
Chapter 535: Netherworld Corruption

Chapter 535: Netherworld Corruption

535. Netherworld Corruption

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

I stared at the corrupted piece of the world floating before me. I could hardly even make out its shape. Its figure was flickering the light around it distorted. There was a splash of colors flaking off it like a thin layer of mist. But I could not perceive it like I perceived the rest of the world.

It felt like staring into the void of nothingness, except I could still see the remains of what hadnt been corrupted just yet. When I focused on it with my spatial senses, I saw parts of a rock hovering there, riddled with holes of nonexistence. Its presence alone sent a shiver down my spine.

And the Corrupted Netherstone lashed out. A pair of tendrils shot down, striking at Belphegor and the [Basilisk] as I watched on. I backed away and raised my Divine Nebular Scythe warily, but it was like I wasnt even there.

Belphegor leapt into the air as the tendril struck his chest the attack barely even phased him. His movements didnt slow. He moved like a blur. I didnt even realize he was clinging onto the Corrupted Netherstone when he was already on it.


I opened my mouth, but Belphegor slammed a fist into the Corrupted Netherstones core. The entire room shook as I looked on. And he ripped the corruption apart in an instant. Before the [Basilisk] could act before I could even react the battle was over.


I watched as the veil of corruption collapsed. Belphegor landed with a heavy thud. The [Basilisk] just slithered behind the walls of its prison, growling softly. I stared on for a moment, processing what just happened. Finally, I approached the Primordial Demons.

You guys what just happened?

I asked with wide eyes. The [Basilisk] didnt respond. Its gaze remained fixed on the tunnel. Meanwhile, Belphegor glanced at me dismissively.

The corruption has broken through into the first layer. My sentries barely put up a fight. This was too weak. It is not the end of the battle. Be prepared.

I narrowed my eyes, and the [Basilisk] screeched. I looked down the tunnel as [Angelic Premonition] blared in my head. And I saw it the glinting scintillating light of the corruption. My eyes widened as three more figures zipped up out towards the room.

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

I backed up warily, only to hear an ear-piercing shriek. I glanced back, watching as the [Basilisk]s eyes shifted and turned gray. A powerful magic penetrated the barrier. The very same magic that had nearly killed me if not for my Grand Skill.

The three Corrupted Netherstones slowed. I stared on as the aura of corrupted space coating their cores shifted, then faltered. The corruption itself turned to stone! And the Corrupted Netherstones collapsed, one after another.

I wanted to sigh in relief. But judging by Belphegors reaction, I knew that wasnt the last of them. He raised a hand to the ceiling, muttering quietly to himself as a spell circle flashed in the palm of his hand.

I wasnt sure whether I should help or I should just run away. I was tempted to join the battle. But my [Angelic Premonition] told me it was a bad idea. This corruption was strong. I continued standing off to the side, just an audience to this theater.

We need to fend them off. Then we can reclaim the second layer.

Belphegor whispered as the spell circle vanished. He strode forward, raising his fists as I blinked. I wanted to ask him what he was talking about, but it wasnt the time or the place. Not right now.

I heard a loud blaring groan coming from the tunnel. Even more figures shot up and out of the tunnel. Dozens of Corrupted Netherstones filled the room, even as Belphegor and the [Basilisk] readied themselves.

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

[---- Netherstone - Lvl. ---- ]

But that wasnt all. I sensed something else coming a trepidation that even made the Corrupted Netherstones shiver. They zipped around the room, waiting instead of attacking. Even as the [Basilisk] took them down one after another with its sight alone.

Belphegor ignored these small bits of flying rocks. His gaze was fixed into the tunnel. He dug his claws into the ground, before ripping out a spear made from stone. He yelled as he hurled the weapon forward, and it crashed into a glimmering thing hiding within the darkness.

There was a soft chittering. Then a loud screech as something zipped up and out of the tunnel. It crashed into Belphegor, sending him flying back. I just blinked when I saw what it was.

