
Chapter 514: Easy Revenge

Chapter 514: Easy Revenge

514. Easy Revenge

Belzu watched from a distance.

He didnt join the fighting, nor did he use his illusions to aid the two women. They were locked in battle with a [Cerberus] 30 levels above them. Sure, Salvos had her Grand Skill, and Scarlet had the Treasures of Alexander, but even though Belzu was the closest in level to Levithus.

However, he just looked on.

The gray world faltered as all kinds of colorful light flashed out with the clash of claws or metal. The iridescent glow of Divine Essence was the most visible here in the [Antimagic Field]. But Belzu also saw through this veil of colorlessness, looking on as Scarlet lashed out with a crimson aura, and staring as Salvos unleashed golden flames.

Levithus took it all on. He regenerated slowly. Not nearly as fast as Ira. It was like the [Cerberus] was bathing in a pool of a very weak healing potion. The regeneration was evident, but if either Salvos or Scarlet hacked off his three heads, he would instantly die. If he was impaled through the back of his neck, he very likely wouldnt survive for long.

Maybe theyd defeat him if Belzu helped out. But he refused to budge. He just floated there as his wings buzzed, until Salvos drew back next to him. She clicked her tongue and faced the Lord of Lies.

What are you doing? We need your help!

As the silver-haired girl spoke, Scarlet backed away from the swiping claws of Levithus. He hounded after the Red Rose, but with the Boots of Alexander and the Greaves of Alexander, she kept him back.

Belzu turned to Salvos with a callous gaze. He glanced at her dismissively before shaking his head.

We cannot kill Levithus.

What are you talking about? This is our chance to

Salvos started, only for Belzu to cut her off.

I am not saying we are incapable of killing him. But that killing him marks our own defeat.

Her brows snapped together. Did she forget? Belzu highly doubted it. Despite her casual and carefree personality, he knew she was rather astute when it mattered.

Salvos raised a hand and pointed at Levithus, unleashing a flurry of flaming projectiles his way. He leapt out of the way with ease, only to be intercepted by a kick from Scarlet.

It is either we die to him, or he dies to us. We already tried to stop him without exacerbating the ritual. But were out of options, Belzu.

The silver-haired girl spoke softly. Grimly. Her gaze was fixed on her target, and she stepped forward as she turned back to face the Lord of Lies.

You can do whatever you want. But I know what I am going to do right now.

With that, she charged at Levithus. Belzu watched as she flanked the [Cerberus] from the side, knocking him away from Scarlet. The Lord of Lies didnt say a word. Belzu simply watched.

Alone, Salvos and Scarlet didnt stand a chance against Levithus. Even with the injuries that the [Cerberus] had already suffered. But together, they were putting up a fight. And maybe if Belzu joined, they would actually win this fight.

But the Lord of Lies just closed his eyes. He thought of everything that had led to this moment. He recalled his journey from his birth, surviving through countless cycles of Advent and Desolation over and over again. Through it all, he had fled and escaped the clutches of the Demon King.

All he had cared about was his own survival. For so long, nothing mattered to him but his own life. He would betray and deceive anyone he encountered for his own gain. He had learned that was the nature of the Netherworld from his very birth.

His siblings they had been so plentiful. But they had been slaughtered when they first encountered a wild Demon. It had been a [Hellhound], and it was a massacre. Belzu remembered pushing one of his sisters into the jaws of the [Hellhound] just so he could survive.

So Belzu had never cared for anything but himself. And that had been how he lived for so long. Maybe that was why he hadnt leveled much for such a great period of time. But then he encountered the Beast. He spoke with the Devil.

But most of all, he had heard the Demon Kings plans for merging the planes.

And that was when the Lord of Lies finally became who he was now. No longer a coward, he rebelled against Regnorex. It was such a foolish plan. It was utterly ridiculous. Yet, here it was, so close to being fulfilled.

Belzu couldnt allow it to happen. He had to do everything that was necessary to stop it. So he opened his eyes and vanished.

