
420. Blaze

420. Blaze

It made no sense to Iivor. None of this did. He’d heard of Salvos— the Archdemon of Envy wasn’t like his peers who had completely underestimated the Humans. Both Desidia and Gloria’s deaths were purely their own faults for being too careless.

But Iivor? He came in prepared. He studied all notable Human names. From the longtime adventurer Yves Virgil to even a newcomer like Salvos. As long as they were talked about, Iivor knew of their feats and their abilities.

Yet, here was Salvos, the Savior of Silvergrove, Death of the Destroyer, Liberator of the Plaguelands, and Secely’s Sentinel. She was stronger than the rumors suggested. She was far higher-leveled than Iivor had even heard. The yellow-skinned Demon was almost certain that Salvos was supposed to be a Level 135 [Rogue] wielding a kusarigama.

But none of his research turned out to be true. While she was still fast, she was a [Mage] not a [Rogue], was at Level 141 not at Level 135, and used a sword not a kusarigama. As a matter of fact, the baseless, exaggerated talks of Salvos’ powers that Iivor had dismissed as mere Human gossip was the only part of his research that was factually accurate.

After all, she’d just killed Desidia with a single swing of her sword.

Iivor couldn’t comprehend it. While Desidia was probably the least valuable member of the seven Dukes and Duchesses summoned into the Mortal Realm, she was still incredibly strong, especially when powered by her Grand Skill. The very idea that a Human girl six levels beneath Desidia would win the fight was nearly impossible for him to process. What was even more ridiculous was the idea that Salvos could do it with a single slash.

But he couldn’t deny reality. Not when Salvos was standing before him, teeth bared, sword raised, having barely broken a sweat.

“Now, as I asked earlier: are you going to show me your Grand Skill too? Because… you’ll need it.”

The silver-haired girl twirled her sword and waited. Right now, she could’ve struck down Iivor in his lapse of focus. But she didn’t. Instead, she relished in his trepidation— in his disbelief.

He floated above her— over the broken courtyard before the palace of Alyras— hands trembling and teeth shaking. He wanted to fly away. To escape from this monster. But he remembered her words. It would be pointless, for she would hunt him down right there and then and kill him.

So Iivor didn’t move, frozen in fear.


A voice called out. Both the silver-haired girl and the yellow-skinned Demon faced the figures running out of the crumbling palace. It was Daniel, Edithe, and Hadrian. Amanda was there too, still unconscious, lying on Daniel’s back.

Edithe paused and glanced over at Iivor. She looked around for a moment, scanning the ravaged landscape before shaking her head.

“You actually beat Desidia… you’re really something else, aren’t you?”

“I’m not something else.”

Salvos gave her a thumbs-up.

“I’m Salvos—”

“Gotcha— [Wind Sickle]!”

Iivor lashed out as the silver-haired girl stood there with her guard down. She vanished entirely as the attack passed through nothing, before reappearing in the exact same spot with a blur. The Archdemon of Envy gritted his teeth. He hadn’t even seen her move this time. How did she do that? Just how was she so fast?

“This… this doesn’t make any sense. None of this makes sense!”

He flicked his fingers at her again and again, sending an onslaught of spells at Salvos.

“[Wind Blade]. [Wind Blade]. [Wind Blade]. [Wind Blade]. [Wind Blade]. [Wind Blade]!”

The Demon threw the last [Wind Blade] with all his might… even though that didn’t make a difference in his spellcasting ability. Salvos sidestepped around the flurry of [Wind Blades]. She barely looked like she was moving— as though her feet were planted on the ground the entire time.

It infuriated Iivor. Even if he could see her movements this time, it still defied all logic that she was that fast.


He asked, as though that would give him an answer. He clasped his hands together, creating a tornado in his palms. He released it into the courtyard as it grew in size, picking up debris and rubble like it was nothing.

