
379. Meeting Royalty

Defeated [Savage Agarat of the Earth - Lvl 146]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 10 levels above you!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!

Subspecies [Daeva Cambion] Level Up!

[Daeva Cambion – Lvl. 137] -> [Daeva Cambion – Lvl. 138]

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!

Class [Draconic Apprentice] Level Up!

[Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 102] -> [Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 103]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

“Ugh, my head…”

I rubbed at my temples as the notifications resounded in my mind. It caused a bit of a headache to swell, but the worst of it was gone. After an hour, I no longer had my heightened senses— no more super hearing, no more super vision, and no more super scent. It was incredibly relieving.

[Manifestation of the Old Gods] was an incredibly good Skill. I was certain that, under the right circumstances, it would aid greatly in battle and in other situations. However, I wasn’t acclimated to it yet. It drove me insane. Once I’d defeated the [Savage Agarat], I collapsed and lay there until someone picked me up and put me in a carriage with a bubble of [Silent Darkness] around it.

Even then, I could still see. I could still hear. It was like my senses weren’t determined by what was physically there. I just… saw, heard, and smelled far too many things to handle. It was so overwhelming, but fortunately, it was gone now.

I was better and I opened the carriage door and leapt outside. There was a hammering in my head as I heard the clopping of horse hooves and the sound of whispered conversations. But it wasn’t a blare any longer. I spread my wings wide as I flew up, blinking away my blurred vision until I could see clearly.

I spotted my companions riding on horseback and descended on them.

“Daniel, Edithe!”

I glanced between them as they greeted me.

“Salvos. You’re awake.”

Daniel smiled at me, and Edithe nodded.

“So it only lasts an hour, huh? Glad to see you’re doing better.”

“Yep— ouch. I mean, it still kind of hurts. But I’m no longer dying from sensory overdose or whatever.”

I flexed an arm at them before casting my gaze over the caravan. A few armed guards were looking my way, exchanging whispers as they pointed at me. I recognized Willow— who I waved to— and Gavyn, both of whom were part of Elutra’s Resistance. Neither Zane nor Garland Monsterthorn were present. Either that, or I’d arrived too late and they were eaten by the [Savage Agarat].

Honestly, I should’ve known that the [Savage Agarat] couldn’t be reasoned with when I saw him eat that annoying Human’s arm. Seriously, that was gross!

I tried to ignore the fact that I was genuinely upset that I couldn’t make a new Demon companion. It had been so long since I had spoken to another Demon who I wasn’t utterly hostile against. But… it seemed like I forgot that that was how it worked for most of the time I spent in the Netherworld.

There was only Haec. Haec and the others. But the others were dead, and Haec was, possibly, serving under the Demon King. He could be dead now, for all I knew. The Netherworld was a tumultuous place, and I was going to get back there soon. I just hoped he was safe.

I turned back to my companions as the caravan came to a stop. I used [Identification] on them and gave them approving looks.

“Edithe! You leveled three times! Although, Daniel only leveled once…”

“I know.”

The Human man sighed dejectedly.

“It seems that I didn’t actually do as much damage against that Demon as I thought I did. Even though I used a bunch of my [Hero] Skills.”

“Then why did Edithe level three times?”

I blinked. The [Mage] shrugged.

“I think it was thanks to our combination casting. We both killed the [Savage Agarat] together by teleporting it to… where did you teleport it to again?”

“The fold between planes. It’s kind of like a void, but not really. There’s still things there. It just gets frozen into nothingness.”

I explained. Both Edithe and Daniel stared at me.

“How does that work?”

They asked, and I gave them my biggest smirk.

“I… have absolutely no idea!”

Daniel and Edithe facepalmed at the same time.

“Should’ve expected that.”

The redhead muttered. I patted her on the shoulder, and she looked up at me.

“Anyway, your three level ups were well deserved. I couldn’t have defeated that [Savage Agarat] without your help. Without you, it would’ve broken through my [Fragmented Pocket DImension] and probably stabbed me after shouting really, really loud.”

I gave her a thumbs-up, and Edithe returned with a small smile.

“Thank you, Salvos.”

I glanced over at the caravan as one of the doors opened.

“So, where are we going?”

I asked, and for a response, both my companions eyed the carriage.

“We’re, uh, escorting princess…”

Daniel started, only for my eyes to grow round as a figure dressed in glamorous clothing stepped out. They sparkled as my wings beat faster and faster in excitement.

“Princess Faith!”

I yelled over the Human man as I flew forward. Princess Faith blinked, and I crashed into her. Her escorts— the bodyguards I didn’t recognize— shouted in a panic. But Gavyn and Willow stopped them from rushing at me with their weapons.

“H-hello to you as well, Salvos.”

Faith pulled herself to her feet I stepped back. I beamed at her.

“Hey. What’cha doing here?”

I spotted her while I was using [Manifestation of the Old Gods], and I even saw her from my peripheral vision— which was basically my entire vision— while fighting against the [Savage Agarat], but I didn’t have chance to say hi or anything.

I spoke excitedly as she dusted herself off.

“I met another princess the other day, you know? She was so cool!”

“Did you? That’s very nice to hear.”

“Yep. Her name is princess Rana Alyras! Do you know her?”

“I have heard of her, indeed. The sole heiress of king Artik Alyras.”

“Aw, but do you know her know her?”

I peered at princess Faith. She shook her head, giving me an apologetic look.

“Unfortunately, I am not acquainted with her. Perhaps I could be soon though, as we are currently headed to the city of Alyras.”

