
Chapter 505: Terrarium

Chapter 505: Terrarium

505. Terrarium

Take this [Barrage of Cinders]!

I yelled as I swiped up at the [Hellabomination]. I unleashed an onslaught of fiery attacks. My Divine Nebular Scythe blurred, and the wild Primeval Demon moved. I pressed on, giving chase as I activated [Haste]. But no matter what, I couldnt land a hit on my target.

The [Hellabomination] was too fast. It soared through the sky, zipping up, then swerving down with sudden movements as I failed to catch it. Gritting my teeth, I pointed at the wild Primeval Demon, sending a volley of flaming projectiles its way. It just evaded each attack with ease.


I glared down at the wild Primeval Demon as it turned to face me. It opened its mouth, and I saw blue flames coalescing in between its teeth. My eyes grew wide, but right before its fiery blast came, an iridescent beam shot out at it from behind. The [Hellabomination] clamped its mouth shut as it swooped aside, dodging the attack.

You missed!

I yelled, facing Clayton Skyshredder as he lowered his crimson blade. Beneath us, a massive battle raged one armies were clashing as wild Demons ran rampant. I wanted to help my companions, but I knew that dealing with the [Hellabomination] came first.

However, nothing Clayton and I could do would harm the Primeval Demon. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy furrowed his brows at me.

You are as well aware as I am that this [Hellabomination]s Grand Skill allows it to evade any oncoming attacks. Killing it as it is is impossible. Our job is to distract it long enough until its Grand Skill fades.

But what if its Grand Skill lasts a day?

I folded my arms at Clayton. And the [Hellabomination] unleashed its flaming breath. I blinked and beat all six of my wings at once, propelling me out of the way. Clayton just popped out of existence for a few moments, before reappearing next to me.

His teleportation abilities were fast.

We have no other choice. Unless you have some other proposition.

Clayton pointed, and five golden glyphs appeared above his head. Otherworldly chains shot out, glowing green and shooting out for the [Hellabomination]. But the wild Primeval Demon just dodged it like everything else. It dove down straight for us, narrowly navigating through the approaching chains. And my clones appeared at its side.

They struck out with fiery attacks, flanking it from the front and back. But there was a flash of blue light. The [Hellabomination] didnt visibly react to them, yet it somehow moved out of the way, letting my clones clash into each other. I clicked my tongue as Clayton shook his head.

Surprise attacks will not work, Salvos. Even if the [Hellabomination] does not see the attack coming, its Grand Skill will pull it out of the way in time.

What do we do, then?

I watched as the wild Primeval Demon swatted my clones back. The Headmaster of Mavos Academy eyed the hulking creature.

As I said, we distract it until its Grand Skill ends.

He flew up as he raised a hand. A frosty spear began to form in his fingertips before lancing out. It elegantly cut through the air, dancing towards the [Hellabomination]. The wild Primeval Demon moved out of the way, only for the winding projectile to give chase. It was a kind of homing spell one that moved with pinpoint accuracy, growing in speed each time it missed.

I frowned, watching Clayton Skyshredder engage the wild Primeval Demon with my clones. His plan didnt make sense to me. I found it to be ridiculous. This [Hellabomination] was such a massive target. We had to be able to hit it somehow!

But I looked on as another volley of spells from the Headmaster of Mavos Academy missed. I watched as one of my clones was struck out of the air and exploded. But before her blast could engulf the wild Primeval Demon, it deftly flew out of the way.

I pursed my lips, but still refused to believe that Clayton was right. After all, I had already hurt the [Hellabomination] once through [The Devils Grace]. I had to be able to do it again.

It appears you are having a bit of trouble.

A voice said behind me, and I blinked. I spun around, staring at a floating figure behind me. My eyes grew wide.

Youre a bird?

A giant hawk hovered text to me, flapping his wings as he eyed the [Hellabomination] in the distance. He had the body of a four-legged animal like a lion and a tiger combined but with the front talons of a bird. He had feathers mixed with fur, and his wings spread twice the length of his body. I cocked my head with a confused look.

Um, thank you? But I dont know if theres much you can do, Mr Bird.

I am flattered that you think I am a true animal of nature. Alas, I can only imitate the greatness of a Griffin.

He replied simply with a chuckle. I narrowed my eyes.

Wait, youre a [Druid]?

The highest-leveled in the Human lands indeed. I am Ze-jai, The One With Nature. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Salvos.

He spoke as he craned his neck my way. My eyes grew wide. I remembered him I had seen him fight before, through the eyes of my clones. He had been the reason a [Cerberus of Hell] hadnt broken through to the Mortal Realm. And he was quite impressive, too.

