
Chapter 522: The Primordial

Chapter 522: The Primordial

522. The Primordial

The world changed.

The Devils domain shimmered, then shifted. It rapidly spun and changed shapes, turning from a dodecahedron to a diamond to an incomprehensible form in space a tesseract.

I watched as the black hole winked out of existence. The light from its accretion disc vanished, and the floating mundane objects hovering in stasis melted away. I stumbled back as if the ground at my feet was moving without me, then I raised my head at my dad.

Sal just looked on as the fractal walls of this pocket spaced flashed with iridescent colors.

Whats going on? What are you talking about? What are you showing me?

I tried to steel myself, but a powerful force kept me back. I was pinned against the wall, gritting my teeth as my wounds flared. But the Devil was hardly affected by this he stood at the opposite side of the shifting room, his hands clasped behind his back as he stared into a void of nothingness.

You are nothing, Salvos.


I blinked, still not understanding what my dad was saying. He spoke callously, not even turning his head to face me. The pocket space continued to move, and I caught a glimpse of the world beyond this room as its walls flickered. In that vastness of everything, I saw nothing.

There was nothing there.

Nonexistence. Emptiness. No black hole, no frozen trees, and no falling stars. There was no light; there was no darkness. I couldnt perceive anything beyond the Devils world not even with my spatial senses. My mind couldnt comprehend it. It was like I had lost my ability to even see when I stared into that void.

And finally, a set of words flashed in my head.

Now Leaving [Nexeus].

Suddenly, my body grew extremely cold. I lost sense of my fingers, and my legs went numb. It was like I was thrust into the deepest depths of the ocean only to be yanked and thrown into the sky where the stars hung high. The world wheeled around me as I tried to regain my bearings, and I barely managed to cast my gaze towards my dad.

Where are we going?

I asked as a trickle of fear ran down my back. Sal didnt answer the question. He merely continued speaking, shaking his head.

You claim to be special. You waltz around, praising yourself just because youve become a Lesser God. But in the vastness of the multiverse, you have accomplished nothing.

The multiverse?

I stared at my dad. I grimaced, trying to pull free from the pressure exerted against me. I managed to stake a step forward, grunting.

How are we oof!

I was sent flying as the pocket space came to a halt. I crashed right before my dad, and he glanced down at me with a dismissive gaze. He turned around as I rubbed my head in pain. He spread his arms wide and gave me an eerie smile.

Look at it, Salvos. Do you see it?

I stumbled to my feet, before pausing. My brows snapped together as I looked up past my dad. He gestured to the world around us, and I pursed my lips.

I still dont see anything.

I tried narrowing my eyes focusing on the glass-like panels of this pocket space. But once again, I saw nothing beyond. It really was empty. An endless abyss that made me shiver just from staring into it.

Sal peered at me, before chuckling. He shook his head as he sighed.

Of course not. And that is proof you are still nothing.

I glanced back towards the Devil as he raised a hand. I opened my mouth to protest, and he snapped his fingers. The fractal world flashed. The iridescent shimmer returned briefly, only for broken shards to flit down towards him. They circled around my dad as he pointed at me, and I reeled.

You cant see it because you are weak.

The first of the shards flashed. A fogged image shimmered into existence on the glass-like surface. It shot past me, and I saw

A witch knelt before the ruins of a city. She could not have been more than twelve years old, but death and destruction surrounded her everywhere she turned. Corpses upon corpses strewn about the rubble and ash as a looming shadow approached her. Tears streamed down her eyes, and she cried out in pain.

I blinked. For whatever reason, that young girl looked familiar. But I knew that she was not even from my world. It was completely different from my world. Even though it was an image, I sensed almost no magic there. Like magic had died, and only the lingering flames of the arcane remained.


I started, but the image shifted, then vanished. The shard shot back towards Sal as he strode towards me. My dad shook his head.

You have no ambition.

A second shard flew my way as I stumbled back. Another image flashed, and I squinted at what it showed as it shot past me.

A cultivator stared up at a golden nimbus cloud. Her jade green hair was tied into a long braid, and she leapt up into the emerald sky. Lightning thunder around her as she laughed, tugging at the worlds essence to do her bidding.

Again, the shard returned to the Devil as he came to a halt before me. His gaze bore into me, and I nervously backed away.

Why are you showing

I started, but he just flicked a finger. More shards shot my way as I flinched from each of them. My eyes darted from screen to screen as various images flashed before me. All the while, Sal just spoke acidically.

