
328. Triple Confrontation

Faith El, former princess and Fallen Queen of Elutra, strolled into the healing ward. She was accompanied by Gavyn and Willow— members of Elutra’s Resistance. They came to a halt right at the doorway as she continued into one of the private rooms. A [Healing Mage] ushered her in.

A man lay in a bed atop a shimmering healing circle. He was covered in bandages, his skin tender like they’d been freshly healed, but his body unresponsive. Faith glanced over at the [Healing Mage], asking softly.

“How is he?”

“Prince Iance is still in a comatose state. Even after we’d cured all his physical wounds, he still won’t wake up. We’re not sure what it is, but we think it may be a curse of sorts. We’re bringing in a specialist on curses— an [Ailment Wizard]— tomorrow to take a look at him.”

The [Healing Mage] explained, face dour. Faith closed her eyes.

“I see. Thank you. You may leave now.”

She just stood there, eyeing her unconscious brother as she dismissed the [Healing Mage]. He looked just like Rel— except for the birthmark on his left thumb. That was the main way she distinguished the twins from one another. Otherwise, they were similar in every way. They were always charming, carefree, and kind… to those that adored them.

Faith understood that they didn’t always have the best qualities in a person. Let alone the best qualities in a prince. But they were her brothers. Her heart hurt knowing that Rel was dead, and Iance was left in this crippled state for the foreseeable future.

She held up his left hand, unfurling bits of the bandage covering his skin. The birthmark was still there. There was a pause as she took it in— as if she hadn’t believed it was really her brother earlier. Then a bitter smile.

“Prince Iance, even if you are in this state, I am still glad that you are alive.”

That was all she said. She came here to say her piece. And she turned, leaving the room.

Or at least, she was about to leave. Faith came to a halt when she saw a figure standing at the doorway. A familiar woman. One who was wearing recovery robes— who looked like she just crawled out of bed.

In fact, she probably did. Her room was right next to Iance’s. After all, she was both Faith and Iance’s sister. Another former princess of Elutra.

“Princess Hope.”

Faith greeted her simply. Hope shifted back as if Faith’s words struck her physically. But Faith just smiled as she spoke.

“I had heard that there was an ambush at the end of the escape tunnel. That most of our family and retainers perished there. I’m glad to see that you survived the fall of Ertos.”

This time, Hope physically flinched. Her eyes darted to the side as, for a moment, a recollection of the events in Ertos replayed in her head. And Faith remembered too.

Faith rushed for the tunnel with Bel in hand— for the only exit in the throne room. Then paused as she spotted Hope standing there at the entrance to the stairway. She pushed the guard out into the open and, in a single motion, slammed the entryway shut.


Faith gasped. She lowered Bel to the ground as he stared with wide eyes at the fighting in the distance, trying to move the throne, but it wouldn’t budge. It glowed an ethereal gold as its enchantments activated. They were locked out.

“Unfortunately, I can’t help but wonder how exactly you survived while the rest of my family passed there.”

Faith started past her sister, tilting her head back. Hope sputtered, wide-eyed.


“Oh. And here I thought you were too traumatized by the fall of Ertos to speak. Is there something you wish to tell me, princess Hope?”


Hope trailed off. Faith observed the way her sister uncomfortably averted her gaze. The little movements that were clearly signs of guilt. Sighing, Faith shook her head.

“I do not even know what to say to you. Today and only today, I shall speak to you as your sister. Not as the Fallen Queen of Elutra. Not as a fellow noble. But as someone who has known you all your life.”

She started towards Hope and held the other woman’s gaze.

“Hope El. You are a despicable woman.”

“But I didn’t—”

“I have never met a woman as vile as you. You have no compassion in your heart. You have no love. Not even for your siblings. I do not care that you threw me out to die. But your younger brother— Bel— was there. Destiny, your queen, was there. And you left them to die.”

Faith interrupted her sister. She didn’t care for any excuses Hope had to say. It was only thanks to luck and fortune that Faith was alive today. That Bel was alive. She scorned the woman for endangering their youngest brother’s life.

“And now you dare come here? What makes you think you have any… any… any right to even show your face to me?! Be glad that Bel was not here, Hope. If he was, I’d have burned your face off so he doesn’t have to see this scum of an older sister ever again. Now leave before I lose my temper.”

There was a pause. Faith breathed heavily from the outburst. This was unlike her. She understood that she herself wasn’t free from sin. And perhaps that was what fueled her anger— her own hatred to herself for what she did to Daniel. For her own manipulation and lies.

But even if Faith was a horrible Human being, Hope was still far beyond that. Beyond lost. Beyond insane. Honestly, Faith wouldn't be surprised if Hope was a Demon under that Human skin.

The two sisters stood there in silence as a beat passed. Hope lowered her head. Her lips quivered as her gaze darkened. And, finally, she spoke in a solemn voice.

“I’m sorry…. for what I did— I was wrong.”

Faith froze. She stared at her sister as Hope gesticulated weakly. There was a moment where Faith really didn’t believe what she was hearing. Where everything Faith knew about her sister was instantly shattered.

Then Hope continued.

“But after we left, I can promise you that I never—”

Slap! Faith struck Hope across the face. The other woman stumbled back as her cheeks stung crimson. She stared at the Fallen Queen of Elutra

“Sorry doesn’t change anything, Hope. Neither do your excuses. There is no more time for talking.”

Faith shook her head, walking away from the healing ward. She glanced back at her sister one last time before turning away.