Edithe lost her balance, slipping and nearly being picked up by the strong wind. But Hadrian caught her. The pair managed to cling onto the earth as Daniel held onto Amanda. But they weren’t the targets of this [Cataclysmic Vortex].

It flew towards Salvos as a pair of glowing iridescent wings unfurled from her back. Like the blooming petals of a flower, with little specks of colorful embers flitting off like pollen in the spring.

She leapt into the air, letting herself be taken by the powerful gale, uncaring of the sharp winds cutting into her skin. The silver-haired girl ascended. A bright ball of light. A rainbow in the windstorm, breathing life into the dull gray air.

Iivor saw her soar through the [Cataclysmic Vortex], reaching for its center before climbing to its zenith. He looked on in disbelief as the iridescent aura around her shifted for a moment, overcome with a crimson glare. He heard a terrible roar. Saw the image of a massive claw. Salvos swung down, and so did the ethereal apparition.

In a single swipe, she dispersed the frenzied winds. Like the fire had burned the air itself. Eddying crimson flakes floated down around Iivor as he floated there, jaw hanging agape. He clenched his teeth and whispered.

“Just… how?”

Salvos descended before him, meeting his gaze. She tilted her head at him innocently.

“What’s wrong?”

“How are you so fast? How are you so strong?”

He sputtered, gesticulating wildly around him. The Archdemon of Envy pointed down at Daniel, voice clearly exasperated.

“With each casual swing of your blade, you deal more damage than even his empowered [Hero’s Slash]!”

The Human man sighed.

“Way to kick a man when he’s already down.”

Salvos just giggled. She turned to the [Hero] and spoke reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, Daniel. I think that’s a compliment.”

Iivor narrowed his eyes as the silver-haired girl continued nonchalantly.

“After all, he’s saying your [Hero’s Slash] is comparable to the Sword of Alexander’s [Champion’s Slash].”

And that made everything click in Iivor’s mind. The Demon stared at the blade she was carrying. At the source of her strength. The reason why she was able to fight so well.

“Ah, I see now…”

“Are you being serious, Salvos? How’d you even get that?”

Daniel stared at her in shock. Edithe just snorted.

“Why are you even questioning that at this point?”

Salvos waved a hand dismissively.

“It’s a long story. I’ll explain later. For now, I’ll deal with this guy after he shows me his Grand Skill.”

“Shows you his…?”

Daniel blinked. He exchanged a glance with Edithe. They both looked just as confused as one another. Hadrian’s jaw dropped, and he opened his mouth. But Iivor laughed, cutting them off.

“After I show you my Grand Skill? Fine. But know this: your pride will be your downfall, mortal.”

Iivor flew back as he spread his arms wide.

“Or do you really think that using the Sword of Alexander is enough to beat me? Please, I am not like Avaritia who needs to rely on weapons and artifacts to win battles.”

Salvos raised a brow, and her companions backed away. A cool gale blew around the Archdemon of Envy as he closed his eyes, floating higher into the sky. The clouds pulled into him. Gusts of wind wreathed around him before expanding— growing larger.

Iivor cackled as tornado-like tendrils spread out from this tempest. A pair of glowing red eyes stared down at the silver-haired girl through the gray winds.

“[I Am The Storm].”

It looked like an amalgamation of terror. A distorted figure that dwarfed even the palace of Alyras. Iivor swung an arm, and the tornado-like tendrils did as he commanded, streaking down for Salvos.

She swung up, slicing the wind appendages in half with ease. Unlike her companions, Salvos didn’t look too worried about Iivor’s Grand Skill.

“Is this it? This is your Grand Skill? Your companion had a better Grand Skill than you, you know?”

“Oh, I’m sure she does…”

Iivor whispered, his voice being lost in the wind. He moved as this apparition of his bidding continued to assail her. She fended it off with ease, just as he expected. Its tendrils were cut down each time they got close, and she was fast enough to dodge those that she couldn’t destroy.

