
473. Web of Death

473. Web of Death

“What in the world is that?”

Daniel Song blinked as he saw the dome befall the city of Ertos. He’d seen the fighting— he had wanted to join in. Salvos, Helena Warshade, and Orgaf had been fighting the [Archarachne] together. It was a wild Primeval Demon. Even if there were two Elite Ranked adventurers there, the young man knew just how dangerous such a creature could be. After all, he had seen it firsthand in the Motharis Mountain Range. In a battle against a [Hellabomination].

But the [Hero] couldn’t intervene. He had a duty, now. He couldn’t just abandon the army when they were being swarmed by thousands of [Aranea] while still fending off the last of the Legions. So he hadn’t charged straight into the city. And for a moment, he had thought it was the right move.

Salvos and the Elite Ranked adventurers began to overwhelm the wild Primeval Demon. It couldn’t do anything in response. It had been flanked from all sides— assailed incessantly without any counterattack. Daniel would’ve breathed a sigh in relief. He thought that Salvos had it.

And that was when the glyphs appeared. It consumed the city. A pair of parallel facing magical circles. One rose to the sky, while the other descended into the ground. And together, it formed a dome. Ertos was encased in this bubble. Inside, Daniel could see lines forming. An intricate pattern reminiscent of a spider’s web, created by threads made of burning crimson magic.

He stared in horror as Salvos, Helena Warshade, and Orgaf were trapped in this dome, surrounded by the deadly threads from all sides. Faith El stepped forward, looking on with wide eyes as her city was blocked from the outside world.

“Ertos is…”

She trailed off. Then she blinked.


Slowly, the Fallen Queen of Elutra raised her head. She looked on as Daniel blinked. He followed her gaze, puzzled as to what she was staring at. His gaze swept above the dome, and he saw nothing. He didn’t understand.

“Faith, what’s going on?”

He asked. And Faith just shook her head, pointing at the very peak of the sphere.


“I don’t see anything.”

Daniel frowned. He thought she was imagining it. But then he heard the gasps. He saw others pointing in the same direction too. Whether it was Gavyn, Amanda, or even Kacey. A susurration washed over the Human army, grinding their progress to a halt. Daniel pursed his lips. He looked up once more—

And he saw it. Finally, the [Hero] realized what was wrong. Well, it wasn’t really wrong. It was more… right? He wasn’t sure how to process it. He just knew what had happened.

The crimson pillar that had been protruding from the ground and touching the sky had been cut in half. And it was all because of the [Archarachne]. The dome it created had somehow completely stopped the sub-ritual. No longer was the sky glowing a dark crimson, and neither did the white earth spread any further.

What had already become didn’t change— its effects ostensibly permanent. Daniel still walked forward on the Netherworld’s earth, but he knew that it would no longer leak into the Mortal Realm… at least from this specific location.

He shook his head, starting forward. Daniel was glad to see that the sub-ritual had been halted. They had accomplished their goal here. But this wasn’t a time to celebrate just yet. He peered into the sphere with pursed lips. And he saw within a web of death.

The [Archarachne] swung down at me with its scythe-like leg. I barely reacted in time, raising my Divine Nebular Scythe. Still, the impact sent me back flying in between the giant crimson threads. I tumbled through the air and crashed into the web— and recoiled in pain.


It stung. Touching the crimson threads weaving throughout the dome was like being struck by lightning or burned by fire. It really hurt. And it wasn’t just a little bit of pain. I was pretty sure if anyone under Level 70 touched it, they would have instantly disintegrated.

I flew up and away from the thread, only to narrowly avoid another just above me. These threads were large. Each was as thick as a tree trunk. But these threads were everywhere. It was like I was caught in a spider’s web.

“This is dangerous…”

I murmured. And right as the words left my mouth, the [Archarachne] appeared behind me once more. It was standing on its threads like it had always been there. It hissed and struck out with both its scythe-like legs. A fast flurry of attacks that I wasn’t prepared for yet again.

But this time, I reacted. I activated [Warped Time] the moment I saw it. The world around me slowed as I dove out of the way. Its attack completely missed me as I glanced back.

And I saw the [Archarachne] gliding after me. It moved through the webs like it was skating on ice. It’s so fast—

Even with [Warped Time], the wild Primeval Demon caught up to me with ease. I ducked underneath another slash and tried to get away. But the [Archarachne] gave chase. It continued swinging at me with its sharp legs.

