
441. The Start

A crowd of adventurers stood around the base of the hill in silence. They wore black, their heads hung low, and their mood dour. Edithe Dawnrise was one of the adventurers standing amongst the crowd. She remained silent, listening as a familiar man gave a speech.

“Today, we are gathered here not to celebrate our victory, but to mourn those we have lost. To remember those who died fighting for a greater cause.”

Hadrian spoke in a low voice. The leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company wore the saddest expression of them all, yet he still remained strong. Edithe cast her gaze over the gathering. She recognized every single face that was present here. After all, they were all part of the same adventuring company. Some cried. Others gritted their teeth, holding back their tears. Others screamed in anger— at the unfairness of it all. And it was all for those who weren’t here.

Those who had fallen during the siege of Alyras. Their absence pained Edithe. But more than anything, what hurt the redhead the most was the overbearing numbness she felt.

At one point in time, the Valiant Dreamers Company was a massive company that spanned throughout the Human lands. It was the premier adventuring group in the Sunmere Republic. Back then, adventurers regularly came from the Helbir Plains and the Alterian League to join them. Some even traveled to the Sunmere Republic from as far as the Eastern Kingdoms to be a part of the Valiant Dreamers Company.

Then the company war happened. There were so many deaths. So many lives lost. All because of the Iron Champions— or, rather, because of the Demons that had taken over them. Sabotage and espionage. Large sprawling battlefields where thousands died.

But even when the company war ended, the pain inflicted to the Valiant Dreamers didn’t stop. First with Belzu and the death of Baris. Then with the split— when the True Valiants broke away from the Valiant Dreamers to form their company. Finally, now with the siege of Alyras too.

And with each life loss, Edithe couldn’t help but feel more numb to the pain. To the aching that had once hurt her to the bone. It was frustrating to her. She wanted to be more upset over it, but she couldn’t. As much as she tried to cry, she didn’t have any tears left to shed. Her eyes were dry, and all she felt was an immense sense of guilt in her heart.

“...and may their souls forever rest, dreaming of peace.”

Hadrian finished as Edithe closed her eyes. There was a moment of silence. Then slowly, gradually, the crowd began to dissipate. They had paid their respects to the lives lost, and now they would return back to camp. After all, it was a time of war. A time to battle. Not a time to grieve.

There weren’t dark overcast skies. Nor was there a pattering of rain and thunder falling from the crying heavens. No— it was day. The sun was high in the blue canvas overhead. In the distance, armies moved. Thousands of soldiers packed up camp and marched away from the city of Alyras.

Delegations from around the world were returning to their home countries to amass their forces needed to crush the Inoria Empire and the Demons controlling the country. To stop the invasion of the Mortal Realm.

The Valiant Dreamers weren’t going to sally forth. Not just yet. They were going to be moving with the greater adventurer alliance between Three Honorable Companies. So they returned to their encampment. Most of them, at least.

Hadrian stayed standing over the graves of the fallen. Edithe watched him. He refused to leave. He didn’t budge, even when she came up to him.

“Let’s go, Hadrian.”

The leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company didn’t move. He didn’t raise his head. She looked at him, waiting, and he finally turned his head and spoke.

“I need to get stronger, Edithe. To protect them. For their sake.”

He faced the rest of his company as they streamed over the plains back to the encampment. His voice was soft yet determined.

Edithe saw the pain in his eyes. Saw the way his lips trembled. She bit her own lips before reaching out. She grabbed his hand and met his gaze.

“We will get stronger, Hadrian. Together.”

The man looked back at her. And she took a step back, gesturing towards the rest of the company with a nod of her head.

“All of us.”

Hadrian’s eyes grew wide. Then they fluttered shut as he lowered his head. She ran a hand over the side of his cheeks, leaning forward. Their foreheads touched, and they embraced each other. For a moment, neither said anything.

Then at the same time, they leaned forward. The edge of their lips touched. They held onto each other— their love supporting one another so neither would fall or crumble under the pressure that had been placed on their shoulders. They drew back as their gazes held.



They stared at each other. Their rock. Their shield. Their sword. And then Edithe caught a flicker of silver from the side.

“Um, hi?”

Salvos stared at both Hadrian and Edithe as they stood intimately next to each other. The pair flushed and took a step back as the silver-haired girl blinked. She carried with her three pink creatures. The baby Wyverns she’d been looking after. And for a moment, none of them reacted.

Then it was like they had just registered what they saw. The baby Wyverns’ faces contorted in disgust as Salvos stepped back.

“Ew! Don’t look!”

She quickly covered the baby Wyverns’ faces as she turned away.

“Gross! Why are you guys doing that?”


Edithe just sighed as she broke away from Hadrian. She shook her head and faced the silver-haired girl.

“How long have you been standing there, Salvos?”

“For… like, the last five minutes!”

Salvos exclaimed as she hid the baby Wyverns from the redhead.

“I thought you guys were busy so I didn’t say anything! I didn’t think you’d do that!”

“There’s nothing wrong with ‘that’, Salvos. It’s just a sign of affection.”

The redhead rolled her eyes. Salvos crossed her arms.

