
386. Mama

It had been a rough past few days for Daniel Song. He was a [Hero] from another world— a world that was far more advanced than this medieval-esque world. One that was called Earth. That meant he was more accustomed to a laid back lifestyle. He couldn’t lie and say he didn’t miss the conveniences of modern life, but after being trapped in the Nexeus for so long, he was somewhat used to living in harsher conditions than most.

After all, he’d fought through the Plaguelands, traversed through a war torn country, and before all that, he survived on his own as he ran from assassins. Suffice to say, Daniel Song wasn’t unused to living life on the edge. Unfortunately, Salvos took that saying to a whole nother level.

He’d asked her to train him. Which, of course, he expected to be difficult. But he had thought it would be more akin to their time in the Plaguelands. Instead, she threw him into multiple life-and-death situations where he couldn’t possibly have won the battle. The [Hellabomination] and Belzu was just one example. Next was the fight against the [Savage Agarat].

Even if Daniel tried his very hardest— used up whatever potions or Skills or artifacts he had— he wouldn’t have won those fights. He would’ve definitely died if he was alone. There wasn’t even a sliver of chance of victory. He had been completely and utterly overpowered.

It was incomparable to the Plaguelands. There was still some level of risk management when Salvos dragged him and Edithe to that blight-infested undead zone. They fought hard battles against higher-leveled monsters— but they were swarm monsters. More specifically, undead. They only had a single Class, even at Level 100, which made them less of a threat than even a Centinel at the same level.

So, they had generally been cautious while fighting through the Plaguelands. Although there was an army of undead there in that dead zone, they still didn’t take unnecessary risks apart from the Lich. But even that was necessary because Edithe had been in danger. Meanwhile, in the span of the last week alone, Salvos had dragged Daniel into three different instances where the odds against them were as high— or even higher— than during the battle against the Lich. Certainly, the [Hellabomination] was a greater threat to them than the Lich ever was.

It, obviously, took its toll on Daniel. He’d leveled up greatly relatively quickly, but he was still exhausted. He just needed a break— to drink some alcohol at a bar and go for a massage, maybe. What he didn’t need was for an annoying woman to harp at him for the entirety of his time alone.

“Seriously, you’ve got to be a fucking moron to throw yourself into these situations. Sure you’re Level 118 now, but what’s the point of it if you’re dead?”

Amanda, the former Harrowed Vindicator assassin that had tried to killed him, snorted as she leant back on her chair. She gulped down an entire mug of ale in moments as Daniel gave her a sidelong glance. He looked down at his own cup— still mostly full— as the not-so-Silent Serpent raised the mug and called for the [Barkeep].

“Hey, is this the strongest fucking drink you got? Give me another!”

The [Barkeep] rushed her way, but Daniel raised a hand. He stopped Amanda from getting another drink as he pushed his mug her way.

“No need. You can have this.”

Amanda blinked at him. She shifted slightly in her seat.

“Oh, uh, thanks—”

But he didn’t wait for her to finish. Daniel got to his feet and left her alone in the tavern. She stared at him, confused for a moment, before her jaw dropped.

“Wait, where are you going?”

He didn’t answer. The door swung shut behind him. A cloaked figure entered after Daniel, but he didn’t pay them any mind. Instead, he just heard the [Barkeep] clear his throat from the other side of the door.

“So… about the payment…”

Amanda sighed.



“The fuck was that about? I barely have any gold left, you asshole!”

Daniel only crossed a single street before Amanda appeared behind him. The [Rogue] had her arms crossed and a glare fixed on her face. He just shrugged.

“You shouldn’t have ordered all those drinks if you couldn’t pay for them.”


She sputtered in outrage. Then she caught herself. He just stared at her blankly as she harrumphed.

“After everything I’ve done for you, the least you could do is pay me back.”

Daniel’s eyes twitched. Normally, he’d have no qualms indulging Amanda in her annoying antics, but he was tired today, and he was in no mood to deal with her. So, he simply answered in a flat voice.

“By everything you’ve done for me, does that include attempting to take my life?”

She paused. The brunette opened her mouth, but before she could continue, he spoke over her.

“Or do you mean leaving me for dead?”

Amanda shifted her feet, head lowering. She tried to work her jaw. Nothing came out. He rolled his eyes as she finally mustered up the best answer she could— one which he expected.

“I was getting Helena—”

“You were running.”

He folded his arms.

“Running like a coward. And that’s all you really are, Amanda. If not, you’d at least own up to it.”

His gaze bore into her. It pierced the facade she normally wore. Amanda averted her gaze, looking to her feet.


She murmured quietly. Daniel could barely hear her voice. He scoffed and spun around.

“Of course, you won’t admit to anything. Because you’re a fucking coward.”

Her eyes widened as he started to walk away. Amanda shuffled her feet for a moment before calling out.

“Look, Daniel, I’m s—”

She started, then paused. A susurration ran through the street. Heads turned as everyone looked up, pointing and whispering about something in the sky. Was it a bird? Daniel thought it could’ve been a plane. But it certainly wasn’t anything super or man.

He looked up. Amanda did too. They stared at the figure that was soaring through the air. Everyone watched as it moved so quickly, it parted the clouds. The former assassin stared.

“Is that Salvos?”

Amanda blinked.

“Why is she carrying those oversized eggs?”

And Daniel, unfortunately, had an idea as to what was going on.

“I’ll be taking these!”

I landed between Zin and Saffron, scaring them for a moment, before scooping up the Wyvern eggs and flying off into the distance. The two women exchanged a confused glance.

“What the fuck was that—”

Saffron started, but I was already gone.

