
296. A Demon, Two Monsters, and a Spirit Walk into a Town

And with that, I was finally finished with what I needed to do. I had obtained a new Title— two new Titles, actually. The Devil’s Daughter had a bonus which allowed it to be stacked on top of any other Title I had. With it, came a whole 10 Stat Points to all of my Stats in addition to my brand new Title as Secely’s Sentinel.

I had four new Title Skills, too. [General Status Effect Resistance], [Invoke Wrath], [Protection of the Sentinel], and [The Devil’s Grace]. I was most intrigued by what the last did, as the others were quite intuitive. Except maybe [Invoke Wrath].

I returned to the beach with the Centinel, the [Krokodis], and the Spirit. Kron had gone to sleep some time ago, and Centina was on the brink of passing out too. Only Willy was as amazing as me, immune to the need to sleep.


I called out to them. The [Will O’ Wisp] flitted up and over to me.


“Yep! Although—”

I did still have my Skill Points to spend. I quickly distributed them, maxing out my Secondary Skills and [Demon’s Mark]. I also brought [Nebular Construct] up to Level 10, although it wasn’t maxed yet.

“Alright, now I’m actually finished.”

I nodded at Willy, and his flames brightened.


He flew back towards Kron and Centina. They jerked awake as he zipped around them, yelling loudly in a short, truncated voice.

“Wake. Up. Wake. Up—”

“Me awake. Me awake.”

Kron scrambled to her feet as Centina groused.

“Are we ready, Salvos?”


I clapped my hands together, spreading my wings wide. Both [Wings of the Netherworld] and my regular wings unfurled.

“Let’s get going!”

The [Evolved Centinel] paused. She exchanged a glance with Willy and Kron. Then she faced me.

“Right. But where are we going to go first? It’ll be difficult to travel around with myself and Kron. Even if Willy, as a Spirit, can follow you without a problem to Human settlements.”


I cocked my head.

“I haven’t actually thought about that. That’d be a problem, won’t it?”

Centina sighed.

“Yes. Yes it will be.”

I narrowed my eyes.

“What are we going to do about it?”

“That’s exactly what I’m asking you.”


I decided to worry about what to do with Centina later. For now, Kron was really antsy about getting home.

“Me family, not sure. Me swamp there.”

She gestured vaguely towards the horizon, and I pursed my lips.

“Um, I’m going to need a bit more detailed directions than that to figure out where to take you.”

Right now, I was flying. I had no direction I was going in, really. I was more trying to get a gauge of where we were. I had a map, and I knew the Bloodied Gulf was at the southernmost point of Secely. So, considering where we were in relation to the Bloodied Gulf, I was assuming we were towards the southwest.

Kron had no answers for me— none that she could give. All she told me was that her people had lived in a swamp of sorts. It was muddy, the grass was a dark green, and there were a lot of vines.

Yep! Like that helped!

Eventually, after flying for a few hours, we returned to civilization. I spotted small towns and villages. Human settlements. They were scarce and far apart— mostly farmland right by a river. I landed far enough away where no one would spot me and turned to Kron and Centina.

“You guys should wait here.”

But the [Krokodis] just shrugged.


“Because if Humans see you, they’ll attack you. You don’t want that, right? I’m going to go to the local Adventurers Guild and ask if they know anything about your, um, swamp.”

“Is fine. No worry about we. Watch—”

Kron snapped her fingers, and I blinked.


The image of a Human woman wrapped around where Kron had been standing. No longer was a [Krokodis] standing before me. Instead, she was a green-haired girl wearing a frilly dress with a hat made out of straw.


It was an illusion. Centina gaped as she watched Kron’s form change. Not an actual transformation, yet it seemed real enough.

“Wait, what about me?”

The [Evolved Centinel] exclaimed. Kron waved a hand in her direction. Her form shifted too. She stared with wide eyes as she took on the body of a middle-aged woman with ginger hair. Kron gave her the appearance of being dressed in rich clothing and plenty of accessories adorning her.

