
Chapter 564: Friends

Chapter 564: Friends

564. Friends

Mavos Academy.

It was the most prestigious academic institution in all of the Human lands. It had a reputation that was known far and wide. It was a school that primarily focused on teaching magic to its students, but its curriculum also included various other activities such as alchemy, blacksmithing, and even dueling.

There were [Warriors], [Rogues], and [Archers] here in Mavos Academy. But most of the time, they were capable of using magic as well for example, [Spellswords], [Magical Thieves], and [Arcane Marksmen]. There were also plenty of students here who had non-combat Classes like [Architects] and [Enchanters].

Rachel was a [Phantom Mage]. She was Level 40 now, but she had undergone her Class advancement at Level 35. And before that, she had been a regular [Rogue]. But in addition to practicing and training with a knife going out every night hunting for small monsters while her caretakers were asleep she would also study magic.

While she was rather proficient at it enough to be enrolled into Mavos Academy her Skills in that regard were still lacking. She was a generalist. She knew the basic elemental and arcane spells, but nothing advanced enough to be able to call herself particularly comparable to a Level 40 [Mage].

The young girl was fine with that. She had initially wanted to specialize in fire magic just like Salvos, but then she realized that would make learning space magic quite difficult. So instead she focused on understanding the basics of spellcasting so that she could move forward as perhaps an [Arcane Trickster] or some sort of [Space Thief].

That was why she was here in Mavos Academy. So that she could master space magic to see Salvos again one day. Unfortunately, now that she was here in the magical institution, she learned that learning space magic was an upper curriculum class. Meaning, that she would have to spend at least two years here in Mavos Academy before she could finally start studying space magic.

So she had years to go here in this school. And after a few weeks of going to classes, she had made zero friends so far.

Rachel sighed as she leant back in her chair, hearing the ringing of a bell in the distance. She looked towards the front of the classroom as her teacher began to pack up his things, reminding the class of their homework.

Remember to use the botanical garden to

It was a class on herbalism. And almost everyone present here was bored out of their mind. Rachel, herself, found it quite dull. Only those who were planning to become [Herbalists] were interested in the subject, but they were far and few in between. Still, she was studious, regardless. She didnt immediately grab her school bag and sprint out of the room like half the students gathered here.

Instead, she listened, took notes, then greeted her teacher as she left.

Thank you, Mr Stephan.

Rachel nodded at him with a polite smile. The [Herbalist] shook his head back at her in the empty classroom.

Ah, youre always so polite, Ms Rachel. I hope you enjoyed todays class.

Uh yep. I did.

She lied as she spoke. But she was just being nice. He returned with a warm smile as he gestured at where she had been seated.

Its been a few weeks since classes have started. How have you been holding up here in Mavos Academy? I hope its not been too strenuous for a young girl such as you.

Mr Stephan was a kindly older man who wore a pair of spectacles and had a hunched back. He was usually dressed in ragged clothing, but not because he couldnt afford anything better. His unkempt appearance was supposed to be part of his signature look.

Its been a bit tough. But Ive been keeping up, going to the library to do some extra studying so I dont fall behind.

Rachel couldnt lie and say that it had been easy. She wasnt really a prodigy like others had been calling her she struggled, but she spent all her time studying so that she would be able to keep up with her classes.

Well, I hope you spare some time to make some friends too. School isnt just about studying. Its about the people you meet too.

The [Herbalist] chuckled as she nodded and took a step back.

Ill try but its kind of hard to make friends when everyone is older than you and treats you like a child.

A voice called out, and Rachel came to a halt. She glanced back at a group of students gathered by a booth as they waved at her.

Youre that prodigy girl, arent you? Rachel the Child Wonder!

Thats me!

She replied as she sauntered up to them. That wasnt actually her Title. It was an option she had been given, but she had chosen a different Title for herself.

Since she wasnt in a rush, she approached the booth. There were four of them. But the one who had spoken to her was a young man with blond hair maybe in his early twenties by his looks. The youngest of the group.

Seriously? When I heard that a twelve-year-old kid had enrolled in Mavos Academy, I thought that was just a rumor. I cant believe that youre really over Level 40!

Yep although, Im only Level 40. So Im still quite low-leveled.

Rachel waved a hand dismissively, and the group laughed. They thought she was joking. But she was being entirely serious. Because it was true. She was still low-leveled.

Salvos had been able to reach Level 150 in a few years. Even if Rachel couldnt be just like Salvos, the young girl wasnt going to be content about being a Gold Ranked either.

Have you joined a club yet? If not, you should check out our club. Were brand new and looking for members.

The blond man asked as he leaned forward. He reached for a pamphlet, before passing it to her. She blinked as she accepted the piece of paper, but she shook her head and tried to give it back to him.

Nope! Sorry, but Im busy. Maybe next semester!

Rachel wouldve heeded Mr Stephans advice, but she really wasnt interested in partaking in club activities right now. Maybe she would join an honor society or the like in the future. However, keeping up with her studies was her main priority right now.

She drew back as the blond man blinked. One of the other members tried to press her.

Aw, but our president is just like you. Shes a prodigy too

Its fine, Adrian.

The blonde man stopped his friend. He shook his head as he settled back down into his booth.

We cant force her to join if she doesnt want to. Good luck with your studies I know the pressure can be a lot, but dont let it get you down!

He smiled and waved at Rachel. She nodded gratefully back at him before she continued into the food hall. She thought that he was nice she was glad that he didnt pester her too much like many of the clubs tried to do. She shook her head as she raised the pamphlet he had given her.

What club was it, anyway?

Rachel wondered aloud. She read the words inked on the pamphlet, before her footfalls slowed. She blinked a few times as she read the words again. And again. And she realized she wasnt misreading it.


Her eyes narrowed as she came to a halt. She stared at the pamphlet, before her eyes went wide.

This is the Demon Research Club?

And she reconsidered her decision to join the club.

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