
374. Predator

“You’ve been looking awfully antsy for the past few days, Zack.”

Helen’s voice drew the young man out of his stupor. He fidgeted, glancing around the encampment one last time as it was dismantled before turning to his teammate.

“I’m… fine. Just a bit on guard.”

They were getting close to their destination. Two nights ago, the remnants of the Remembered Order Company’s coalition arrived at the Helbir Plains. After their defeat to the Primeval Demon— or Primeval Demons— at Westshield, they’d spent the next few days recuperating and gathering back together so that they were at least a sizable amount.

They had been at a loss as to what to do. Some wanted to return to the Remembered Order Company and raise another army— albeit not as large— since Mori Gladius was dead. But others had insisted they pressed on to Alyras and meet up with Helena Warshade and her army there. So they split in two. The bulk of their force, including Zack and his team, continued into the Helbir Plains while a select few dozen returned.

And that was when Zack sensed something odd. A feeling which struck his soul. He’d conferred with the other high-leveled [Mages] present, and a few of them agreed: they’d sensed the same thing.

Unfortunately, none of them could ascertain the nature as to what it was. They were all left perplexed; some tried to dismiss it, but others were wary. After all, it had to have been some strange and powerful magic if multiple [Mages] sensed it all at once.

But not everyone paid the [Mages] any mind. When Zack and the other [Mages] approached the temporary leader of this coalition, Marwin the Silver Swordsman, he laughed off their concerns.

“I’m sure whatever it is, it will be fine. Our main objective is to get to Alyras as soon as possible.”

Zack remembered the Level 141 [Warrior] speaking as he waved a hand dismissively. And when Zack protested that they should at least take some precautions, Marwin dug his heels in.

“Both Scarlet and Tyrian left me in charge of this army, boy. And unless it’s another Primeval Demon, we have no reason to slow our advance to our destination. That’s enough of this conversation. I will not be lectured on what to do by a damn Platinum Rank.”

Dickhead, Zack thought at the moment. Of course Marwin wouldn’t listen. He had a reputation for being an asshole. Zack wasn’t even sure why he tried to bring it up in the first place.

Back in the present, Zack just sighed as he turned to his team. Jaakko marched on with no worry in the world— or maybe he was worried, but he was simply prepared to face any challenge or threat that came at them. Meanwhile, Helen was slightly concerned over Zack’s warnings.

“Do you think whatever it is is that bad?”

She asked, shifting slightly. The small army of adventurers began to move, and Zack glanced over towards the horizon. A shudder ran through his spine as though ants were creeping along his skin.

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I feel like we should be prepared for something. Anything. I know I sound a little crazy, and maybe I am if it was just me.”

Zack clenched a fist as the midday sun reached its zenith. The small army of adventurers crested atop a hill, reaching the end of a crossroads that led to the town of Dimona.

“Whatever it is, if multiple high-leveled [Mages] start sounding an alarm, you should be worried.”

“And prepared we are.”

Jaakko rumbled. He planted one of his four hands firmly on Zack’s shoulder as his single eye focused only on what was ahead.

“I understand your worries, Zack. However, there is not much we can do other than follow our orders and be ready for anything to happen.”

Chains rattled as the Cyclops placed a hand on his kusarigama. Zack eyed it, then turned to the small town just up ahead.

“Well, I hope I’m just losing my mind.”

The [Mage] sighed. Somehow, he felt like they were being… followed.

The [Savage Agarat] saw the fleshy things moving in the distance. Miles and miles away. But the Archdemon stayed hidden beneath its wings. The magical feathers blended in with the brightly-colored foliage around it, and its red eyes dimmed.

It continued to stalk the fleshy things. There were so many of them, and it understood that it didn’t stand a chance against all the fleshy things if it struck now. Not after its battle with the winged thing at the mountain.

The Archdemon’s eyes slowly fixed on a single target. A fleshy thing leading the other fleshy things. And the [Savage Agarat] lusted for the levels it could gain. It continued stalking them, waiting for its time to strike.