“A weird sign of affection! You’re both weird!”

Edithe massaged her temples as Hadrian just chuckled. He waved at Salvos with a soft smile.

“Good to see you’re doing fine as well, Salvos.”

“I was doing great.”

The silver-haired girl scoffed.

“Until I saw that.”


An ethereal voice said in agreement. Edithe blinked and looked up as a ball of green flames descended from the sky. A [Will O’ Wisp]. Willy. Edithe remembered him. It was thanks to him, they managed to bring down that [Jinn] during the siege of Alyras.

“Greetings, esteemed Spirit.”

Edithe bowed her head slightly. Hadrian blinked and awkwardly followed suit.

“I am glad to see you are doing well.”

She smiled up at Willy, but he awkwardly shifted back.


He replied hesitantly. For some reason, he looked quite uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because of that brief argument they got into during the battle. Edithe just remembered tensions being high because of the adrenaline rush of being in multiple life-and-death scenarios in rapid succession. Still, she didn’t get why he looked nervous.

Was he upset at her for what she said back then? She didn’t remember saying anything offensive, but she sometimes had to watch what she said when she was mad.


Salvos interjected before Edithe could prod Willy about it.

“So, Edithe, you haven’t properly met them, right? Say hi to Novis, Bellum, and Oriur!”

The silver-haired girl grinned as she held up the baby Wyverns. The three pink creatures made a face of disgust as they faced the redhead. But Salvos used Novis’ hand to wave at Edithe.

“Uh, hey…”

Edithe waved back awkwardly. She wasn’t really sure how she was supposed to treat the baby Wyverns. In the first place— could they even understand her? She highly doubted it. After all, all they did was growl and whimper.

“Was this why you came to find me, Salvos?”

The redhead raised a brow at her friend. Salvos nodded.

“Yep! They’ve been so excited to finally meet you properly this time! They feel bad for lashing out at you last time. Right, guys?”

The silver-haired girl looked down at Novis, Bellun, and Oriur. They squeaked a weak response. Even though Edithe didn’t speak Wyvern, she was pretty sure they weren’t too enthused to meet her. In fact, if the redhead had to guess, it was Salvos’ decision to bring them here.

“Are you sure it’s fine for these Wyverns to be… around Humans?”

Edithe asked as she leaned forward, taking a closer look at the three pink creatures. They drew back nervously, and she wondered if maybe it was time to bring them to a [Beast Tamer] of sorts.

But Salvos didn’t even consider that. The silver-haired girl just grinned.

“Of course! I mean, why would it be a problem if they spend some time around Humans?”

“Well, because they’re, uh… monsters?”

Edithe scratched the back of her head. Salvos took a step back, affronted.

“Don’t you dare call them that!”

She cradled the three baby Wyverns protectively.

“They’re babies, not monsters!”

Edithe just sighed.

“Still, they’re Wyverns. They’re not really… native to the Human lands.”

“Edithe is right, Salvos.”

Hadrian spoke up in agreement with the redhead.

“Even [Beastmasters] would often have trouble controlling their… pets when they reach a high-enough-level. And these are Wyverns. They are apex monsters. As long as they continue to grow in size, they’re likely to grow in level. When that happens, you don’t want anything bad happening to them, don’t you, Salvos?”

The silver-haired girl backed up as she clung onto the baby Wyverns. Novis, Bellum, and Oriur were confused, just hanging in her arms like dolls. Salvos opened her mouth.


She hesitated. Salvos clearly knew Edithe and Hadrian were right. But the silver-haired girl didn’t want to accept it. And that was fair. This was probably the first time she’d felt this sense of attachment to anyone or anything. Not companionship, but more of a caring role over the baby Wyverns.

Edithe shook her head.

“It’s something to just think about for now. We can deal with it later—”

The redhead started, and Salvos suddenly snapped her head to the side. She looked towards the southeast with narrowed eyes. Edithe blinked.

“Salvos? Salvos? Did something—”

And then the redhead sensed it too. She stumbled back as she felt the pulse of energy. The rupture in space. It was a familiar feeling to Edithe. She recognized it because she was a [Summoner]. She’d seen such portals through the planes plenty of times before. But this feeling— it was more overwhelming than anything she’d sensed before.

Even compared to the time Belzu summoned that [Hellabomination]... and this was from something so far away. So distant.

A commotion broke out in the nearby encampment as a few high-leveled [Mages] and [Summoners] came rushing out. Alder the Augur Elder stepped out of his tent with wide eyes as he looked in the same direction Salvos was facing.

Hadrian glanced between Edithe and Salvos in confusion. He didn’t understand what was going on.

“Hey, what’s happening? Are you both ok?”

He asked worriedly. Neither Salvos nor Edithe answered. Instead, it was Willy who spoke simply.

“The ritual has finally begun.”

The Grand Spirit’s voice echoed in Edithe’s ears. And, soon, those very same words would ripple throughout Alyras and the Human lands.

After all, time was running out. The Demons were finally beginning their invasion in full force. The ritual was starting, and Humankind would have to a halt to it before it finished.

Edithe just hoped that they’d stop it in time.

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