
Chapter 548: Corrupted Hydra

Chapter 548: Corrupted Hydra

548. Corrupted Hydra

Why are we even doing this?

Betrugil groaned. Haec and Taburas both glanced his way. The [Succubus] snorted as she crossed her arms.

If you dont want to follow us, you can leave. We dont need you with us.

You two are idiots. You do realize that if we do this, were going to die, right?

Thats all you ever say, Betrugil.

This time, Im serious. Come on, Aemula. You agree with me, dont you? This is stupid.

The [Abraxas] looked towards the [Fiend]. But Aemula just pursed her lips. Slowly, she raised her head, eyeing both Haec and Taburas.

I-I think Im going with them.

Seriously? Even though theyre defecting from the Demon King? The Deathsquad Hunters will find you.

I know.

Aemula sighed and took a step forward.

But Id be dead a thousand time over anyway if not for the both of them. So Ill stick with them.

She smiled at Taburas. The [Succubus] shifted uncomfortably, before nodding.

As long as you pull your own weight

Thank you, Aemula.

Haec nodded back at the [Fiend]. Betrugil just rolled his eyes.

You three are morons. Suicidal morons.

He watched them go for a moment. He really didnt need to follow them if he didnt want to. But as they walked down the crevice, he heard a crackle overhead. He remembered what it was like when he had been free not too long ago before he had been captured.

But I guess Im a moron too.

And I made a break for it. I ran straight for the Corrupted Netherstone I aimed for the hallway, spreading my wings wide. But the Corrupted Netherstone lashed out at me. It whipped a tendril my way, and I barely blocked the attack with my Divine Nebular Scythe.

I tried to circle around the Corrupted Netherstone, but the corrupted breath shot out. The Corrupted Hydra screech as its attack nearly hit me once again. The explosion was small, but it was so powerful and concentrated in its area, it would have probably ripped off an arm if I even grazed by it on accident. I leapt back as the ground once again vanished, and more Corrupted Netherstones began to form.

I backed away and cursed.

Where do you guys keep coming from?

I watched as my only exit was fully blocked by a swarm of enemies. And behind me, the Corrupted Hydra screeched. I was surrounded. The Corrupted Netherstones grew closer as the dead Primordial Demon prepared another blast.

But that was when I realized something. The Corrupted Hydra never moved. It remained standing at the exact same spot even as it tried to attack me. And beyond it lay a large tunnel leading further into the second layer.

So I made my decision. I snapped my fingers, summoning four clones all at once. They immediately scattered, drawing the attention of the Corrupted Netherstones and the Corrupted Hydra. One of my clones was instantly vaporized by a blast of corruption as I spread my six [Angels Wings] wide and flew around the edge of the room.

The Corrupted Hydra turned one of its five heads towards me. Its corrupted head connected by the thread of corruption. And when its mouth opened, its head shot forward.

My eyes flickered as I saw the detached head flying straight towards me. It was fast. I barely swerved out of the way in time only for the flying head to home in on me. I stared in shock as the Corrupted Hydras flying head continued to give chase even as I flew down the tunnel.

A pair of Corrupted Netherstones followed as my clones exploded in the background. And trailing after me at my tail, the Corrupted Hydras head was hot in pursuit. I looked back one last time, watching as the looming figure of the Corrupted Hydra faded in the distance, before focusing on my pursuers.

I needed to lose them somehow. I raised a hand, conjuring a spark of black flames. I raised it high into the sky, before it exploded. I watched as the hail of black flames rain sideways and fell straight at the Corrupted Netherstones.

The pair of Corrupted Netherstones slowed, but the flying head of the Corrupted Hydra easily navigated through the onslaught of attacks. I gritted my teeth. I had to stop it somehow. I focused my gaze on it before unleashing another Skill.

[Sacred Hellfire].

All at once, the flying head of the Corrupted Hydra burst into flames. It screeched in pain as it began to twist mid-air. I grinned, casting my gaze back forward as I rapidly approached the exit of this long tunnel. A notification resounded in my head and I nodded to myself.

Now Leaving [L-ir: The H----a D-ma-n]

Time to explore the rest of the second layer

I did wonder how I was going to leave without fighting the Corrupted Hydra. Maybe I could find Belphegor and he could help me out if I could even find him.

And as I flew on, I eventually exited into a vast city. An underground city. One that had been long captured by the corruption.

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