
Chapter 546: Turning Tides

Chapter 546: Turning Tides

546. Turning Tides

The second layer of the Netherworld.

I wondered what it held for me down in these depths below. It couldnt have been anything like the Netherworld I knew above. In fact the Netherworld I knew above was not what I thought it was. So I couldnt quite imagine what awaited me once I reached the end of this long passageway.

Perhaps the second layer of the Netherworld could have held a vast ecosystem below. Maybe there were flowers and trees and all kinds of plants growing hidden from the crimson sky. There could have been a completely alien landscape waiting for me down here, with giant spikes jutting out of the earth, and a carpet of moss covering the rock floor.

Truth be told, I couldnt really imagine what would be waiting me down below. I had seen plenty of different things ever since I left the Netherworld and ended up in the Mortal Realm. From hulking artificial towers that reached higher than the clouds to deep ravines that dug deep beneath the ocean. But in spite of all that, I still thought that one of the most amazing things I had ever seen was a rock right after I was first born.

And that was mostly because of its novelty. I couldnt quite comprehend it. Not at first. Not when I was barely even cognizant of my surroundings.

So after seeing so many things throughout my life since then, it was hard to imagine something that could truly stand out. And maybe I was getting excited over nothing. It was entirely possible that what waited for me at the rest of the second layer was nothing.

The corruption could have swallowed everything up, and this distorted hallway was all that was left. I mean when I looked down at the missing tiles, I saw nonexistence there. I couldnt even step onto that missing space if I wanted to. Whenever I raised my feet over that speckled spot of darkness, I felt like there was something blocking me.

But then that wouldnt explain why I wasnt alone down here. I saw a few broken pieces of [Gargoyles] lying around, and that was it. Belphegor was gone. He must have pressed further down the hallway without me. So there couldnt have been literally a void of nothingness lying ahead.

It was also possible that the second layer was just one large cavern. Honestly, that was the most likely option: it was probably a corrupted cavern with large chunks missing from existence, no different than the hallway.

But I wanted to imagine that what waited for me down below was something amazing. Something incredible. So I hoped. I walked on with anticipation, reaching the end of the hallway. The dark passageway opened up into a bright chamber.

I took a step forward, entering this brand new domain. And I came to a halt, blinking.


I slowly lowered my Divine Nebular Scythe. I just stared at what I saw before me. It was a tempest of corruption a curtain of distortion. But it was unlike anything I had ever seen before either.

The Corrupted Netherstone I encountered back in the Lair of the [Basilisk] was already different from what I had encountered in the Mortal Realm. The corruption that had encapsulated the Cursed Boulder had been weak, and the same could be said for the Corrupted Island.

The distortion of the corruption in the Mortal Realm had been fully opaque. Like whatever was afflicted with the corruption was simply being held in the center. Meanwhile, from what I had seen so far here in the Netherworld, the corruption was the object.

As in the Corrupted Netherstone was a mixture of both the corruption and the rocks of the Netherworld. Not opaque, but translucent and melded together. And that was why it was so much stronger than what I faced in the Mortal Realm.

But what I saw before me was nothing of the like. Not because it was different in terms of the corruption no, it was quite similar to the Corrupted Netherstone with how it was held together. However, the reason why I could only gape in shock was simple because this was my first time seeing a fully-corrupted creature.

[---- Hydra - Lvl. ----]

I stared at the remains of the Demon before me. It stood at the center of the chamber, its body flaking and desiccated. Parth of its scale-like skin had vanished, replaced with rifts that peered into the abyss. It had five heads but only four necks. One of its heads was floating, connected by a thin string of corruption.

The Corrupted Hydra spread a pair of wings wide as I just looked on.


And it roared.

He watched as the wild Primeval Demon was knocked to the side while Taburas, Aemula, and Betrugil unleashed whatever they could against it. The [Uroboros] vanished back into the earth as Haec pursed his lips. He backed up to the other three Archdemons as he stared at the massive hole left behind.

We cant escape. If we try to run, the [Uroboros] will

And before he could finish his sentence, the wild Primeval Demon shot up from beneath their feets. Fortunately, Betrugil reacted in time and he flicked his wrist. What felt like a gust of wind knocked Haec, Taburas, and Aemula back, narrowly pulling them out of the way of the gaping maw of the [Uroboros].

Taburas cursed as she created a giant axe made of ash. She readied the weapon, watching as the wild Primeval Demon vanished into the river of lava. And moments later, the [Uroboros] reappeared.

This repeated again and again as either Haec somehow managed to redirect the wild Primeval Demons charge, or Betrugil used his magic to yank them out of the jaws of danger just in time. But they couldnt keep it up, and they knew it.

We need to find a way to escape!

Taburas shouted. She held onto Aemula as Haec leapt into the air, punching the side of the [Uroboros]. The wild Primeval Demon lashed back at him. The grazing blow sent Haec flying back down into the rock wall. He crashed into the stone as a crater formed at his back, but he pulled himself out a moment later as he groaned.

And the [Uroboros] disappeared into one of its previously-dug tunnel. Taburas cursed, taking a step back as her shoulders bled. She turned to Haec.

That [Uroboros] wont leave us alone. Were going to die here!

Taburas exclaimed. And Betrugil just snorted in response.

I told you.

Shut it

She spat at Betrugil. Aemula just leant back against the rock wall as the [Abraxas] and the [Succubus] quarreled even amidst the battle.

Just leave me.

Aemula mustered up as she nodded at Haec. She offered him a weak smile, her wounds clearly showing on her bleeding body. Even as she had tried to fight back against the [Uroboros], she was far too low-leveled. The simple shockwave from the wild Primeval Demons attacks was enough to hurt her.

Im Im only slowing you down l-let me distract the [Uroboros].

Haec blinked, watching as she took in a deep breath and stepped forward. She steeled herself as both Betrugil and Taburas glanced over her way, perplexed.

Let me help you guys out!

Aemula exclaimed, but there was the clear hint of hesitation in her voice. Haec opened his mouth, before stopping himself. He looked over at Taburas and Betrugil both of whom were clearly considering this offer.

The ground began to shake once more as Aemula wobbled, nearly falling over. Haec closed his eyes, realizing he had finally found his chance. He caught Aemula as the rumbling approach of the [Uroboros] drew closer.

He raised his head and spoke simply.

No, Aemula. You go. Ill hold the [Uroboros] off.

It was a simple declaration. But it caught all three other Archdemons completely off-guard. Especially Taburas who could only stare in shock at that.


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