But Iivor always knew his Grand Skill was one of the weakest amongst the other Dukes and Duchesses. Yet, what he lacked in pure power, he made up for in his keen intellect. The Archdemon of Envy waded through the storm, hiding within it as he drew closer and closer to the silver-haired girl.

She blinked as the tempest surrounded her. He knew she couldn’t have seen even beyond a single foot ahead of her. They closed in like curtains, and she raised the Sword of Alexander. But a set of wind tendrils grabbed her forearms, stopping her from swinging down. And in that moment where she struggled to break free from it, Iivor took his chance.

He leapt out of the storm and grabbed the Sword of Alexander’s hilt. The silver-haired girl paused as he grinned.

“Got you.”

She tried to pull back, but the storm helped him. It wrapped its tendrils around the blade and tugged alongside the Archdemon of Envy. Iivor yanked the Mythical Grade Weapon out of her hands with the might of an indomitable cyclone.

Iivor felt himself surging with power as an iridescent aura wrapped around him.

Temporary Skill [Superior Strength] Obtained!

Temporary Skill [Superior Endurance] Obtained!

Temporary Skill [Champion’s Slash] Obtained!

He beamed wide, dispersing his own Grand Skill without care as he held the artifact high with his hands.

“I win! I did it! You are such a fool, Human!”

Salvos just stood there, not saying anything. She had to be completely baffled at her own stupidity. In that moment, he’d reversed the tides entirely. Now, he was unstoppable. He inspected the shimmering blade of the Sword of Alexander, baring his teeth.

“Oh, such fine craftsmanship. The metalwork itself rivals that of even the greatest Dwarf smiths. And its magic… the abundance of power it simply radiates… I expect nothing less of my King.”

He shook his head and lowered the Mythical Grade artifact. Salvos couldn’t move. She was frozen in fear— she knew that a single slash from this blade would bring her down, as she’d brought Desidia to defeat.

“It was so obvious… the source of your power. I have no idea how I didn’t see it sooner. But now I’ve rectified my mistake.”

He lowered the Sword of Alexander, aiming it at the silver-haired girl. He’d have loved to relish the look of terror on her face, but her gaze had darkened. And she still couldn’t speak, so neither could he hear her trembling voice. It didn’t matter.

“Now you die!”

Iivor leapt forward, swinging for her neck. She accepted her defeat. And he brought the Sword of Alexander down.

“[Champion’s Slash]!”

There was a flash. The ground shook— the earth split apart as the slash dug into the earth even a hundred feet away. It would’ve sheared off even the top of a mountain. Its power. Its might. It… stopped just before Salvos’ head.

And Iivor’s eyes grew wide.


Salvos held a hand up, holding back the Sword of Alexander with a smirk on her face. Silver sparks crackled off her body as she met his gaze. She tilted her head at him, and he tried to pull back.

“What’s wrong?”

“How? This… this isn’t possible…”

Iivor trailed off, and she shrugged, giving him his answer simply.

“[My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends]. My second Grand Skill.”

She finally let go of the weapon. Iivor jumped back, hands trembling in disbelief. He could hear the Sword of Alexander rattling in his grip as he worked his jaw.

“A second Grand Skill…?”

“That really was your plan, huh? Nice try, but—”

Salvos wagged a finger at his right hand. He blinked and looked down at a glowing mark. She scoffed.

“—I never needed the Sword of Alexander to kill you.”

And as the Archdemon of Envy opened his mouth, a brilliant blaze encapsulated him. A fire that reached into the sky, burning even the nearby clouds with its crimson flames. Iivor tried to shield himself. He created a wind barrier— but it didn’t stymie the fire in the slightest.

After all, the attack came from within the dome. Its source was the [Demon’s Mark] on his arm. And he was reduced to nothing. Not even ashes. Only the Sword of Alexander lay there, unscathed, as the flames settled.

Salvos picked it up and dusted herself off.

“Alright, two down. Who’s next?”

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