centinels, and they only had a little bit further to go until they were at the ocean above.

Then there was a flash. She raised a hand, covering her face as a ripple ran through the sea.

“What is…?”

But before she could even take a look at what was going on, an angry voice called out to her.


She looked up to see a Sage Centinel descending from the sky. His face was misshapen in rage, and he unleashed a deluge of burning acid at them. Centina’s eyes grew wide as she saw the flood befall her.

It wouldn’t harm her. Not with the Breastplate of Alexander on. But there were others here, too. Kron looked up in horror and watched as the shadow engulfed them. Willy’s flames flickered as he moved to act, but the first to block the attack was the Salvos clone.

She moved the fastest here, blasting apart the deluge with her golden flames. She looked visibly exhausted but still managed to muster a thumbs-up for Centina to see.

Then the Sage Centinel appeared behind her. She wasn’t able to react. In that instant, he beheaded her. The Salvos clone’s body dropped, and he tossed it aside. An explosion shook the earth in the distance as Willy shouted.


He moved to attack the Sage Centinel, but heard the other screams. The rocks began to fell as Centina threw herself off it to stand on the red sand of the Bloodied Gulf.

Willy caught the falling rocks with a barrage of purple flames. These wisps engulfed the rocks for a moment before seeping into the cracks like water. Then the rocks glowed and hovered there, slowly flying higher as the [Will O’ Wisp] strained.

“Willy, bring the others away, I will stay here.”

Centina stepped forward, standing before the angry Sage Centinel. His gaze was fixed on her as the red rain poured around him, fueling his anger. However, he wasn’t the only one that was enraged.

A myriad of other voices called out.




Centina glanced up to see five other [Evolved Centinels] waiting down the ravine. They eyed her with spite and fury.

[Evolved Centinel - Lvl. 136]

[Evolved Centinel - Lvl. 126]

[Evolved Centinel - Lvl. 141]

[Evolved Centinel - Lvl. 131]

[Evolved Centinel - Lvl. 133]

There were two Titan Centinels amongst them, two Horror Centinels, and a Gracious Centinel. The Gracious Centinel stepped forward.

“You hurt her! You have hurt her!”

Centina hung her head and closed her eyes.

“Yes. I have gone against my kin. It is me you want. So, let them go.”

She glanced back at Willy as he sluggishly made his way up, picking up where the Salvos clone left off with his purple flames.


The Sage Centinel spoke, voice growing clearer by the second.

“All of you have hurt our mother. All of you shall pay. All of you shall suffer.”

He shook his head.

“Kill them all.”

Centina clenched a fist as the Gracious Centinel lashed out, moving for Willy. The [Will O’ Wisp] was the only one who could evacuate the remnants of the haven. If he died, all hope of escape was lost. She moved to stop the Gracious Centinel, but the other [Evolved Centinels] blocked her path.

They assailed her with a barrage of Skills. Although the Breastplate of Alexander tanked the attacks, she was held back. The smoke cleared as she could only watch the Gracious Centinel leap up, swinging for the ball of iridescent flame.

Willy flames grew smaller in fear as the Gracious Centinel slashed a scything arm at him—

And there was an explosion. The ocean above tore open, raining a sea of red down into the Bloodied Gulf. Centina blinked as a blurred figure tore through the Gracious Centinel before it could reach the [Will O’ Wisp].

Heads turned to face this flash of silver. Centina quickly identified it, only to stare in confusion.

[Cambion - Lvl. 125]


The Demon stood just at the edge of the pit, holding the crushed body of the Gracious Centinel on one hand.

Centina didn’t even know what just happened. The Gracious Centinel was already dead, in a mere instant. Salvos dropped the body into the pit, stepping forward as her body crackled with sparks.

Red flame. No— yellow flame. Then black. Then silver.

It wasn’t just the color of the rainbow. Wisps of all color flaked off her body as she stood there, casting a callous gaze to the Sage Centinel. Something about her was different. She almost seemed like her usual self with her pointed ears and Human-like body. Her clothes were gone, yes, but that wasn’t it.

Her skin was the usual pale-white— except, now that Centina took a careful look at her, her two claw-like hands were now black. It extended up to the very fringe of her forearm, stopping there like some sort of glove. Her horns were longer and curved now. As though she wore a crown around her head. And her eyes— they glimmered golden. The slit-like pupil was gone. Just a sheening gold iris.

The Sage Centinel glared at her, confused, angry— so much more. He opened his mouth.

“How did you survive my [V—”

And without a word, Salvos appeared behind him. Her claws tore through his carapace, shattering his middle body. Centina stared in disbelief as the Sage Centinel fell.

Then finally, the Demon smiled.

"[My Flame Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends].”

She brought her black claw up as it was wreathed in a silver flame.

“I cannot die."

My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends, commissioned by me :)

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