
362. Last Resort

“It’s finally going to happen.”

Sal sat up in his little home. He waved a hand, and the screen before him flickered. It showed two different scenes— close to each other, but separate. With a reverse pinching motion, the Devil enlarged the screen and produced some snacks.

“So the rebel retreats. Recoups. Returning to whence he came.”

His eyes flitted to the right, focusing on the other side of the screen.

“And my daughter pursues. Like a predator stalking its prey.”

As Salvos spoke to her party, and as Belzu fled further into the Motharis Mountain Range, the Devil smiled. He reached for his snacks, tilting his head coyly.

“Now, which one of you will survive?”

It was a question Sal didn’t know the answer to. He wanted his daughter to come out victorious. He believed that Salvos was going to be someone truly unique. Just as the Devil himself had been. But he had been wrong before. In the past. Many times over.

Sal reached for the snacks and munched on them.

“For your sake and mine, my daughter, I hope that you deserve the Title of my daughter.”

“And we shall finish this, once and for all.”

I spoke with finality in my voice. My companions looked at each other in disbelief. Daniel and Edithe didn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. The redhead was the first to speak, taking a single step towards me.

“Salvos, are you saying you’re going after the Primeval Demon?”

“Yep! That’s exactly it!”

I pivoted, facing Motharis. We were close. But thanks to Belzu’s illusions, we’d been traveling parallel to the mountain rather than towards it. Still, now that I had a proper hold of my bearings, it wouldn’t take me long to get there. Especially if I just flew ahead.

“Belzu couldn’t have gotten far, and we know he’s getting desperate. We don’t want to let him grow stronger or come back with an even bigger army, do we?”

“That’s true, but…”

Edithe shifted slightly. She didn’t look fully comfortable with the idea. Even Daniel hesitated. But Amanda was the one who spoke out.

“Are you crazy? That’s literally fucking insane. You want to charge after the Primeval Demon responsible for killing millions of lives? For killing Mori Gladius, the fucking Champion of the Human Lands?”

She pointed at me with a shaky finger. I shrugged.

“What else would you want me to do? We can’t waste this opportunity, right?”

To me, it made perfect sense. Amanda, however, saw things differently.

“Well, if you ask me, a more sane idea would be to get Helena Warshade and an army of adventurers to back us up before we try to fight that thing. Even then, I still doubt that’d be enough.”

“I can’t do that.”

I shook my head, glancing back to the Motharis Mountain Range. Then I looked down at myself. Rainbow-colored flames sparked off me— the Divine Essence ran freely like an aura around me if I wasn’t actively suppressing it.

“If we let Belzu go now, I won’t be strong enough to defeat him. My Grand Skill only lasts a day. After that? I’ll have to wait for nearly a month before I can use it again. Plus, who knows if we’ll even be able to find him again if we let him run free now.”

Daniel pursed his lips. He nodded at Amanda before facing me.

“I hate to agree with Amanda, but this is incredibly risky. Belzu is a Level 165 [Hellprince], Salvos. Even Orgaf here isn’t at that level. It’d be six against a Primeval Demon and a small army. The odds are heavily stacked against us. Especially Edithe and I— we’re 50 levels below him. Even if you win, we could… die.”

I looked at Daniel, my companion. He wore a concerned look on his face. And to be fair to him, these were very valid concerns. In fact, I fully agreed with what he was saying.

“I know, Daniel. You’re right. That’s why…”

I hesitated. I slowly cast my gaze from Daniel to Edithe, taking in my companions. Their nervous expressions. And I gave them the best smile I could.

“That’s why I think you guys should stay back.”

The expressions on their faces instantly changed. From worry to surprise to protestation. Daniel was the first to react.

“Wait, Salvos, that’s not what I meant—”

“You can’t just go alone!”

Edithe added, raising a hand to her chest. I nodded.

“Yep. That’d be even more stupid. But I’m not going alone.”

I broke away from my companions, approaching Orgaf.

“Orgaf, I know this is a big favor to ask someone I just met, but would you accompany me to kick Belzu’s ass?”

The Thief of the Golden Scales stared at me. He tried to work his jaw for a few seconds. Then he laughed.

“Of course I would. I am an Elite. I didn’t get to where I am now by shying away from danger.”

“Thank you.”

I bowed at him gratefully. Then I casually glanced over at Willy.

“And Willy, are you down to come?”


The [Will O’ Wisp] answered without any hesitation.

“Nothing better to do.”


I turned back to Daniel and Edithe, spreading my arms wide.

“Amanda doesn’t have to come since she doesn’t want to. But I won’t be alone. I’ll be fine. And I’ll deal with Belzu.”

Both Daniel and Edithe looked at each other. They were at a loss for words. I walked up to them, giving them a hug before they could speak.

“I know you guys are worried about me, but I made a promise. A promise to Belzu— and I’m going to keep it, no matter what.”

“But what would we do?”

Edithe asked, grinding her teeth together. I drew back and gave her a reassuring look.

“I promised I’d keep you both safe when we left, didn’t I? I won’t let any harm befall either of you. You’ll return to Alyras. Find Helena Warshade. Get her here as fast as possible. We may need her help if we get in trouble. ”

I chuckled, shrugging.

“Hopefully it won’t come to that, though.”

Daniel averted his gaze. He clenched a fist, murmuring quietly.