“If you are truly sorry for what you did, then prove it with your actions. I have nothing more to say to you.”

With that, Faith left the woman alone. Never once in her life back in Ertos did Faith think she’d ever treat her sister in that manner. But things had changed. Especially in the past few years. Especially now that Elutra had fully fallen under the claws of Demons and the Inoria Empire.

Willow and Gavyn hesitated for a moment before following Faith. They exchanged a glance, but neither said anything. Faith just rubbed at her hand, speaking casually.

“Now, where is emperor Rowyn? There were other matters we had to discuss—”

She paused as she turned the corridor. Her eyes narrowed, catching sight of a familiar silver-haired woman making her way up the spiral stairway.

“Is that Salvos?”

Faith raised a brow.

“...who are those nobles with her?”

I returned to Mavos Academy. I brought with me a bunch of Vampires from Norwood Keep to speak with Clayton. Obviously, Saffron was going to be accompanying me. But her father was here too. And so were all the so-called important people from their meeting. Like Gannon Norwood, Zin Norwood, Garlen Crimsonfang, and Anya Veridian.

We arrived at the Tower of Truth, found our way to Clayton’s office, and pitched our idea to him. For Mavos Academy to offer the Vampire families protection, and to safeguard the Greaves of Alexander. His response, as expected, was—

“Absolutely not. Mavos Academy shall not harbor the Greaves of Alexander, no matter what.”

“Huh. I did not expect that.”

I scratched the back of my head. I glanced over at Saffron, and she stared back at me with a confused look on her face.

“Salvos, you said he’d help us.”

“I mean, I thought he would. I guess I was wrong.”

Shrugging, I gave her a helpless look. I must’ve misjudged Clayton’s character. He seemed to be pretty all-in on saving the Human lands and defeating the Primeval Demon. I didn’t get why he was suddenly against that now.

“B-but… we have nowhere else to go. Both the Merryster Family and Norwood Family have lost our main estates. We don’t have a stronghold to retreat to.”

“You have the support of the other Greater Vampire Families, as evinced by their presence here alongside you.”

Clayton gestured at Anya Veridian and Garlen Crimsonfang. They drew back— their apprehension on the idea was evident. Saffron gritted her teeth.

“But why—”

She started. Only for Gannon Norwood to start forward. He bowed at Clayton.

“Headmaster Skyshredder, I am here today not as the senator of Shedos, but as the Lord of the Norwood Family. You are aware of our duty passed to us from our ancestors long ago, are you not? To protect the Greaves of Alexander, as the other Greater Vampire Families were tasked to protect other Treasures of Alexander.”

“I am aware.”

Clayton spoke, crossing his arms. Gannon nodded and continued.

“And you are aware that the Primeval Demon is targeting the Treasures of Alexander. So why can you not aid us in ensuring the protection of the Greaves of Alexander?”

There was a moment where Clayton said nothing. He closed his eyes, sighing. Then he cleared his throat.

“My duty is to Mavos Academy, Lord Norwood. You know that as well as I do, Lord Norwood.”

“But the safety of Mavos Academy—”

“Will also be threatened if the Primeval Demon gathers all of the Treasures of Alexander. I am quite aware of that as well.”

“So why do you refuse to offer us your aid?”

Gannon pursed his lips. Clayton’s eyes cracked open. He held the gaze of everyone in the room. He scanned the expressions of the Vampires— the anger, the hopelessness, the fear— before his sight landed on me. It stayed fixed on me, and I cocked my head.

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy answered simply.

“Because, Lord Norwood, the Primeval Demon will never be able achieve whatever goal it has with the Treasures of Alexander.”


More than one person spoke in a confused voice. Clayton simply waved his hand over his desk. I sensed a brief distortion in space before there was a thunk.


“The Breastplate of Alexander?”

“Wait, why is it…”

Everyone in the room stared at the broken piece of metal lying in his desk. Saffron spoke in a small voice as she stepped back.

“It’s broken.”

And the room erupted into chaos. Anya Veridian shook her head in disbelief.

“That’s not possible. A Mythic Grade artifact… destroyed.”

Gannon Norwood ran a hand over the broken metal.

“But… what could’ve caused this? It must’ve been an Elite threat, at least.”

Garlen Crimsonfang spun to face Clayton in outrage.

“You! You must’ve done this! How dare you desecrate one of the hallowed Treasures of Alexander?!”

Clayton, however, held a cool gaze. He replied with his hands behind his back.

“I was not responsible for this damage inflicted on the Breastplate of Alexander.”

“Then if not you, who else could’ve done it?”

Garlen spoke as if he’d cornered Clayton. Most of the Vampires gathered here looked at Clayton expectantly. Most of them.

The Merrysters, however, cast their gaze towards someone else. Clayton looked in the same direction too. Zin Norwood was the first to pick up the subtle cue and turned away. The other Vampires soon followed, turning to face… well, me.

I scratched the back of my head.

“Um… oops?”

Saffron walked up to me, placing her hands on my shoulder. She spoke as she looked me dead in the eye.

“Salvos… did you seriously destroy the Breastplate of Alexander… one of the Treasures of Alexander… and one of the necessary pieces for the Crown of Alexander’s full potential to be unleashed?”

I just laughed.

“Hey! It’s like Clayton says. At least now Belzu won’t be able to gather all the Treasures of Alexander together, right?”

Saffron just sighed exasperatedly.

“You know what? Sure.”

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