Samsara Paradise: vests everywhere

Chapter 1221 The beginning of the prison system

Of course, compared to the fact that they are all monsters and there is no place for normal humans to decay, demons and monsters are not the only ones who are dangerous in the Soul Mist Continent. The contractors who also enter this world and the strong men in this world are all hidden threats.

A magnificent city with thick walls guarding the city, with crenellations, cannon holes and watchtowers on the walls. There are often rivers surrounding the outside. People can only enter the city through the suspension bridge, and the city gates are heavily guarded.

In this city, in the early morning, the trumpet sounds and the city gates are opened; at midnight, the city gates are closed and no one can enter or exit. Ten years ago, this place, as the capital of the Kingdom of Venus, known as the Ivory Tower Kingdom, did not look like this. But when the gray fog that swept across the continent ten years ago brought about a demonic crisis, the connections between countries were severed, and everyone was in danger. The atmosphere in the country has become much more severe.

Every city that Venus still controlled became a war fortress. This is Qilute, the capital of Venus, which is already considered lax, and the frontline city is even more perilous. Sometimes you can't even trust your colleagues.

Qilut is divided into an outer city and an inner city. The outer city is where civilians and poor people live. The outermost circle is the slum area, which has a large population and is very crowded.

The streets here are narrow and winding, with buildings on both sides. Some are as high as four or five stories. These buildings are often staggered up and down, with the upper floors protruding above the lower floors; the roofs facing each other on both sides of the street almost touch each other, so that they cannot get sunlight and appear very dark.

The road is full of dirty garbage and flying dust, and when it rains, it becomes a filthy quagmire.

Most of the houses are made of wood and are covered with thick straw. Since it takes time to start a fire with flint, you don't dare to light the fire randomly after the fire out bell has sounded. It may easily cause a fire and the place will be completely dark.

The area where civilians live is closer to the inner city, which is slightly better than the slums. The houses are neatly planned and the streets are a little cleaner.

The only spacious place in the outer city is the market. This is a larger open space. The market is surrounded by the town hall, shops, cloisters and various stalls. Trials and executions of prisoners were also held here. During festivals, people have many opportunities to talk and inquire about news.

The inner city and the outer city are not separated by walls, but by height. The inner city was built at a height of several hundred meters above the outer city. The outer city is like guarding the villages and towns at the foot of the mountain, while the inner city is condescending. In the inner city, most of them are nobles and royal families, and their lives are in the sky and below the ground in the outer city. The wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and there are bones frozen to death on the road is even worse than this.

There are two most conspicuous buildings in the inner city. One is a tower-like palace where Queen Kelly VII and her direct royal family are located. The other one is the church. The structure of the inner city is based on the main principles of convenience and beauty. The streets radiate outward from the city center, forming a polygonal plane that is conducive to defense. Churches and palaces are set up at the center, and the entire city is composed of various geometric shapes.

The huge and magnificent palace is centered on itself and is symmetrical from east to west. There are large and small buildings, woods, lawns, flower beds and sculptures on both sides of the central axis. The overall layout is unified, balanced and spectacular.

Lin Jiu faintly heard the sound of some nobles walking together and singing drunkenly from outside.

Business girls don't know the hatred of losing their country. They are still singing in the backyard across the river. Lin Jiu commented softly, but he didn't feel much at all. After all, it was not his country that was going to perish. Besides, death may happen at any time, so people are not allowed to indulge in indulgence. If the entire kingdom's nobles look like this, it will be convenient for him to act. This is obviously impossible. The fact that Venus is still standing despite the thick fog spreading and the demons attacking shows that there are many capable people.

Lin Jiu rubbed his eyebrows, and some unfamiliar memories emerged in his mind. These memories were not instilled in his mind, but looked at in the form of flipping through. It felt like watching a movie, except that the movie was very long and a bit trivial.

What bad luck! Lin Jiu sighed. He didn't even need to go through his memory. Judging from the environment he was in now, he knew that something was not good.

Lin Jiu was now in a dark and narrow cell, surrounded by walls and with only one door and one window. A weak light came through the narrow window. The plaster walls were covered with mottled stains and blood stains, and the damp earth floor There were many potholes, a layer of matted thatch was spread haphazardly in the corners, and the air was filled with a pungent musty smell.

Whether it is the indelible blood stains on the wall or the pitted walls, they all tell the pain and struggle of those who were once imprisoned here.

It was another prison-type start, but Lin Jiu was still wearing a black uniform with golden wings embroidered on the chest, which showed that he was not treated as an ordinary prisoner. The voices of passing nobles could be heard outside. He was obviously not in the kingdom's prison. After reading the memories of his identity, Lin Jiu also understood what was going on now.

The force he belongs to is the Myr Church with a long history and ancient inheritance. The leader of the Mir Church is called the Holy One, and under the Holy One is the Presbyterian Council. It is said that a long time ago, the elders of the Presbyterian Church were called venerables, but now the only elders who can be called venerables may only be the great elders. As for the leader saint, it has been vacant for many years, and the Mir Church is now controlled by the Grand Elder.

The regular structure of the Mill church consists of the leading saints, the presbytery, the priests, the deacons, and the laity. Priests, who teach doctrines and perform religious rituals, are also commonly known as priests. Deacons are the administrators responsible for assisting the elders and priests.

Outside the conventional structures there were institutions of violence, the Knights of the Church. The Knights of Myr wear semi-monastic tunics, but underneath the tunics they still wear knightly armor. Their weapons were no longer sermons but swords and spears.

A strict centralized system is implemented within the Knights, with the highest leader, the Commander-in-Chief, and further down there are commanders, stable masters, etc. Normally, the head of the Knights of Myr should directly take orders from the Saint, but now their Myr Church does not have a current Saint, so it is controlled by the five elders of the Presbyterian Church. Among them, the existing Venerable Great Elder's instructions are the main ones.

And Lin Jiu was not a member of this violent organization, but a priest, and he was also the chief priest with a high status. What is the concept of this position? It is only under the Presbytery of Mill Church.

Before entering the world, Fu Lin Jiu wore the title of [Light of Hope]. The Church of Myr where he is now may have once been a powerful force that unified civilization, but now it is considered weak enough to trigger the title effect. The one who entered was the church power, so Lin Jiu naturally changed the title of missionary to that of missionary.

How can [Light of Hope] be used to make him a prisoner who was once a high-ranking prisoner? After Lin Jiu read through his memories, he naturally knew that although he was in prison at the beginning, he was not a prisoner. Instead, the great elder noticed that he might be conducting soul research in private and sent him here to calm down.

That is to say, the great elder is already doubting his identity as a soul researcher. According to the instructions from Samsara Paradise, the danger after this identity is exposed is not low.

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