
481. Contingencies

481. Contingencies

The combined army of adventurers, soldiers, and students left Lunaris soon enough. I watched the city disappear behind us. It wasn’t left empty or abandoned. Inorian soldiers and citizens remained, although they didn’t fly the flag of the Inoria Empire anymore. These were the ones who survived and relented to Peris Dolonia and his forces.

Many more were kept imprisoned as prisoners of war. And the Helbir League left a retinue of men to guard over those prisoners. Helena’s army hadn’t had time to set up camp yet, so the entirety of the forces had just continued marching on. There were also Laux Lionfist’s troops. Half of them were still wounded and injured, so he left them behind, instead joining Helena with only the able-bodied of his numbers.

Clayton Skyshredder and his students of Mavos Academy trailed after. They weren’t soldiers or adventurers, so they were tired just from traveling here. I thought I’d recognize their numbers, but for some reason, I didn’t see Valda or Nolan or anyone else I knew from the school. These mostly looked like staff members, in fact. But I didn’t even see Veronica Adash here, either.

I found it quite odd. I wondered where Clayton pulled these people from.

I watched the army go. I didn’t follow along. Daniel and Edithe stayed behind for a moment longer. They stared at me.

“Wait, Salvos, you’re not coming with us?”

The redhead was aghast. I bowed my head apologetically.

“Sorry! I don’t want to endanger them, y’know?”

I gestured at the baby Wyverns. Novis, Bellum, and Oriur looked up at me, blinking. Daniel frowned.

“We’re going to need your help, Salvos. Why aren’t you joining us this time around? The last few battles haven’t been a problem.”

“Well— I mean, Helena said it wasn’t going to be too dangerous, right? So you guys will be fine!”

I nodded eagerly at them. But Daniel just crossed his arms.

“That doesn’t answer the question, though.”

“Yeah, Salvos. Novis, Bellum, and Oriur were fine in Ertos, weren’t they?

Edithe peered at me curiously. I felt my shoulders sag. The baby Wyverns didn’t understand the conversation, but they noticed my body language. They drew closer, giving me a hug. I felt my heart melt as they tried to reassure me, and I shook my head.

“I was being neglectful before. I can’t just leave them alone like this until they’re able to handle themselves. I’m sorry, guys.”

I turned back to Daniel and Edithe, bowing low. They exchanged a glance. I raised my head and quickly spoke.

“My clones will join you! So don’t worry! If anything, I can just teleport to help!”

I looked at them worriedly. I wasn’t sure whether they were happy with just that. It really was difficult— managing so many responsibilities at once. But they gave me reassuring looks, to my surprise.

Daniel smiled.

“Well, I’m glad to see you’ve matured quite a lot, Salvos.”

Edithe nodded in agreement.

“It’s fine, just take your time. Your clones would help us plenty, anyway. Also—”

She glanced past me and shrugged.

“Willy will be there to help us, so you don’t have to worry.”

The redhead continued, and I froze.

“Wait, what?”

I blinked. I stared as Willy flitted past me. The [Will O’ Wisp] hovered next to Edithe and looked towards me. I stared at him.

“You’re doing too, Willy?”


He replied casually. I tried to work my jaw. My eyes bulged as I pointed at him.

“You’re leaving me with the baby Wyverns alone?”


Willy snorted. He flitted off after Edithe and Daniel as the pair of Humans waved at me. The [Will O’ Wisp] spoke in a sneering tone.

“Good luck, Salvos.”

“Wait, that’s—”

I started, but he was already gone. I watched the three of my companions go. They left with the various armies, heading for Wilford. And at my feet, I felt a poking.

Oriur cocked his head curiously at me, asking.

“Where uncle?”

Novis and Bellum nodded in agreement, and I sighed.

“Oh no.”
Willy didn’t really need a break from taking care of the baby Wyverns. He was content with caring for them as long as needed, since he had nothing else better to do. The reason why he decided to leave Salvos alone was to simply educate her.