This sight made Centina gasp. She took herself in, touching her face and her cheeks. Then she touched her jewelry, blinking. The objects moved as though she were interacting with them, but she frowned.

“These aren’t real. I can’t feel them, even if I can touch them.”

“Because fake. Me illusion not physical.”

Kron replied simply. I tapped a finger on my chin.

“I see. So that means you’ve got to be careful not to bump into anyone, Centina.”

If only I was able to lend the [Evolved Centinel] my shapeshifting ability. She was quite downtrodden, but regardless, she started towards the town in the distance.

“Alright. Let’s get going!”

I raised my hand. Willy harrumphed, interrupting me before I could take even two steps forward. His flames flickered as he spoke.


I stared at him, then glanced over at Kron. Scratching my cheeks, I cocked my head.

“What about you?”

“Illusion. Me too!”

“But you’re Spirit.”

I waved a hand over his body.

“You won’t get in trouble for entering a town unlike Kron and Centina.”

“Not fair!”

He protested. He flitted around me, making unhappy noises.

“You can transform. They have illusions. What about me?”

“You’re Willy!”


I sighed, massaging my temples.

“Fine. Kron. Can you give Willy a Human form too?”

The [Krokodis] nodded. She pointed at Willy, and his flames flickered out. I watched as a boy emerged from his embers. A boy with rainbow-colored hair and mismatched eyes— white in one eye and black in the other. He stood about half my height, and his face lit up.


Then he blinked. He inspected himself, outraged.

“Why this?”

“I don’t know.”

I feigned patting him on the head.

“Seems kind of fitting, though.”

He scowled.

“No! Change!”

Kron shook her head.

“Better this. Your body small. So, small body too.”

I could tell that her line of reasoning didn’t placate Willy, but he accepted it regardless.


“Everyone happy?”

I looked at Centina first. She seemed kind of excited, actually. Even if she didn’t want to look like it. Kron was more uncaring than anything. And Willy was still pouting. But they all nodded.

I clapped my hands together.

“Ok! Onto the Adventurers Guild!”


We arrived at the gates soon enough. The town was called Goldwick. After a small chat with the guards, I discovered that it was a small city right at the edge of the Vorith. They were one of the smaller members of the Alterian League— in the other direction of the Rainforest of Monsters.

There wasn’t an entrance fee, surprisingly enough. The guards didn’t even need to see any identification for our entry. Our entrance to the city went smoothly enough. That was— until one of them whistled as Centina walked by.

“Woah there, beautiful. How long will you be staying in town?”

My gaze snapped back. I didn’t do anything just yet, but according to Edithe, such comments typically led to trouble. I waited as Centina came to a halt, face shadowing over.

Uh-oh. It seemed like Edithe was going to be right. Centina’s head hung low as the guard approached her.

“You know, I’m good friends with the [Innkeeper] just down the street. I could get you a few free drinks and even a discount for the room if you spare some time for a man like me.”

I moved to step in, but Centina was already raising her head. Her eyes were narrowed, a piercing gaze that stabbed into the guard. She opened her mouth— and she blushed.

“Y-you think I’m beautiful?”

I froze. Um, what?

I watched as the [Evolved Centinel]— or at least, her Human illusion— shuffled her feet, embarrassed. She covered her face with her orange locks, shying away from the man. He sidled around her, grinning,

“Of course! You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in years!”


Her face grew redder than the color of her hair. I glanced over at Willy, looking for his help.

“Should we, um, step in or something?”

“Hmph. Don’t care.”

He was still upset. I looked over at Kron, and she’d already wandered off. She was at a nearby food stall, inspecting the meats they had on display. Meanwhile, the man continued to hit on Centina.

“Come on, gorgeous.”

He brought his arm over her shoulder.

“We could—”

And I moved fast. I grabbed the man by the arm, stopping him from touching her. Centina frowned as I pushed him back.