“My clones have made it back to Alyras.”

I reassured my companions as we flew away from the Motharis Mountain Range.

“That’s good. That means the Wyvern eggs will be able to hatch safely.”

Edithe spoke as she smiled in relief. Daniel nodded.

“But now we have to focus. Otherwise that [Savage Agarat] will cause more destruction as it runs amok.”


I agreed with him. I wasn’t flying too quickly. I took my time as I surveyed the landscape, trying to see if there was any trail of destruction left behind by the [Savage Agarat].

This wild Demon somehow wasn’t as wild as I thought it would be. I would’ve assumed it would destroy everything from the trees to literal rocks after injuring the Wyvern. But despite the fact that I’d been flying for an hour, I saw nothing.

“Are you guys sure I’m going in the right direction?”

I cocked my head after a few more minutes of flying.”

East. The Wyvern told us that the [Savage Agarat] had gone east. But I was starting to doubt the Wyvern’s sense of direction. Daniel and Edithe both exchanged a glance. The Human man piped up.

“I mean, we could be going the right way. The biggest problem is that it’s so vague that we could fly for hours and find nothing, you know?”

“Huh. I guess.”

That was annoying. I was contemplating summoning more clones to help expedite the process, but Edithe narrowed her eyes and pointed ahead.

“Do you guys see that?”

I blinked. I leaned forward as I flew on. Towards the horizon, I saw…


Daniel whispered. I sped up as I agreed with his assessment.

“That’s definitely smoke. Let’s go!”


We arrived at a destroyed town soon after. I was wary to approach it at first because I spotted a myriad of figures gathered around the ashened remains. I was expecting them to be brigands or undead or monsters, but it turned out it was an army of adventurers. I waved at an [Archer] who raised a bow in panic.

“Hey! Don’t shoot! We’re adventurers too!”

The [Archer] hesitated as I landed before him. He eyed me warily, bowstring still drawn and aimed for my head.

“Identify yourselves.”

“I am Edithe Dawnrise.”

Edithe was the first one to speak. She produced an adventurer badge and gestured at Daniel and I.

“This is Salvos and Daniel. We are Diamond Ranked adventurers.”

“Salvos— wait, you’re the Liberators of the Plaguelands!”

The [Archer]’s eyes widened. He quickly lowered his bow and apologized.

“I apologize for that. We’re just a bit on edge. I’m Joseph. They call me the Ranger of Xyren.”

He was Level 110. Relatively high-leveled, which explained why he had a Title. Daniel approached him, looking around the destroyed town. The [Hero] gritted his teeth..

“What happened here?”

“We don’t know.”

Xyren shook his head.

“We just arrived here and Dimona was already destroyed. Whatever it was killed all the citizens. It spared no one.”

I narrowed my eyes as I scanned the remains of the dead Humans scattered about. They weren't half-eaten or mauled. They were simply massacred, brutally and haphazardly.

Shrugging, Xyren gestured vaguely towards the Motharis Mountain Range.

“I’ve heard reports of stray migratory Wyverns destroying towns and cities over the last month. This could be a Wyvern attack.”


I answered quickly enough. Xyren raised a brow, and I faced my companions.

“It wasn’t the Wyverns that did this. They were [Frost Wyverns], after all. And I don’t see any frost, do you?”


Xyren rubbed a hand on his chin. He spun around and gestured for us to follow.

“Well, you can tell that to our leader. He’s convinced it’s the Wyverns that did this, and I’m not going to bother arguing with him.”


I exchanged glances with my companions. They nodded, and we started to follow after Xyren, walking past various adventurers who turned to face us. A few of them whispered and pointed our way. I heard them saying my name. And to a lesser extent, Daniel and Edithe’s names.


Xyren called out. A burly man with a pair of silver blades at his hips turned around from a discussion with a group of other Diamond Ranked adventurers. He furrowed his brows at the [Archer].