[Druid - Lvl. 167]

Huh. Can you help us?

I asked, casting my gaze back to the [Hellabomination]. Clayton Skyshredder created a golden shield. A semi-sphere of sorts. One that I recognized from my duel with him. His [Concave Aura Reflector]. The wild Primeval Demon swung down at him, but its claws didnt penetrate the glass-like surface.

I watched as the Headmaster of Mavos Academy raised his sown, aiming it at the [Hellabomination]. I braced myself, and his voice boomed out.

Halt, Demon.

I almost instinctively froze when I heard Claytons words. But I calmed myself, knowing that only the [Hellabomination] was the target of the Skill. I immediately called my clones back to me. They flew away as the wild Primeval Demon stopped mid-air.

It slowly drifted down, without its wings moving. I glanced back at the giant hawk at the Griffin at the [Druid]... at Ze-jai. He raised one of his talons, forming a circle and carefully overlaying it on the [Hellabomination]. Nothing happened for a single moment. Then he whispered.

[Let The Seed Of Sanctuary Bloom Within You].

A Grand Skill? My brows snapped together. All at once, trees and roots emerged from the [Hellabomination]s chest. It screeched out as a forest formed around the wild Primeval Demon. It formed a cage like a terrarium of sorts, encapsulating a massive biome of vegetation.

It was the very same Skill that had been keeping the [Cerberus of Hell] in place. Ze-jai flew over to Clayton and I, nodding.

It is not an offensive Skill. It is normally used to protect, but I can easily repurpose its abilities to trap targets instead. Be warned that it will not hold the [Hellabomination] forever. I suggest you take your chance to defeat it now.

I stared at the [Hellabomination], locked in place. It roared and unleashed a plume of fire that incinerated the vines and the wood. But the vegetation regrew instantaneously. It was being suffocated inside of Ze-jais Grand Skill, although it was trying to claw its way out.

Huh. Maybe I can use [Divine D

I started, but Clayton spoke over me.

This is our only chance. We will destroy it now.

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy drifted forward with his cloud, raising his crimson sword. He pointed at the [Hellabomination] as my eyes grew wide. I recognized the sensation the prickling sense of fear overwhelming me.

This was Claytons Grand Skill.

[Disassemble. Deconstruct. Dismantle.]

Is that his chant? I eyed him as the wild Primeval Demon tore apart a large chunk of the foliage keeping it in place. Ze-jai flew back as he shook his head.

I do not believe I wish to be near for what comes next.

[Dissection. Deletion.]

Clayton continued his chant. I blinked, then followed the [Druid]. A black aura coalesced at the tip of Clayton Skyshredders blade. A dark void that reflected no light. It just grew larger and larger until finally, a thin beam shot out.

[Definitive Disintegration].

My eyes grew wide as the beam reached the [Hellabomination] in an instant. It was like the Grand Skill hadnt even needed to travel. It touched the wild Primeval Demon where it was trapped, piercing through the growing forest with ease.

I stared as the [Hellabomination] convulsed for a moment. The trees, the branches, the vines, and the rest of the foliage rapidly dissipated, turning to dust. The wild Primeval Demon opened its mouth, only for the blue aura surrounding its body to quite literally disintegrate.

The Grand Skill didnt just affect the [Hellabomination] or the trees. Its aura turned black, like it was withering away. The wild Primeval Demon joined the blue glow around its body next. It rapidly decayed and vanished, crumbling into nothingness.

Huh. That is something.

I stared on, hearing the notification echo in my head. I didnt know what I expected from Claytons Grand Skill, but that was

As expected of the highest-leveled [Mage] in the Human lands.

Ze-jai spoke approvingly, watching as the Headmaster of Mavos Academy lowered his sword. I eyed the [Druid] curiously.

You knew Clayton could do that?

Of course. One would expect no less from his status. And that is only one of his three Grand Skills, anyway. So there isnt much to be surprised by.


My jaw dropped. Seriously? Clayton was capable of this the entire time? I thought I stood a chance against him now, but that I wondered if my own Grand Skill could even hold up against him.

The Headmaster of Mavos Academy descended next to me, shaking his head.

Now is not the time for chatter. There is still a battle to be fought. Let us go.

Ze-jai and I exchanged a glance. We watched as Clayton flew off before finally joining him.

So the [Hellabomination] was the second to fall. An unexpected occurrence.

Levithus lowered his head, facing the runes on the ground. They glowed brighter and brighter as he smirked.

Yet more beneficial in the end.

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