
486. Unknown Danger

486. Unknown Danger

“Are you being serious right now? These sub-rituals can be reactivated?”

Orgaf cursed as he walked up to the Headmaster of Mavos Academy. Clayton Skyshredder stood in conference with Helena Warshade and a dozen other high-leveled [Mages]. He turned to face the Elite Ranked [Rogue].

“We are currently unsure if this is an anomalous situation, or if every single one of these sub-ritual sites can be reactivated. But it is highly like that this is something that can be done with all deactivated locations.”


The Thief of the Golden Scales cursed. He spun around, nearly swinging into Daniel. The [Hero] blinked as he backed up.

“Woah, are you alright?”

“I am not alright. Where’s that damn Prince? Why didn’t he destroy the ritual circle at Lunaris? I need to give that absolute fucking idiot a piece of my mind.”

Orgaf scanned the crowd, but he couldn’t find Peris Dolonia anywhere. Helena Warshade shook her head, stopping the Elite [Rogue].

“While scrubbing the ritual circle itself can delay the reactivation of the spell, it will not slow it for long. The ritual circle is but a framework. The actual mechanism that forces these mergers is the magic woven into the earth, carefully crafted to carry out a single purpose. And these are high-leveled rituals. We’d need a Diamond Rank-equivalent [Mage] at the very least to disassemble the sub-ritual completely so it cannot be activated again.”

“We’d need to send a team of [Mages] to the old sub-ritual sites. Ensure that this cannot happen again.”

A [Mage] wearing a blue cloak standing next to Clayton spoke, nodding in agreement. But another voice cut them off.

“That doesn’t matter right now.”

Daniel Song looked between the [Mages]. They turned to him. The same blue-cloaked [Mage] from earlier frowned.

“What is the problem, then?”

The [Hero] opened his mouth, but Orgaf was the one to speak.

“The problem is that Lunaris is now pouring with Demons once again. We need to return back immediately before those we left behind are slaughtered.”

The Thief of the Golden Scales held Clayton’s gaze. Daniel pursed his lips, a worried look on his face.

“That’s right… Salvos is…”

He trailed off. Clayton nodded as he ran a hand through his beard.

“You are indeed correct. We should make preparations to head back to Lunaris immediately.”

“Make preparations?”

Orgaf narrowed his eyes. He knew what it implied, but still he asked the question. Helena Warshade turned to the Thief of the Golden Scales, answering.

“We don’t know what awaits us at Lunaris. It is best that we return together. As an army.”

She gestured to all the figures milling around them, waiting for what was to come next. Orgaf furrowed his brows.

“That would take too long. If us Elites go now, we might be able to arrive in time to save thousands of lives.”

“But it’s better if we stick together. Rushing in one by one will only get us killed. We already made that mistake before, we aren’t making it again.”

The Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy spoke simply. Orgaf blinked. Then his gaze darkened. He knew what Helena was referring to. The Thief of the Golden Scales clenched a fist, remembering Lofus, Marwin, and Domenic.

“And you, Headmaster Skyshredder? Will you not return to save a student of your academy?”

Orgaf’s gaze peered into the Headmaster of Mavos Academy. Clayton Skyshredder closed his eyes.

“It is my duty to protect my students and faculty above all. My faculty are gathered here with me, so I must stay with them. And, unfortunately, Salvos is no longer a student of Mavos Academy.”


“She submitted a notice to my office just a few weeks ago. She is dropping out of the School of Aspiring Elites. I cannot save her even if I wanted to.”

The elderly man bowed his head. Orgaf stared at him— at the highest-leveled [Mage] in all of the Human lands acting so cowardly.

Shaking his head, he spun around and started off.

“If you’re too scared to do something about it right now, then I can go alone. I’m an adventurer. An Elite. I’m not afraid of the unknown.”

Clayton’s eyes flickered, but he said nothing more. The Elite Ranked [Rogue] walked away from the congregation of [Mages], clicking his tongue. It annoyed him. He was upset that the highest-leveled Humans in the world were so cowardly. He was about to sprint off, but a voice called out after him.

