
405. Deal Between a Witch and a Demon

405. Deal Between a Witch and a Demon

Apparently, I completely forgot that Novis, Bellum, and Oriur couldn’t speak. They were baby Wyverns, after all. And even if they were adult Wyverns, they were still Wyverns. Meaning, they were very much incapable of communication with Humans, Beastmen, Elves— or most mortals.

But that didn’t mean the baby Wyverns couldn’t learn speech. As I found out during my time in both the Rainforest of Monsters and the Bloodied Gulf, [Basic Language Comprehension] and [Advanced Language Comprehension] were learned Skills.

Since Willy was a Spirit, and I was a Demon, we both had [Universal Language Comprehension] as a base Racial Skill. That meant we could probably teach the baby Wyverns how to speak… in the future.

For now, all that mattered was that they were fine with being around people other than myself and the [Will O’ Wisp]. Even though they couldn’t speak, they were not afraid of Mountaintooth and the other [Lion Beastman] cubs. In fact, they could even play together.

I watched as the six small children ran alongside the periphery of the encampment.

“You can’t catch me!”

Mountaintooth yelled as he sprinted down a hill. Novis and Bellum bounded after him on all fours, growling.


Even though they could barely communicate, they could still play. They played until the sun set over the horizon, and a dark dome fell overhead. Once they got tired, they trudged back towards the tents, yawning.

“Are you guys ready for dinner?”

I called out, and they perked up. The Furious Whispers Tribe was having a feast celebrating their… well, survival. They were happy to not be sacrificed to some Level 140 [Witch] who was apparently over 500 years old.

“To the Avenger!”

They cheered as I joined them. Tuktox, the eldest of the Furious Whispers Tribe, faced me, ushering me to take a seat next to him. I sat down, and he proffered me a bowl of soup.

“Please, Avenger, a taste of our tribe’s finest delicacy.”

I stared into the gooey liquid, wrinkling my nose. With a face of disgust, I politely rejected it.

“Oh, I don’t eat gross stuff.”

Tuktox deflated. The [Ape Beastman] sagged his shoulders, slowly lowering the bowl. His mouth bobbed open as he stared down at the bowl.

“But… this is a traditional dish passed down by our tribe through generations…”

“Yep! You can eat it yourself!”

I nodded eagerly at him. It was a good thing I turned him down nicely. Otherwise, he might’ve felt bad. The eldest of the Furious Whispers Tribe just shifted in his seat, looking down at the dish then casting his gaze around as if he didn’t know what to do with it. Finally, he paused at Willy.

The [Will O’ Wisp] was floating behind me, eyeing the food being prepared for the feast. Tuktox got to his feet and approached Willy.

“Oh, Grand Spirit, I offer this traditional dish to you. Please accept it as a token of our gratitude.”

He bowed his head, raising the bowl up to the hovering green flame. Willy just stared at the murky white stuff inside of the dish. The [Will O’ Wisp] only said a single word.


And that made the [Ape Beastman] drop the bowl. He just turned and walked away, sulking back to his seat. I picked up a bug and crunched on it as I looked up at him.

“So… what did you guys do with the [Witch]?”

I asked as I continued snacking on the little critters flying about. They tried to bite into my skin, but they failed miserably, and I snatched them into my mouth. Tuktox cleared his throat.

“Ah, the [Witch]. We left her fate to the Grave Hill Tribe. They shall decide what to do with her. However, they have given us her belongings as proof of their apology, and have submitted themselves to our tribe.”

I cocked my head.

“What does that mean?”

“It means they shall fight for us, provide us with aid, and offer us protection when the need calls for it.”

“Huh. And what did you get from the [Witch]?”

I leaned forward curiously. In the background, I could see the bonfire crackle with the silhouette of the celebrating Beastmen. The Elf, Minnow Fellingchamp, was laughing and raising a mug of mead as he rode on the back of a female [Wolf Beastman] as she danced.

Mountaintooth, Novis, and the other children joining on the feast, ravenously eating the food that was prepared for them. The flames crackled as there was a pause in the conversation. The eldest of the Furious Whispers Tribe closed his eyes and produced a tome.

