
Chapter 577: Agarus

Chapter 577: Agarus

577. Agarus

[The Great Agarus] attacked me once again. It was a Primordial Demon and it was high-leveled for one too. Just based on the level differential alone, it was far stronger than even the [Basilisk] I encountered near the Gate of the Netherworld.

And I had nearly died in my brief meeting with the [Basilisk]. Fortunately, [My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] saved me back then. It was a Grand Skill that gave me a temporary aura of invulnerability. It had saved me from many precarious situations. Just like right now as the purple beam from [The Great Agarus] struck me once again.

This time around, the wild Primordial Demons attack was far less destructive. In fact, it was more like it was a blade. It cut through the lava without exploding. It sliced the earth in half, creating a crevice that dug far deeper than even the cracked earth of Revelation.

But [My Flames Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] protected me. Even as I was sent flying once more, crashing into a nearby mountaintop. The aura of invulnerability held up. The gray flames flickered they sparked and hissed. However, they never extinguished.

Unfortunately, it wouldnt last forever. I raised my head as I spotted [The Great Agarus] raising its tendrils my way. It was still dozens of miles away from me. But it was getting closer fast.

Despite its bulky size, it was nimble in its movements. I was pretty sure that it was moving faster than the [Hellabomination]. And that wasnt a good sign. I gritted my teeth as I raised my clawed hands. Space began to distort right above me as I picked myself up and beat my wings.

I began to ascend into the sky, watching as [The Great Agarus] drew closer, its tendril raised to the sky. And I began to weave my claws together as I reached for space itself. The world began to unveil before me, creating a pocket space with [The World Of My Mind].

I had to get out of here. I couldnt face the Primordial Demon alone I couldnt even face it with an army! I was pretty sure it would have completely annihilated the entire United Coalition of the Human Lands.

Well, maybe not if it was the whole coalition. At least, I didnt know for sure. That was a lot of Humans to kill. And there was a possibility that with enough time, [The Great Agarus] could be whittled down and killed.

But whether or not it could destroy the army that was present in the final battle? Certainly. Not unless Clayton Skyshredder had a secret Grand Skill that could have nullified the Primordial Demons Skills. Perhaps the [Antimagic Field].

Either way, facing off [The Great Agarus] was suicide. I couldnt fight it. I had to escape. So I tried to flee into my pocket space I summoned [The World Of My Mind]. But before I could reach the edge of my created reality, I saw a flash of light.

I blinked as [The Great Agarus] pointed at me with its tendrils. And the sky above me flickered, before tearing open. My eyes grew wide as I saw the flash of familiar dark light. I knew what was coming even without [Angelic Premonition] warning me.

Thats enough!

I pointed at it as I conjured up my magic, before expelling it at the wild Primordial Demon.

[Sacred Hellfire]!

And even over a great distance, I felt the Skill travel. It didnt shoot out like a beam, nor did it launch like a fireball. Instead, I sensed the threads of mana weaving through the Netherworld ripple as my [Sacred Hellfire] reached [The Great Agarus] moments later through my vision alone.

It was one of my greatest Skills. And I had combined its power with my [Divine Essence of the Angelic Devil Princess]. So I was more powerful than I had ever been. I had never felt as strong as I did at this very moment.

It showed in the explosion of my [Sacred Hellfire]. Normally, my target just partially burst into flames. But I watched as the head of [The Great Agarus] combusted into the gold and black fire.

I bared my teeth back at the wild Primordial Demon as I spread my arms wide.

Take that!

My counter attack finally began. I watched as [The Great Agarus] was quickly engulfed in the effects of my [Sacred Hellfire]. The flame which burned until there was nothing left but ash. It couldnt be extinguished. It could never be snuffed out not even by a Grand Skill.

It would keep burning the wild Primordial Demon. It would obfuscate its vision maybe distract it for long enough for me to escape. At least, that was what I thought. That was what I hoped for. And unfortunately for me, my hopes were dashed in an instant.

My eyes grew wide as I watched [The Great Agarus] open its mouth and began to suck in the [Sacred Hellfire].

It continued lumbering forward, unscathed by my attack. And the black and golden flames were pulled into a vortex that had formed in its maw. I blinked a few times, before looking down at myself. I saw the aura of invulnerability flicker as the realization settled in.

My counter attack failed, and time was ticking.

I had to get out of here or die.

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