“I’m coming with you.”

Orgaf blinked at the words. He glanced back, seeing Daniel stepping forward. The [Hero] nodded reassuringly.

“Bring me with you. I can help.”

The Thief of the Golden Scales paused. He eyed Daniel up and down. While the young man was a [Hero], he was also only Diamond Ranked in level. He wouldn’t be the best partner to bring along.

In fact, something inside of Orgaf compelled him to brush Daniel off, saying that the young man would only slow the Elite down.

But Orgaf caught himself. Instead, he nodded slowly and proffered a hand.

“Good. Just don’t let go. If you slip off, I’m not coming back for you.”

“I won’t.”

Daniel gave the Elite a reassuring look. In the past, Orgaf knew he would’ve repudiated Daniel for even suggesting his assistance. But something has changed since then. The Thief of the Golden Scales had changed.

The two were just about to head off, but Orgaf was interrupted once again.

“I shall come too.”

It was a gruff voice. An unexpected voice. Laux Lionfist walked up to both Daniel and Orgaf. The burly man cracked his neck.

“My adventurers are back there. I left them behind to recover after my failure here. I cannot fail them again.”

“I’m glad to see at least one other Elite have the guts to do something.”

Orgaf smirked in response. With that, the trio took off. The Thief of the Golden Scales leapt through the sky, carrying Daniel and Laux Lionfist with him. They made their way towards Lunaris, leaping over the sea of adventurers and soldiers.

Edithe Dawnrise looked up, watching as Orgaf flew abovehead with two other figures clinging onto him. The redhead pursed her lips.

“He’s heading to Lunaris. We need to go help him, Willy.”

She turned to the [Will O’ Wisp]. Then she paused. His flames were pale white. A color she’d never seen before other than when he’d merged with her [Vindication of They].


“We must hurry, Edithe Dawnrise.”

The Grand Spirit spoke in a proper sentence. He flitted away from her, leading her to a familiar former assassin.


And Edithe nodded.
[Hellprince - Lvl. 157]

There he was. In the distance, a dark crimson figure that stood out, even when standing before the red pillar that rose to the sky. He carried a black spear. One crafted from his own blood. Demon’s blood. A weapon that beckoned to him with a life of its own.

He was Ira. A Primeval Demon. A [Hellprince] who was 10 levels above me. He floated there, standing atop a carpet made of Human blood. It carried him in the air as his gaze flickered. He spun around and threw his blood-spear.

It shot forward, intercepting a golden figure before it could reach him. My clone barely swerved out of the way in time, avoiding her death. I frowned as the blood-spear flew back into the Primeval Demon’s hand.

Even from afar, I could see his every movement. He wasn’t that fast. I didn’t think he was faster than me, even with our level difference. But his attacks were quick, and he’d killed one of my clones by catching her off-guard.

I looked on as my clone engaged the Primeval Demon in combat. She zipped around Ira, unleashing golden flames his way. But he didn’t bother blocking her attacks. Instead, his black blood formed a partial sphere around him, protecting him where the clone attacked. And the moment her cone of flames halted, the black blood whipped out like a tendril, knocking my clone back, sending her crashing into the earth.

“Novis, Bellum, Oriur.”

I turned to the baby Wyverns. They blinked up at me. The three of them were confused. But they clearly wanted me to stay by their sides. I bit my lower lip.

“I have to go.”


They said at the same time. I felt my heart sink in my chest. An immense guilt took over me. But I glanced back. I saw another golden explosion. Ira had killed another of my clone, and he didn’t even bat an eye as my remaining three clones engaged him.

He would kill them all, then slaughter Jaakko, Helen, Zack, and the other adventurers in the encampment. I couldn’t allow that. I needed to stop him. Especially now, if I joined my clones, I had the best chance of defeating the Primeval Demon.

So I looked away from the baby Wyverns. I patted each of their heads as I turned. And my wings took me as I waved at them.

“I’m sorry. Please wait here. I’ll be back soon!”


They cried out, trying to chase after me. But I flew off to face Ira in battle.

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