“This is what we were given.”

I narrowed my eyes, using [Identification] on the leatherbound book.

[Path to Divinity - A manual passed down by the Spirit Lord, detailing the methods to achieve ascension and destroy the corruption.]


It took me a moment to process what I was looking at. Tuktox shook his head ignobly.

“Truly, I had the same reaction as you, Avenger.”

“But how did that [Witch]...”

I trailed off. I looked up at the eldest of the Furious Whispers Tribe, the question evident on my face. But Tuktox had no answer for me.

“The [Witch] claims she was simply gifted this by a Human traveler nearly five hundred years ago. You could ask her yourself. But we wish to pass this on to you.”

I blinked and stared at Tuktox.

“Um, you’re giving this book to me?”


Tuktox bowed his head.

“We are but simple people. We have no need for such an item. We believe it would be better suited in your hands.”

I slowly accepted it, keeping the tome away in my pocket dimension.

“Thank you.”

I got to my feet and cast my gaze around the sea of tents that had been set up. I saw not through just my eyes, but also through spatial magic.

“Is the [Witch] still here?”

“I believe Guruz is about to pass the judgment of the Grave Hill Tribe upon her.”


I raised a brow. Tuktox gestured vaguely towards his arms, as if making a spotted pattern.

“The [Leopard Beastman] you’ve been speaking to.”

“Oh. I guess I’ll pay them a quick visit first. Thanks, Tuktox.”

Before leaving, I quickly passed by Will and called out to him.

“I’ll be right back real quick! Take care of the children, will you?”

He scoffed, but didn’t argue with me. He stayed at the feast with the baby Wyverns and the

I took off into the sky as I waved at him. I found the gathering of the Grave Hill Tribe not far off. I descended before a gathering over a small fire. It was nothing like the massive feast being held just a mile away. In fact, it looked like a funeral of sorts— a mourning. They spoke in a low voice, almost chanting hypnotically.

“For your lies and deceit, for what you were about to commit against the innocent lives of the Furious Whispers Tribe, and for all those you have killed in your lust for power, we sentence you, [Witch] Grimfang, to the death.”

I landed next to a [Tiger Beastman], startling her. She jolted back as I pointed at the [Witch] standing before a pyre.

“Hey, are you guys going to kill that [Witch]?”

I asked. The [Tiger Beastman] nodded hesitantly.

“W-we were about to lay her punishment for what she had done.”

“Can I speak with her real quick?”

I stepped forward before any answer could be said. I spotted the [Leopard Beastman] leading this ritual or whatever and called out to him before they could kill the [Witch].

“Hey, um, Guruz, was it?”

I waved at him. He blinked as he halted just before the bound [Rat Beastman]. He faced me with a confused look on his face.

“Y-yes, Avenger?”

He asked in a nervous voice. I strode up to him casually.

“I need to borrow the [Witch] for a second, do you mind?”


He opened his mouth, and I grabbed her. I took off into the sky as I carried her in my arms. The Grave Hill Tribe just watched me go. When I was far enough away, I pulled away the bindings on the [Witch]’s mouth. She was still tied by the hands by antimagic bindings, but she could speak now. She spat at me.

“What do you want, Demon? Is ruining five hundred years of my life’s work not enough for you? Or are you here to torture me further before they end me?”

“Nope. I’m just here to ask you about this.”

I produced the Path to Divinity and waved it at her. Her eyes narrowed.

“I have already told them everything I knew about it. Let me die in peace.”

“I just want to know how you got this and if it’s actually accurate. Can this book really lead you to godhood? And why is it related to corruption?”

I tapped on the tome. The [Witch] scoffed.

“Of course it is true. Do you think I’ve lived all these five hundred years following a false manual? And I am a [Witch]. It is part of my Class to uphold all deals I make. Once I had been rejuvenated, I would’ve dealt with the corruption as I promised the Grave Hill Tribe.”

The [Rat Beastman] shook her head bitterly. I looked back down to the tome and frowned.

“Who gave this to you? A Human? Why would they have this?”

It made no sense to me that during all my time in the Human lands— even studying in Mavos Academy— I never heard of such a book. Yet, this [Witch] in the Beastmen Plains had it. She smirked at me.