I tried to escape. I tried to lose it amidst its own web. But that was my mistake. The [Archarachne] suddenly yanked its eight legs together, and the threads began to weave around me. I blinked as a crimson wall blocked my path. I spun around, watching as the wild Primeval Demon sped closer.

I gritted my teeth, trapped. And that was when I decided to fly straight back at the approaching [Archarachne].

“If you want me so bad, how about this— [Salvo of Vanity]!”

I raised a hand, and three clones winked into existence. They burned brilliantly— their gold flames shining brightly and filling the enclosed dome with their scintillating light. The wild Primeval Demon drew back in confusion, surprised by the sudden presence of three other combatants.

My clones zipped around the [Archarachne] as it swiped up at them. It missed the first two, and then struck the third. The attack dug deep into the clone as she reeled back in pain— and then she smirked. She began to glow as I teleported past the wild Primeval Demon, appearing next to my other two clones.

And behind me, a powerful explosion blasted up. A golden cross ripped through the web. I shook my head as I watched the crimson threads burn away from my clone’s detonation. But the [Archarachne] emerged from the smoke, its carapace slightly charred, but otherwise unharmed.

“Of course not…”

I knew I didn’t kill it. But I was hopeful, anyway. Nevertheless, I slowed it down. And there were no nearby threads for it to ride. So I descended back down into the city of Ertos, landing on the white rock roads before escaping into a nearby building.

As long as the wild Primeval Demon couldn’t see me, it didn’t matter how fast it could move throughout its web. I didn’t know where Helena Warshade or Orgaf were, but I didn’t hear any fighting either, so they were probably safe. I sent my clones away from me to spread out and kept an eye up.

I watched as the [Archarachne] crept through its web— this entire dome was its home. It prowled throughout the city of Ertos from every angle, hunting for its prey. For us.

And we hid in the shadows, trying to find a way to strike back. But the wild Primeval Demon was always ready for us.
“Why. Won’t. You. Just. Crack. Open!”

Edithe yelled as she flung spell after spell against the dome’s surface. But her magic simply bounced off like it was nothing. She stepped back, cursing profusely. Then she spun around and turned to face Daniel.

“Can’t the Sword of Alexander break through?”

She asked, and the [Hero] shook his head. He thrust forward with the iridescent blade, but it just stopped at the edge of the sphere.

“I tried, Edithe. Nothing works. Nothing can break through.”

“Something has to be able to work, right?”

The redhead spun around, scanning the battlefield. It had been a while since this dome had appeared. Most of the remaining Legions were already dead. All that was left were the defeated and fleeing [Aranea] which were being killed and exterminated before they could escape so they couldn’t lay eggs and reproduce in the Mortal Realm.

Edithe knew that Demons didn’t actually reproduce. Not in the same way Humans did. But she would rather not waste time arguing over that. All she cared about right now was getting Salvos out of that death trap.

“We need to gather every [Mage] we can. If we combine our spells, we should be able to break into the other side!”

“That will not work.”

A shadow appeared behind both Edithe and Daniel. They immediately tensed, only to relax when they saw a familiar woman. The woman that had been accompanying Orgaf on his return. Edithe blinked.

“You're… Alice, right?”

“I am indeed Alice the Shadow Consort. And unfortunately, you cannot do anything about this barrier. Even if you have an army at your side.”

Alice replied simply as she started forward. She placed a hand on the dome, shaking her head. Daniel frowned.

“Why not? Why isn’t it possible?”

“Because it is the work of a Grand Skill. And the only thing that can shatter this Grand Skill is an equal or superior Grand Skill.”

She spoke simply, before turning back. Her gaze landed on a single figure standing amongst the army. Edithe and Daniel turned, following her gaze. They looked at the lone man. The one who was lauded as the Champion of the Human Lands. The revived leader of the Remembered Order Company.

Mori Gladius.

Alice pointed at him and closed her eyes.

“Only he can save them now.”

She whispered. Edithe blinked as she stared at the Champion of the Human Lands— at the second highest-leveled [Warrior] of Humankind. And as explosions and blasts flashed within the barrier as Salvos, Helena Warshade, and Orgaf were forced to engage with a wild Primeval Demon, a single thought crossed the redhead’s mind.

Why isn’t he doing anything to help us?

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