
292. Interlude - Saffron's Savior Part Three

Saffron Merryster stared in disbelief as the Salvos clone disposed of the assassin with little-to-no effort. Just moments earlier, they’d all been struggling to fend him off. After all, he was an Archdemon who was even higher-leveled than Salvos. An [Arachne] that was after Saffron’s life.

But now, he was mere ashes at the feet of the Salvos clone. She glowed brilliantly as her fiery blast died down, her form no longer the wispy shape of a Human, but a more stable body. One that, if not for the gold and silver glow, could be mistaken for a regular person.


Saffron had no idea Salvos had been hiding a trick like this all this time. Zin Norwood, however, shook her head as she morphed back into a regular Human… Vampire.

“That’s a Grand Skill, Saffron Merryster. And judging by the reaction of your friend, she’s just as surprised as you about this change. It seems that whatever she’s doing elsewhere has been quite productive.”

The Salvos clone eagerly nodded as Zin gave her an approving look. Saffron rose to her feet, taking in the scene around her. It had been a small-scale battle between Level 100s, and already, the entirety of the reinforced, enchanted corridor was destroyed.

Fortunately, the fighting hadn’t spread too far around Norwood Keep, so the damage was mostly isolated to this section of the castle. Saffron turned to her family, relieved that they were safe. Then she turned to the other individual present— Roman Crimsonfang.

He stared wide-eyed around at the destruction, still in utter shock of what happened.

“Lord Roman, I—”

Saffron offered him a hand, but he brushed it away. He stumbled over to the corpses of his bodyguards and dropped to his knees.

“Francis… Gilbert… everyone…”

She pursed her lips, watching him take in the scene. There were a lot of things she wanted to— she could— say, but instead of speaking, she stood silent as the young man wept over his dead bodyguards.

“It happened so quickly… how—”

“Saffron Merryster.”

Zin spoke over his pained voice in the background. The former Matriarch of the Norwood Family approached the young noble, shaking her head.

“I think it’d be better if you took your leave for now. Tend to your brother. I shall handle this.”


With that, the Merrysters took their leave. Saffron ushered the Salvos clone to follow after her as they brought Feirdun to seek a healer. He wasn’t too badly hurt, fortunately. And a few healing potions would’ve brought him back to full health soon enough.

“I’ll take care of our brother.”

Mons patted Saffron on the shoulder once they arrived at the healers’ quarters.

“Go report this incident to Father and the others. They’ll want to know what happened here.”

“I will.”

The young noblewoman hesitated. She was worried that another assassin might show up and attack them. But… that [Arachne] had been after her own life, no?

It was not something she had time to think about until now. And as she strolled down the gilded corridor alone, the implication settled in.

The Demons somehow knew that the Merrysters were trying to organize the Four Greater Vampire Families. And because of that, they targeted Saffron. They wanted to nip the problem in the bud— deal with it before it became too problematic.

“It seems that things will be getting more and more chaotic.”

How this had come to pass… the young noble didn’t know. She just knew that something had to be done. They had to act faster, lest they’d fall to their hubris and be torn apart before they could even come together.

Behind her, the echo of footfalls followed down the gilded hallway. The Salvos clone trailed slowly after the young noblewoman.

“To think that the Demons would make a move for my life as well.”

No longer would she be able to take the cautious approach, playing tea party as she went through the slow crawl of politics. Even if Zin would disagree, Saffron was going to give Roman Crimsonfang and the rest of the Norwood Family an ultimatum.


The sounds of footsteps halted as the young noble spoke to her friend. Shaking her head, she spun around to face the Salvos clone.

“I will need to rely on you for—”

And Saffron faced… nothing. She expected to see the fiery clone of Salvos standing behind her, but no one was there. There were only glowing flickering wisps that slowly vanished.


The Salvos clone was gone. She had been taken away by a [Long Range Teleportation] spell, whisked away in an instant. And now it was just Saffron left, unguarded, unprotected.

“Oh, this day just keeps getting worse.”


“I thought I’d find you scheming up something here.”

Saffron glanced up from the study table as she heard the doorway crea open. Her sister, Mons Merryster, stood there with her arms folded across her chest.


“How are you doing?”

The older Merryster sibling strolled into the room with a smile.

“I am doing just fine. How’s Brother?”

“He has mostly recovered from his injuries, though I worry his pride will take longer to heal.”

“As expected.”

Saffron mumurred under her breath. But I’m glad he’s safe, she thought as her sister came to a halt behind her. Saffron had stopped mid-scribbling, having been writing on a rather long piece of parchment before being interrupted.

Mons leaned over Saffron’s shoulder, eyes darting over the piece of paper.

“Well, what plan have you managed to concoct, sister?”

“A plan… it is not as much of a plan as it is a last resort.”

The older sister frowned.

“A speech?”


The young noblewoman rose to her feet and placed the pen and paper down onto the table.

“As you and lady Zin have discussed, Gannon Norwood will soon be arriving back in Norwood Keep. He is likely going to side with us when he does return. And he can mobilize the entirety of the Norwood Family.”

“That is right.”

Mons nodded as Saffron held her gaze. The younger sister paused for a moment, before finally speaking in a low voice.

“But… can we wait that long?”

“What do you mean to imply, sister?”

Saffron gestured vaguely in the direction where they had come from— where the Archdemon had attacked them.

“Our lives are now actively being targeted. We cannot waste anymore time. If we were to die— if the Merryster Family were to be wiped out— then all hope of uniting the Four Greater Vampire Families is lost. The families shall be picked off one by one, and Humankind will truly fall.”