What is that?

[---- Hellspace - Lvl. ---- ]

And it was space. Corrupted space. Like the world around me had been ripped off, then corrupted by the same vile infection that was killing the Nexeus. I just stared at it. There was no physical core I could see with my eyes. While every bit of corruption I had seen thus far had some cluster of mass gathered at the center of the hurricane of corruption, this was just air?

No it wasnt even air. It was like the world itself had been cracked open, and the pieces that had fallen off were distorted by the corruption.

Its tendrils shot out, keeping the hands back for a brief moment. But the [Basilisk] let out a shrill shriek. It opened its mouth as a screeching sound reverberated throughout the room, causing me to freeze. Just like [Intimidation], but much more powerful.

And the Corrupted Hellspace faltered for just a single moment. However, that was enough. The hand crushed the corruption, shattering the distorted coat as I watched in awe. There was a chittering screech for just a moment, then nothing.

I blinked as the giant hands crumbled. Nothing remained of the Corrupted Hellspace. Belphegor panted, straightening as he shook his head. His [Gargoyles] bounded around him, charging down the tunnel.

There was no moment to rest. Even though the battle was over, the action continued. I slowly approached Belphegor from the side as the [Basilisk] thrashed restlessly in its prison.

The second layer cannot fall.

He whispered, and I piped up.

Second layer? What are you talking about, Belphegor?

I wasnt sure how to address him, but I decided it was fine no matter how I called him. He barely even registered the words I said anyway. He just glanced at me as his [Gargoyles] continued pouring down.

Eleven layers have fallen. Now a single Protector remains. The first two layers persist, but if I falter in my duties, they shall be claimed by the corruption as well.

Claimed by the corruption? What does that mean?

I narrowed my eyes. Belphegor sighed.

They no longer exist. They are merely dead space now. We need to reclaim the second layer before it joins the others.

I huh.

I stared at Belphegor for a moment. I glanced towards the [Basilisk] as it hissed. It slowly coiled into a ball, lying back down at the center of its prison.

The [Basilisk] is the Final Protector of the Netherworld? Doesnt that mean there are more?

There are, indeed.

Belphegor shook his head as he started forward. He walked past the archway, following his trail of [Gargoyles] as they set down for the second layer.

The second layer of the Netherworld. I never imagined that the Netherworld was anything more than what I had seen together with Haec. There was so much more for me to explore than I initially thought after seeing Revelation, and now this?

I was kind of wrong about the Netherworld. I shook my head, taking a step forward, driven by both curiosity and the whims of the moment.

Let me help you!

I spoke up as I started after Belphegor. He blinked, glancing back at me. He tilted his head curiously for a moment.


He opened his mouth. Then he frowned.

Who are you again? Where did you come from?

I paused mid-step, nearly falling over. But I caught myself, taking in a deep breath.

Im Salvos. And nevermind that. Let me help you reclaim the second layer. I want to help.

Belphegor stared at me for a moment. The haze in his eyes from before was completely gone. His attention no longer directed towards the leaking corruption. He just studied me, looking up and down. Finally, he nodded.

I see. Very well, then. You may follow me Salvos. But be warned at your level, I highly doubt youll be able to survive.

I know that.

I drew forward, glancing back at the [Basilisk] for just a moment. It was a Primordial Demon, and even it struggled against the Corrupted Hellspace. Then I looked past it at the remains of the Corrupted Netherstone I had fought.

I steeled myself and faced Belphegor.

You dont have to look after me. I can handle myself. And maybe escape on my own if I must. But I just want to see whats down there.

He simply continued on, whispering softly. A morose look on his face.

If that is what you wish. However, I can tell you this there is nothing waiting for you down there other than damnation.

And with that, the two of us vanished into the shadows, heading down into the second layer of the Netherworld. As we did, I wondered truly wondered what my dad back when he was the Devil King did to cause all this.

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