
367. Weaknesses and Strengths

Willy wondered why he simply followed Salvos as she embarked on these ridiculous adventures. He had just barely met her about two months ago in the Bloodied Gulf. She piqued his interest. Reminded him of his master. But maybe that wasn’t just it. Maybe it was because he thought— hoped— that things would be different.

Nynen died, and so could anyone. So could Salvos. The [Hellabomination] swatted the silver-haired girl out of the air, crushing her against the ground. Rainbow-colored flames burned and were snuffed out under the giant claws. The [Will O’ Wisp] flinched as the ground shook.

Gold and silver flames instantly rained down on the wild Primeval Demon as it drew its clawed hand back. All the remaining Salvos clones stopped what they were doing. They zipped straight for the [Hellabomination], flying around it recklessly as Willy rushed to the real Salvos’ side.

She lay buried in rubble at the very bottom of a crater. Salvos was still alive. Bleeding, in bad shape, but alive.

Orgaf shouted something, leaping back into the fray as Willy hurriedly transported Salvos back and began healing her with his green flames. In the background, the [Hellabomination] roared, unleashing another pillar of blue flames.

“What… is that?”

Edithe Dawnrise stared as the night sky was lit up by a brilliant blue light. In the distance, a hulking creature rose from the ground, gripped by shadows. Daniel Song spoke to her side as they flew closer.

“I don’t know. But we’re about to find out.”

The Salvos clone carrying them sped up, soaring over the canyon and towards the destroyed city. She moved in a panic. Edithe could tell— something happened a few moments ago that changed her demeanor. A flock of winged Demons intercepted them, but the redhead blasted them apart with her magic as they drew closer and closer.

The monster in the distance— the enormous Demon— spread its wings wide as it tried to break free from the dark tendrils holding it down. It ripped off one, burning another. A pair of Salvos clones crashed into its back, exploding into a brilliant blast.

But that only knocked it back. Some of its skin was burned. Blood was drawn. However, it continued its ascent. Edithe scanned the battlefield, watching Orgaf unleash a whirlwind of blades at the Demon. But she was searching for something else. Someone.


She cried out when she spotted the figure lying bloodied by some rubble. Salvos. The silver-haired girl wasn’t in her Human form, but Edithe barely even noticed that. Instead, the redhead saw how Salvos’ wings were torn and tattered. How her arms bent in the wrong direction— how her spine itself was twisted.

It was bad. Very bad. And Salvos wasn’t even responding. Willy floated next to her, wreathing her in green flames.

“What happened? Is she alright?”

Edithe and Daniel quickly landed with the Salvos clone carrying them. The [Will O’ Wisp] answered while still focused on his healing.

“Hurt. Need help.”

“I have healing potions. They should—”

Daniel produced a vial, but Willy rejected it.


A nearby [Hellwolf] leapt for the stationary Humans, but Edithe blasted it back. She turned to Willy.

“What? Why not?”

“Need stronger.”

Both Daniel and Edithe exchanged a glance. They knew what that meant. But Daniel was offering the highest grade of healing potion there was. The only things that were superior were elixirs and other advance alchemical potions. He didn’t have that.

But someone did. Or, well, Salvos did. The Salvos clone produced a Potion of Regeneration. It came in a crystalline bottle, and it didn’t look like there was much of the magical liquid left. Still, it was all they had and they carefully poured the Potion of Regeneration into Salvos’ mouth.

Edithe watched with bated breath as Salvos’ wounds began to close. The Demon girl’s arm righted itself along with her spine. The holes in her wings sewed themselves shut. But only mostly. She was still lying there, unresponsive.

“Why isn’t it working?”

Daniel turned to Willy. The [Will O’ Wisp] was uncertain. They looked at Salvos, lying there. Then they turned to the Salvos clone. She just shrugged and flew off, heading straight for the giant Demon as it swatted down another Salvos clone.

A voice interrupted the quiet deliberation. Edithe glanced back as Orgaf, Thief of the Golden Scale, emerged from the shadows. He clutched at his shoulder, panting.

“My Grand Skill will not hold on for much longer. That [Hellabomination] will escape—”

He paused when he caught sight of Edithe and Daniel. His brows snapped together.

“Great. And what are you two doing here?”

“We’re here to help.”

Edithe replied simply, holding his gaze. Orgaf scowled.

“You’ll only get in the way. Seriously, we’ll have to protect you idiots as we leave this place.”

“Leave this place? We can’t let that Demon run free.”

She narrowed her eyes, and he shook his head.

“There’s no way we’re defeating that thing without help. We need to go. Now.”

“I’m not leaving. If that Demon breaks free, it’ll destroy us all.”

“Are you fucking serious? Then go ahead and die if you want. I’m not getting myself killed because of you.”

Orgaf laughed as he started past her. An explosion boomed in the background. There were just two Salvos clones left. Edithe pursed her lips.

“So you’re just going to leave? Aren’t you an Elite Ranked adventurer? Aren’t you Orgaf, Thief of the Golden Scale?”

“I didn’t get to where I was being a moron and charging into fights that have already been lost. So, yes, I’m leaving now.”

Edithe stared at him as his shadows formed ribbons around him. The fact that he had the audacity to just up and leave infuriated her. After all his bragging— his belittling of her— he was going to flee? Her fists tightened into balls, and she snapped.

“You’re a fucking coward, Orgaf.”

And the Elite paused. He slowly faced Edithe as she continued.