Levithus pounced on Scarlet. She went flying as she barely blocked the attack with the Greaves of Alexander. She crashed into a wall, but the [Cerberus] didnt let up. He leapt forward with a burst of black flames and opened his terrible maw.

Was she really going to die here just like that? After Tyrians death, and after Moris death. After all those lives lost, was she really just going to accept her fate like this?


Scarlet groaned as she raised her right hand. The world was fading away. Her vision threatened to fail her. She couldnt feel the rest of her body. The sounds of fighting grew muffled. But she didnt care.

The Red Rose was driven forward by her anger. By her failure. If she was going to die, then she would die fighting, not lying around and accepting her demise. She dug through her Bag of Holding with her one hand, searching for the last gift Tyrian had given her.

She finally produced it a Potion of Regeneration. And she gulped it down. Scarlet splashed it all over her body as she heard her bones cracking back together. Rising to her feet, Scarlet coughed and hacked as she took in her surroundings.

Her senses returned. She could finally see again. The sounds of the clashing of battle resumed, and she looked up as the black sphere in the sky faded away. Scarlet took a moment to regain her bearings before clambering out of the crater.

She emerged just in time to see Levithus ripping one of Salvos wings off and striking her across the stomach. The silver-haired girl crashed into a nearby pile of rubble as he growled, opening his mouth. He was badly hurt. He was burned and beaten, walking with a limp, but he still refused to back down. Black flames gathered in his three jaws as the Red Rose eyed him.

This was her chance. While he was distracted. She could finally exact her her


Scarlet raised her head for a moment in thought. But she shook her head and corrected herself.

No justice.

With that, the Red Rose sprinted forward, and Levithus paused. He turned to face her with his three heads as he howled, unleashing the plume of black flames. Scarlet didnt leap out of the way, nor did she jump above the attack.

She continued running. The Boots of Alexander rapidly carried her forward. And she rose above the blast of black flames.

Scarlet ran in the sky.

It was thanks to the Boots of Alexander. It let her run on any surface, even the air. So she easily ran over the pouring deluge of dark fire. Levithus watched as she easily avoided his attack. He backed up warily, growling as she ran directly overhead him.

And the Red Rose jumped. She propelled herself straight down at the [Cerberus].

He braced himself as she swung down with a kick. The Greaves of Alexander flashed. It wisped with an iridescent aura, and Levithus snarled. He couldnt dodge out of the way. She was too fast, and he was clearly injured. So he did the same thing he had done just earlier.

He bit hard.

Once again, Levithus chomped down at her leg to block the attack. This time, he caught the Greaves of Alexander in all three of his mouths. His teeth didnt shattered. His jaw didnt break. He had taken the full brunt of her kick without flinching.

And he clung on tight onto her leg as he growled.

You shall die for my King.

He spoke in a muffled voice an echo of three voices. The [Cerberus] raised his heads, lifting Scarlet up to slam her down onto the earth. But Scarlet was prepared for that. She had known this would happen. And the iridescent energy at her feet only grew wilder.

You shall die for me.

Scarlet countered as she kicked up. Even when her leg was caught in the jaws of the [Cerberus], she moved. The Divine Essence burned as Levithus recoiled, trying to let go of her legs. But it was too late.

The Greaves of Alexander exploded with Divine Essence. It poured out in a streak like a rainbow. It blasted through the three mouths of Levithus. His entire body staggered back, only to go limp a second after.

The Red Rose swung up with the Greaves of Alexander, and the three upper heads of the [Cerberus] went flying. All at once, she decapitated him from the inside. Everything from above his jaw was blasted straight off.

Scarlet flipped back and landed with a clink as the iridescent aura faded away. She raised her head as she whispered.

Temporary Skill: [Divine Wave].

And she glanced back. Behind her, Levithus collapsed to the ground, lifeless. The [Cerberus] the [Hellprince] responsible for the deaths of her friends and the man she loved was dead.

It was over.

Scarlet the Red Rose had finally brought Levithus to justice.

And as a barrage of notifications overwhelmed her, she collapsed in exhaustion.

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