“I see…”

Edithe just looked down. Her brows arched darkly over her face as she remained silent. I smiled at them as I took off into the air. Willy flew after me, and Orgaf disappeared into my shadow. I called out to my companions as I flew for the Motharis Mountain Range.

“Don’t worry about me, I will kill Belzu!”

“I glanced back at my companions once as I took off. They stood there, under the starlight— not waving back. I thought everything through— or at least I thought I did. I wasn’t going to risk their lives unnecessarily, and I was going to finally put an end to Belzu. Everything was going to be fine!

So… why did my companions look so upset?

“Here it is.”

Belzu looked over the Brilsum Ruins. The familiar place where he first appeared in the Mortal Realm. He had a simple goal when he came. To put a stop to the Demon King’s plans. His first obstacles were the [Cultists] who thought he was just another one of the foolish minions adhering to Regnorex’s will.

They realized quickly enough they were wrong when he ignored their commands. Why would he listen? They had no control over him. They couldn’t banish him back to the Netherworld. Even though they had ‘summoned’ him, he had no collar. He wasn’t bound by that pesky artifact created by the Demon King for control.

No— Belzu had been granted a gift. One bestowed by the Devil of the Netherworld himself. A mark that allowed the Primeval Demon to cross planes as the Spirits did. Perhaps it was even superior to what the Spirit Lord gave his subjects. After all, Belzu could choose where he would go.

It was the best of both Demon and Spirit summoning. Summoned Demons would be able to decide which ritual they would answer— no matter where it was in the world. Meanwhile, Spirits could only cross through the portal that came to them.

But that was not all that it allowed of him.

The Primeval Demon flew forward, followed by his army as he reached the inner city of the Brilsum Ruins. He heard a buzzing coming from the side. A swarm of [Locus Vurats] had made this place their home now that the monsters inhabiting the Brilsum Ruins were gone. Belzu’s eyes flickered once, and he waved a hand dismissively.

“Begone, pests.”

The swarm of [Locus Vurats] encroaching on the army immediately turned tails, fleeing from an illusion that was larger than life. A creature with the body of a wolf without fur, bearing the heads of a dozen serpents. A being that Belzu had only seen once, slumbering. Yet, the Primeval Demon feared it more than anything else he had ever encountered.

The Beast.

It was but a memory. Crafted from Belzu’s fear. But it felt so real. Even Belzu’s army trembled at the sight of the Beast. Alix shifted back, wide-eyed as she stared at the looming figure.

“What… is that?”

“That is the pinnacle of the Netherworld. Pray that you’ll never encounter such a terrible being in your mortal lifetime, Human.”

Belzu answered simply as he drifted further into the Brilsum Ruins. Alix apprehensively followed after him. The rest of the Humans were a step behind her, pausing briefly to stare at the illusion for a moment longer.

With a wave of his hand, the Primeval Demon dismissed it.


He called out.

“We have work to do.”

They entered the half-standing palatial structure at the center of the inner city. It had once been a beautiful castle where a royal family lived. Then it had become home to monsters. After, it became the hideout for [Cultists]. Now it was simply empty— devoid of life.

But that didn’t mean it had no use to Belzu.

The Primeval Demon reached the central chamber where he was first summoned. Unlit candles were littered around the room, and books were scattered across the floor. Alix paused when she caught sight of a splatter of blood on the walls. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the desiccated bodies piled up in the corner of the room.

“What is this place? Why are we here?”

The former slave asked, wide-eyed. Belzu didn’t answer. He simply descended, his insect-like feets touching the marble ground with a clack. Alix called out after him.

“Lord Belzu, you said you’d stop treating us as slaves. Please, tell us your plan. What’s going on?”

He glanced back at her once. She had desperation in her voice. He sighed, answering simply.

“I never thought I’d return here. I never wanted it to come to this.”

The Primeval Demon ran one of his arms along the ground, clearing the dust off an inscription on the floor. No— not just an inscription. It covered the center of the chamber. A massive ritualistic circle, carved out of the stone.

Alix stared in shock. The other Humans gasped, backing up nervously. Belzu spoke without glancing back once.

“Before I left, I made preparations. A last resort. A contingency in case I were to fail. This place is where sacrifices are made. A place where my kin are brought to this plane.”

Without even turning his head, Belzu could sense Alix stepping away from him. Her fear was palpable. She tried to reach for her blade. Then she paused as a Mindreaper floated up to her side.

“Lord Belzu… why did you bring us here?”

Alix spoke in a trembling voice. The Humans were surrounded. An army of monsters gathered around them as they formed a circle in fear. The Lord of Lies finally tilted his head. His bulbous eyes glinted as he answered her question.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

And he flicked his arm. A crimson aura shot out, and Alix unsheathed her blade.


But she was too slow. The gathered Humans screamed. A body dropped. Blood stained the ground as the ritual circle began to glow. And Alix opened her eyes, blinking.


She looked down, staring at the dead Mindreaper next to her. Belzu turned as the summoning circle behind him began to change shape.

“This is not any ordinary summoning circle. This is more than just a portal for a single Demon. More than just a portal for the Demon King’s minions. This is the gift the Devil gave to me.”

He opened his mandibles, and a symbol in his mouth began to glow. The ritual circle turned into a portal. A small one that showed a red world. White rocks. Alix just watched as the Netherworld revealed itself to her.

“This is my last will to you, Humans: slaughter the rest of my army. Sacrifice them so that I may bring chaos to this Mortal Realm. So that I can bring an end to Regnorex’s foolish plans.”

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