He had to show her that she had responsibilities. Willy wasn’t going to be around forever, so Salvos had to show she could handle herself when needed. Also, the Grand Spirit was starting to grow attached to Edithe. He didn’t mind being around the redhead as much as before.

So Willy flitted along, following the army as they traveled for two days to reach the edges of Wilford. The city itself was surrounded by plains from all directions. It had no natural barrier, so getting a lay of the land was rather easy.

Willy flew up as the armies converged around the city, flanking it from all sides. He studied the landscape. He scanned the area. And he realized something.

This place was entirely overrun by wild Demons.

It was chaos. A vast battlefield sprawling with all kinds of Demons, killing each other senselessly. They poured out of the crimson pillar by the hundreds, ready to battle each other despite their confusion at where they were.

Willy saw through the portal. At the other side. Into the Netherworld.

A vast amount of land was being pulled over. An area the size of a country was locked into this sub-ritual. He saw fighting even at the other side of the Netherworld. With even larger Demons than the ones that had crossed into the Mortal Realm. And perhaps if this sub-ritual was allowed to continue, those hulking creatures would even pour out into the Mortal Realm.

It wasn’t something they could allow. While Willy himself didn’t care much, he was here now. So he descended and joined Edithe’s side. The redhead nodded at him.

“Are you ready, Willy?”


The city itself was littered with corpses. Adventurer from Laux Lionfist’s troops that had died a few days prior to their arrival. Perhaps that meant that their plan wouldn’t be as effective, but Willy and Edithe had already agreed beforehand on this.

The former [Summoner] raised a staff at the [Will O’ Wisp].

“[Patron of the Skills].”

And a deluge of notifications invaded his mind. He felt power coursing through him as he flew up.

Temporary Skill [A Guardian’s Blessing] Obtained!

Temporary Skill [The Indomitable Valkyrie] Obtained!

Temporary Skill [Vindication of They] Obtained!

He oversaw the landscape. And somehow, he saw little threads of essences permeating the battlefield. This power he felt— he saw— was weaker than at the siege of Alyras. Despite there being far more deaths, he could tell it was significantly weaker.

Edithe could too. But it didn’t matter. They stood at the forefront of the army as Daniel Song and the others watched. Willy flew higher and higher as Edithe herself pooled her magic into him. And together, at the same time, they unleashed their power.

“[Vindication of They].”

It wasn’t like the siege of Alyras. It was weaker, but also empowered by combination casting. Together, Edithe and Willy ripped through the battlefield, killing thousands and thousands of Demons before the battle even started.

Then like it was some kind of signal, the armies charged forward. From all around Wilford, the Human forces attacked the city, ready to bring it down.

Willy returned to Edithe, panting. The redhead nodded at him.

“Good job.”


He spoke simply. Willy had become the spell itself and ravaged through the battlefield. Being a [Will O’ Wisp], he saw and felt everything his flames came into contact with. And that was partly the reason why they decided to do this. So he could scout ahead.

Edithe eyed him curiously.

“Any signs of Ira?”


Willy had searched, but she found no proof of a red Primeval Demon lurking around. Edithe scratched her chin in thought.

“I wonder… where could Ira have gone.”
Ira wasn’t hiding in Wilford. After Clayton Skyshredder showed up, the [Hellprince] had no reason to stick around if he wanted to live. He gave up the sub-ritual site, returning to Levithus to report.

“It seems that we have miscalculated. Clayton Skyshredder himself will be taking the battlefield. The sub-rituals are falling faster than we thought they would.”

Levithus glanced back. The giant serpent had his gaze locked on the main grand ritual. A crimson pillar unlike the others. One that consumed all of the Capital city of the Inoria Empire. Now, his gaze bore down onto Ira.

“We must delay the Humans further. The grand ritual cannot be interrupted, even if the sub-rituals are halted. You know what to do, Ira.”

“The contingencies?”

Ira raised his head, blinking.

“I was under the impression that it would be risky.”

“It matters not. We must do everything we can to ensure our King’s vision is complete.”

Levithus answered, voice booming. Ira nodded and bowed deeply once again.

“Yes, Lord Levithus.”

With that, he spun around and took his leave.

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