“What’s going on, Xyren?”

“We’ve got guests. These are the Liberators of the Plaguelands, and they’re here to help.”

Xyren stepped aside, gesturing at us as I looked around at the gathering of adventurers. Marwin blinked and grinned.

“The Liberators of the Plaguelands, huh? Quite an impressive group, you lot are. I’ve heard about you. Of course, not as impressive as me. While you do have a remarkable feat, it is a single one compared to my dozens of achievements. I’m sure you’ve heard of me, haven’t you?”

He crossed his arms, still smirking as I turned to Edithe and Daniel. They both shook their heads, then I turned to the man with a puzzled look.

“Nope. I don’t know you.”

“You… what?”

The man stared at me as Xyren rolled his eyes in the background. I cocked my head.

“Are you supposed to be famous or something?”

“I’m Marwin! The Silver Swordsman! The Master Duelist! I’m one of the top members of the Remembered Order Company!”

I watched him sputter. Marwin harrumphed, his gaze turning to a glare. I tapped a finger on my chin.


Marwin’s face turned red as a figure pushed through the crowd of gathered adventurers.

“I am ranked as one of the top five next in line to become an Elite Ranked adventurer in all of the Human lands! How have you not heard of me?”

He exclaimed, and my eyes went round. My jaw dropped as Marwin wore a self-satisfied look on his face. He leaned back, content.

“Ah, it seems you do know me—”


I exclaimed as I spotted the Cyclops through the crowd. Marwin paused, and I dashed past him. I made a break for it straight for a group of three adventurers. Zack, Helen, and Jaakko. I hugged them as they came to a halt. My companions massaged their temples, watching me make a scene.

“I’m so glad you guys are safe! I wasn’t sure if you had gotten out in time—”

“Salvos? Is that really you this time?”

Helen looked at me as I beamed up at her. Zack just pushed me away.

“Get off— you’re suffocating me!”

“It seems fate has once again led us together, Death of the Destroyer.”

Jaakko nodded his head simply. I drew back, still smiling at them.

“Westshield was a mess, wasn’t it? I wish I could’ve been there myself, but it was too dangerous.”

“We only got out of there thanks to your clones. Even if you weren’t there in-person, you did what you could.”

Helen reassured me. Before I could respond, a sharp voice drew my attention to my back. Marwin pointed at me, snapping.

“I will not tolerate this disrespect. How dare you insult me. We don’t need your aid, Liberator of the Plaguelands— if that’s even your Title. Begone. We have Wyverns to slay.”

I frowned at him. His loud voice drew a lot of attention to him. Heads turned, and even the guards keeping a lookout for any nearby monsters ignored their post to face him.

“Wait, you’re wrong though. This wasn’t done by Wyverns.”

“Wasn’t done by…? Do you think I care about what you have to say, girl?”

Marwin waved a hand dismissively. I opened my mouth, raising a hand as something shifted in one of the nearby destroyed houses. But he spoke over me.

“I told you, I am the Silver Swordsman. I am on the precipice of becoming an Elite. I think I’d trust my intuition and experience over yours. And I know a Wyvern attack when I see one—”

He started, and froze. A blurred figure shot out of the broken house. It moved even faster than I could react. It flapped its wings, cutting through the air as it chomped into Marwin’s arm with a red aura.

I stared at the crocodile-like Demon as it ripped the Silver Swordsman’s arm off in an instant.

[Savage Agarat - Lvl 146]

Marwin screamed as he fell back. His protections were shorn through in a moment. The adventurers erupted into action. They shouted and yelled, readying their weapons as the Demon took off into the sky. Daniel and Edithe readied their weapons as I looked at them. They called out my name.

“Salvos! Go and stop it!”

I looked between the Demon and the injured Human. Then I shrugged.

“Huh. I mean, he was kind of annoying. He kind of deserved that.”


They repeated, and I rolled my eyes.


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