“And why should I tell you that?”


I bared my teeth at her, leaning closer.

“I’ll make you regret not telling me the answer.”

Grimfang just shrugged.

“I am going to die anyway. Whether it is by your hands or by those fools down there, it matters not to me.”


I drew back, tilting my head dangerously.

“Then maybe I won’t kill you. Maybe I’ll grant you your wish for immortality and keep you trapped here forever.”

I smiled as I raised the Ring of the Forgotten Prison. The [Rat Beeastman] stared at me with wide eyes.

“You wouldn’t…”

“Why wouldn’t I? I’ll just keep you with me until you give me your answer.”

The [Witch] looked at me, considering her options. Her gaze darkened as she finally sighed. When she spoke, it was in a low voice.

“Let’s make a deal.”


I replied simply.

“It is not a deal which you’ll refuse.”

She insisted, and I shook my head.

“I said there is no—”

But Grimdfang spoke over me.

“Kill me quickly.”

And that made me paused. I looked at her, puzzled.


“Those savages would see me tortured and die a painful death. If I were to die, I would rather it happen painlessly. In an instant. I will tell you who the Human was if you guarantee me a quick demise.”

I paused, thinking this through for a second. Then I shrugged.


“Then the contract has been made.”

The [Witch] smiled, raising her head towards the darkling sky. I nodded.

“Tell me who it was already.”

“I will, I will…”

Grimfang shook her head as she regained her composure. Clearing her throat, she held my gaze.

“She called herself the Oracle of Light. Her name was Melissa.”

And that made me freeze. I blinked a few times before narrowing my eyes.

“Isn’t she dead…?”

I was pretty sure that was the case. And yet…

“I do not know what happened to her after our encounter. But when I met her, she was alive and well. She preached the teachings of the Spirit Lord. She taught me witchcraft and magic. Told me of the corruption plaguing the world, and spoke of apotheosis.”

“Melissa the Oracle of Light is alive?”

I rubbed my chin, taking this in. Grimfang just laughed.

“Indeed. And she was… wonderful.”

For a moment, a look of melancholy and wonder passed through the [Witch]’s face. Then she shook it off and looked up at me.

“Now do as you promised, Demon. Kill—”

And I impaled her through the heart before she could finish. Her eyes fluttered shut, and I rolled my eyes.


Defeated [Witch of Light - Lvl. 145]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!


“I always keep my promises.”

I answered simply before descending. I returned to the Grave Hill Tribe. I laid her body down for them as they gathered closer, wide-eyed.

“Sorry, I killed her. I hope that isn’t a problem.”


Guruz hesitated as he glanced between his tribe.

“However, we will still cremate her corpse, if that does not bother you, Avenger.”

“Nope, not at all! Gotta go now, though!”

I waved a hand dismissively as I flew back to the temporary encampment of the Furious Whispers Tribe. By the time I returned, the feast was already dying down. I found Willy hovering over the children as they lay huddled together in a tent.

Even though the Wyvern babies were… well, babies, they were still nearly the same size as the [Lion Beastman] cubs. I looked up at this sight and sighed.

“Aw, they’re friends now…”

But the [Will O’ Wisp] hushed me.

“Shhh… sleeping.”

I nodded and backed away. Willy followed me, halting as we reached the outside of the tenth.

“Now what? Go back?”

He glanced at me curiously. I thought about it for a moment before answering.

“We’ll stay over for a few more days. Then we’ll return to Alyras.”

My lips curled up as I faced the sleeping children. Willy floated up behind me and stared too.

“Let Novis, Bellum, and Oriur have some fun with their friends.”

“I see.”

I turned back to the [Will O’ Wisp], furrowing my brows.

“What? Do you have a problem with that?”





And somewhere, far away, in the city of Alyras, Princess Rana Alyras collapsed to her knees, wide-eyed and whispered as she heard the news.

“No… it can’t be…”

But it was true. General Zura, the highest-leveled [Warrior] in Alyras’ army, had been slain. Another high-leveled individual to fall in the past week.

And it was all because of those Demons.

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