I flew alone, far far away from Alyras. I didn’t tell anyone my plan. They didn’t need to know about it. Ismail Zuland had questioned me. Hadrian had been utterly perplexed. Edithe, as my companion, had an inkling of an idea of what I was going to do. I didn’t bring her with me, of course.

Instead, I flew on my own away from the city. I only paused when I nearly crashed into a glowing ball of flames. I blinked, barely swerving around the [Will O’ Wisp].

“Willy, what are you doing here?”

I stared at him. He sputtered in outrage.


“What do you mean watch where I’m going? You’re the one who was in my way!”





The Grand Spirit scoffed as he flew parallel to me. I shook my head, then glanced down at the Wyvern eggs I was carrying with my [Faux Limbs].

“Hey, do you want to help me hatch these eggs?”

I grinned at him. Willy hesitated, then I sped up.

“Let’s go hatch these eggs.”


He called out after me, but he still followed. I continued on, flying over the rolling hills of the Helbir Plains until I found a forest. I landed there, on a small clearly right at a valley where there weren’t any trees or people. A brown creature— one that looked like a giant boar— lay there. It got up and loomed over me, growling.

I narrowed my eyes.

[Mammoth Boar - Lvl 53]

“Um, I don’t think you even stand a chance against me, buddy.”

It huffed as it beat one of its legs on the ground, ignoring my words. I knew it could understand me, but it just charged me. I rolled my eyes.

“So you’re one of those monsters then.”

With the snap of my finger, my body shifted. I grew ten times in size, dwarfing even the trees in height. I spread my arm-wings out and bared my sharp teeth at the [Mammoth Boar]. I loomed over it with the shadow of a Wyvern— no, I had become a Wyvern.

The [Mammoth Boar] stopped its charge as I puffed out some smoke from my nostrils.

“Well, wanna try me then?”

It turned tails and ran. I scoffed.

“That’s what I thought.”

I glanced up, and Willy stared at me. The [Will O’ Wisp] had a judging look on his… well, he didn’t have a face. But his posture! Um… well, he didn’t have a posture either. He was just a flaming ball. However, I could tell he was judging me.


I drew back slightly.


“I won’t get caught! I checked the area with space magic— there’s no one nearby!”


Willy spoke sarcastically. I pursed my lips.

“Fine! How about this—”

I brought a hand up as fractals formed around us. A glass-like dome sheltered the entire valley. It wasn’t a full-on pocket dimension, per se. Just the rough membrane of what. If I tried making a real pocket space this large… well, I wouldn’t be able to do that.

This space— anyone could pass through it. The only thing it did was— I flicked a finger and a ripple ran through its surface.

“We can see out of here, and no one can see what’s going on in here. What do you think?”


Willy asked, curious. I waved a hand off dismissively.

“[Full Phase]. It lets me manipulate my own pocket space in various ways. For example, if I had wanted to, I could make everything here smaller than it actually was, or make it larger than it actually was. Like in Bags of Holdings!”

“Do that then?”

“It’ll be more troublesome. Doing this is much easier since I’m not really bending or stretching space.”

I gestured at the illusory barrier around us. It wasn’t an actual illusion. It simply captured what this place had been like before we arrived.

“Anyway, no one will see me now. Happy?”

Willy nodded slowly. Then his flames dimmed. He spoke in a low voice.


“Yep. It’s a bit colder now. But that’s fine— you’re a ball of fire!”

I tried to reassure him. But he spoke loudly and clearly.

“No, idiot. Cold!”

He flew over the three eggs, gesturing at them. I slapped my forehead.

“Oh, right! They need to be kept warm. Here, let me just—”

I stepped forward and produced some blue flames in my wing-hands. Willy yelled at me.

“No! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!”


I blinked as my flames dissipated. He sighed and flew down, changing color to a weak green flame. He exuded a gentle heat as well as a soothing aura. This was his healing flame, and he used it as he floated over the Wyvern eggs.



I watched him hover over the three eggs. He just looked my way with a scowl that wasn’t actually there. I shifted back.

“Look, you never taught me how to do those flames, alright?”


I sat down— or rather, went to lie down— as I waited for the sun to set.

“This is going to take a while.”

It was still mid afternoon. The sky hadn’t even turned orange yet. I looked back to Willy, considering changing back from a Wyvern.

“Maybe I can—”

I was about to suggest getting some food or water or whatever else babies needed when I heard a crack. I froze. Willy slowly turned. Both of us looked down as a crack ran through one of the Wyvern eggs.

“Wait, they’re already… hatching?”

I gaped at the eggs as all three of them twitched. They rolled down as I rushed to catch them. Willy followed after, keeping the aura from his healing fire on them. I stopped the first egg from rolling too far as its shell broke off.

A tiny head poked out of it. A small pink creature lay in there. It looked up at me with round eyes as the rest of its shell shattered. The other two began to hatch as well as the first baby Wyvern blinked its eyes open. It opened its mouth, stretching its body.


I slowly scooped up the little pink thing. It had arms and legs, but no wings. No scales. Yet, it vaguely resembled a Wyvern regardless. I stared down into its round eyes as it looked up at me. I felt my heart melt.

“Awwww, it’s so… cute!”

I brought a clawed finger up and tickled its belly. It laughed as it wiggled its tail. The other two eggs hatched as Willy hurriedly backed up.

“You’re so cute! Hello there little guy! My name is Salvos!”

I beamed at the little baby Wyverns. The three of them looked at each other, and the first one pointed up to me.


“That’s right, my name is Sa— wait, what?”

I blinked a few times. And the other two Wyverns echoed the first.



The word slowly registered in my head. Willy’s flames flickered. He looked on as all three Wyvern babies cuddled up to me. My jaw dropped. And the [Will O’ Wisp] burst out laughing.

“Good… this is good!”

And, finally, I sputtered.

“But I’m not a mother!”

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