There is an infinite number of universes out there, my dear daughter.

I spun around in a daze, trying to keep track of everything the Devil was showing me.

A teenage redhead marched through the streets of an empty city.

There are worlds you could only ever imagine.

His words echoed in my head, and I recoiled. I staggered back as my senses were overwhelmed.

A slime poked herself in the middle of a dark cavern.

There are places beyond the Nexeus you wish you could visit.

I caught myself from falling, but the dizziness refused to fade. I clenched my jaw just to remain standing before Sal as the images didnt stop coming.

A turtle lay at the bottom of the sea, hiding from the creatures lurking beneath.

But you are no worldwalker. You are no planeshopper. You are no realityskipper. And you certainly are no one special.

A hero stood alone atop a broken moon. Space warped around her, and time refused to work. Her eyes flickered, darting towards the screen

I closed my eyes and thought about it. I had my answer now. It came to me as simply as any other thought. I exhaled deeply, before raising my head. I met the Devils gaze and answered.


That made Sal pause. He blinked at me a few times, and I just looked past him towards the Beast in the distance.

You say Im not special because I dont matter in the multiverse, right? I dont even matter in my own world, so why would I mean anything in the worlds beyond?


The Devil nodded, eyeing me suspiciously. He spoke slowly.

You are nothing, Salvos. That is why you do not matter. That is why you are not special.

I shook my head with a scoff.

But I am something I believe I am something. And if I want to be something, I just have to prove it, dont I?

Prove it how?

Sal stared at me, both a confused and amused look worn on his face. He had stopped trembling the fear from before was gone. Now, he was merely curious about what I had to say. I just waved a hand off and smiled.

Well, I guess I can start with becoming the strongest in the Nexeus. That means something, right?

And that made the Devils jaw drop.


He briskly walked up towards me, gesturing towards the Beast in the distance.

Do you really think you can defeat the

But I cut my dad off, rolling my eyes.

Im not gonna become the strongest immediately, of course.

He paused, watching me as I shook my head. I stared at the Beast, then at the hordes of fleeing Demons.

Ill work my way up there slowly. Itll take time. But I can get there eventually.

The Devil furrowed his brows at me. He tilted his head as I crossed my arms.

It will not be easy, Salvos.

I am aware.

It will be incredibly dangerous.

Yep. Thats about what I thought.

I replied as soon as my dad spoke. He cocked his head back, rubbing his goatee as I grinned back at him.

And if you die?

I shrugged in response.

Then I die.

There was a moment where neither my dad nor I said anything. And I paused. I thought about his question for a second longer, before looking down at the palm of my clawed hand.

But I will die as Salvos. Your daughter. A Demon. A companion to Haec, Daniel, Edithe, Saffron, Willy, and Orgaf. And I am the mother of Novis, Bellum, and Oriur.

Sals eyes grew wide as I spoke, listing out the names of those dearest to me. I placed my hand on my chest and finished.

I will die as me. And thats all that matters to me.

My gaze bore into the Devil. He looked at me, utterly speechless. I lowered my head, looking down at myself as I whispered.

But I wont die. So that doesnt really matter.


Sal trailed off. He just stared at me, befuddled and bewildered. He frowned, placing a hand on his chin. He raised a finger, before throwing his head back and chortling.

That audacity that arrogance. You will become the strongest in all of the Nexeus?

Sal laughed and laughed and laughed as I snorted.

I am being serious.

I know.

He wiped the tears from his eyes before waving a hand in the air. His pocket space moved, soaring far past the Beast. We continued flying through the Netherworld as the Devil chuckled.

Very well, my dear daughter. I hear you. I will not belittle your dreams.

He continued spinning pocket space around, rapidly crossing over vast swathes of the white landscape. I raised a brow as we came to a halt right before a dark sea. He took a step back and smiled at me.

As your caring father, I will help you fulfill your dream. Come, and let us see you become the strongest in all of the Nexeus!

He clapped his hands together, and I raised a hand.

Wait, I need to [Rest]

I started, but the glass-like floor beneath my feet vanished. I fell from the Devils pocket space, tumbling down away from him.

Good luck, my dear daughter.

I could hear my dads words echoing in my head, even as his pocket space began to fade away. Like it had never been there. But as I looked up at the crimson sky, and fell into a familiar black ocean, I heard something else echoing in the distance.

Now Entering [Nexeus: Netherworld].

And with those words, I was finally back in the Netherworld.

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