“Don’t you think you’re being a bit too dramatic?”

Mons raised a brow, and Saffron glared.

“How am I being too dramatic? We are the vanguards of Humankind against the Demons. People think that the Spirits will save us— aid us in our battle. But they won’t. The Immortal King Alexander’s pact with the Spirit Lord was never that of an alliance. It was never that of a partnership. They didn’t protect us the first time Regnorex invaded, and they won’t intervene this time.”

The younger Merryster sister closed her eyes and huffed.

“With Humankind as fractured as it currently is, I don’t know if we’ll be able to deal with this threat.”

“Perhaps not…”

Mons shook her head and placed a gentle hand on Saffron’s shoulder.

“But the Vaun Qieur Empire has yet to mobilize the full might of their forces. The Eastern Kingdoms Alliance has pledged to stop the Demon threat. And the Three Honorable Companies— each one rivaling a major nation in might— are rallying adventurers under their banners to challenge the Primeval Demon’s army. Even if we, the vanguard of Humankind, were to fall, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost.”

“I… had no idea that was happening.”

Saffron blinked, and her older sister laughed.

“Did you really think you were the only one who’s taking action? Perhaps we Vampires have grown complacent in our wealth and luxury, but we are not representative of all of Humankind. Of course, I’d rather we not perish due to this. I’m sure you feel the same way, which is why you’re worried.”

For a moment, the young noblewoman remained silent. She shuffled her feet, twirling one of the loose strands of her pink hair uncomfortably. It was true, but it was also hard to admit. Perhaps the reason why she was so brusque about this was less about the impact it would have on Humankind, and more on the impact it would have on her family.

She didn’t want to lose everything and everyone she loved. It was a reasonable worry, of course— Saffron acknowledged it. But her pride as a Lady made it hard for her to simply admit it. As a noble, you always had to pursue the greater good. Acting selfishly was unbecoming of her.

However, around her sister, she let this facade peel away.

“You’re right, Mons.”

Sighing, she collapsed back into her chair and massaged her temples.

“I do not wish to see any harm befall you or any of my other siblings. Nor Father, nor Mother. If Salvos hadn’t saved Father that day—”

She hesitated, and Mons nodded in understanding.

“Right. I wouldn’t know what to do either.”

Even if Mons was more independent, they were still family. Father’s death would’ve impacted them both greatly. Saffron glanced over at the empty corner of the room.

“And the worst part is— Salvos…”

Mons blinked. She glanced around, puzzled.

“Where is your friend, anyway?”


Shrugging, Saffron spoke in a resigned voice.

“Apparently she had other, better things to do. I don’t fault her. If she’s really grown strong enough to learn a Grand Skill, what she’s doing elsewhere is far more productive than what we’re achieving here. And that’s why I wish to change that.”

“Which you plan on doing through… a speech?”

“Not a speech— a demand.”

Saffron grabbed the piece of paper and showed the rest of it to her sister.

“We are making a demand to both the rest of the Norwood Family and to the Crimsonfang Family. That they shall cooperate with us in bringing down the Primeval Demon. That they shall lend us their strength in this upcoming battle, to mobilize as soon as possible and prevent the fall of any other nation.”

“That’s a bold demand, sister. What makes you think the others will listen to us? Without the Breastplate of Alexander, we have lost some standing amongst the other Greater Vampire Families.”

Mons was dubious of Saffron’s proposition, but the young noblewoman had more to it than that. This part was… brash. Foolish, even.

But Saffron believed it was the right choice to make.

“If they refuse to work with us, then we shall work against them. It is how politics works, no? Always has. So, the Merryster Family will announce the secrets the Four Greater Vampire Families have been holding all this time. The truth that we are Vampires— but more importantly, that we are withholding Mythical Grade artifacts that could repel this Primeval Demon but refuse to take action. Their personal interests will vanish soon enough if they lose their positions in their countries. Maybe then they’ll work with us.”

“That is…”

Mons pursed her lips.


Saffron finished her sister’s sentence for her.

“I am aware of the consequences it could entail. But it is necessary as well.”


The older Merryster sibling spoke her sister’s name. She gave Saffron a worried look.

“I understand your position. I know why you’re doing this—”

“And that’s why you should agree that this is the best course of action, no?”

Saffron snapped, and her older sister paused. Mons nodded.

“Yes. I agree. That’s why I’m telling you you have my full support.”

“You… what?”

That threw Saffron through a loop. She was taken aback. She stared at Mons’ gaze, analyzing it. Trying to figure out if there was anything behind it. Then she realized there was nothing there. Just the love and care of a sister.

“Thank you.”

Saffron bowed her head.

“I truly am—”

But she couldn’t finish. She paused as she heard footsteps echo down the hallway. A small argument had broken out, and someone was marching close to Saffron’s room. The pair of Merryster sisters poked out, seeing the figures walk by a corridor further down.

Roman Crimsonfang stormed down the hallway, followed by Zin Norwood. She was saying something, but he didn’t listen. With his hands trembling, he spun around and pointed at her.

“This attempt on my life was premeditated. You cannot pretend that it was meant for those Merrysters, else that Archdemon wouldn’t have attacked my retinue. This…”

He gritted his teeth and faced Zin with burning eyes.

“The Crimsonfang Family shall not offer any aid or support to the Norwood Family or the Merrysters. No matter the request. That is my response to you, lady Zin.”

Saffron stared at this. She turned to her sister, and Mons just shrugged.

“It’s politics, sister. Things don’t always go as plan.”

“This day can’t get any worse.”

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