
Chapter 579: Prowling

Chapter 579: Prowling

579. Prowling

Haec had seen the flash of light. He knew where the blast had come from. It was evident that the source of that devastating attack had been [The Great Agarus] the wild Primordial Demon he had seen passing over the landscape above.

It was the only thing that could have caused such destruction. It was like there was an instantaneous shift in the environment of the terrain. A terrible earthquake washed over the crevice as cracked rocks and debris came crumbling down over the river of lava.

Entire sections of the ravine had been buried under stone. Haec raised his head as he looked up towards the crimson sky of the Netherworld. He could see the outpouring of light from the cracks of Revelation he stood at the center of a clearing, unaffected by the landslide.

He would have been crushed by the giant boulders and collapsing cliffside had he not reacted in time. With his glowing fists, he ripped through the falling rubble during the chaos. And eventually, the earthquake subsided.

Now, he looked back down at his companion. Taburas lay cowering beneath him with round eyes. She stared up at him for a moment, before she leapt to her feet. She hugged him tightly as she spoke through gritted teeth.


Were fine, Taburas. Its over.

He raised his head as he hugged her back. He looked towards the sky, watching as a blanket of smoke rose up to slowly cover the crimson canvas above. He shook his head as he drew back from the [Succubus].

He swept his gaze over the rock clearing, calling out.

Betrugil, Aemula, are you guys still alive?

I wish I wasnt

A voice came in reply. Betrugil dusted himself off as he walked up to their side. He grasped his shoulders, groaning and shaking his head.

I think I broke my shoulder.

Youll recover.

Haec nodded, before narrowing his eyes. He spun around and called out once more.

Aemula? What about you?

The other [Fiend] coughed as she stumbled forward, bloodied and cut. But she was still alive. She gave Haec a weak smile.

Im here.

Aemula grimaced as she struggled to remain upright. Taburas helped steady her, and Haec nodded.

Im glad to see youre both still alive.

Not for long.

Betrugil snorted as he forced his shoulder back into place. He stretched his back, shaking his head.

If that Primordial Demon doesnt kill us on accident, then the Deathsquad Hunters are going to find us soon. Either way, were dead.

Haec pursed his lips. He looked down at his right hand, before looking up at Betrugil. He saw the glint of the metal rings the collars placed on each of the four Archdemons to track their every movement.

It also functioned for summoning rituals. To bring them to the Mortal Realm from the Netherworld. But Haec had never traveled between the planes, so he wouldnt know whether that was even true.

However, what he did know was that there was no way to remove these collars without severing the body part they were attached to. And while Haec was lucky in that his ring was attached to his right arm, Taburas, Betrugil, and Aemula were collared by the neck. That meant they would have to cut off their own heads to get rid of it.

Which wasnt an option. They would die unless they had a Skill to recover a missing head. And none of them had such a regenerative ability. So while it was easy for Haec to remove his collar, it wasnt so easy for the others.

Taburas blinked. Her eyes went wide as she stepped forward.

We talked about this you cant just go! Im not going to leave without you!

She protested as Aemula weakly nodded in agreement.

Were sticking together.

Dont worry.

Haec smiled at both of them. He raised his right hand as she stared at the glinting ring clinging onto his crimson skin.

I will just stay behind and

In a single motion, he swung down with his left hand, slicing off his right wrist. Taburas blinked. Aemula stared for a moment, uncomprehending. Betrugil sputtered as he pointed at Haec.

Are you mad? What are you doing?

But there was a clink. The metal ring fell onto the ground as Haec took a step back. He looked up reassuringly at Taburas as he clutched his bleeding right forearm. His hand was gone. It had flopped to the ground when he sliced it off. Along with the collar.

I am staying behind and distracting them.

He smirked as he gestured at his shorn off hand the metal ring glinted as Betrugils eyes flickered, understanding what was going on.


Taburas shook her head as she ran up to Haecs side.

Why did you just do that without warning? Youre hurt!

Ill recover soon enough.

He nodded back at her. Then he stepped up to Aemulas side, helping her walk.

Come on, now. That will only buy us some time. We still have to stay on the move.


Aemula pursed her lips as she stared at the bloodied hand. She limped forward with both Haec and Taburas supporting her, and Betrugil just shook his head at the bloodied hand.

That is insane but Im not complaining.

And the four Archdemons began to make their way out of the rubble but they didnt make it far. Because right as they crested to the top, they came to a halt.

A figure stood there right in front of them, waiting expectantly. It was bloodied and hurt. But it had its gaze fixed on its prey. Haec, Taburas, Aemula, and Betrugil backed up when they saw it.

That is?

Haec narrowed his eyes as he saw the four-legged creature. Its darkened skin was protected by a layer of white bones like a skeleton was covering its body. It took a step forward as it growled softly.

[Hellreaper - Lvl. 164]

A Primeval Demon.

And it howled. Finnd new chapters at

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