Her gaze turned towards the horizon. I blinked as I saw the moon high up in the sky.

“Isn’t it late? Don’t you guys need to sleep or something? We’re still pretty far away from Alyras, aren’t we?”

I raised a brow. I’d have thought they’d set up camp or something at this point. Faith shook her head.

“These horses are bred specifically by [Beastmasters] so that they can travel faster and for longer periods of time. Furthermore, the carriage itself is enchanted to aid maneuverability and speed.”

I used [Identification] on the horses here. The highest-leveled amongst them was actually Gold Ranked in level. Level 45. I was surprised. I remembered meeting a Level 12 horse before, but I rarely met animals that actually leveled up in a Class to Gold Rank.

“Huh. How’d you do that?”

I cocked my head at the horse, asking the question. The Level 45 horse huffed.




“I see.”

I nodded sagely as Faith eyed with a puzzled look. Willow sputtered from the side.

“Were you… talking to the horse?”

“Yep. Why?”

I glanced at her, replying offhandedly. Willow tried to work her jaw. She turned to Gavyn who just shrugged at her.

“She spoke to that Demon, now she’s speaking to a horse. Is she some sort of [Druid]?”

“A [Beastmaster], perhaps? Or maybe a [Priest of Fauna]?”

Gavyn suggested unhelpfully as Willow stared at me. Faith waved a hand dismissively.

“Salvos has some quirks. You should not pry into her personal information.”

The princess nodded at me before turning to the horizon.

“We’ll likely arrive in Alyras by daybreak. Unless there are further interruptions. So it is best for us to press on.”

“Huh. Why the rush, though?”

I gave her a curious look. Faith faced me again.

“There will be a meeting there held in a few days’ time. And not only would I prefer to be there early to make the necessary preparations, I would rather not stray too far from the safety of a large city for too long.”

“Oh, Saffron told me about that!”

I snapped my fingers, remembering there being a whole ordeal about that. But I didn’t really pay attention to the full details either.

“What’s it going to be about, anyway?”

Faith inhaled deeply as she closed her eyes.

“It’s going to be one of the most important conferences in history. One that could decide on the fate of the entire world.”

She pivoted around, facing the direction she came from. And where she looked, she saw past the trees. Past Daniel and Edithe standing idly in the way. Beyond the hills or mountains. Even without [Manifestation of the Old Gods], she saw what she was searching for. But this was not magic. It was memory.

“We will be deciding the fate of the Inoria Empire.”

Levithus stood in the heart of the Inoria Empire. At the palace where a Human emperor used to live. It was empty now, devoid of Human life. Even the throne room that was so vast and wide— that could fit a thousand soldiers or hold the largest balls— was completely emptied out. Except for the expansive ritual circle that lay before the Primeval Demon’s tail.

He eyed the glowing symbols burned into the marble floor. They shimmered faintly as the rotting corpses piled up at the very center of the pentagram began to exude a crimson aura. The great double doors behind Levithus creaked open, and he faced the figure standing right at the entrance.

“Custolor has returned, Lord Levithus.”

“Let him in.”

Levithus replied simply to the [Greater Demon]. He placed his arms behind his back, although they barely reached around his serpentine body, as he waited for Custolor to enter. A few moments later, a Human appeared before him. A level 67 [Changeling].

“Lord Levithus.”

“Custolor, what news do you bring for me this time?”

“Belzu is dead, Lord Levithus.”

That made the Lord of Chaos pause. He hadn’t been expecting that. Of all the news he heard that day, he wasn’t expecting that. His eyes flickered down towards the ritual. Perhaps he had been too hasty in his decision. But no— first he had to ask more questions before making a decision.

“Are you certain this was not another of Belzu’s tricks?”

“I believe so. The Humans have even provided a corpse as proof..”


“Without him, this means that all of the Human lands’ attention is now on us, Lord Levithus. Should we begin the ritual now before they direct their armies towards us?”

Custolor bowed deeply, but Levithus replied curtly.


“But Lord Levithus— the Humans will be gathering in Alyras in three days’ time! If they work together, even we will not be able to stop them!”

Levithus didn’t care. He turned back as the ritual circle shone brightly.

“I said: no.”

It flashed, and with a plume of smoke, seven figures appeared before him. Seven Demons. One with three tails. Another with a single horn. One that stood over thirty feet tall. All of them— they looked incredibly distinct. Nor did they hide their appearances. They weren’t afraid. Not of anything this world had to offer.

Levithus faced the seven Demons as he spoke to Custolor.

“It won’t be long until the ritual is complete. We cannot afford to risk failure. Our King’s plans will not be ruined because we panicked in the face of mere mortals.”

The seven Demons bowed to him as he spun back around.

“What do you need of us, Lord Levithus?”

“You who are the Dukes and Duchesses of the Netherworld. You who are on the precipice of evolving to Primeval Demons. Heed my word. Go to the city of Alyras. Foil the plan of the Humans. Distract them. Sow discord. Confusion. Do everything that is necessary to ensure that the ritual is seen to its completion. For our King.”

“Yes, Lord Levithus.”

The Demons replied in unison. Levithus levitated forward, facing a massive map pinned to the wall. One that showed both the combined lands of both the Inoria Empire and Elutra. And overlaid on it was the drawing of a ritual circle. Identical to the one on the ground below him. And it crossed through every major and minor city of the country.

Levithus faced it, whispering as the silhouette of the seven Demons passed him.

“Rejoice, rejoice, for his kingdom shall come.”

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