“All that talk and you’re just going to run at the first sign of trouble, huh? I shouldn’t have expected anything more from you.”

Again, another explosion. One Salvos clone was left distracting the [Hellabomination]. Orgaf held Edithe’s gaze. His eyes were cool. Even with the fighting in the background. In spite of the wild Demons buzzing around the ruined city. He tilted his head dangerously.

“You left before the battle even began, and now you’re calling me the coward? Do you really think I’ll allow such an insult to go unpunished, girl?”

Edithe drew back, tensing up. But her lips still moved as she stared straight at him.

“You’d rather fight your own ally then work together to defeat an enemy, huh? Of course.”

Orgaf frowned. He raised his dagger.


“That’s enough, both of you.”

And Daniel stepped between them. He glanced once at Edithe, shaking his head.

“Whatever spat you have with him, just drop it. We have more important matters right now.”

The redhead opened her mouth to protest. Then she bit her lower lip. She hung her head, slightly ashamed at her outburst. Daniel then turned to the Elite.

“And Orgaf, I can’t force you to stay. None of us can. But you’re the best of us here, and you’re our best chance of helping us defeat that thing until Salvos wakes up. Or are you just going to leave her here to die with the rest of us?”

Orgaf took a step back. He glanced between Daniel and Salvos. Then he crossed his arms.

“She’s a Demon.”

“But she is still Salvos. The very same person you came here with. Weren’t you just praising her a day ago?”

The Elite shifted once again, unable to muster up a reply. Daniel sighed. He walked up to Salvos, placing a hand on the Demon girl’s shoulder. The last explosion resounded as all the Salvos clones fell to the [Hellabomination].

“You’re right, Orgaf, that we’re weaker than you. But that doesn’t mean we can’t do what we can to help. And that’s what I’ll do.”

Daniel closed his eyes and spoke for all to hear.

“[The Will of the Hero].”

A radiant glow overcame Salvos as she lay there, eyes-still-closed. Orgaf blinked a few times, in disbelief of Daniel’s words.

“Wait, what?”

But Daniel didn’t stop there. He pivoted around, facing the [Hellabomination] as it ripped off the shadow bindings. He strode forward as ribbons of light wrapped around him.

“So I will do what I can. Do what needs to be done. And, hopefully, come out of this alive.”

He leapt into the air as an ethereal armor covered him. His blade grew in length, overtaken by the same aura. The [Hellabomination] raised a hand his way.”

[A Hero’s Rage]! And—”

Daniel Song, [Hero] from Earth, shouted as a blinding light of power overcame his sword.

“[Hero’s Slash]!”

He stabbed the palm of the clawed hand, tearing straight to the other side. The [Hellabomination] recoiled. It pulled its hand back, screeching in pain. Daniel leapt back as Orgaf watched with wide eyes.

“A… [Hero]? In this age? But—”

“I know the risks, Orgaf.”

Edithe spoke over him, walking up to Salvos’ side as well. Willy’s gaze trailed after her as she came to a halt.

“Maybe you think I’m a burden. That I’ll drag you down. Or maybe you’re concerned— worried that I’d get myself killed— so you’d feel responsible if you couldn’t save me. I know. I understand that I’m not as strong as you. That I’m not a [Hero] like Daniel. That I’m not as special as Salvos. But I am here too.”

She raised her staff as her magic poured into Salvos.

“[Patron of the Skills]. [Aura of Greater Protection]. [A Guardian’s Blessing].”

Her head raised, and Willy just stared at her. She spun around as her magic flared up.

“So don’t you dare count me out!”

And she charged after Daniel. Orgaf and Willy looked on as the two lower-leveled Humans ran straight into danger. Then the [Will O’ Wisp] snorted.

“Anyone can die. Stupids.”

He followed after them. It was just Orgaf left. The Elite. He stood quietly for a second, looking over at Salvos. Then he grunted and silently joined the fighting once again.

Everything was dark. The last thing I remembered was the [Hellabomination] looming over me. I wasn’t even able to react. It crushed me with its massive claws, and my vision disappeared. My body was limp. All I felt was intense pain. I couldn’t hear anything. I couldn’t even think. I only saw flashes of scenes— perhaps through my clones’ eyes. But they dwindled in number, and I began to see less and less of the world.

Then the stabbing pain assailing my body suddenly vanished. My hearing returned; I heard voices around me. I couldn’t make out what was being said. I just knew it was an argument. Then one declaration followed by another. I sensed the last of my clones perish, only for a surge of power to wash over me.

It empowered me. It made me feel stronger than ever. But it wasn’t enough. I still couldn’t move. Couldn’t think— until I felt it.

A warmth. Like the hug of a companion, or the recognition of those around me. It calmed me; I could hear my breathing; my mind collecting; a fog clearing; this dazed dream fading. My thoughts whirred as my fingers twitched.

I heard the explosions. The shouts and the fighting. It was all clear to me now. My strength returned. My lips moved. I opened my eyes, and the last of my wounds vanished.

“[My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends].”


[Available Stat Points: 0]

[Vitality]: 155 (+20%) (+30) (+10) (+100) (+15)

[Strength]: 145 (+20%) (+30) (+10) (+100) (+15)

[Endurance]: 150 (+20%) (+30) (+10) (+3) (+100) (+15)

[Wisdom]: 265 (+20%) (+30) (+10) (+13) (+100) (+15)

[Agility]: 320 (+20%) (+30) (+10) (+5) (+100) (+15)

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