
Chapter 539: The Expanse

Chapter 539: The Expanse

539. The Expanse

The group of four Archdemons landed soon after arriving at the border of the Demon Kings Domain. They followed a small flitting figure ahead a creature that was no larger than Haecs fist. It looked small and unassuming, but despite appearances, Haec was well aware of the capabilities of that sparkling gray ball.

[Unseelie Lord - Lvl. 185]

It was Hartia the Ruler of the Border. He was the one who had found Haec and Taburas together. It had been a terrifying encounter, particularly for Haec. It was the first time he had witnessed such power. And even now, despite having grown so much stronger than before, he was amazed by the incredible strength of the [Unseelie Lord].

The entire valley shifted as rock and rubble flew up to the sky. Hartia raised his little hands, and a massive wall began to form ahead of the army of Demons. Large chunks of stone broke off from the mountain range, before shimmering as they were enchanted from the [Unseelie Lord]s magic. He crafted this barrier as the remnants of wild Demons were slain, and the broken bits of rock covered the lava and crevices from Revelation.

Even as the rest of the Netherworld was engulfed by this planar calamity, the Demon Kings Domain was expanded, all thanks to the magic of Hartia himself.

So this is the Expanse.

Laxi whispered. She swept her gaze reverently over the landscape. Rock and rubble piled up across the valley, forming a pathway that spread into Revelation, carpeting the path further out of the Demon Kings Domain.

Haecs eyes flickered. He watched as she shook her head, speaking as the carpet landed behind the army of Demons.

This is the first time Ive been here.


Taburas raised a curious brow. She eyed the [Baelis] with a frown.

How did you enter the Domain without crossing the Expanse?

I have served my whole life under my King. I was born here, in his Domain, and I always thought I would die here too.

Laxi answered simply, and Betrugil just snorted.

Congratulations. Youre going to die outside of the Domain to a bunch of wild Demons now.

She glared back at him as he just shrugged back. Haec swept his gaze past them, looking towards the sea of soldiers ahead. There were tens of thousands of [Fiends], [Djinns], and other such Demons filling the Expanse. Maybe even hundreds of thousands of them. It was a sight Haec was familiar with. Even if the situation was different the army larger, and the setting different he remembered what it was like to be grounded through this grueling deathtrap.

I cant believe were back.

Taburas whispered as she stepped next to Haec. He glanced at her, before hopping off the carpet. He held a hand out, helping the [Succubus] down too. She shook her head.

And the Expanse is more dangerous than ever. Those were wild Archdemons. So many of them. When we were here, there had barely been any of those out there.

Revelation has brought out the most terrifying Demons from hiding. I would not be surprised if even Primeval Demons will show up to the expanse too.

Haec spoke simply as his gaze flickered towards the [Unseelie Lord]. The four Archdemons strode forward, slowly approaching Hartia the Ruler of the Border. The little flying figure laughed as he heard their conversation.

Now, now. Im sure that even worse things that Primeval Demons will show up if we push too far into the wilderness.

I was one of the many overseers at the Enclosures, and I have been sent out during Desolation with capture parties. However, I cannot say I have witnessed the activities carried out here at the Expanse during Revelation.

Hartia nodded as he flew past a pile of corpses.

Well, we are the Third Legion of the Expanse. Our job here is simple we expand. Thats it.

He just smiled. Betrugil and Laxi stared. Taburas shifted uncomfortably as Haec twisted his lips. The Border Ruler waved a hand dismissively.

The other Legions are dull. They dont dare to expand beyond their borders. They think its dangerous. But that is why you have been sent here. To grow our Kings Domain. To repel Revelation.

Haecs gaze darkened at this short speech. It brought back memories which hed rather not remember. Taburas tightened her grip around his forearm as they continued on. Laxi and Betrugil just exchanged a glance.

The [Baelis] was the one who nodded.

R-right. And we should just help out?

Hartia raised his head.

Honestly, I dont even know why you four are here. Those who are sent to the Expanse are typically lower-leveled Demons. This place is a trial. It is a place to train them it is a place to build loyalty. You Archdemons are better suited elsewhere.

His eyes flickered. He eyed Haec curiously.

Especially you.

His words came out soft. Barely a whisper. But Haec heard it. And it was the same question Taburas had asked.

Haec had no reason to be here. But he still came. Even though he had served his time in the Expanse as a Greater Demon even though he was now the Heir of the Netherworld. After all, he needed to be here.

This was the first step. He wasnt going to stay here for long. He was going to leave this place soon. And then, hed seek out his leader.

Hed seek out Salvos.

He just hoped she was waiting for him.

Ugh, this sucks.

I couldnt move. Well, I could move. But it was taking me forever to even take a single step. It was almost impossible to move around here in the second layer. With each step I took, I ended up at a completely different spot.

I sighed as I collapsed to the floor, before appearing plastered on a wall. I stared at this corrupted space. And I just closed my eyes.

I want to go back.

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