“Thank you for the offer, but we’ll be going now.”


I grabbed Centina by the arm and marched off. She spoke in a hushed voice, annoyed.

“He was nice to me, Salvos! What are you doing?”

“I should be the one asking you that.”

I rolled my eyes as I brought the [Evolved Centinel] back to Willy. His cheeks were still puffed up, and he refused to budge. So, I dragged him further into the town along with Centina, searching for Kron.

“If you had let that guard touch you, your disguise would be over. Seriously. Why’d you just freeze up like that?”

Centina blinked. Then her eyes widened.

“I… didn’t think about that. He was just so sweet. And he complimented me. And he offered us a place to stay. And—”

“And that doesn’t matter once he realizes you’re not Human. Anyway, where is Kron?”

I looked around the town. We were drawing a few stares since we were high-leveled individuals who the townspeople probably couldn’t use [Identification] on. That just meant I had to follow where the attention was directed at. After all, Kron would be attracting attention too wherever she went.

I spotted a commotion in the distance and ran off, leaving Centina and Willy behind. I looked back quickly and spoke to the [Will O’ Wisp].

“Take care of Centina. Make sure nothing happens to her.”

I pushed through a small crowd gathered around the market street. People were whispering, gasping as a scuffle broke out.

“That’s my horse, you crazy woman!”

“Me say mine now!”

Kron was walking away from a stable, carrying an entire horse on her back. She was also munching on a large chunk of raw beef in her other hand. The [Farmer] tried to pull her back, but she just dragged him forward.

“You can’t just take my Daisy—”

Another voice shouted from amongst the crowd. A woman stumbled forward, panting, followed by a group of guards.


She pointed at Kron, and the [Krokodis] blinked.

“That’s the lady who stole from my stall!”

I watched as Kron tensed, readying for a battle. The guards cried out and raised their weapons. Then I stepped in.

“Wait, wait, wait! Kron, you can’t just take other peoples’ things without their permission!”

She kicked off the [Farmer] and chewed on the meat.

“Why not?”

I hesitated.

“I… don’t actually know? But Daniel and Edithe says you can’t.”

“Hey, give me back my horse!”

The [Farmer] got to his feet, and I flicked my wrist at him.

“Here. Have a hundred gold coins.”

The [Farmer]’s jaw dropped as he saw me produce the coins out of thin air. The glittering coins clattered at his feet as I turned to the woman and threw her a handful of platinum coins too.

“Take this and go away. Both of you.”

“Of course! Whatever you say, my lady!”

“Take that stupid horse. I didn’t want it anyway.”

Their tones quickly changed. They took the money and left, and I also tossed a few gold coins to the onlookers and the guards.

“Alright. Everything settled?”

I dusted my hands off. Then I turned to Kron. She continued munching on the meat before she shrugged.


I crossed my arms.


She just shrugged.

“Me hungry.”

“Whatever. Let’s just go back to—”

I turned around with a sigh, only to freeze when I only saw Willy standing next to a woman I didn’t recognize.

“Are you lost, little boy? Where is your mother?”

“No mother.”

“You don’t have a mother? Oh, you poor thing. Here, I’ll bring you—”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!”

I ran up to them. I stepped between Willy and the woman, raising my arms.

“His mother is just… um, getting something to eat. There’s no need to worry. Come on, Willy. Let’s go.”

“Oh, ok.”

I sighed when I brought him away from that woman. He was still upset with his arms crossed. I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

“That was close. Now let’s get back to Kron…”

I pivoted around, only to catch myself.

“Wait, where is Centina?”

I looked around for the [Evolved Centinel], but she was nowhere to be seen. Then I turned to ask Kron for her help, but the [Krokodis] was also gone. I looked over at Willy for help.

“Did you see where they went?”


He averted his gaze, not looking at me. I sighed.

“You know, it wasn’t actually a good idea to bring two monsters and a childish Spirit into a town full of Humans.”

“I’m not childish!”

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